Finally... the time has come and NDOTSL has concluded and I can dump all my teams since it has been quite a while (and also since we do have our own forum, we might as well use it). Note: A lot of these teams remained untested and thus could be complete theorycrafted rubbish, use at your own discretion (also a lot of these teams kinda just cycle through similar defensive cores mashed with different offensive mons, well, I'm a lazy builder what can I say)
Tapu Koko + Gapdos Balance
Originally formulated both teams around Tapu Koko and Gapdos as a funny offensive duo, able to dually pressure and overload checks like Corviknight fairly well. The team is a bit slow though so I decided to try add some defensive Trick Scarfers to make up for the lack of speed control partially. The second team can struggle with Iron Moth a bit I'm not too entirely sure what to do about it. TrickScarf Lati was a funny thing I saw back in G8 so I decided to try to build a team around it with the other offensive mons as well. Gliscor can be annoying as well but Gapdos/hazards can pressure it well enough. Could try HDB Pixilate Return or MGLO SpA Tapu Koko as well they can probably work as well though I wanted spam Volt on Corv but hasn't worked out that great in practice, still two fairly potent offensive mons that work though.
Lazy HOs
Don't really need to explain much here, just lazy HO teams that you can go batshit with. Scream Tail can probably be replaced by just a generic Prankster screens lead, Thief on MMedicham is for Gholdengo. SD Adapt Zoro-H seems very odd but can work as useful bait, able to grab a free SD on the switch and force them to sack their RegenVest/Chansey or something like their Intim Corv/Gliscor (+1 252 Atk Life Orb Adaptability Zoroark-Hisui Poltergeist vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 242-286 (68.3 - 80.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery).
Mega Sableye Balance
Bit of an odd team so I'll go through it a bit more. I originally built this team with Desoland Heatran in mind and paired it up with Heliolisk as an offensive core. Scarf Heliolisk is a bit weak but I needed speed control and it can clean pretty well if Heatran manages to lure one of its checks like RegenVest Swampert. After this I realised this kinda flopped entirely into WBB Ferrothorn (Heliolisk can pressure but it can take a while) so I decided to throw in a great counter to Ferrothorn in MSab. While an odd mon, it can pretty much completely deny Ferrothorn from doing anything so I thought it'd be pretty cool (although might be prone to getting doubled on). Intim Gliscor was added on as a generic blanket physwall + hazard removal, MSab also checks some annoying random Ice coverage mons like MMedicham and Iron Hands that could potentially pop up. Next up I deliberated for quite a while but ultimately chose this core I originally used on another team which was Regen Ferrothorn + RegenVest Prim but is probably flexible with whatever 2 man SpD core you wanna run. Worked pretty well by itself as a SpDef core, provided hazards, a convenient Tapu Fini switch-in and also an extra Barra check as Heatran isn't entirely reliable into random CC/Drill Run.
Extra Note: Grass-coverage Fire types like Moth/Heatran can be annoying themselves so you can switch out the Primarina for Silvally Dragon (and replace Heliolisk with Azelf for Clanging Souls Kommo-o) or run PrimSea Wake as your scarfer to cope if you care that much Primarina just looks funnier. (Heatran is speed creeped for Gliscor)
Lazy Scarf Azelf + Band Scrappy Terrakion/Gapdos Balance
Most of these teams follow under the same formulaic structure (I am a lazy builder ok) where you utilise Scarf Special into big fat breaker that can take advantage of offensive pivot (in this case, Azelf and Gapdos/Terrakion). I think Scrappy is the best ability on Terrakion now imo since it allows you to far better click in face of constantly annoying Gholdengo's while still retaining relatively similar performance into common Intimidate mons. Rest is just generic defensive filler that you might recognise from other teams.
Desolate Land Iron Moth + Intimidate Gliscor Balance
Most of these teams stemmed from the basic fact Gliscor is fun but also sucks into Water-types. Thus Iron Moth serves as a fairly obvious pairing, while retaining some nice offensive utility like TSpikes and stuff. Random Ice coverage from the likes of MMedicham can still be very annoying, particularly for the 2nd team but I think there's nothing better else to be done but outplay. Fini/Ferrothorn/Manaphy were chosen because Moth isn't actually that reliable of a Barra check and is more so for the Flip Turn block and utility so other soft checks are appreciated. Azelf and Wake can pressure special walls and break them down (especially with Spikes up), Barraskewda and Slither Wing can do similar on the physical spectrum (Slither could maybe be Banded Tinted for a better Clanging Kommo-o MU) and Zarude came up as a neat way to check annoying Rising Voltage mons while cramming in offensive potency (Dhelmise might be better so I don't get owned by Heliolisk U-turn lol).
