Project National Dex Bazaar

Weavile Fat​

Peaked #1 (1954 ELO)​

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:sv/Weavile: :sv/Corviknight: :sv/Gliscor: :sv/Toxapex: :sv/Garganacl: (:sv/Venusaur-Mega:/:sv/Tangrowth:) (Mega Venusaur Version) (Tangrowth Version)

I'm mainly a NDUU player, but I decided to dip my toes into National Dex. Started with some samples but nothing really felt good. I love defensive teams but nothing really felt good to play in samples, especially with how hard it is to build defensive teams in current meta. I tried some weird comps (:Gliscor::Scizor-Mega::Ditto::Heatran::Great Tusk::Alomomola:) that didn't work too well. Mega Venusaur was one of the best mons in NDUU though, so wanted to try and use it here, especially because it patches up Fat's worst matchup against Ogerpon-Wellspring. Team performed really well, bringing me all the way up the ladder to around 1900, but it was only after tinkering a little bit and ending up with the Tangrowth version that I got all the way up to the top of ladder.

Weavile @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Triple Axel
- Ice Shard
- Pursuit

I never played through the time of Weavile Stall but I have heard a lot about it courtesy of BKC, and so this team is kinda fashioned with that type of playstyle in mind. Choice Band Weavile here is the linchpin of the team, ensuring you don't autolose against threats like CB Hoopa-Unbound, Specs or CM Tapu Lele, Mega Medicham, and other random wallbreakers ladder likes to spam. Tera Dark Pursuit being a flat 60 BP if your opponent doesn't switch means that its incredibly easy to trap things because even if you "get it wrong", the target nearly always drops regardless. I don't think defensive teams can function without one of the Pursuit Mons, and IMO Weavile is much better than Mega Tyranitar on a team like this, as it provides a wincon against bulky teams as well as helping in the HO matchup.

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Def / 164 SpD
Careful Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Defog
- Roost

Corviknight @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 248 HP / 88 Def / 164 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Brave Bird
- Bulk Up
- Substitute
- Roost

SpDef Corviknight is probably the best Tapu Lele check and helps against other annoying special attackers like Iron Crown as well. It doesn't hard wall them, but it doesn't need to, as once Weavile comes in to remove these Mons, Corviknight is free to Defog, and against HO, Crown is temporary anyways. There's two different Corviknight sets for each team. The Mega Venusaur version had an IDBP set to help against physical attackers like Dragonite that would otherwise easily steamroll the team. However, after testing I found that you could usually handle Dragonite with a combination of Tera, pressure from status (or Salt Cure), and a healthy Toxapex, so on the second team I changed it to a Sub Bulk Up set. This set is nasty and can 6-0 some HOs if they lead Mega Diancie. Tera Dragon to help vs Ogerpon if needed as well as beat Heatran and Mega Charizard Y.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 244 HP / 168 SpD / 96 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Facade
- Swords Dance
- Roost

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 244 HP / 168 SpD / 96 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Defog
- Roost

Gliscor is one of the best longevity Mons and pretty much the only reason I play NDOU, as it has been my favorite Pokemon ever since I played Pokemon Platinum. I originally had a max SpDef Gliscor, but Raging Bolt is a pain in the ass to deal with if you can't reliably outspeed it, so I went for 96 Speed to outspeed Modest Bolt. The first team had SD Gliscor, as with Defog Corviknight you didn't need it on Gliscor and SD is a potent wincondition. However, most teams are prepared for Gliscor and SD had a hard time breaking, and Corviknight was not the most reliably Defogger, so I switched their roles. While Gliscor cannot PP stall hazards as easily as Corviknight, typically its enough to remove them enough times to give Weavile the breathing room to eliminate hazard setters like Clodsire. On the Mega Venusaur version, the team was much more liable to be worn down by hazards, which is another reason why I believe the Tangrowth version is better. Tera Fairy helps the Bolt MU and can help against Archaludon in a pinch.

Toxapex @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 48 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Toxic
- Haze
- Recover

My beloved. As an avid stall player, Toxapex is always so much fun to use in the builder and in game. It was a glorious time when Pex was in NDUU. This thing can check almost anything and cripple it with Toxic or slow it down with Haze. No Knock Off here because we have it on Weavile already, and Tangrowth on that version of the team, plus you need all the other moves. Helmet is used on the Mega Venusaur version, but with Tangrowth you can run Leftovers instead. Tera Psychic ensures the team can more reliably deal with Future Sight + Urshifu if removing the FSight user can't be done with Weavile, and is an option against Mega Medicham to just hard wall it instead of having to Pursuit it.

Garganacl @ Leftovers
Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Salt Cure
- Stealth Rock
- Recover
- Protect

You could probably fit Stealth Rocks on Gliscor, go Defog Corv and run this as a Curse or IDBP win condition, but I've found that Protect Garg is so good at clawing its way back into games off the back of double switches, in a way similar to ADV Swampert. Its a pretty reliable Stealth Rocker in the face of Corviknight and can punish Rapid Spin attempts from Treads and Tusk because for some reason ladder players refuse to Earthquake the Garg right in front of them. Tera Steel looks weird, but its used specifically to shore up matchups against Archaludon and Iron Crown, which would otherwise likely bowl the team over.

Venusaur-Mega @ Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 84 Def / 120 SpA / 40 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Earth Power
- Synthesis

I do think this version of the team is worse given MVenu's weakness to hazards, but this thing is a beast against any team without a Corviknight. I don't remember what the spread did but it probably OHKO'd Great Tusk or something. Giga Drain was chosen over Knock Off because the team needed a way to deal with Bulk Up Great Tusk that wasn't Iron Defense Corviknight and pray you don't get crit.

Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Giga Drain
- Knock Off
- Sludge Bomb
- Earthquake

The main reason I toyed with Tangrowth at all actually was because of Stall teams, as having Toxapex and Gliscor was not good enough to infinitely stall out their own Gliscor. Tangrowth can actually switch into Gliscor without fearing Earthquake, and double Regenerator ensures that once Clodsire is Pursuited, you can infinitely avoid having to worry about Stealth Rock. Tangrowth is also much more resilient against hazards, which ensures you dont get worn down by Ogerpon and Great Tusk as easily. 4 Attacks here allows Tangrowth to threaten Ogerpon, Great Tusk, and Heatran while still having the utility of Knock Off, though you could run HP Ice/Sleep Powder/Gastro Acid over Knock if you wanted. Tera Water to beat Heatran if needed.


:Kyurem:: DD Tera Blast sets are basically impossible to deal with defensively. Both Ground and Electric Tera Blast beat Toxapex, though at least with Ground you can maybe play around it with Corviknight or Weavile. Sub+Protect can be played around with Corviknight and Garg if its Special and Toxapex if its DD.

