My First Bulky Offensive Team.

--My First "Rate My Team"--
Hello. I'm not entirely new to Competitive Battling. However, The last time I played, I believe it was either during the late Diamond/Pearl era, or the early Platinum era. But, coming back to it, the Metagame has obviously changed. It's almost like starting all over again for me. I've started to use this team. However, I know it could be much better. So, I've had mixed results using this team.

I win some battles, I lose some battles. So, please offer suggestions so that I might make this team better.

---{My Team: SwamTogeZapNiteGrossCune}---

This team does not have any special movesets, or Pokemon. It's a typical Bulky Offensive team. I don't have a plan for this team. I attempt to lay down my entry hazards, and then try and adapt to the situation, and hopefully come out on top. I find that this team does well against in-experienced players, but not players who are skilled. So, I figured I'd post this RMT to get some help. I would not mind completely dropping this team, and developing a new, better team, hopefilly with some help. Whatever. Without further ado, I'll introduce the team members.

Swampert @ Leftovers


Ability: Torrent
EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Nature: Relaxed
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Beam

--{Swampert is my lead Pokemon. I will attempt to use Stealth Rock, but if I suspect that the opposing lead is going to Taunt me, I will either switch if I have the advantage over that Pokemon, or just attack. I use Protect to block Fake Out. He doesn't get up Stealth Rock as much as I'd like for him to, and once he's done with his lead duties, he's not good for much else other than just dying, or switching into another Pokemon.}--

Zapdos @ Leftovers


Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 Hp / 228 Def / 32 Spe
Nature: Bold
-Heat Wave
-Hidden Power (Ice)

--{This is Zapdos. It is my way of countering Forretress, Gyarados, and Scizor. He also poses a threat to Lucario who lack Ice Punch. He doesn't contribute much unless I need him to take out any of the above Pokemon. Otherwise, I will use him to try and wall physical attackers and/or deal super effective damage to my opponents. Overall, he is fairly good at blocking those Pokemon, but beyond that he isn't much more help.}--

Dragonite @ Leftovers


Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Hp / 52 Atk / 204 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw

--{This is Dragonite. I use him as a bulky Dragon Dancer, and I'm happy with him. He's saved me a few times, and more often than not, he doesn't let me down, and can KO at least one Pokemon on the opponent's team, or, sometimes getting a Dragon Dance or two and powering through the team of my enemy. He's an asset to my team, and is the Pokemon least likely to be removed from it, at least for now.}--

Metagross @ Life Orb


Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 112 Hp / 252 Atk / 132 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-Meteor Mash
-Ice Punch

--{Agiligross. Honestly, I'm not a fan of him on this team. Maybe because I send him in at the wrong time, but he has a bad habit of getting creamed, sometimes before he can even get an Agility. Other times, he is crippled by statuses, or gets crippled with a Trick. Only every once in a while does he prove useful. Perhaps changing to the Choice Band version of this Pokemon would help, but I don't know for sure.}--

Suicune @ Leftovers


Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Def
Nature: Bold
-Calm Mind
-Sleep Talk

--{Overall, I enjoy using Suicune. A few people have forfeited because of Suicune's antics. It's always fun to just Calm Mind over and over, and Surf on my opponents, and absorb status and heal with Rest, while continuing to threaten my enemy. I switch Suicune in on various Fire Types, and some Physical attackers.}--

Togekiss @ Leftovers


Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Sp. Def / 4 Def
Nature: Calm

-Thunder Wave
-Air Slash
-Aura Sphere

--{Another Pokemon that I am a fan of. Togekiss helps me eliminate troublesome Pokemon by hitting them with Thunder Wave, and just Air Slashing them, flinching them until they finally die. He is also somewhat of a special wall, but he's weak to Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, so that isn't that great. But, he's still pretty helpful to me.}--


And that is the end of my team. Like I said, this team doesn't really have a plan to act on. I guess it's sort of "hit or miss". Either I get a good match up, and I'm playing good, or I've got a bad match up, and I'm not playing so well, or I get bad luck. Anyway, I'm not going to use this team forever, and eventually, I'm going to need to build a new team. I'm waiting for the Apprentice program to be open so I can get some help, but until then, I'll have to make the best of what experience I already have.

Thank you for the input, bye!

rotom can give this team a huge problem so I suggest running tyranitar Togekiss or Dragonite. The team would also appreciate wish support so wish on togekiss would seem like a good idea.

Sorry for the quick rate I'll rate more later.