Pivot Spam Offense
More offensive team, with the barebones minimum defensive core that can pass by. Your goal is mainly just winning faster and keeping up momentum, with two strong breakers in CB Tinted Slither Wing and Specs Wake and all your defensive mons carrying slow pivot to try to win the positioning war. 2nd team abuses fun Toxic Debris Garchomp to try to win back momentum in pivot wars and mixed Draco can lure Great Tusk for Terrakion, with Wake acting as the main speed control this time around and also emergency Victini switch-in and secondary Fire check plus probably is replaceable as being blocked by Moth is annoying. Tapu Koko is mostly filler but helps to check rare Hydreigon and can also contribute to the pivot spam/cycle or provide emergency hazard removal if needed. Could be replaced for a Water Immunity like Iron Moth as Barraskewda constantly keeping momentum with Flip Turn can be quite annoying.
Electrode-Hisui + Gapdos Balance
More fast special mon pivot into big physical breaker. HElectrode is a pretty cool mon for its ability to fairly reliably Volt Switch freely with Grounds like Swamp and GTusk scared to death from MGLO Chloroblast. One thing that does kinda suck is that as speed control it's kinda eh and thus you have sus matchups into stuff like Clanging Souls Kommo-o (I hate this mon btw)
TBH Azelf is kinda just better now that I think about it. Defensive Kommo-o on the other hand is pretty cool as a nifty Barra and physfire check, while also soft-checking stuff for Swamp like Grass coverage Moth (pray it's not DGleam) and also Rising Voltage mons in a 1v1. Heatran is basically filler but I wanted to abuse TDebris and I decided to just put it on Heatran as it can at least dissuade Corv from defogging (and GTusk, kinda). Probably better abusers though but shrug not bothered to optimise.
(Bad) Fat
The eternal struggle to build Fat is real. I have like 10 other Fat/Stall teams lying around but they all kinda suck lol building fat in this tier is hard :(
Skarmory was a cool option I found for Fat, basically being Spikes Corv and I started to build around it. The first team is definitely a bit sus without any Intim/Fluffy mons, but it's hard to fit and so you have to cope with juggling Mew, GTusk and Skarm. Wandering Spirit Rocky Helmet Skarm was a cool thing I saw and stole from G8 and wanted to run GTusk to provide extra support and more reliably hazard removal. Unaware Chansey and Bulletproof Ferro was a generic core from long while ago that I stole and Scarf Mew rounded it out to check Fighting-types, Clanging Kommo-o variants and emergency Trick support while Heatran provides some offensive flavour and an extra Barra check which is valuable. 2nd team was my attempt to make Buzzwole viable and defensive sets just sucks to put on balance given you need like 2 mons to cover all your weaknesses and it's passive AF so I ended up building the fat around it. No rocks is sus (you could maybe put it on like Garchomp and dual hazards) but I have other ways of chipping down the opponent anyway. SpD Sableye is to cope against offensive Kommo-o variants (and also helps into Azelf). Could make Fini TrickScarf as well cause that's kinda fun.
(Bad) Fat ft Breaker Who Abuses Hazards
Hazards are really kinda broken so I wanted to try making fatter hazard stack teams and a breaker who really abuses them (like MGLO Zoroark-H or Specs Wake) but it's pretty meh. Most of these teams lack great speed control which isn't really great, though the one at the top has Scarf Wake (and as an emergency Tini switch-in) so it can cope though it loses out on significant power. Last team is really sus with only Iron Treads removal but I'm too lazy to optimise and probably would have to completely reorganise the team anyway. Zoro-H is funny but probably not worth it, 2nd team is very reliant on Meloetta for the special side which seems like a glaring issue. PrimSea Golispod was to cram a Mamo check and emergency Tini switch-in + Spikes (though you could probably cram Golispod and Dhelmise into one slot if you give up Spin). Haven't tested these teams much but im not very optimistic....
Spikes Garchomp Balance
Spikes Garchomp is a pretty fun mon and setter and Spikes are pretty broken in general especially paired up with breakers like Walking Wake. Both teams were formulated around these ideas, the first revolves around a pretty basic Regen Garchomp core which pairs pretty well with both RegenVest Swampert, acting as a secondary check to annoyances like Grass coverage Heatran/Moth, and also with Corv with the obvious Fire/Electric resist. Leaving me a free slot I just went with Iron Moth for a Barra block/Koko check + offensive utility but could potentially be replaced while Wake + Alakazam is a generic break down the RegenVest/Chansey/Blissey offensive combo. 2nd team acts somewhat similarly although this time is a bit more offensive with bait SpA Chomp to blow up GTusk and dissuade Gliscor/Corv from fogging (was originally Regen LO but I wanted Fini so...) Regieleki is weird honestly idk why it's here but it's extra removal + funny bait + speed control ig lol.
