Tournament Mystery Box Random Battles: Round 15 - Finals [WON BY PIYUSH25] [$300 Prize Pool]

Who wins?

  • Tarnish

  • PUsh

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tired dreaming
is a Tiering Contributor
hosted by Pave Low and sundays, approved by Rage

Welcome to our Mystery Box Random Battles Tournament!


[Gen 9] Partners in Crime Random Battle
[Gen 1] Random Battle
Force Of The Fallen [Gen 7] Random Battle (Pokémon pass the move in their last moveslot to their allies when they're KOed)
Code: /challenge gen7randombattle @@@ forceofthefallenmod
Bring 24 Pick 6 [Gen 9] Random Battle Mayhem
Code: /challenge gen9randombattlemayhem @@@ maxteamsize=24, pickedteamsize=6
2v2 [Gen 8] Random Doubles Battle
Code: /challenge maxteamsize=4, pickedteamsize=2, teampreview

Final Matchup!
Tanish vs Piyush25

Rules and instructions
  • Read and use the challenge codes for better understanding of the rules and to prevent mess-ups (if mentioned)​
  • Tournament Battles are to be played on either Pokemon Showdown or Smogtours.​
  • Follow all applicable Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, including but not limited to rules against ghosting, timer/disconnect clauses and activity calls.​
  • You must upload and post replays when claiming wins.
  • If Piyush25 wins this set, there will be another one as he came from the stinky Loser's Bracket.​
Deadline is whatever you weebs decide! Have fun robbing Pave Low!
Welcome to the Mystery Box Random Battles Finale!

Best of Three [Gen 8] CAP 1v1
Code: /challenge cap1v1
16v16 Protean Palace [Gen 9] Hackmons Cup Mayhem
Code: /challenge hackmonscup@@@mayhem, maxteamsize=16, teampreview, proteanpalacemod
[Gen 8] Random Battle
Best of Seven [Gen 9] Challenge Cup 2v2
Best of Three [Gen 9] Random Battle

Final Set!

Piyush25 vs Tanish

Rules and instructions
  • Read and use the challenge codes for better understanding of the rules and to prevent mess-ups (if mentioned)​
  • Tournament Battles are to be played on either Pokemon Showdown or Smogtours.​
  • Follow all applicable Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, including but not limited to rules against ghosting, timer/disconnect clauses and activity calls.​
  • You must upload and post replays when claiming wins.
Deadline is whatever you weebs decide! Have fun looting!
Congratulations Piyush25 and well played Tanish, really good run. You both played amazing throughout and the final set was definitely worth the watch. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Pave Low will distribute the prizes as soon as he gets off from his busy pre-christmas work schedule. Also huge thanks to Pave too for letting me host with him and being such a cool co, would definitely want to do this again someday! ggs
Congratulations Piyush25 and well played Tanish, really good run. You both played amazing throughout and the final set was definitely worth the watch. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Pave Low will distribute the prizes as soon as he gets off from his busy pre-christmas work schedule. Also huge thanks to Pave too for letting me host with him and being such a cool co, would definitely want to do this again someday! ggs
Big thanks to sundays for hosting along with me, been a massive help and carried this through when I've been super busy, can't have done it without him.

This is the first Mystery Box tour, there will be more coming, will take the best things from this one and hopefully refine the rest - feel free to dump any suggestions for future formatting!
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Congwratulwtios Piyush25 awnd wew pwayed Tanish, weally wood rwun. Ywou wboth wayed awmazing twhrougwhout and the fwinal wet was dewinitely wortwh thwe watch. Wanks to everywone whow parwticipatwed.
Pave Low wilw distriwbutwe the pwizes as woon aws he gwets offw fwrom his bwusy pwe-chwistmas worwk swedule. Awlso huwge thawnks to Pawwve twoo for wetting mew hwost witwh wim and beiwng suwch a cwool co, would defwinitwely wawwnt to dwo thwis agwain somewday! wws
Big thanks to sundays for hosting along with me, been a massive help and carried this through when I've been super busy, can't have done it without him.

This is the first Mystery Box tour, there will be more coming, will take the best things from this one and hopefully refine the rest - feel free to dump any suggestions for future formatting!
Mystery box tournament but the winner gives all the money to AmoghOp
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