:Archaludon:: This is the sole reason for such a bad Tera type on Garganacl. Without it, Archaludon would easily 6-0 the team, with no real way to 2HKO it given Weavile is a physical attacker. Typically I try to Tera Garg on a turn where Flash Cannon would KO, and Salt Cure to get some chip alongside Protect.

:Charizard-Mega-Y:: Another fairly obvious wallbreaker. Weavile can Pursuit this but it doesn't OHKO, and Toxapex and Garg can both take hits, with Pex always avoiding the 2HKO from Timid, but it can leave holes in the team that teammates can take advantage of. I usually lead Weavile or Garganacl against Charizard teams and try and aggressively keep Hazards up. You can also Tera Corviknight to always wall it.

:Dragonite:: This thing is so versatile and the right set can dismantle any team so this isn't suprising. Dragonium Z with Fire Punch is the main trouble, but it can either not outspeed Weavile or doesn't have the coverage to break the whole team. You can pressure Dragonite with every Mon except Tangrowth, and if needed both Toxapex and Gliscor can Tera to land a Toxic on Dragonite.

If I can comment on the state of the metagame based on my experiences on ladder, I would say HO has infested the tier, with offense close behind. Its nearly impossible to build balanced teams, and this Fat was only successful due to Weavile removing all the insane threats for the defensive core. I don't like the current state of the meta as it leaves no breathing room for defensive playstyles. Its fine to have behemoths like Archaludon and Kyurem in the tier, but Tera makes them completely unbearable, as they are suddenly able to beat teams that could otherwise handle them, if only by the skin of their teeth.
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Post-tera team dump:
:Terapagos-Terastal: :Volcarona: :Kingambit: :Iron-Valiant: :Landorus-Therian: :Raging-Bolt: - Double Dance Terapagos Hyper Offense (Sample Submission). SD Val is crazy right now and no one really preps for it. Lum Gambit because of Wisp Pult being everywhere, and generally good as a second chance vs contact birds. Volcarona here for defensive qualities and to fish, not running HP Ground cuz Heatran non-existent. Z-Bolt here for glue, rain MU, and pairs well with Double Dance Pagos to overwhelm shared checks such as Ferrothorn. Terapagos has the freest set-up of all time, and after one Rock Polish and CM can easily sweep vs frailer teams. If they go into some passive spdef sponge like Gking just spam cm lol. EDIT: Changed Terapagos to Timid in order to outspeed Booster Val at +2, and gave Volc EVs that let it always live +2 Knock from Val + changed Fiery Dance to Flamethrower.
:Melmetal: :Alomomola: :Terapagos-Terastal: :Great-Tusk: :Dragapult: :Moltres:- Specs Terapagos + Melmetal Balance (Sample Submission). Alo here to refresh Tera Shell, bring in Pagos, and also heal up Tusk and Melm. Molt good vs mons that threaten this team otherwise e.g. Valiant. EDIT: Changed to Spdef Moltres to better handle Yard, BBird for Val and Volc (Hurricane worst move ever)
:Medicham-Mega: :Tapu Koko: :Kingambit: :Iron-Valiant: :Landorus-Therian: :Dragapult: - Medi + Orb Val + Wisp DD Pult. Just stacking strong mons that hit hard. Valiant is speed control and Mmedi/Val together try to overwhelm shared checks e.g. Zapdos. Gambit is here to trap Ghold and Pult, as well as Psychics. No fairy resist is questionable but just win before they do lol.
:Kingambit: :Kyurem: :Landorus-Therian: :Shedinja: :Lopunny-Mega: :Toxapex: - Weird Kyurem Balance using Runo's Shed/Pex core. Can fish decently well I guess, and it's quite good into fatter teams. Probably not too great otherwise.
:Raging-Bolt: :Kingambit: :Zamazenta: :Landorus-Therian: :Volcarona: :Iron-Moth: - Double Moth. Unserious team, one moth tries to overwhelm checks to enable the other. Bolt and Gambit because prio and fat. Zama here for speed control. Lando is hazards and glue.
:Urshifu: :Kingambit: :Landorus-Therian: :Raging-Bolt: :Slowking-Galar: :Dragapult: - Z Fight Glowking. Gking lures Gambit to enable Pult. Urshifu-R pairs well with Gking. Bolt and Gambit here as usual. Lando is hazards and glue.
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Not Another Tyranitar Team: Peak 1881 ELO

:sv/Tyranitar: :sv/Excadrill: :sv/Weezing-Galar: :sv/Ferrothorn: :sv/Latios-Mega: :sv/Dragapult:
Those of you who know me well as a player, will know how much I love this Pokemon (and Celebi :Celebi:). I've built countless Tyranitar teams this generation and I will never fucking stop. I have not posted many of my teams in this thread before but I thought that with the recent tier changes now would be as good as any to share my wisdom. On a serious note, this team is certainly not full proof, I really love BW and DPP so you may notice where I draw my inspiration from. Lastly, if anyone feels the need to reply or mention my team then I respectfully ask you to also say their nicknames. I hope you all enjoy. (I also go by mmx)

goobatron (Tyranitar) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Stream
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Ice Beam
- Superpower
Choice Scarf Tyranitar has many cool and useful interactions, and it is the motivation behind this team. You outspeed threats like Garchomp, Great Tusk, Landorus-Therian, Ogerpon, Gholdengo, Samurott-Hisui, Diancie-Mega. Unfortunately Tyranitar lacks the raw power to OHKO most things without chip but it is still useful if you have the suprise factor. You can click Ice Beam verses leads like Landorus-Therian or Garchomp who attempt at setting up their hazards expecting Tyranitar to switch out. Knock Off, Pursuit, Ice Beam and Superpower were chosen because I believe it covered the most switch-ins. Stabs are self-explanatory, I opted for Superpower over Stone Edge because Kingambit is now a common response to Tyranitar until it is discovered that Tyranitar now runs fighting coverage. The things that you would normally Stone Edge are not switching into you anyways. The spread is simple, max/max this shit ain't checking Volcarona and honestly you are fucked if you load into one.

