Muse [Looking for 24 Monsters for 'Dex]

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VileTung's Shiny Luxury Ball Latias
Timid 29/02/29/29/31/31
EV trained : 6 HP / 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed

To the people who got these Lati@s (that would be Sidfrid), I believe they are legitimate, because I've talked to VileTung via msn and he knows a lot about RNG abuse; he's published articles about it, but if you don't believe in VileTung you may post here for a refund. Poor VileTung, I didn't realize he was blacklisted. Thanks to Hozu for ponting it out.

Is okey, I uploaded it to pokecheck and din't see anything suspicious. And as I told you I really like this Latias, I won't trade it but I'm not going to ask for a refund.
Is okey, I uploaded it to pokecheck and din't see anything suspicious. And as I told you I really like this Latias, I won't trade it but I'm not going to ask for a refund.

That's cool. I don't think it's hacked and the fact it looks good on Pokecheck re-confirms that thought, but since he's blacklisted it had to be removed.

Anyways, Updating with three new monsters:


Albus's Shiny Umbreon
Careful 31/31/31/X/31/31
-Heal Bell
EV trained: 252 HP / 252 Special Defense / 6 Defense


Albus's Shiny Skarmory
Impish -Sturdy 31/31/31/X/31/31
-Brave Bird
EV trained: 224 HP / 252 Defense / 32 Special Defense


Albus's Tyranitar
Sassy 31/31/31/31/31/31
-Stealth Rocks
EV trained: 252 HP / 252 Special Defense / 6 Attack
Wow, smogon wifi is dead. No one trades anymore now that everyone can get everything themselves. I updated the wants list if anyone wants my resets...
Sorry buddy you'll have to wait until I get a new AR.

Hey Pokéguy! Just butting in to say hi to my fellow smogoners from back in the day. :) Sup?

Nothing much, just going to college to get my high school diploma, my grades so far are:

Biology 11 B
Biology 12 B+
Chemistry 11 C+
English 12 A-
Law 12 A-
Math 10 A
Personal Planning 12 A+

and next september I'm going for Physics 11 and Math 11 and then I'll probably become an electrician. What about you? What do you do for work / school?
You're doing well, I see. :P

I'm doing college. Studying biochemistry so I'll become a researcher. One year left before I'll be thrown in the working class and I'm doing pretty well. ;)

Recently started breeding and SRing for stuff in Emerald again, just because I felt like it. It feels good to be back (eventhough I don't trade). Actually bought a Colosseum bonus disc a few days ago, can't wait to SR for Jirachi lol.

Cool to see everyone returning to Smogon for a second round anyway. Once you go Pokémon, you can't go back...
want to battle


Hozu's Heal Ball Victini
Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31
-EV trained: 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP


ooh shiny's Shiny Dusk Ball Hydreigon
Modest 31/X/31/31/31/31
EV trained: 6 HP / 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed


ooh shiny's Shiny Terrakion
Jolly 31/31/31/X/31/31
EV trained: 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed[/quote]
Shiny Absol in a Dusk Ball Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31 - Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Superpower, Snatch Ev trained 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP - Ausgirl

This is ready to be picked up. I have a super luck absol with 31|31|31|1|31|31 IVs in a dusk ball. It's been fully ev-trained using pokerus which I found in my own game. Let me know if you are happy with this.
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Updating with Ausgirl's Shiny Dusk Ball MEGA ABSOL! Get yours today!


Ausgirl's Shiny Dusk Ball Mega Absol
Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31
EV trained: 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
Hi Pokeguy I can take these breeding projects for you if you don't mind waiting a few days? I will post the Pokemon I am interested in at the bottom for doing these for you.

Mawile Jolly Sheer Force 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Ice Punch, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance Ev trained 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP - Open

^Its not specified but do you mind this shiny? I planned on doing this shiny but can care less if its shiny or not.