Fluffy Mandibuzz + EE Dengo Balance
Same defensive cores but I just came up with two offensive cores that were neat so I was lazy and decided to just copy and paste the defensive cores lol. Note, these teams struggle into Scrappy Terrakion super hard but to be fair I made these teams far earlier compared to the rest when Scrappy Terrakion was less of a thing. Basic theory was Intim Mandy can cover for Gholdengo's weaknesses (Zarude and CO) while Ghold can do the same for stuff like Terrakion. Swampert is a fairly good RegenVest on its own but can be commonly overwhelmed especially with more and more checks running random Grass coverage (see Arishem vs cat game) so WBB Ferrothorn works well as a Swampert complement to serve as a secondary check for these mons. Heliolisk + Surge Surfer Iron Hands is a cool combo as Heliolisk sets up terrain and lets Iron Hands come in on checks like Ferrothorn and Blissey to devour them. Speed control is sus though so it might be better to make Heliolisk Scarf. Manaphy is just a very fun and powerful breaker on its own and Meowscarada acts as seperate speed control and brings Manaphy in on Corv and stuff for Tail Glow breaking opportunities.
Specs Hydreigon + Scarf Wake Beatdown
While stacking two mons who seem to be stuffed by Tapu Fini seems like a bad idea in a meta where Regen Tapu Fini is relatively popular, that is exactly the point of the team, to stack and overwhelmed Fini and win. Hydreigon isn't actually that bad as a breaker, with its potent Dark/Dragon STAB that can be fairly spammable so I wanted a way to utilise it without getting owned by Fini. Inserting Toxic on Hydreigon, Knock Off on Walking Wake and Regen Ferro spamming hazards means Tapu Fini can easily get pressured into DPulse 2HKO range especially given most Tapu Fini aren't SpD invested. Regen Ferro + RegenVest Silvally Dragon is also a pretty cool combo, Ferro able to check annoying Wakes and also Tapu Lele with Chople Berry (as long as they dont FBlast on the switch). Mew + Mandibuzz is a new defensive combo that works ok, Water Absorb is just filler and could possibly be replaced with any ability really.
Desoland Ceruledge Balance
First two teams were derivations of each other while the last was an early team that I now realise is legal in SV AAA but it probably(?) still works so I'll kinda just put it here anyway. Ceruledge is the main breaker on these teams, for good reason, being an extraordinarily powerful breaker like in SV AAA with very few real defensive checks. Rest of the team is designed mainly just to support Ceruledge, with double removal or MSab on the first time. Scarf Wake is as here as speed control, emergency Banded Victini switch-in and also to help bring in Ceruledge for fun breaking opportunities. Regen Take Heart Manaphy was a concept I stole from G8 after seeing a Regen Sub CM Suicine that pairs well with Gliscor to check Barra and co.
Other Miscellaneous Balance
I realised I'm too lazy to keep seperating them so here's a bunch of the remaining balance teams I have around. The first team is kinda on crack and idk how I came up with this team but I think it began with "Iron Hands is cool, but I already did Surge Surfer". Team definitely has a sketch defensive core but you have a potent offensive core so just win faster I guess lol. Meowscarada, Hands and Terrak all serve to put pressure on common defensive walls, Terrak might be better to be Scrappy though but shrug. 2nd team is somewhat generic balance, Mew pairs well with Kommo-o who can Zarude for Mew and scout other phys breakers. Zarude is forced to be speed control here but pairs up well with Wake to threaten each others checks and create opportunities to break stuff. VA Corv + Manaphy core is pretty obvious while Corv gives me a secondary check to Meow in case it's like Play Rough to snipe Kommo-o. Third team is pretty generic and focused around Specs Azelf which can put up some pretty decent numbers and pressure checks with pivot and Knock, with Scarf Gapdos (could be SoR) as speed control and a funny Landorus to block Barra Flip and set rocks (could run Toxic/Edge to hit Zapdos).
VR Recommendations
Since Giyu wont listen to my constant comments in council chat about the VR I'll also post my thoughts on the current VR smh.
A+ -> B+ (or lower)
Ngl Buzzwole SUCKS. I can't fanthom how Buzzwole was ever banned in G8 but I suppose MBounce, Triage and PHeal were legal back then so that probably helped lol (also no Gholdengo). In any case, in NDAAA I've (and others it seems) rarely found use for Buzzwole due to being outclassed on offensive sets and being extraordinarily passive on defensive sets. CB Tinted is just outclassed by Gapdos/Terrakion/Slither Wing due to a myriad of reasons like having better speed (All of them), a better move pool (Slither Wing/Gapdos) and better STABs (Gapdos/Terrakion). Defensive sets just dont do anything and thus are extraordinarily exploitable with stuff like Fini/Ghold/Zapdos easily taking advantage of it. Not giving this thing even pivot or rocks is absolutely criminal and the only thing it can do is Toxic (and thus the only team I have it on is Corrosion) and BU is pathetic since it is stuck with its low speed and exploitable typing and SpD.