:sv/Great Tusk:
fat chicks (Excadrill) @ Steelium Z
Ability: Sand Rush
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rapid Spin
- Swords Dance
If you are actually building sand then I think Great Tusk is a much better partner, especially in this meta due to being a much more effective spinner, fantastic at fucking up shit and making progress in general (Ice SPinner hits Landorus-Therian, CC hurts Corviknight harder, trades way better vs everything). Okay back on track, Excarill is Robin to goobatron's Batman. The good thing about Excadrill is that it can stop Volt Switch from Tapu Koko and exploit it in other ways. Jolly Excadrill outspeeds booster Valiant and threaten to OHKO with Iron Head. I know I shit on Excadrill more than anything in this paragraph but at +2 with Z unexhausted you are incredibly threatening. There are some bad matchups like Corviknight, Rotom-Wash and Physically Defensive Landorus-Therian. You'll need to rely on your teammates to help you get past these guys but honestly no amount of support can make Excadrill look good if the matchup is bad.

dead asf (Weezing-Galar) @ Black Sludge/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Strange Steam
- Pain Split
- Will-O-Wisp
- Toxic Spikes
This Pokemon is actually the goat. Toxic Spikes will help you pressure Dragapult and Iron-Valiant, Will-0-Wsip literally everything so your Dragapult can come in later and click Hex. Weezing-Galar checks many physcial attackers due to it's fantastic typing + ability allowing it to take on Dragonite, Dragon Dance Dragapult, Swords Dance Iron Valiant, Great Tusk and other things like Kingambits that lack Iron Head. Overall great Pokemon and fantastic synergy on Sand, I will probably build more with this Pokemon in the future.

triangular sack (Ferrothorn) @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 48 Def / 212 SpD
Impish Nature
- Knock Off
- Body Press
- Leech Seed
- Stealth Rock
Pretty self explanatory but for all of you dense folk that don't know what Ferrothorn does I'll explain quickly. Knock Off + Body Press lets you break Dragapult Substitue, remove items from pivots like Alomomola, Zapdos, Landorus-Therian, Corviknight etc. Body Press lets you immediately threaten Kingambit and prevent it from setting up. Ferrothorn really holds this team together, helps a ton verses Rain and also switches into all Raging Bolt sets outside of Sun. Ferrothorn is also great at punishing U-Turn from Tapu Koko and Corviknight.

dragoon (Latios-Mega) (M) @ Latiosite
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Luster Purge
- Aura Sphere
- Roost
- Reflect
I did not give a fuck about EVs so I just went max/max but if anyone finds the time to craft something more effective than this spread It'd be appreciated. Reflect Latios may or may not come as a shock to some of you but out of all the stupid stuff in this post, this set I actually think is very good. Also, Latios does not have Reflect Type like Latias. Anyways the purpose of Reflect is to be able to stay in verses Kingambit and also ignore a pursuit attempt. Aura Sphere won't always OHKO from full but it is a very good trade even if you come out at low health. Additionally, Refelct has similar interaction withs Tyranitar-Mega and Samurott-Hisui. Luster Purge hits like a truck, if you force out Kingambit you get to click it for free. Latios also checks Yard fairly well, who is usually accompianied by a pursuit Kingambit.

creamy bed sheets (Dragapult) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Clear Body
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hex
- Fire Blast
- Will-O-Wisp
- U-turn
Honestly this pokemon outshines everything on any team regardless of the set. Fire Blast is really neat for Gholdengo and Melmetal, who feels unkillable when he is not hindered by burn and he is recovering off all his chip damage with Leftovers + Protect. Anything that is not a fire type gets Will-0-Wisped and then later you can Hex. Really don't need to say much else about this pokemon and with any luck it will be banned again in a few weeks.

:sv/Volcarona: You can't win, forfeit to save time.

:sv/Dragapult: Specs can be pretty annoying for this team, must preserve Tyranitar and Pursuit when you sack something to Shadow Ball, Fire Blast, -2 Draco Meteor. You can also position yourself to revenge it with Excadrill in an endgame in rare situations.

:sv/Melmetal: This guy is also really obnoxious to deal with if it packs fighting coverage. Honestlly have to find a favorable trade and weaken it as best you can so it is no longer a threat.

:sv/Iron Valiant: Physcial sets are manageable but special sets are really hard to switch into.

-thebestever543 :celebi:
here are some teams ive been enjoying:

:sv/ting-lu: :sv/gholdengo: :sv/iron-valiant: :sv/volcarona: :sv/dragonite: :sv/terapagos-terastal:

Meant to be a very aggressive hstack ho with terapagos to remove to keep the field clean for your dnite/volc. Helm ting allows it to trade with tusk much better and secure chip while also being a ghost failsafe, twave ghold can often para heatran in those matchups easing things up for volc to hax through it. Z Dnite is the only real way to run this guy anymore mainly, and i personally think fly z does this best, also compacts a volc and wellspring check nicely.

:sv/charizard-mega-y: :sv/kingambit: :sv/terapagos-terastal: :sv/raging-bolt: :sv/great-tusk: :sv/zamazenta:

With Terapagos, its easier to keep hazards off than ever for yard without relying on just great tusk. Most things here are self-explanatory, but i think eject pack zama in particular works really nicely to get turns on lando (proc'd by intim) or on stuff like tusk/slowbro for yard. Yard is indeed ridiculously good in this steel-infested meta. Be careful of pex

:sv/gholdengo: :sv/ting-lu: :sv/urshifu: :sv/moltres: :sv/clefable: :sv/raging-bolt:

hstack and pivot, pretty basic bo-esque structure anchored by lu/clef/molf. Z ghost ghold is nice for burning through melm/bolt/molt stuff in 1

:sv/melmetal: :sv/toxapex: :sv/gliscor: :sv/great-tusk: :sv/dragapult: :sv/kingambit:

More balanced take on hstack; this melm set is definitely ass but its funny esp with tspike up

:sv/garganacl: :sv/scizor-mega: :sv/dragapult: :sv/great-tusk: :sv/zapdos: :sv/ogerpon-wellspring:

sd msciz + garg is actually a really nice core which surprises me a bit, with garg in particular being a very effective setter as long as you cover tusk well, as it almost always keeps up on pagos unlike lando/tusk/ferro at times

:sv/kingambit: :sv/iron-moth: :sv/landorus-therian: :sv/terapagos-terastal: :sv/ogerpon-wellspring: :sv/dragapult:

wanted to try something super offensive with moth in particular, who i think isnt THAT bad without tera. its really hard to go wrong with offensive fires rn especially when heatran usage is somewhat low compared to other steels. Rest is p standard stuff, ghost z pult is a stronger early hit off hex on certain things which can be beneficial at times, but boots is fine too prob

:sv/lopunny-mega: :sv/garchomp: :sv/toxapex: :sv/iron-valiant: :sv/zapdos: :sv/kingambit:

drag z chomp + lop is a p simple offensive core but works nicely rn as a lot of fairies are in hell with ghold/kgb/melm around letting chomp easily click its z into stuff like mola/tusk without fear and clear them for lop. Rest is somewhat standard, av gambit + specs val is also a good offensive core, altho it may be nice to consider trick on this val to disrupt toxapex teams for mlop