Not Shiny Crobat Jolly Infiltrator 31/31/31/X/31/31 Brave Bird, U-turn, Cross Poison, Sleep Talk - Open

Not Shiny Honchcrow Jolly Moxie 31/31/31/X/31/31 Brave Bird, Pursuit, Night Slash, Superpower - Open

Roserade Calm 31/X/31/31/31/31 - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Giga Drain, Rest 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed - Open

Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense - Open

I know you aren't keen on trading that Zapdos but I have done many trades back when the forum was busy and before I went on hiatus, I am also willing to do 2 of the projects for this or you can just CMT for it instead, Excuse the mess since I haven't finished fixing my format.
OmegaDonut's Event Arceus
Adamant 31/31/31/31/31/31
-Roar of Time
-Spacial Rend
-Shadow Force
EV trained: 88 HP / 252 Attack / 168 Speed

DizzyBanana21x's Calm Premier Ball Deoxys
-Hidden Power Fire 70
-Warp Code to Birth Island used
-EV trained: 252 HP / 6 Defense / 252 Special Defense
ooh_shiny's Celebi
Timid 31/X/31/30/31/30
-Hidden Power Fire 70
-Earth Power
-Nasty Plot
-Giga Drain
-EV trained: 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP

30/23/15/31 Extra Sensory, Baton Pass, Metal Sound and Heat Wave tutor. Hidden Power Ice [68] Master Ball [This is PokemonBattleBrain's Zapdos and is NOT redistributable. Chances are I wont trade this to you, because it wasn't reset by me and he didn't want me trading too many of these around. Only respected members of smogon have a shot at this]
Hi Pokeguy I can take these breeding projects for you if you don't mind waiting a few days? I will post the Pokemon I am interested in at the bottom for doing these for you.

Mawile Jolly Sheer Force 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Ice Punch, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance Ev trained 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP - Open

^Its not specified but do you mind this shiny? I planned on doing this shiny but can care less if its shiny or not.

Not Shiny Crobat Jolly Infiltrator 31/31/31/X/31/31 Brave Bird, U-turn, Cross Poison, Sleep Talk - Open

Not Shiny Honchcrow Jolly Moxie 31/31/31/X/31/31 Brave Bird, Pursuit, Night Slash, Superpower - Open

Roserade Calm 31/X/31/31/31/31 - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Giga Drain, Rest 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed - Open

Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense - Open
I know you aren't keen on trading that Zapdos but I have done many trades back when the forum was busy and before I went on hiatus, I am also willing to do 2 of the projects for this or you can just CMT for it instead, Excuse the mess since I haven't finished fixing my format.
OmegaDonut's Event Arceus
Adamant 31/31/31/31/31/31
-Roar of Time
-Spacial Rend
-Shadow Force
EV trained: 88 HP / 252 Attack / 168 Speed
DizzyBanana21x's Calm Premier Ball Deoxys
-Hidden Power Fire 70
-Warp Code to Birth Island used
-EV trained: 252 HP / 6 Defense / 252 Special Defense
ooh_shiny's Celebi
Timid 31/X/31/30/31/30
-Hidden Power Fire 70
-Earth Power
-Nasty Plot
-Giga Drain
-EV trained: 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP

30/23/15/31 Extra Sensory, Baton Pass, Metal Sound and Heat Wave tutor. Hidden Power Ice [68] Master Ball [This is PokemonBattleBrain's Zapdos and is NOT redistributable. Chances are I wont trade this to you, because it wasn't reset by me and he didn't want me trading too many of these around. Only respected members of smogon have a shot at this]

Man it would be sweet if you bred all those monsters. I looked through your thread though and I'd like semi-redis rights to these six please:

31/2/31/30/31/31 Hidden Power Grass 70 Charizard 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Hidden Power Grass, Fire Blast, Shiny Blastoise Bold 31/30/31/30/31/31 Hidden Power Grass 70 Foresight - Mirror Coat - Scald - Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Attack, Shiny Dusk Ball Machamp 31/31/31/17/31/31 - Sleep Talk - Fire Punch - Thunder Punch - Ice Punch 252 Attack / 252 HP / 6 Special Defense, Ampharos Modest 30/18/31/30/31/31 Hidden Power Grass 70 - Thunderbolt - Heal Bell - Sleep Talk, 252 Speed / 252 Special Attack / 6 HP Premier Ball Timid Latias 31 | 31 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 30 Hidden Power Fire 70, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Surf 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP Calm Shiny Roserade 31/2/31/30/31/30 Hidden Power Fire 70- Spikes - Giga Drain - Toxic Spikes - Rest; 252 HP / 252 Special Defense / 6 Defense

So take another look through my thread and let me know if you want even more monsters. I'll give you what ever you want now and some credits to this thread and then if you see anything you want in the future, you can just snatch it up. I'll be collecting the coolest monsters through the generations and will probably be playing this game until I die (I'm only 24; healthy too). You should breed that Mawile for sure though! Shiny Mawile is fine with me!
Your going to have to let me think about the semi-redis thing on the 6 mons you want, I normally don't want my Pokemon redistributable by any means unless maybe I can exchange rights since it doesn't stop anybody from uploading them to Pokecheck and put them out to the public which kinda I don't want (Personal thing). The Pokemon I breed for you will definitely be semi-redis for you though. I am 20 and just like you, I likely won't ever stop playing either haha, this game just gets to damn addicting sometimes.

