Here's my sample team that I would like to submit:
It's a balance team built around psychic surge mewtwo-mega-y. I've had a lot of success with and was able to reach #1 on the ladder with it.
The team functions by fishing for opportunities where mmy can come in and put pressure.
Xerneas helps cover MMY's weaknesses by taking out dark mons w/ pixi boomburst. Arceus could be substituted but I find the extra damage to be really helpful. Metronome may seem like an odd choice, but it can actually put a lot of pressure on teams. It allows Xerneas to chip away regenvest and ice scale mons, and fish for nice 2hkoes on Arceus. Rapid spin is rlly versatile on Xerneas as it can always clear hazards since, mmy usually wants to come in on a clean field but it can also be used as offensive pressure. After a rapid spin Xerneas becomes a threat as it puts a lot of pressure on passive mons w/ metronome boosted boombursts.
Dialga is my go-to special wall right now. Has rlly good typing able to wall most diancie & mmy sets. Spikes is pivitol on it as after 2 layers of spikes the ohko from MMY on a lot of mons is guaranteed and a 2hko on ice scales dialga w/ photon is almost guaranteed. Spikes also helps put a lot of pressure on teams that are rlly passive. Dialga most importantly, is my Improof for mmy. It's necessary to keep dialga above 70% at a minimum to ensure it still reliably improofs mmy.
Ho-Oh is my chosen mbounce mon for this team. Knock off is primarily to remove Chansey shed shells and trap it. Pretty standard set otherwise, but most importantly it reliably improofs Dialga & Xerneas.
Swampert-mega acts as a middle man, coming in on a lot of defensive pokemon, where it either court changes away hazards or is able to flip turn and gain momentum. It's bulk isn't the best, but it's able to survive most neutral attacks and dish out solid damage to a lot of offensive mons w/ thousand waves.
Zygaurd-Complete well is Zygaurd-Complete. With fur coat its physical bulk is disgusting. It just kind of walls most physical pokemon. Triple-Axel may seem really intimidating but I don't usually worry about it as w/ rocky helmet Zygaurd is able to dish out enough damage w/ rocky helmet to significantly damage triple axel users since they usually 2hko it at best.
MMY: Improofed by Dialga (and can be improofed by Ho-oh at 100%)
Xerneas: Improofed by Ho-oh
Dialga: Improofed by Ho-oh
Ho-oh: Self Improofed
Swampert-mega: The weakest improof, technically no improof, but I make sure I don't click baneful on imposter and usually try and chip it a bit w/ twaves. Zygaurd can be brought in to chip imposter, however this comes at the cost of a loss in momentum.
Zyguard-Complete: Self Improofed
The team gives no reliable form of recovery to chansey besides through dialga. However, Ho-oh can take advantage of this w/ knock off. When dealing w/ shed shell chansey, Zygaurd and Dialga should be put in the game as little as possible, and chansey should be attempted to be chipped by using mmy & Xerneas. A series I usually follow is: MMY --> Dialga (switch dialga to Ho-Oh) --> apply pressure w/ Xerneas --> switch to Ho-Oh. This ensures that Chansey cannot have an opportunity to heal and allows it to slowly be chipped.
This team doesn't have many weakness, but it can be really hard to break through a strong steel magic bounce mon + dark ice scales / av cores. Adaptability MMX is rlly hard to deal with if it gets into the game freely. Frost breath ash-greninja and technician garchomp can hurt the team. Besides that the team is really reliable and I've beaten, HO, Offensive, balance, semistall, and stall teams w/ it. It's important to keep as much momentum as possible with this team to keep MMY healthy for as long as possible.
some calcs:
252 SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo-Mega-Y Expanding Force (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Arceus in Psychic Terrain: 361-426 (81.3 - 95.9%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after 2 layers of Spikes
252 SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo-Mega-Y Photon Geyser vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Dialga in Psychic Terrain: 156-183 (38.6 - 45.2%) -- 57% chance to 2HKO after 2 layers of Spikes
252 SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo-Mega-Y Expanding Force (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Arceus-Steel in Psychic Terrain: 180-213 (40.5 - 47.9%) -- 94.5% chance to 2HKO after 2 layers of Spikes
252 SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo-Mega-Y Expanding Force (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Groudon-Primal in Psychic Terrain: 438-516 (108.4 - 127.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
(I unfortunately do not have any replays, and I'm not sure if I'll have time to get any. I'll try and post some replays if I do happen to find time to collect some thought, or if they are requested. I can also talk about the team in more depth if need be such as how I would scout, check, and play around a variety of threats in the meta.)
Just some comments on this post after getting some feedback:
Some things you can change is give mmy psycho boost instead of expanding force. Even though u miss out on some 2hkoes and have less pp, you get to garuntee KOs on Arceus and just have a lot higher damage output. It's a choice which you can make.
Also, another thing that can be messed around with is Zygarde's and Ho-Oh's sets. Zygarde currently has spectral thief, but if a more reliable answer to normal pheal mons is desired or normal boosters, then spectral thief can be effectively swapped out for topsy-turvy. Zygaurd's pivot slot can also be swapped w/ stealth rocks if you would like to apply more pressure with hazards on your opponent. If desired Ho-Oh's knock off slot can be swapped w/ stealth rocks or worry seed, and Zygaurd could in turn be given knock off instead of volt switch.
Another flexible slot is Xerneas' last slot. Scorching sand is currently used there, however it can be swapped with magma storm, allowing Xerneas to 1v1 a larger variety of steel mons and rack up damage with metronome powered moves and magma storm damage as the opponent is trapped.