This meta feels very fun so far, definitely a breath of fresh air compared to the past 2y
Here's some teams I've been vibing with in this New Meta

:sv/weavile: :sv/Iron-Valiant: :sv/toxapex: :sv/ting-lu: :sv/gholdengo: :sv/zapdos:

A great offensive core with pursuit Weavile and Specs Val, with a good innovative defensive Hstack Core In Ting Lu and Pex , with the new addition of Gholdengo in the meta to block fog and spin, as well as being good speed control and crippling mons with trick. Zapdos being the team's fogger and ground immunity with great bonuses like static and v switch. The Team is very enjoyable and doesn't lose to these threats the new meta game has released to us. Ting Lu Whirlwind being very beneficial in cleaning teams with scarf dengo or val. Vaccum Wave valiant clutching so many endgames and being a Suprise factor In most cases. Iceshard + wave Prio has done me well

:sv/kingambit: :sv/volcarona: :sv/landorus-therian: :sv/raging-bolt: :sv/rillaboom: :sv/Ogerpon-cornerstone:

P basic grassy spam Offense with sub Volcarona very scary team to face.

:sv/ogerpon-wellspring: :sv/kingambit: :sv/slowking-galar: :sv/heatran: :sv/landorus-therian: :sv/dragapult:

Very fun team to use Ogerpon W + Gambit is just really nasty. Encore Oger In late game situations is super good with Slowking G to pivot into Oger, Gambit or Pult which rlly overwhelms teams. Oger can run SD or U turn, both are rlly good options on this team.

:sv/gholdengo: :sv/samurott-hisui: :sv/ting-lu: :sv/venusaur: :sv/tornadus-therian: :sv/kingambit:

Dengo + Samu H stack with Sacred catching lots of gambits and other H stack cores with Samu off guard putting most games in a favorable position off the get go. Defensive Dengo N Plot taking hits in games that are very much so needed while setting up with NP and blocking removal. Ting Lu + Samu as the hazard core is super good with whirlwind spreading the damage to clean. Dark Spam has been really good thus far and threatens most teams. Mega Venu being a great wall and just stopping most teams in their tracks. + double knock off in gambit and torn making this hazard stack even more dangerous. Now... Chople Berry Kingambit with HP evs to help the Cause, as well as enough speed to outspeed other gambits and low kick them. Chople berry allowing set up for end game after CC dropping def or Just to simply kill the threat back catching many teams off gaurd.

I hope you enjoy as this is my first serious post lmao, have a great day. Just know I'm your favorite players favorite player. Have a great ass night and until next time bros.:pimp:

edit(fixed gambit set on grassy terrain so its bulkier now + knock :p)
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Sample submissions I guess. Based on ladder success I found these teams fairly decent. Yard + Gambit teams are everywhere and very annoying, I could probably make further edits but I’m ready to try new stuff. Hope you all try these out, I think they’re pretty easy to pilot and if you have questions lmk on discord or reply in the thread. (Posted prematurely ngl, I’ll leave the post up anyways just in case). (old) (old)
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:sv/kingambit: :sv/iron valiant: :sv/slowbro: :sv/raging bolt: :sv/iron treads: :sv/charizard-mega-y:

I made a full-length RMT on this team, but I figured I'd share the team here too since I've had quite a lot of success with it, I recommend reading that if you want a more in-depth explanation on the team. Basically, Dark Z Kingambit can be used to annihilate would-be checks like Corviknight, Alomomola, Moltres, and Landorus. Even with maximum defense investment, a +2 Z (+1 for Landorus) actually does upwards of 90% to all of these guys with 0 fallen allies. It straight up OHKO's Corviknight & Moltres as well. The Z only gets stronger as more of your teammates go down, as it is also affected by Supreme Overlord.

This team also managed to peak at the 1890s, hopefully that works as good enough proof for its success!

Screenshot (32).png
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Dogshit I have been running in the 1700 - 1800s. Most of these team ideas are half-baked so please lmk of any suggestions.
:Jellicent: :ferrothorn: :Gliscor: :Volcarona: :Tornadus-Therian: :Samurott-Hisui:
:Jellicent: :ferrothorn: :Gliscor: :Volcarona: :Tyranitar-Mega: :Great Tusk:

Thought Jellicent would be cool since it matches up decently well vs the drops like Zama + other Pokemon Urshifu. Its surprisingly hasn't been too bad. Taunt is really nice for shit like Ting-Lu and Mola that Melm is normally paired with, its good at spreading burns, and can lure Gambit with Colbur to burn it. Put it on a gen 5 / 6 esque structure with SD scor tho IDK if either of these teams are good lol.

:Landorus-Therian: :Meowscarada: :Rotom-Wash: :Tapu Lele: :Kingambit: :Volcarona:
Someone wanted Lando-T + Meow team which I thought would be cool. Rotom-W seemed like it would be decent as melm check + Fogger, esp when paired with Kingambit and Volcarona. That said, whle Rotom-W itself is decent, Defog feels like dogshit on it. I feel like it very easily just loses momentum.

:Melmetal: :Alomomola: :Terapagos-Terastal: :Garchomp: :Dragapult: :Togekiss:
I was told that Melmetal was OP so I tried it on this team. Sadly I run into one of Toxapex, Rotom-W, Ferrothron, or Zapdos every game. Still, SD Chomp can own most of these mons. Togekiss is for Garchomp + Zama, but flamethrower might be better over Heal Bell here for Mola.

:Meowscarada: :Garchomp: :Heatran: :Slowbro: :Terapagos-Terastal: :Tornadus-Therian:
:Meowscarada: :Garchomp: :Victini: :Slowking-Galar: :Kingambit: :Corviknight:
Meow + Chomp seemed like a cool core so I tried building around it. Can put in some work. I am a fan of Terapagos in this meta as removal. IMO first team is much better than the second.

:Charizard-Mega-X: :Gholdengo: :Zamazenta: :Ogerpon-Wellspring: :Terapagos-Terastal: :Garchomp:
SD Mega Charizard X + Zamazenta seemed like an interesting core, as Mega Charizard X can break down many of the Pokemon Zamazenta struggled with like Lando-T, Zapdos, Slowbro, etc. while also providing nice defensive utility against Tapu Koko and a few other Pokemon. Helmet Gholdengo is nice in this meta to spread para and check the likes of Val and friends.