I got a list of 10 different Shiftry and 8 Different Victreebel sets for some sun team fun I am in the process of RNG abusing on 4th Gen, I can hopefully start your breeding projects on Monday if I am done with these mons. But gaining credits sounds good especially with 6th Gen coming out. How many credits each do you charge on those breeding projects?

I will trade those 6 Mons you wanted for these six

XD Bold HP Grass Zapdos
XD Timid Lugia UT version (Can you teach it roost?)
Luxpluffs shiny Snorlax
Timid HP Fire Celebi
Calm HP Fire Deoxys
OmegaDonut's Arceus

Your going to have to let me think about the semi-redis thing on the 6 mons you want, I normally don't want my Pokemon redistributable by any means unless maybe I can exchange rights since it doesn't stop anybody from uploading them to Pokecheck and put them out to the public which kinda I don't want (Personal thing). The Pokemon I breed for you will definitely be semi-redis for you though. I am 20 and just like you, I likely won't ever stop playing either haha, this game just gets to damn addicting sometimes.

I got a list of 10 different Shiftry and 8 Different Victreebel sets for some sun team fun I am in the process of RNG abusing on 4th Gen, I can hopefully start your breeding projects on Monday if I am done with these mons. But gaining credits sounds good especially with 6th Gen coming out. How many credits each do you charge on those breeding projects?

I will trade those 6 Mons you wanted for these six

XD Bold HP Grass Zapdos
XD Timid Lugia UT version (Can you teach it roost?)
Luxpluffs shiny Snorlax
Timid HP Fire Celebi
Calm HP Fire Deoxys
OmegaDonut's Arceus


Okay, so let me try and work this out; in your first post, you offered me 5 breeding projects with semi-redis rights for Arceus, Celebi, Deoxys and HP Ice XD Zapdos; then I post offering to take some monsters you've already bred as breeding projects but you decline offering to simply trade me a copy of them, but then in that same post you say anything you breed for me will be semi-redis. So basically I can do a four for five trade and get redis rights to five pokemon or I can do six for six trade and get no trade rights. Not only does logic dictate that I go for the first deal, but some of the monsters I requested in my last post, I already have; I just know, for example, all of my in real life friends are going to want a Shiny Black Mega Charizard and Charizard is getting a Special Attack boost in sixth gen, so I have to invest in monsters I can trade around. So as for your deal, I'm going to have to decline, as I have Charizard, Machamp and Latias already, and I just noticed Roserade needs Speed EVs so I do need a re-breed on that one anyways and I noticed when I was updating the wants list that Shiny Mew2 has a pending trade with me for Blastoise so scratch that off the list so that just leaves Ampharos and it's missing a HP IV so I'm not overly in need of that one. Plus Ampharos is kind of meh; he got the dragon type just in time for it to be nerfed by fairy type and you only get one mega evolution per battle, so I don't think I'll be using it much anyways.

So that being said, let's go with your original deal; I really want a Crobat since Poison is SE against fairy type in the next generation, so I've added you to the Mawile and Crobat projects; it will be those two and semi-redis rights to them for Zapdos, if you're still okay with that. But can I please get Intimidate on Mawile instead of Sheer Force? According to what I've seen on youtube, you just pick a move and mega evolve at the same time, so Mawile will come out, lower attack with intimidate, mega evolve and then use it's move which will be boosted by Huge Power, making sheer force a shittier choice than intimidate. Also, since Mawile is getting an attack boost with huge power and it's mega evolution gives it Defense and Special Defense, but not speed, I'm going to go with an Adamant nature, with Max HP instead of speed, since it's un-boosted base 50 speed is going to be out sped by everything in OU (which is where it will be in sixth gen) so we no longer need to worry about torterra and/or golem. Let me know what you think.
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No my point was that I don't give out trading rights to any of my Pokemon besides Pokemon I breed as breeding projects for people. If I doing a project for somebody then they will get trading rights to that said Pokemon and only them.

