hosted by Pave Low and sundays, approved by Rage
Welcome to our Mystery Box Random Battles Tournament!
Final Matchup!
Tanish vs Piyush25
Rules and instructions
[Gen 9] Partners in Crime Random Battle
[Gen 1] Random Battle
Force Of The Fallen [Gen 7] Random Battle (Pokémon pass the move in their last moveslot to their allies when they're KOed)
Code: /challenge gen7randombattle @@@ forceofthefallenmod
Code: /challenge gen7randombattle @@@ forceofthefallenmod
Bring 24 Pick 6 [Gen 9] Random Battle Mayhem
Code: /challenge gen9randombattlemayhem @@@ maxteamsize=24, pickedteamsize=6
Code: /challenge gen9randombattlemayhem @@@ maxteamsize=24, pickedteamsize=6
2v2 [Gen 8] Random Doubles Battle
Code: /challenge maxteamsize=4, pickedteamsize=2, teampreview
Code: /challenge maxteamsize=4, pickedteamsize=2, teampreview
Final Matchup!
Tanish vs Piyush25
Rules and instructions
- Read and use the challenge codes for better understanding of the rules and to prevent mess-ups (if mentioned)
- Tournament Battles are to be played on either Pokemon Showdown or Smogtours.
- Follow all applicable Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, including but not limited to rules against ghosting, timer/disconnect clauses and activity calls.
- You must upload and post replays when claiming wins.
- If Piyush25 wins this set, there will be another one as he came from the stinky Loser's Bracket.
Deadline is whatever you weebs decide! Have fun robbing Pave Low!