:Charizard-Mega-Y: :Terapagos-Terastal: :Kingambit: :Dragapult: :Slowbro: :Great Tusk:
First team I made. Thought Terapagos would be cool to try out with Zard-Y, which was buffed with Pursuit Kingambit's presence. Slowbro is here to help pivot into Charizard Y + is good into a lot of spammed mons like Zamazenta, and Great Tusk is nice as a secondary spinner + powerful offensive threat under sun. Ability to check gambit is nice too. Dragapult offers speed control and wisp utility.
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Sample Submissions
No tera + the new mons have made building super fun recently. Pult and Gambit both look super good, but not game breaking, which is great to see. I've been using 3 teams for the past little bit, and have had great success.

Mega-Tyranitar + Kartana Bulky Offense

This team is centered around set-up Kartana. Mega-Ttar is just super good right now due to Pult and Ghold dropping back down. Urshifu provides a nice speed control, as well as being a strong pivot. For teams that use Pult as their primary water resist, shifu can click u-turn on the pult switch, and bring in ttar. Specs pult is a nice mon, and exists as speed control on it's own. Not many mons like taking specs shadow balls. Finally, Landorus and Moltres provide a nice defensive backbone for the team to fall back on. Moltres is also super good right now, as it checks Tusk, Gambit, and does super well against Dengo as well. Overall solid BO.

Mega-Medicham + Wellspring Pivot Offense

This team is designed to let Mega-Medicham punch holes. Psycho Cut is nice to use on opposing Moltres, since it doesn't risk burn. AV Kingambit is meant to pursuit trap Dragapult and Gholdengo for medicham to spam close combat more easily. Specs pult is simply a strong fast pivot with good typing, and it also can click u-turn on dark/normal types and bring in Medicham. Landorus-T is max speed max hp, with taunt and rocks. This is a super nice set, as it outpaces most other landos (and other SR leads) and prevent hazards from coming up. Taunt is also useful for preventing defog and recovery. Moltres provides a defensive profile for the team, as well as hazard removal. Finally, Wellspring has been super useful as a pivot. Knock Off is nice because it can dunk on pults that try to switch into the water/grass stab. Wellspring's convenient speed tier and power helps to wear down the opposing mons.

Z-Regieleki + Kingambit Offense
:Regieleki::Kingambit::Landorus-therian::Dragapult::Tapu Koko::Tapu Fini:

This team is centered around Kingambit sweeping late game. Z-Regieleki is meant to draw in mons like landorus and tusk, click tera blast on the switch, and fry with Z-hyper beam. Tera into z-hyper cooks most tusks for Kingambit. Landorus provides hazards and an electric/ground immunity. Koko and Regieleki also compliment eachother. They each whittle down ground types for the other one, and can abuse their high speed and electric stab to punch holes and sweep late game. Pult is just a great all around mon, and fits well with the others. Finally, scarf fini provides hazard control. Trick is a nice move to nerf opposing fat mons.
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First Team Dump!
This is my first serious team. I wanted to build around Banded Zeraora as I thought it was underrated, which a diverse movepool and excellent stats. Ogerpon-Wellspring makes a great offensive combo, and the rest are complements. AV Azumarill is really underrated as well, it's surprisingly bulky and can deal some serious damage. Originally I had Fini instead of Azu, but it was a bit passive. I didn't go Primarina as I wanted Knock Off.
I wanted to build around Mega Sharpedo next, as Sharpedo is my most favourite Pokemon. I wanted a 5-mon core that can deal with most things by itself, and Sharpedo is for clean-up. It did well, but I only used this team twice or three times before I wanted to use Sand Tomb Mega-Scizor.
This is my most favourite team I have ever made. Sand Tomb Scizor + HP Rock Volcarona make for a threatening combo, surprising would be checks like Charizard and Heatran, and the rest of the Pokemon complement them well. I actually made an RMT for the team, I loved it that much. Originally I had Tusk instead of Treads, but Sami pointed out how Treads was better, and it was!
Next I wanted to build around Sheer Force Nidoking after watching the video about it from False Swipe Gaming. Iron Crown complements it well, Rillaboom for terrain support and being a good mon in general, Scarf Hamurott for speed control + hazards, Moltres for a defensive backbone, and Kyurem to break stall. It did alright.
After I wanted to build around the defensive combo of MVenu + Corv, who complemented each other well. Lando is for utility, Victini and Urshifu are for breaking + clean up, and Bisharp (Kingambit wasn't unbanned yet) for priority. Specs Victini is actually goated. Everyone either expects Banded or Z-Celebrate Victini, so Choice Specs Blue Flare nuking every physical wall is neat. Several Landos and Dragonites were KO'd with Specs Glaciate.
Wanted to build a HO with Mixed Aegislash, with Garchomp being the lead, Bisharp being priority, and the rest being sweepers/breakers. Didn't do too well, so I made a different version.
This was my redo, and it somehow did much better, despite what it looks like. Diggersby is here as it's the only Pokemon that is immune to electric, resists/is immune to ghost and packs priority all in one slot. It actually did decent. (Also I just learnt that Diancie is spelt with two i's, which is strange, I always thought it was Diance).
This was the redo that the folks in the Pinkacross discord server made after I asked for suggestions. Truthfully, I never used this team as it ruined the whole point of my team, which was to be built around mixed Aegislash. Oh well, I'm sure some people would like this team (this was pre-tera ban, so Kyurem has tera blast).
I wanted to build around AV Bellibolt next in a pivot spam. Gliscor and Scizor made good partners, Alo healed them as they didn't have too reliable healing, and Iron Val and Hammy fill the extra roles that I was missing. It didn't do too well, as Bellibolt wasn't eating hits as well as I thought it would.
I don't ever remember using any of these teams, except I managed to surprise a player by KOing their Kyurem with scarf Bolt. Other than that, I don't remember anything else about these two teams. The second one was apparently weak to Ogerpon (it's the team name lol.)
This was when I was slightly crazy; I wanted to build around Nidoqueen with Grassy Terrain support. Rillaboom is terrain setter, Hawlucha was terrifying when set-up well, Nidoqueen was for a defensive + offensive presence, as well as rocks, Mega-Mawile was another abuser of terrain thanks to EQ's damage getting halved, Hamurott for checks to some types, and Ogerpon-Cornerstone become disgustingly strong in terrain, with Power Whips boosted to ungodly levels of destruction. It actually did somewhat decent.
Next up I wanted to build around Specs Pelipper, whose Weather Balls became unwallable in the rain. Tusk is for a nice offensive combo (tbh Pelipper doesn't need any offensive support, except for Blissey + really bulky resists) and more importantly, hazard control. Scizor takes adavantage of rain + deals with fairies and has Knock Off. Gliscor is fantastic defensively, and the rest are the supporting crew. Originally I had Bolt over Koko, but I wanted more speed, and Koko provided that while staying the electric I wanted.
This was my first team made after the tera ban and the unbans of several Pokemon, and I wanted to build around Screens HO with Terapagos. Ceruledge complements Terapagos decently offensively, Kartana and Iron Val are cool and Lando is for the electric immunity and ground immunity. I also made it Nasty Plot with Taunt, Earth Power and HP Ice, and it actually did well. Unfortunately, the team wasn't good enough.
I decided to pull out an old team I had before which was rendered useless by the ban of Zamazenta. But now I can use it again! And also I can replace Bisharp before with a Kingambit! It did worse than my old team, a.k.a my best team before I made the Zeraora team. (I actually made an RMT of the version before this, you can find it here.)
After using the previous, I noticed how good Kingambit and Latios was as a defensive and offensive combo, so I wanted to build around those two monsl. Clod and Corv are an amazing defensive duo, Dragapult is for disruption, and scarf Nihilego was for speed control and to deal with a few Pokemon I had trouble with, namely Moltres. It did alright, I guess. Originally I had max HP + Sp. Def AV Melmetal, which was absurdly bulky on both sides and could still hit back hard, but I struggled against Moltres and lacked speed, so I changed it.
I made this team during a short stint where I was feeling rather down as my previous team wasn't doing so well. So I made what I thought was the cheapest team I could make to get easy wins that WASN'T stall, so I went with a Sun team (I should've went with a rain team lol). I wanted to build around Mega Houndoom as it looked neat. Great Tusk + Venusaur are there as other sun abusers, Crown is my pivot, and Dragonite is for a handful of useful resistances and priority. Somehow this team did alright. Venusaur once won a stall match-up with a lucky crit on their Clodsire.
And finally, my latest team as of making this team dump. After using it on the previous sun team, I realised how great Z-Fly Dragonite was, so I wanted to build around that. Magnezone is here for trapping steel types that would be a pain for Dragonite, like Corviknight and Skarmory, and Tangrowth has eject button to thwart U-Turn attempts form Corv. I'd say Magnezone is buffed right now in this meta, as the tera ban means Corv can't randomly tera ground or tera dragon to escape. I found the Tangrowth + Corv combo from a Freezai video. The rest are good abusers of Magnezone getting rid of steel types like them. This team is very good and the only flaw I'd say this team as is that I can't decide if I want Defog or Rocks on scarf Lando.