Also to point out the missing IVs you mentioned on my Pokemon, That calm Roserade of mine has HP Fire so that is why it has 1 less Spe & SpA IV and the Ampharos was caught on Heartgold with a special ball and that is best wild modest HP Grass spread I found with the right encounter slot to nab it, And 1 HP IV missing on it really shouldn't be an issue with the good bulk it already has.

I will stick to the regular deal for the breeding projects and do that Mawile for you though since I will still be breeding for the Sheer Force one for myself anyway.

Do you want the Mawile shiny?
Hi :) CMT for these please :)

31/31/31/22/31/31 -Dragon Dance, Outrage, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch I bred this Charizard a couple years ago when Shiny abuse just came out; before IV abuse; I reset this egg to flawlessness back when I had a computer new enough to run the RNG reporter. Comes named "CHARIZARD". Comes Ev trained 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed, level 100, on Black version only.

OmegaDonut's Shiny Dusk Ball Mewtwo (ミュウツー)
Timid 30/11/31/30/31/31
EV trained: 6 HP / 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed

ooh shiny's Shiny Lucario
Adamant -Inner Focus 31/31/31/X/31/31
-High Jump Kick
-Bullet Punch
EV trained: 6 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
No my point was that I don't give out trading rights to any of my Pokemon besides Pokemon I breed as breeding projects for people. If I doing a project for somebody then they will get trading rights to that said Pokemon and only them.

Also to point out the missing IVs you mentioned on my Pokemon, That calm Roserade of mine has HP Fire so that is why it has 1 less Spe & SpA IV and the Ampharos was caught on Heartgold with a special ball and that is best wild modest HP Grass spread I found with the right encounter slot to nab it, And 1 HP IV missing on it really shouldn't be an issue with the good bulk it already has.

I will stick to the regular deal for the breeding projects and do that Mawile for you though since I will still be breeding for the Sheer Force one for myself anyway.

Do you want the Mawile shiny?

The pokemon I requested though weren't bred for anyone though. So couldn't you just say Charizard was a breeding project for me and give me and only me semi-redis of it? Or would that break some arbitrary rule? Also yeah, I guess Ampharos isn't too bad. Also, you should really get intimidate on your future mawile breeds because of the mega evolution to pure power; it wont even use sheer force because it mega evolves on the first turn. Lastly, sure, make Mawile Shiny. Let me know when you have Crobat and Mawile.

go-pokemon; sorry didn't see anything from my wants list.
The pokemon I requested though weren't bred for anyone though. So couldn't you just say Charizard was a breeding project for me and give me and only me semi-redis of it? Or would that break some arbitrary rule? Also yeah, I guess Ampharos isn't too bad. Also, you should really get intimidate on your future mawile breeds because of the mega evolution to pure power; it wont even use sheer force because it mega evolves on the first turn. Lastly, sure, make Mawile Shiny. Let me know when you have Crobat and Mawile.

go-pokemon; sorry didn't see anything from my wants list.

I actually bred Charizard almost a year ago when I first quit trading but lemme think about it, I see your keen on my Zard :)

And Mawile will be used for 5th Gen battles since I most likely not battle or breed on 6th Gen until/if the RNG is cracked. It will probably take a while for the researchers to figure it out since its a new game and all.

I just got promoted to assistant manager at my job so I am quite busy and have weekends off. I should have your Pokemon done by Sunday at the latest. I see we live in the same time zone in Canada so I am sure we can find a time sometime on Sunday to complete the trade. Let me know if Sunday afternoon would be a good time to complete our trade.
I actually bred Charizard almost a year ago when I first quit trading but lemme think about it, I see your keen on my Zard :)

And Mawile will be used for 5th Gen battles since I most likely not battle or breed on 6th Gen until/if the RNG is cracked. It will probably take a while for the researchers to figure it out since its a new game and all.

I just got promoted to assistant manager at my job so I am quite busy and have weekends off. I should have your Pokemon done by Sunday at the latest. I see we live in the same time zone in Canada so I am sure we can find a time sometime on Sunday to complete the trade. Let me know if Sunday afternoon would be a good time to complete our trade.

Sorry I got slammed with a bunch of Math and Physics homework, but I just bought a brand new Action Replay with the clone code, so let me know when you want to trade.

EDIT: Also did everyone see Mega Charizard X? Dragon Fire type with Tough Claws and increased Attack. That's so sweet, my old charizard is going to evolve into a monster worth battling with.
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