Project National Dex OU Ladder Achievements


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National Dex OU Ladder Achievements

  1. All battles must take place on the gen9nationaldex ladder on Showdown.
  2. Please give proof that you completed the challenge to validate your achievement (mostly, screenshots of the rating reached/you owning the account a la Suspect Test).
  3. You can get several achievements from the same battle/account, and you are generally encourage to post them by batch to avoid flooding the thread if you are chaining them up. I'll like your post once I've taken it into account, please do not play on the account you used until then.
  4. Past performances will not be counted; any submission needs to be verifiable on the server (by checking at the rank, WL and such) at the moment they are posted.
  5. Naturally, don't try to cheat, i.e by submitting an achievement with an account that's not yours and yours alone.
  6. Acheivement levels may be subject to change at the mod team's and host's discretion.
Metric challenges
Brave Achievement
Ability Achievement
Knowledge Achievement
Tactics Achievement
Reach a certain rank!​
Get a certain GXE!*​
Reach a certain elo!​
Achieve a certain win streak!**​
Platinum: Top 1
Gold: Top 10
Silver: Top 50
Bronze: Top 100​
Platinum: 90
Gold: 86
Silver: 83
Bronze: 80
Platinum: 2000
Gold: 1900
Silver: 1800
Bronze: 1700
Platinum: 40
Gold: 35
Silver: 30
Bronze: 20

*Your Glicko's confidence interval (i.e 1886 ± 43) must be below 50 to make sure your GXE is representative enough of your skill.
I'm only taking X-0 WL records on screenshots, so if you are aiming for this you should reset your count after every loss / do not relaunch a game before I've liked your post (= validated the achievement). or, if you do, don't lose.

Fun challenges coming soon. Something else coming soon too, maybe.
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I'm XerneasReturns and got silver in brave and ability and bronze in knowledge.

Ladder position.png
GXE and Elo.png
proof it's me.png
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Hello, my Showdown name is Professor Hal.
Based on the current table, I qualify for a Gold as a top 10 ranker, Bronze as an 80 GXE player, and Silver as a 1800 Elo player.
Will try to shoot for a winstreak, too.
If further proof is necessary please PM me.
Thank you!
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My name is Kim Wexler Gaming. I qualify for the gold Brave achievement, gold knowledge achievement, and the gold and the gold ability achievement. (My rank constantly falters, I'm counting high scores.)


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Moreover, I have achieved top 10 a few times and have been able to stay afloat in the top of the tier more often than not.


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My name is Kim Wexler Gaming. I qualify for the gold Brave achievement, gold knowledge achievement, and the gold and the gold ability achievement. (My rank constantly falters, I'm counting high scores.)
You can get several achievements from the same battle/account, and you are generally encourage to post them by batch to avoid flooding the thread if you are chaining them up. I'll like your post once I've taken it into account, please do not play on the used account you used until then.
tactics: bronze
You didn't achieve bronze on this account
** I'm only taking X-0 WL records on screenshots, so if you are aiming for this you should reset your count after every loss / do not relaunch a game before I've liked your post (= validated the achievement). or, if you do, don't lose.
Did the rest