I hope you enjoyed my teams.
:Dragapult:Tera Meta Darkness Team Dump :Dragapult:

The tera meta was a lot of fun. Since 2023 I was building some random things and it wasn't until 2024 where I took the matter more seriously. We played several tournaments and met really cool people through them, from NdWC to Circuit Championship, a worthwhile experience. However, I think these guys have no more work to do, so thank you for so much and rest forever my goat teams :swole:


I’m bored and it’s nd birthday yayyyy so I’ll share some teams I had fun with in games although they may be slightly bad.

:Gholdengo: :Skarmory: :Dondozo: :latias-mega: :tornadus-Therian: :clodsire:
One of the first teams I made after the Tera ban. It’s basically a fat stack that attempts to use fire z tornt to lure in huge threats in Kingambit and Gholdengo. Skarmory is a mon that I think actually improved a ton with the Tera ban because of its ability to check Kingambit, melmetal, and Zamazenta, and the styles of teams it fits on have also greatly improved with spikes stack being a good style atm, but I’ll get into that with my mg discussion post. Besides that I still think the unaware core of clodsire and Dondozo is still good as they help check setup threats quite well and in the case of Dondozo eases pressure off of Skarmory. Mega latias is here mainly to ease the weather mus and appreciates tornt luring ghold

:landorus-Therian: :Zamazenta: :Serperior: :dragonite: :Gholdengo: :samurott-hisui:
I liked the ghold hsam hstack offenses I saw in sv and I wanted to try and make one here, with the help of some more underrated Pokemon. Serperior is still a solid Pokemon even after Tera ban because it still checks ogerpon and is incredibly annoying with subglare to any team without a Gholdengo or dragapult. That’s why we have av hsam as well, as it’s main job is to take specs pult much better than normal while also taking more hits from Gholdengo, and in both cases is really helpful in the long term to 1. Get more spikes up and 2. Have more chances to neutralize pult / ghold. Dragonite is worse after Tera ban but it’s still a very solid pick on offense to ease the weather mu and check Volcarona / yard. This is helped when you have Zama, serp, and rhelm Lando wearing down its checks like tusk and melm.

:melmetal: :Tapu Koko: :dragapult: :landorus-Therian: :Medicham-mega: :samurott-hisui:
Who would I be without making a xtra ho remake day 1? This structure is timeless and there’s no need to go over the basic core another time. The only thing that doesn’t align with the original structure is hsam, which helps with the ghold mu for mmedi short term and helps give spikes and a way to crush all the Gholdengo balances out there rn, further helped out by encore dismantling the other defensive pieces these teams use. Hawlucha also kinda sucks imo so that’s why I’m not using it lol. Either way dd pult replaces kyub a la the old gen 8 sample that also remade xtra ho. Melm is good here because it provides a good blanket check into a lot of offensive threats, such as Tapu lele, dragonite, and pult, among some other things it can trade with.

:Charizard-mega-y: :great tusk: :Kingambit: :victini: :raging bolt: :landorus-Therian:
imo sun got really buffed with the style gaining gambit and 100000 steels to exploit along with people using sv / ss style pult builds that aren’t really prepped for yard. Besides that it’s standard sun, although I did forgo Terapagos because I thought double ground was interesting on yard sun for bolt along with the fact that Lando actually punishes lop / zama / shifu for flicking a fighting move.

:pelipper: :Kingambit: :Swampert-mega: :Archaludon: :Zapdos: :Barraskewda:
My take on rain, pretty standard although we have Zapdos because of zama

:Kingambit: :great tusk: :Volcarona: :diancie-mega: :dragapult: :dragonite:
Ho is currently FishCity atm but I wanted to use it and this is pretty fun just to load whenever you don’t want to play the game. The lead pult is a sv set and it’s pretty annoying to certain stuff. Besides that it’s just regular ho things.

:great tusk: :Gholdengo: :Tyranitar-mega: :Zamazenta: :Rotom-wash: :Tapu lele:
One of my favorite teams that I’ve made. Ttar is a cool mon and pursuit + the combo of lele and zama is really cool. Ghost z ghold just nukes stuff like melm / tran / bolt but it can be subbed out for ghost z. Rotom is the tusk check and is the primary water resist, and with that + ghold the mu vs shifu should be fine since it’s sooooo easy to predict what a shifu will do in these scenarios. Av lele trades with bolt / val and eases pressure off of ghold and tar and it also frees up z on ghold

:Zamazenta: :Gholdengo: :Slowbro: :Garchomp: :Kingambit: :Zapdos:
Standard Bo with a FuturePort core. Spdef chomp is still the goat as he does well vs. yard, Volcarona, and Tapu Koko. Slowbro is here as the shifu and rain check, and colbur is funny to get out of gambit traps, however it could be other items like boots or helm. Ice beam here threatens pult on s/I and helps vs. sd Gliscor and Gliscor in general. Zapdos provides momentum while also acting as a tusk / melm check and fogger.

