I'm going to vote for Defog. Anyway congrats to Super Suit for winning this very long round. Also SputnikGT is now a Co-host for this project because I'm clearly not reliable at this lol.
Cycle 5
Cinderace has been a dominating presence in the metagame in the 2 months. Its HDB set is very hard to kill due to its fast speed and coverage which lets it pressure every defensive core in the tier. It also can run a great BU set that can murder teams that relie on using very defensive options to deal with it. If you the player is feeling good about clearing hazards off the field it can also slap on a Z-Crystal of its choice to potentially snipe the opponent answers to it.
Deadline is October 12th.
Banned sets.
Since Cinderace is so customizable It was hard trying to get a Banned Set thing but I hope I got the major ones.
Cinderace has been a dominating presence in the metagame in the 2 months. Its HDB set is very hard to kill due to its fast speed and coverage which lets it pressure every defensive core in the tier. It also can run a great BU set that can murder teams that relie on using very defensive options to deal with it. If you the player is feeling good about clearing hazards off the field it can also slap on a Z-Crystal of its choice to potentially snipe the opponent answers to it.
Deadline is October 12th.
Banned sets.
Since Cinderace is so customizable It was hard trying to get a Banned Set thing but I hope I got the major ones.
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