Hi everyone we are back again! Also congrats to thebestever543 for winning this past cycle W. This cycle will be Aegislash
Cycle 33: Aegislash
This cycle will end Friday.
Team Ahttps://pokepast.es/bc74e16b2bf18a6b
team built by my friend GT, not really too sure what's going on but I think the goal is to slow stuff with glare serp and speed up with tailwind for yard and slash to be actually kinda fast
Team B![]()
Specs aegislash + Bulu
Simply specs aegislash, this thing hits hard man, the only mons that can wall it are spd GliscorHeatran
Spd moltres
and ting-lu
the first three takes a decent amount of damage From shadow ball, mainly when terrastalized, and for them we have SD Buluand tusk
, for Moltres we have mega dia
(and stone edge on bulu)
For steel types like Mega scizorand other aegislash
we have moltres
the team can be a bit weak to wellspringbut then you can make aegis or bulu defensive
Team CIdea is to rely on a fat yet proactive defensive backbone to soak up hits for choice specs Aegislash as well as provide opportunities for it to wallbreak. Alomomola and Garchomp have fantastic synergy with each other: Alomomola passes hidin-sized wishes to the dragon while Garchomp takes on the electric types that threaten the sunfish without being weak to grass types. Mega Scizor and Zapdos round out the defensive core with specially defensive and mixed spreads respectively, with Zapdos and Alomomola forming a volt-turn core to bring Aegislash onto the field safely while Mega Scizor gives the team a late game sweeper once defensive cores are worn down with SD + bullet punch/knock off. Choice scarf Tapu Lele provides speed control as well as a fairy type to threaten the dark types that come in on Aegislash.
1. Garchomp spread is to guarantee the 2HKO on the current NatDex Toxapex spread with earthquake while maximising leftovers recovery and special bulk.
2. Tapu Lele foregoes future sight for hidden power fire to threaten Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn.
3. 16 speed EVs allow Zapdos to outspeed Bisharp and Volcanion with a neutral speed nature so it can volt switch out of them in a pinch.
Team DBehold, my latest creation:
Mega Ampharos + Aegislash (Toxic Spam) Stall
The Main Idea
Aegislash is, to be blunt, pretty mediocre in this metagame. It's about as good as my building skills for anything that's not HO or offensively oriented. But I may have just hit the lottery here. Originally, the team had a Ting-Lu and Great Tusk over Gliscor and Mega Ampharos; however, it struggled with hazard control. It was hidin, I believe, that told me to use Gliscor and consolidate that slot. I then went browsing for Volt Switch users, and landed on Mega Ampharos as an interesting offbeat pick. It helps with other stall teams by threatening out their defensive Waters like Toxapex and Alomomola, and can use its secondary Dragon STAB move in Dragon Pulse alongside its 165 base Special Attack to hit Ground-types. The rest of the team is a rather standard fat / semi-stall core.
The Team Composition
Dondozo + Chansey is a pretty standard stall core, with Dondozo handling physical threats and Chansey taking on the special threats. Aegislash actually plays a pretty big part in this team composition, as it handles the mixed threats running around like mixed Iron Valiant and Psyshock Tapu Lele. Tornadus-T is the Regenerator pivot, with Knock Off and Toxic to make progress consistently. Finally, Mega Ampharos provides Volt Switch support to soften up opposing Stall teams. Wish on Chansey lets the entire team get back to basically full HP, which is critical for Aegislash and in some cases Dondozo, as both are heavily tasked with answering their respective threats on the spectrum.
Other Options
Flyinium Z + Nasty Plot Tornadus is a good option for the stall mirror and helps with the overall passiveness of this team, but the defensive utility this Torn set provides is a bit hard to pass up on such a team.
vs. adem (I admittedly got pretty lucky with the Shadow Ball critical hit)
mid-high ladder replays
vs. 1725
vs. 1695
vs. 1718
Team EThe team was made with the intention of pivoting and giving free entries for aegislash to break the opposing team
his main role in this team is to help aegislash and sneaker with grassy terrain, but in addition to being a great wallbeaker he can easily give some free entries to aegislash
in addition to being the team's hazzard Control, it is a simple answer to many threats in the meta
in addition to being an excellent pivot with regenator + Future sight + teleport, it can give free entries for aegislash
as the team is focused on aegislash, there will be no shortage of opportunities for him to break the opponent's team with the help of Future sight + shadow ball/flash Cannon or z move on some occasions (it is worth mentioning that the 60 speed in the aegislash spread it is used to pass corvinight without investing in speed)
diancie is here to relieve pressure against moltres in addition to being our hazzard setter
with weakened walls thanks to rilaboom and aegislash sneaseler can become a strong Win condition in the late game.
Team Fhttps://pokepast.es/239d6cbfc1a757e1
This team is based on the very strong mega ttar + alomomola combo. Mega ttar has amazing defensive bulk, especially with sandstorm boosting its special defense, paired with a monstrous attack and a great attacking movepool and stab combo. Its lack of recovery is covered by the best wish passer in the tier, flip turn alomomola. Alomomola serves as the glue to this team, passing wishes and using a minimum speed flip turn in order to bring in the team’s hard hitters: mega ttar, cb zamazenta and special spell tag aegislash which all do insane damage. I will not include calcs as this may be a long write up, feel free to test and feel the power :)
CB zamazenta is one of the most underrated sets in the current meta, with its very high speed tier and hard hitting close combat threatening
a solid part of the OU tier, while threatening ferrothorn and other steel types which might try to take on ttar. In turn, ttar can pursuit trap psychic and ghosts which switch into CC and completely abuses zamazenta’s flying type checks like moltres and zapdos.
Aegislash serves as the team’s main special attacker, with shadow ball being one of the most spammable moves right now. It is also a decent answer to the tier’s best offensive mons, sneasler and iron valliant, being able to beat most of their sets in a 1v1. Considering aegislash’s amazing 1v1 ability, it is a great answer to the one-time use factor of these mons, forcing them to either fight the 1v1 or lose their speed boost.
Throat spray komoo-o is here to either clean up a game or break a key mon and make progress. The set hits pretty much everything but heatran (before tera grass). Since the team generally functions in a way which pressures heatrans over the course of the game, the coverage is decent. Also +2 tera normal boomburst hurts. A lot. If you need hp for a clangorous soul, a wishpass from mola can work in extreme circumstances.
The team wraps up with the classic scarf defog lando, which brings to the table good speed control, attack, defense, defog and set unpredictability, being a mon that does it all. I doubt lando needs more explaining.
Please excuse the long write-up, I consider it important to give a good idea of how the team plays out.
Edit: added pokemon icons
https://pokepast.es/c70a6de83e7af1c7Hi everyone! Also congrats to Dead by Daylight for winning this past week cycle huge W. This cycle will be mega-mawile
Cycle 34: Mega-Mawile
This cycle will end Friday.