A -> B+ (or lower)
Both mons have failed to prove themselves in NDOTSL and I also have found very little usage for them. Pex while does get Scald and Knock back, is still very passive and hates the recovery nerf. Defensively it's not that useful anymore either given Victini has a powerful Bolt Strike to blow it up and it's easy enough to blow apart with the myriad of breakers. Really only useful for Prank Haze which is ok but a lot of teams prefer just big Choice mons and you can handle HO with regular speed control as well. Still could be useful but I would like to see any proof. AMuk is similar and has very little usage. It lacks useful resists apart from a Psychic immunity and isn't the bulkiest RegenVest either. The one interesting thing it can do is Pursuit but the main Ghost Gholdengo can sit on it and NP if you're not careful (and can just tank the Pursuit anyway lol) while Zoro-H can BSlam it as well if it's careless.
A+ -> A
Victini is still definitely a strong mon don't get me wrong but it feels very risky to actually use yourself. While it has an annoying amount of coverage to potentially troll checks with, it's always a gamble as Victini is a mon that everyone has on their mind and there are a plethora of soft checks as well (WBB Ferro, WBB Ghold, Regen Chomp, Primsea Zapdos, Regen Kommo-o, etc). Banded Desoland is extraordinarily strong but can also prove just as useless while it retains its slow speed and a rocks weakness that really want you to make sure it can do work when it's in. Thus I think it shouldn't be in such a high placement when there are more consistent and splashable progress makers with their own defensive utility and perks (Wake, Gapdos, Terrakion, etc).
UR -> B/B-
While the anchor certainly isn't the greatest mon, I don't think it should deserve the lowly UR placement (especially with some of the lower ranked mons we have that have seen zero usage, even up in A) STAB Poltergeist can be extremely strong and it has unique defensive utility + being one of the few spinners around allow it a niche imo.
B+ -> A-
Mon is pretty cool in a 2AC environment imo. Great Barra check and can also serve to check other annoying Fires, Zarude and Electrics + Ogerpon-C (assuming it's not troll coverage). It pairs well with other staples of the tier like Gliscor and Corv quite well while being quite a good hazard setter while offering other utility like Toxic to wear down the enemy. Worth the small promotion imo.
A -> A-
Another case of the no usage demotion I think is deserved. Has plenty of soft checks in Corviknight, Gliscor, Mew, Gholdengo, Ferrothorn and the more affordable Regen Kommo-o with 2AC. The speed is ok but not great and can fail to reach some OHKOs and die instead versus stuff like GTusk which is annoying asf. Still letting it stay relatively high because it has potential to troll stuff with coverage and do cool stuff with Spikes/Pivot but I'd keep it lower until someone does utilise it.
UR to A-/B+
These being completely unranked is pretty undeserved IMO. Heliolisk I've found to be one of the more consistent Hadron Engine abusers given it has U-turn so it can better use Choice sets and packs some neat coverage in Focus Blast which is pretty nice. Other abusers like Washtom/Thundy all have their own issues which gimp them more from being slower, to lacking a truly powerful Rising Voltage and SR weakness. Slither Wing doesn't appreciate GTusk/Gholdengo that much but it doesn't mean it's bad at all imo. Banded FImp is still a powerful priority move that makes it useful as speed control while the ability to spam pivot freely makes it still a decent offensive pivot that can partner with other threats it can help bring in. Definitely don't deserve UR at least. Empoleon is pretty cool as well, Bulletproof as a fairly solid Ghost/Lele check and Volt Absorb can help check another Hadron mons and Zapdos all the while checking Wake and also setting rocks, offering pivot and also Knock/Defog.
There's a few other mons I'm teetering on the edge about like promoting Wake/Gapdos, Cinderace is a bit sus as well, a lot of the lower ranked mons lack any usage at all (like Ursaluna, MScizor, etc) and many could be killed and also just like demoting all of S- and S one rank down (why are there so many S- mons) except like Gholdengo because I think that's the only true S tier mon rn.
Thoughts on Meta
Overall I still have enjoyed building around this tier's current state (as evidenced by my 30 teams). Certainly a lot of mons dominate the top perhaps to an unhealthy extent to make teambuilding boring and I have Corv/Gliscor on like 70% of my teams but I've still managed to play around and have fun with some neat ideas myself even if still adopting somewhat similar structures for a lot of these teams. I have heard some complaints about HO being too good though I don't see much evidence for that myself imo, many of the HO games in NDOTSL being fairly close or just being the result of poor luck, play or building. Though I will have to say strong speed control is necessary on most teams. There might be some extra stuff freed soon:tm: and the meta should find some fun new stuff from DLC2 so in case you do find the current state of the meta boring you can always advocate to free (or ban) stuff if you don't like them. Until the next NDAAA tour! (and back to spamming the matchmaking channel instead...)