:dragapult: :great tusk: :Venusaur-mega: :Kingambit: :Zapdos: :heatran:
Wanted to use some bo with more guys I wanted to try out. Sd gambit is the main wincon built up, with twave pult supporting it in beating pokemon like heatran and mtar more easily. Venu is pretty cool in this meta because it’s a grass type that’s pretty fat and can slam all the steels for good damage.

:Kingambit: :Volcarona: :landorus-Therian: :Tapu Koko: :ogerpon-wellspring: :dragapult:
Tapu Koko and ogerpon make a great pivot core together, and with pursuit gambit aiding them in removing pult / gking they can do their thing easier. Volcarona is cool because it’s a good wincon in this steel infested meta. Shuca Koko is just generally a good item on Koko as it beats grounds and lures Garchomp / Gliscor so Volcarona isn’t annoyed by them as much.

:lopunny-mega: :Gholdengo: :ting-lu: :raging bolt: :landorus-Therian: :ogerpon-wellspring:
Standard lop bo because I wanted to try out the mon; double prio is nice for revenging Volcarona / pult. Besides that I wanted to use a double ground core as a stack core and a pivot core in raging bolt / pon to keep up momentum.

:blissey: :Sableye-mega: :Gholdengo: :skarmory: :Dondozo: :Gliscor:
Big Stall.

:Kingambit: :iron moth: :Tapu lele: :dragapult: :great tusk: :dragonite:
This is a high risk high reward offense if you can pilot it right. Tapu lele + pursuit gambit is a tried and true offensive core, demolishing any sort of fat balance. Iron moth is something I wanted to try and it’s kinda solid on offense as a cleaner. Besides that it’s just more offense slop

:Terapagos-terastal: :Ribombee: :Gholdengo: :ogerpon-wellspring: :dragonite: :great tusk:
Some funny webs I built, fly z dnite is pretty cool with terap support, which now runs modest for maximum power without needing to worry about speed. Bee can be araquanid but I liked the stun spore support a lot in testing.

:Tapu lele: :Volcarona: :great tusk: :dragapult: :melmetal: :tornadus-Therian:
I wanted to use an offense similar to ssou style teams. Cm lele lures in Tran for Volcarona and breaks through things like gking and pex. Av Tornt is a good pivot in this meta as it pivots on things like Terapagos and pult. This team kinda folds to sun but it should be playable with twave pult ig

:ting-lu: :Ferrothorn: :dragonite: :Tapu Koko: :Volcarona: :iron valiant:
This team was built based on a Koko + band ival core that darkness suggested to me. Band val is actually cool to lure in a ton of specs val checks like Volcarona, Gholdengo, and gking. It’s also a satisfactory wincon vs. offense in a lot of games. Volcarona mainly helps vs. steels like Ferro / Scizor / melm / ghold and eases a lot of pressure off of ival to break them.

:melmetal: :Hatterene: :cresselia: :Ursaluna: :Heracross-mega: :marowak-alola:
Melmetal is back, so why not make some trick room team with it? Another team where you don’t need to play the game and just click buttons lol. Mega Hera is a cool mon because it’s tusk / gambit cope once cress dies or when tr is down, and it aids in breaking down sand builds with like ttar + moltres because of rock blast. Maro is here because it’s a idbp zama check of sorts. Sub is a cool tech scarfire recommended to me and it’s kinda fire for exploiting all of the switches Maro forces and gambit, allowing it to break even more than usual since you don’t rlly click sd much.

:Volcanion: :great tusk: :dragapult: :Kingambit: :Zapdos: :Rillaboom:
I was inspired watching some doubles games with these volcanion + gambit + rilla cores and wanted to use Volcanion because it’s good into the meta where a lot of teams have water / fire resists that don’t handle it too well. Pursuit sd gambit is cool for pult / ghold while also acting as a wincon, and av rilla makes pivoting around ghold / rbolt / specs pult easier.

:Clefable: :dragapult: :heatran: :Gliscor: :ogerpon-wellspring: :great tusk:
Wanted to use some Clefable and it’s actually pretty solid at being an annoying mon with twave + knock and pretty good longevity. Hex pult + sd Gliscor is also a cool core since hex pult takes advantage of skarm builds and Idbp Zama, and the burns help give Gliscor more setup opportunities vs. certain things like lop and zama. This team uses another Double ground core with Gliscor + tusk which is pretty cool. You also have Tox + twave + willo spam to not only annoy your opponent but also increase the power of pult’s hex more consistently.

This meta is very fun to play and build in, don’t think there are any overwhelming threats atm and everything feels at least manageable in the builder. I think that stuff in the builder feels a lot more scary on paper than it actually is in play (for example: gambit and pult). I’ll speak more of my thoughts in the mg discussion thread possibly.
Was gonna try to peak the ladder before posting but 3 points off will have to do. 3 teams I rotated and some explanations I guess.

:Latios-Mega: :Kingambit: :Gholdengo: :Landorus-Therian: :Ogerpon-Wellspring: :Zamazenta: This was used mostly from 1400-1900. If I'm being truthful I just had Latios as a mon I wanted to toy with for fun to check all the Zard-Y + Kingambit shit I was seeing. Zama + Gambit is pretty standard combo, I used slam-edge to kinda cover the random mons that felt comfortable coming into ID Zama outside of the ghosts that Gambit would trap (Moltres, Hatterene, etc). FlyZ Lando originally was just to fit a Z somewhere but it ended up working wonders, sniping Torn-T, Mega-Venusaur, Buzzwole, opposing Lando etc. All threats worth taking out. Ghold + Wellspring just patched up weaknesses with speed and breaking. TL;DR Mega Latios to cteam ladderisms + 5 brokens.

