My First Team

This is my first team, and is the first that I've used on Shoddy. I have battled with it to test it, but only against the people on the bottom of the ladder. I also couldn't figure out how to put in images of the pokemon. My sets are mostly just the standard sets.

Lead: Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Rock Slide
Stealth Rock

This is the standard suicide lead. Taunt+Stealth Rock, then, if the foe doesn’t resist Earthquake and Rock Slide, try to hit them for as much damage as possible with these. I use Aerodactyl because it is really fast, and can almost always taunt the opponent first. The only threat to this is being Tricked onto a Choice Item, because then I have to switch out and then back in.

I used to use Weavile as a lead, with Fake Out to break Focus Sashes and then Dark Pulse for Azelfs and Taunt+Counter for everything else. However, this didn’t work very often. The one benefit was that because Weavile has a x4 weakness to fighting, the opponent would almost always switch in a fighting type like Lucario to try to kill it. This could be blocked nicely by switching in Gengar, but he would usually attack last and be killed by another of the foe’s moves.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Natural Cure
Aromatherapy (or Wish, Seismic Toss, or something else-I'm still not sure what to put in this slot)

This is the standard Special Wall. Toxic+Softboiled helps stall out special sweepers, and Flamethrower helps get rid of any steel-types that resist Toxic. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to stop special sweepers that would normally decimate my team. The only thing that can get past it is Heatran, because it resists Toxic, and unlike most steel-types, is not weak to Flamethrower.

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Heat Wave
HP Grass

This is my counter for Water, Grass, and Steel types.. Thunderbolt stops water types like Gyarados, and Heat Wave stops Grass types and any Steel types that get past Blissey.

Swampert @ Leftovers
Sleep Talk

This is mainly a counter for Heatran and Jirachi, as well as any other fire or steel types that Blissey can’t hit with Flamethrower and Toxic. Earthquake gets rid of Jirachi and Heatran easily, and Avalanche is for any Dragon, Ground, or Flying types (like Salamence) that I encounter. Rest+Sleep Talk can heal Swampert while still damaging the opponent, although Blissey can always switch in and use Aromatherapy.

Salamence @ Life Orb
Brick Break
Draco Meteor

This isn’t directly one of the sets for Salamence, but is more of a combination of them. Draco Meteor takes care of most unsuspecting physical walls, and Earthquake tries to KO most everything else. I rarely have a reason to use Brick Break, so I am thinking of switching this to something else. Roost heals Life Orb and residual damage. His main weakness is the low type coverage. Should I swap out Brick Break for something else? I was thinking of either another attacking move. Dragon Dance would also work, but would leave me with only 1 physical attacking move.

Scizor @ Leftovers
Brick Break
Bullet Punch
Swords Dance

This is the standard Scizor Physical Sweeper. Swords Dance to set up, then Roost if he has taken any residual damage. If I can, I use Swords Dance multiple times. Bullet Punch then kills almost everything. If something resists it, then Brick Break usually can kill it. However, my speed is slow enough that I rarely have a chance to use this (as it would go last, meaning that I could be killed, whereas Bullet Punch always goes first).

As I said before, I'm not experienced enough to be able to predict the moveset of a foe, so it would be nice to have a strategy that does not depend on that.

One question about the game mechanics: Do stat boosts/reductions remain on a pokemon for the entire match, or just until they switch out?

Thanks in advance for all of your advice!
Hi, welcome to Pokemon. To answer your game mechanics question first, stat boosts, like Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, etc, remain in effect only until you switch. So it you have swords danced 3 times with Scizor and you switch(I can't imagine why though...), you will lose all those attack boosts.
Ok, on with the team. Your lead unfortunately loses out to a lot of the other common leads such as Machamp(who can punch you and make you confused), Metagross(who also punches you, then shoots you with bullet punches), Jirachi(who can make you buy its scarf or just iron head to bring you down to sash), and Swampert(who can Ice beam/surf and doesn't take damage at all from EQ or Rock Slide).
The rest of your team doesn't look too bad, though sticking to the standards makes it easy for your opponents to predict your moves. Outside of Zapdos however, it seems that you cannot seriously harm Skarmory, who can wall/spike/phase most of your team, in that order. Thus, I would recommend replacing one of the moves on Salamence with Fire Blast (probably your Brick Break).

That's all I can think of for now! :D
Good luck with the team!