With NatDex LC being included in the NDOT Spotlight Tour, I wanted to throw a couple teams in here from my builder.
Standard GastBra
Very simple double special attacker core which is hard to get around, with 2 pivot mons to soften up the enemy's defensive mons like Foongus. Pawniard sets rocks and checks most Vullaby sets.
Toxic Spikes Fat
Stall out the opponents with T-Spikes and work to keep them off with ideas like Taunt Frillish for Defog Timburr. Spritzee can pass wishes to the entire team until Pokemon like RestTalk Mudbray or Bulk Up Timburr can get into position for the win.
Sun HO
Sun team, very simple to use
Sticky Webs
Funny degen webs team with abusers like Swords Dance Corphish and Snivy. Ponyta is here as the Snivy check and can spread random burns.
Bum Screens
Pretty easy to pilot successfully. Easy to use but threatening set up sweepers.
Flyinium-Z Vullaby Fightspam
The team I sent for the NDLC Teambuilding Competition, sadly I changed the Vullaby set a little so it was invalid lol, but this team can make progress with Fightspam + Vullaby, which is a pretty strong core. Mienfoo + Timburr can threaten mons like Onix or Pawniard, which counter/check Vullaby sets.
Double Regenerator (Triple but I'm focused on Mareanie Foongus)
Team with a good bit of longevity so Swords Dance Pawniard can eventually blow through the opponent's team.
Standard GastBra
Very simple double special attacker core which is hard to get around, with 2 pivot mons to soften up the enemy's defensive mons like Foongus. Pawniard sets rocks and checks most Vullaby sets.
Toxic Spikes Fat
Stall out the opponents with T-Spikes and work to keep them off with ideas like Taunt Frillish for Defog Timburr. Spritzee can pass wishes to the entire team until Pokemon like RestTalk Mudbray or Bulk Up Timburr can get into position for the win.
Sun HO
Sun team, very simple to use
Sticky Webs
Funny degen webs team with abusers like Swords Dance Corphish and Snivy. Ponyta is here as the Snivy check and can spread random burns.
Bum Screens
Pretty easy to pilot successfully. Easy to use but threatening set up sweepers.
Flyinium-Z Vullaby Fightspam
The team I sent for the NDLC Teambuilding Competition, sadly I changed the Vullaby set a little so it was invalid lol, but this team can make progress with Fightspam + Vullaby, which is a pretty strong core. Mienfoo + Timburr can threaten mons like Onix or Pawniard, which counter/check Vullaby sets.
Double Regenerator (Triple but I'm focused on Mareanie Foongus)
Team with a good bit of longevity so Swords Dance Pawniard can eventually blow through the opponent's team.
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