:Altaria-Mega: :Tapu-Koko: :Landorus-Therian: :Iron-Valiant: :Iron-Moth: :Kingambit: This and the next team were used for most of the higher ladder wins. Idea started with just Z Wild Charge Koko to snipe Glowking out of existence and then try to win with Specs Valiant. Landorus just fills basic rolls as far as fitting a flying/ground and rocker goes, and I had stone edge because while I do have Koko+Valiant, Moltres can be quite annoying to deal with between having to Wild Charge it, being locked into moonblasts, etc. Figured a way to snipe it would be nice. Iron Moth was mainly to absorb tspikes + check Mega Scizor/Gholdengo. SpA Booster Psychic lets it actually pressure said toxic spikes based teams. With trapping not being a necessity due to the nature of the team, but still kinda needing a ghost resist/pult check + a steel type, I figured I could mess with SD Gambit here, with lum for wisp Dragapult. Now, lastly Mega Altaria. I had a whole box of things I wanted my mega slot to do; check/kill Zamazenta, raging bolt, great tusk, be a water/fire resist, and maybe help check Dragapult incase Gambit struggles since its not pursuit. I want to emphasize, Mega Latias > Mega Altaria is probably better. You do have to make weird choices with the set for M Latias, but this team does struggle w/other random poisons beyond Slowking-G, and M-Latias definitely handles Zamazenta better, and you could even run defog if you want. Mega Altaria is a shakey DD Pult check as is (you need to burn Z on a different mon) and yeah idk he kinda sucks. Worked for me, but do Mega Latias if this team interests you.

:Diancie-Mega: :Rillaboom: :Volcarona: :Gyarados: :Great-Tusk: :Kingambit: This was the the champion team. Don't rly have much to say, the build is kinda self explanatory...I think.
I feel like dropping again. When you're on top you don't stop!

:pinsir: :cinderace: :iron-treads: :kommo-o: :slowking-galar: :kingambit:
this team was simply me experimenting with Mega Pinsir and It ended up being a Classic. 'Im only dropping 1 classic a bazaar can't let all the heat out. All I can say is this is a PGA favorite:pimp:

Fuck it Ima drop 2 classics back to back. and bc of that, the original 10 team drop is delayed like carti albums.

:dragapult: :scizor: :tapu-koko: :ting-lu: :slowbro: :dragonite:
Madness koko Is all I need to say check the link and you'll realize no matter who you are im a better builder.

All jokes aside even though the jokes are factual asf, These are just some good fun teams prob last drop bc Ima regret leaking this shit.

shoutout Dp2neat / Frosdp one of the first guys to use mega pinsir treads core! Hes a true motivation In why I play the game since the OG polaro days. Love u man
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Cannot lie I love giving away teams on bazaar. Here's another team that's worth posting on Bazaar. FYI I have like 50 teams I'm not leaking everything lmao + some ideas are just ass i'm not perfect. However if you see 6 mons and i'm using them, its perfect asf
:keldeo: :gholdengo: :ting-lu: :scizor: :moltres: :kartana:

Did well vs my friends and tourneys 2day + its just sexy. If you use my team just know its a honor to share my art.
have fun slamming friends and high ranked shitters on their neck and anybody else if that's your cup of tea like mine.

Replay of the team facing a shit MU:
I upped spdef Evs on molt after this game. zard y is a cracked ass pokemon

Im one of the rare combinations of good at building and playing, as well as being lucky.
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Was gonna try to peak the ladder before posting but 3 points off will have to do. 3 teams I rotated and some explanations I guess.

Ok I did it.

:Toxapex: :Ting-Lu: :Zamazenta: :Gholdengo: :Zapdos: :Garganacl: Yeah real cool team, I know. Anyways the main point was just maximizing hazard uptime, tspikes pex is huge but I often felt like being toxic-less opened you up to being crap vs a lot (Free Wellspring switch, Zard-Y and Volcarona just muscle past you, can't punish raging bolt or kyurem or whatever else comes in). The pain of being hazeless is mainly Zamazenta + Mega Scizor, for which you have Zapdos and Gholdengo. Garganacl I felt like was the best at keeping rocks up against a lot of this tier, with exceptions being against stuff like Great Tusk, which you can punish with tspikes / Zapdos. Bulky Gholdengo both fills some shoes defensively, keeps up hazards, and can wallbreak nicely with Z-Ghost. Focus Blast because you absolutely cannot afford to be an early Gambit victim.

Some options are available with Zapdos, defog > heat wave if you think your Mega Scizor matchup is fine or you just don't care about it. I never clicked defog in my games so I switched. Zamazenta could have a coverage over roar, or just be a 4 attacks banded/boots/ebelt set. Ice Fang recommended cuz Zapdos alone struggles with Gliscor or Z move grounds like Garchomp or Landorus.

Threats are mainly opposing Gholdengo, Swords Dance Ground Types, CM Clefable, Mega Diancie, and Tapu Koko.
Not really gonna say much but here are a few builds I made since tera ban.
:Dragapult: :Kingambit: :Iron valiant: :Tapu Koko: :gyarados mega: :terapagos terastal: Ho I built with FayaWizard. Ladder might have adapted to it but still might be good.
:Kingambit: :Tapu lele: :Zamazenta: :Dragonite: :Landorus Therian: :Corviknight:
BO with gambit and zama
:Kingambit: :Ogerpon Wellspring: :Great tusk: :Moltres: :Dragonite: :Slowking galar:
Offensive spike stack feat pivot pon
:Nidoking: :Slowking Galar: :Zamazenta: :Zapdos: :Kingambit: :Ogerpon Wellspring:
The Three kings BO
Brought back an old tech from ss ou EQ glowking to not fold to tran 2HKOs standard tran.

Hf next team I build I hope to peak with.
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First time i'm actually posting here, got some fire stuff i've been cooking since the tera ban.

:charizard-mega-y: :raging-bolt: :great-tusk: :kingambit: :terapagos: :iron-valiant:

Sun team, yard is a fucking beast in this meta.No random mons that can tera dragon, weather ball chunks about everything, even ressists.Focus blast snipes ttar on the switch in, you have an easy time against rain too, just gotta position valiant or raging bolt well enough.Pagos is the spinner instead of tusk since imo pagos is one of the best mons we have around rn ( im addicted to using it)

:nidoking: :dragapult: :ferrothorn: :buzzwole: :moltres: :terapagos:

Nidoking packwatch.Already wrote a post on it in the metagame discussion thread, but to sum it up, Nido switches between its moves and decimates the slower balances that are starting to become ever so popular now. Nido with rocks up is incredible, as ur forcing ur opp to switch around constantly, making them take chip every time.Buzzwole eats up melm, gambit, z pult and some others like lop and lando.Pagos does the usual and removes hazzards. Moltres combined with Buzz is sometimes a ladder auto win core, they cover each other insanely well.Ferro is just Ferro.He is a chill guy.

Below imma leave some other teams that still need some work but are good either way.
:tyranitar-mega: :magnezone: :ferrothorn: :landorus-therian: :Zamazenta: :alomomola:

:venusaur-mega: :ting-lu: :gholdengo: :moltres: :terapagos: :urshifu:

:pelipper: :greninja: :Barraskewda: :iron-treads: :zapdos: :swampert-mega: