Muse [Looking for 24 Monsters for 'Dex]

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I'm sorry that I wasn't available. It was time for me to go to bed. Hopefully will be able to trade tonight depending on our schedule. If not, should we try the weekend?

Thanks for the trade. Updating your Snorunt in this post. :P
Hello, i just saw your list but i am not sure to understand, you can clone some pokemons you are offreing to trade right, but in return you want us to give you something you dont have yet, right ?

Yeah for the most part. Catch me on the correct moment and you might get a free Rayquaza though.

thanks for the trade

see you soon :)

Yes, thanks for the monsters, see you next time.

Reminder to myself, I still need to hatch these eggs:
Egg info: Dream Ball - Roselia (♀) - Timid - Leaf Guard - - HP Fire - Moves: Sleep Powder, Spikes, Giga drain, Leaf Storm - [1648] for Sondero
Igglybuff (f) - Bold - Competitive - - Dark - [1795] for BlackoutSLM

Also, updating with these:

[15] Shiny Beedrill
OT: Pokéguy (63932) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Swarm
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
Tradeable Stock :
: 1
Notes: Vadaam bred this matching my Shiny Value on Alpha Sapphire and said I could trade it.


[361] Shiny Snorunt/Shiny Mega Glalie / Shiny Froslass
OT: Cameron (60492) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Naive - Ability: Inner Focus
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Tradeable Stock :
: 1
Note: Bred by Diabolico, SV hatched, and traded with trading rights to me. Functions as a Focus Sash Froslass or a Mega Glalie.


[642] Thundurus
OT: Michael (27797) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Prankster
IVs: 31/00/30/31/31/31
Hidden Power Ice
Tradeable Stock :
: 1
Notes: The re-distributable Thundurus that completely replaced the one I reset. Traded to me by -Matteo- who told me Kamikaze17 was the original trainer that reset it.
Pokeguy has Full Redistribution rights on the Roselia that I bred, which he TSV hatched

Egg: Dream Ball - Roselia (♀) - Timid - Leaf Guard - - HP Fire - Moves: Sleep Powder, Spikes, Giga drain, Leaf Storm - [1648] (ATK mark, to keep track)
Pokeguy has Full Redistribution rights on the Roselia that I bred, which he TSV hatched

Thank you for everything! Updating with your Roselia now.


[407] Shiny Roserade
OT: Pokéguy (11246) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Leaf Guard
IVs: 31/22/31/30/31/30
Egg Moves: Sleep Powder, Leaf Storm, Spikes, Giga Drain, Hidden Power Fire
Tradeable Stock
: 1
Notes: This is Sondero's Shiny Roselia, which was hatched shiny on my Y File. I was told I could trade it. Nicknameable.
I did not soft reset it my self I recieved it in a trade it is the recent Pokemon 20 event and I believe it might have been cloned at some point
Did you reset it yourself from the newest event? Does it have one of these?:
? If so, you can check the front page of this thread for it.
Hi Pokéguy! As my own SR for an impish Landorus more or less failed, I'd like to trade with you for the following one:

[645] Landorus
OT: Seth (01718) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Impish - Ability: Sand Force
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31


[151] Shiny Mew ミュウ
OT: Legit (40485) (Lv. 30)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/14/31/31/31/31
Tutor Moves : Stealth Rock, Defog, Giga Drain, Earth Power
This is Thomaz's Mew.

I can offer you:

#645 - Name Landorus Game: AS | OT: Cloé
Ability: Intimidiate | Nature: Jolly
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 31 | Def 30 | SpA 27 | SpD 30 | Spe 31
Moves: Swords Dance | Rock Slide | Earthpower | Extrasensory
Landorus Level 50 UT ♂ | I cought this (in a Diveball, I wanted it to be in this) when I was SRing for an impish one but had no sync luck.
It doesn't miss a single point in the defenses at Level 50 although there are only 30IVs.

#145 - Name: Zapdos Game: AS | OT: Aldora (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Static | Nature: Timid
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 23 | Def 31 | SpA 31 | SpD 31 | Spe 30 -> HP Ice
Moves: Discharge | Thunder Shock | Rain Dance | Agility
Zapdos Level 70 UT | Redis Rights
There are not many HA Zapdos around here yet. I SRd for this endlessly but finally I got a nice one. I have a proof video too. :)

#385 - Name Jirachi Game: AS | OT: GF (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Seren. Grace | Nature: Jolly
IVs: HP 30 | Atk 31 | Def 31 | SpA 11 | SpD 31 | Spe 31
Moves: Wish | Confusion | Rest |
Level 100 UT |
I saw you are looking for this one and I SRd it this week. :)

More: Jirachi calm (31/28/31/31/31/31) & Hoopa timid (30/05/27/31/31/31 HP Ice).
I SRd these guys in this week too, but hesitated to offer them to you as I'm not really convinced of them.
All these Mons above were SRd by me in the last 2 weeks, not older. (I'd give them all for the Mew.)

I noticed you already have a jolly Lando but I also noticed yours lacks of some IV in it's SpD. To be fair I'd like to mention I already tried my Luck for Mew in Thomaz and Skymins trade threads, but with no success. Let me know what you think about this.
Best greetings to you, nice trade thread btw! :)
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Hi Pokéguy! As my own SR for an impish Landorus more or less failed, I'd like to trade with you for the following one:

[645] Landorus
OT: Seth (01718) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Impish - Ability: Sand Force
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31


[151] Shiny Mew ミュウ
OT: Legit (40485) (Lv. 30)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/14/31/31/31/31
Tutor Moves : Stealth Rock, Defog, Giga Drain, Earth Power
This is Thomaz's Mew.

I can offer you:

#645 - Name Landorus Game: AS | OT: Cloé
Ability: Intimidiate | Nature: Jolly
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 31 | Def 30 | SpA 27 | SpD 30 | Spe 31
Moves: Swords Dance | Rock Slide | Earthpower | Extrasensory
Landorus Level 50 UT ♂ | I cought this (in a Diveball, I wanted it to be in this) when I was SRing for an impish one but had no sync luck.
It doesn't miss a single point in the defenses at Level 50 although there are only 30IVs.

#145 - Name: Zapdos Game: AS | OT: Aldora (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Static | Nature: Timid
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 23 | Def 31 | SpA 31 | SpD 31 | Spe 30 -> HP Ice
Moves: Discharge | Thunder Shock | Rain Dance | Agility
Zapdos Level 70 UT | Redis Rights
There are not many HA Zapdos around here yet. I SRd for this endlessly but finally I got a nice one. I have a proof video too. :)

#385 - Name Jirachi Game: AS | OT: GF (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Seren. Grace | Nature: Jolly
IVs: HP 30 | Atk 31 | Def 31 | SpA 11 | SpD 31 | Spe 31
Moves: Wish | Confusion | Rest |
Level 100 UT |
I saw you are looking for this one and I SRd it this week. :)

More: Jirachi calm (31/28/31/31/31/31) & Hoopa timid (30/05/27/31/31/31 HP Ice).
I SRd these guys in this week too, but hesitated to offer them to you as I'm not really convinced of them.
All these Mons above were SRd by me in the last 2 weeks, not older. (I'd give them all for the Mew.)

I noticed you already have a jolly Lando but I also noticed yours lacks of some IV in it's SpD. To be fair I'd like to mention I already tried my Luck for Mew in Thomaz and Skymins trade threads, but with no success. Let me know what you think about this.
Best greetings to you, nice trade thread btw! :)

Hi, thanks for posting. I checked my clones, and I can give you Impish Landorus (Non-redis), Timid Mew (JPN name or M e w; Non-Redis) and my Rayquaza 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly (Full Redistribution [on just this rayquaza] A bonus to help you in further trades!), for your Timid HP Ice Zapdos, Jolly Jirachi and Calm Jirachi.

Your Zapdos is also labeled with "Redis Rights". Does this mean it's fully re-distributable or just re-distributable by those you trade it to? I was hoping I could get rights to the Zapdos and the two Jirachi. Let me know if I can.
Hi, thanks for posting. I checked my clones, and I can give you Impish Landorus (Non-redis), Timid Mew (JPN name or M e w; Non-Redis) and my Rayquaza 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly (Full Redistribution [on just this rayquaza] A bonus to help you in further trades!), for your Timid HP Ice Zapdos, Jolly Jirachi and Calm Jirachi.

Your Zapdos is also labeled with "Redis Rights". Does this mean it's fully re-distributable or just re-distributable by those you trade it to? I was hoping I could get rights to the Zapdos and the two Jirachi. Let me know if I can.
Thanks for your reply. Sounds great, I also like the bonus! ;)
I'd have to get clones of them (there are no clones yet) first. I cannot clone for my bad, so I probably won't be able to give them to you before monday.
Could you nickname the Mew "Mew" please?
Feel free to trade Zapdos with whoever you want to. Also with the other 2 (Jirachi). My Jirachi are non-shiny from the current 20years GF Event, I just saw you are looking for a shiny jolly Jirachi. Did you see that? :)

Edit(04/11/2016): I already have clones of the two Jirachi and am waiting now for my good friend to give me my Zapdos clone (and the original one back). :)
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Thanks for your reply. Sounds great, I also like the bonus! ;)
I'd have to get clones of them (there are no clones yet) first. I cannot clone for my bad, so I probably won't be able to give them to you before monday.
Could you nickname the Mew "Mew" please?
Feel free to trade Zapdos with whoever you want to. Also with the other 2 (Jirachi). My Jirachi are non-shiny from the current 20years GF Event, I just saw you are looking for a shiny jolly Jirachi. Did you see that? :)
Yeah, I noticed they have the "GF" OT. I recently downloaded Celebi and Jirachi to my six games (one doesn't have the 'dex yet so no Shiny Value for that one yet smogon; it's an Alpha Sapphire I picked up to reset Thundurus before I got that one from -Matteo- that will probably never be for anything more than events) and since I have every legend I need except for these new events, I figure I'd trade for your three events, so that when I reset Jirachi, I can just toss all 340 HP or less HP ones, since I'll already have the Jolly one and a special one doesn't have Hidden Power Fire without 341 HP. So by doing this trade, I'm saving time on each reset of Jirachi that would be spent looking at the flawed HP ones, looking for a decent Jolly. Also, because Zapdos never came to Canada (tried to trade for a code and it didn't work), I think it's kind of valuable to my friends and I here in Canada. I have a friend who resets with me too, so having your Calm one, I can just trade it to him and tell him to auto toss any Calm he finds unless they have 235s in Special Attack and Speed. Not a fan of defensive Jirachi very much so that will probably be the only one in the thread; this way we can just check 341 HP Jirachi and if he finds flawless Adamant/Jolly/Timid/Modest, he can keep and if it has HP Fire all the better.

Also, as for Rayquaza, when ORAS first came out, I decided I wanted all the legends on my game, either left there to reset later or reset to near flawless. So when the game progressed and I needed to complete the Delta Episode to progress to the other legends I wanted to reset (namely the legendary dogs), I didn't want to leave Rayquaza behind as a flawed legend and so I spent way too much time resetting this one. Then on the second play through, I just caught one and moved on. When I finished I looked back on it and thought, wow, everyone on smogon will probably reset Rayquaza because of the way the game was set up to force you to encounter it. So I made it re-distributable so we could diversify the community's legendary resetting pool.

I can wait as long as it takes for you to get clones. I have moved your three choices to the bottom right corner of Box 31, including the Mew, named "M e w". I'm okay with non-shiny Jirachi because they will give me peace of mind while resetting. Post here when you have clones made. Is it okay to trade the Jirachi as well?
Hey, I now have all the clones for our Trade.
I could be available today after 9pm (GTM+1) if that would fit. :)

Edit: still available/ btw my FC 3497 - 2181 - 0035, please PM me when reading this :)

Edit2: Pokeguy now has full redistribution rights in each of the three following pokemon, I sent to him.

#145 - Name: Zapdos Game: AS | OT: Aldora (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Static | Nature: Timid
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 23 | Def 31 | SpA 31 | SpD 31 | Spe 30 -> HP Ice
Moves: Discharge | Thunder Shock | Rain Dance | Agility
Zapdos Level 70 UT | Only Pokeguy and I can trade this.

#385 - Name Jirachi Game: AS | OT: GF (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Seren. Grace | Nature: Jolly
IVs: HP 30 | Atk 31 | Def 31 | SpA 11 | SpD 31 | Spe 31
Moves: Wish | Confusion | Rest |
Level 100 UT |

#385 - Name
Jirachi Game: AS | OT: GF (IGN Pia)
Seren. Grace | Nature: Calm
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 28 | Def 31 | SpA 11 | SpD 31 | Spe 31
Moves: Wish | Confusion | Rest |
Jirachi Level 100 UT |

Looking forward to our next trade! :)
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Hey, I now have all the clones for our Trade.
I could be available today after 9pm (GTM+1) if that would fit. :)

Edit: still available/ btw my FC 3497 - 2181 - 0035, please PM me when reading this :)

Edit2: Pokeguy now has full redistribution rights in each of the three following pokemon, I sent to him.

#145 - Name: Zapdos Game: AS | OT: Aldora (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Static | Nature: Timid
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 23 | Def 31 | SpA 31 | SpD 31 | Spe 30 -> HP Ice
Moves: Discharge | Thunder Shock | Rain Dance | Agility
Zapdos Level 70 UT | Only Pokeguy and I can trade this.

#385 - Name Jirachi Game: AS | OT: GF (IGN Cloé)
Ability: Seren. Grace | Nature: Jolly
IVs: HP 30 | Atk 31 | Def 31 | SpA 11 | SpD 31 | Spe 31
Moves: Wish | Confusion | Rest |
Level 100 UT |

#385 - Name
Jirachi Game: AS | OT: GF (IGN Pia)
Seren. Grace | Nature: Calm
IVs: HP 31 | Atk 28 | Def 31 | SpA 11 | SpD 31 | Spe 31
Moves: Wish | Confusion | Rest |
Jirachi Level 100 UT |

Looking forward to our next trade! :)

Thanks for the trade, updating with your monsters now.:

[144] Zapdos
OT: Aldora (03116) (Lv. 70)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Static
IVs: 31/23/31/31/31/30
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Cirederf49's Zapdos. Only re-distributable by Cirederf49 and me.


[385] Jirachi
OT: GF (04016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Calm - Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 31/28/31/31/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Cirederf49's Jirachi. Fully re-distributable.


[385] Jirachi
OT: GF (04016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 30/31/31/11/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Cirederf49's Jirachi. Fully re-distributable.

Posting just to stay I'm amazed at your incredible dedication, and will always remember your Orre resets. <3
Thanks for posting, it's nice to feel accepted and appreciated by the community. <3
Hi there! I check your long list of pokemon (it takes long time LOL) and i would like to obtain this pokemon. If you are not agree i can choose someone else. i don't know if you need some cloning service for this three, if so tell me and i wil do

[480] Shiny Uxie
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Tutor Move: Stealth Rocks
Tradeable Stock: Infinite
Notes: This is ooh_shiny's Shiny Uxie and is fully re-distributable. Cloned with Action Replay on Black.

[481] Shiny Mesprit
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
PP Max Tutor Moves: Stealth Rock, Trick
Tradeable Stock : Infinite
Note: ooh_shiny's Shiny Mesprit; Fully re-distributable as long as you credit ooh_shiny for it. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over.

[482] Shiny Azelf
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
PP Max Tutor Moves: Stealth Rock, Signal Beam, Trick, Nasty Plot
Tradeable Stock : Infinite
Note: ooh_shiny's Shiny Azelf; Fully re-distributable as long as you credit ooh_shiny for it. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over. I just recently got White 2 from my cousin, so this now comes with Stealth Rock, Signal Beam and Trick!
Hi there! I check your long list of pokemon (it takes long time LOL) and i would like to obtain this pokemon. If you are not agree i can choose someone else. i don't know if you need some cloning service for this three, if so tell me and i wil do

[480] Shiny Uxie
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Tutor Move: Stealth Rocks
Tradeable Stock: Infinite
Notes: This is ooh_shiny's Shiny Uxie and is fully re-distributable. Cloned with Action Replay on Black.

[481] Shiny Mesprit
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
PP Max Tutor Moves: Stealth Rock, Trick
Tradeable Stock : Infinite
Note: ooh_shiny's Shiny Mesprit; Fully re-distributable as long as you credit ooh_shiny for it. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over.

[482] Shiny Azelf
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
PP Max Tutor Moves: Stealth Rock, Signal Beam, Trick, Nasty Plot
Tradeable Stock : Infinite
Note: ooh_shiny's Shiny Azelf; Fully re-distributable as long as you credit ooh_shiny for it. This is cloned with Action Replay on fifth generation and Banked over. I just recently got White 2 from my cousin, so this now comes with Stealth Rock, Signal Beam and Trick!

Yes, you may have the three pixies. I'll just need three copies of Jirachi and one copy of Mesprit back please. Haven't bothered to update my Bank in a while.

Also, in other news, locoghoul was suppose to post here to confirm that he gave me rights to his Mew. But we worked it out via PM, so here's Mew:

[151] Mew
OT: GF (02016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Impish - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/10/30/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: locoghoul's Mew. Not re-distributable by those I trade it to.
Pokéguy has Redis-Rights on my Bold Jirachi! Best of luck :D
Thanks for the trade M a r k u s ~ and enjoy your Bonus Rayquaza. Speaking of Rayquaza, shout out to Ayra who traded me Nelson Tangela's awesome Careful Mew and Careful Jirachi for my Rayquaza and Diancie, which you can now pick up from Ayra! I hope they get distributed to everyone who needs them!



[385] Jirachi
OT: GF (04016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Careful - Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 31/31/31/09/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Nelson Tangela's Jirachi. Fully Redistributable.


[385] Jirachi
OT: GF (04016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Serene Grace
IVs: 31/23/31/31/31/30
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: M a r k u s ~ 's Jirachi. Only redistributable by M a r k u s ~ and me.


[151] Mew
OT: GF (02016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Careful - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/20/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Nelson Tangela's Mew. Fully redistributable.
Yes, you may have the three pixies. I'll just need three copies of Jirachi and one copy of Mesprit back please. Haven't bothered to update my Bank in a while.

Also, in other news, locoghoul was suppose to post here to confirm that he gave me rights to his Mew. But we worked it out via PM, so here's Mew:

[151] Mew
OT: GF (02016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Impish - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/31/31/10/30/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: locoghoul's Mew. Not re-distributable by those I trade it to.

Yeah forgot, but as he said, Pokeguy has semi redis rights on my Impish Mew
Yeah forgot, but as he said, Pokeguy has semi redis rights on my Impish Mew
Thank again for the trade. :)

If you want one of the Hoopa, ask Legofigure11 or GiveMeGeno for a copy. I'm not in the trading business anymore.

PS: Do whatever you want with that Hoopa. I explicitly do not care. Feel free to quote me, if anyone bothers you about the redis rights of my mons.

PPS: I know that some of the Wi-Fi nerds hate on you for redistributing other people's mons, but I can assure you... I'm not one of them.

I had messaged Nelson Tangela about his amazing Jolly Hoopa and he said to me he is not in the trading business anymore. Then he brought up kind of a touchy subject without me even mentioning it. I kind of laughed at it at first, but then I noticed something Gabe said:
4) someone actually offered me the same Gengar for free trying to beat you to the punch.

It just makes me think, wow, someone in the world, knew I wanted Gabe's Celebi and had a chance at it, and was like "Shit, can I just take some time out of my day to give this to Gabe for free, so he gets nothing." I mean, if he wanted to trade it to Gabe for something, I could see that, but, really? Just for free to spite me.

It makes me think about redistributables. Why do people make their stuff re-distributable? I know I've done it for a few different reasons. Rayquaza was just annoying to reset and I hated how the game forced you to reset it before moving on. Diancie I made re-distributable because I just felt like sharing and those stupid people that harass you before each reset were frustrating to deal with. Suicune I made redistributable because I wanted to fit in and have a badge like most of the rest of the users with my join date. I think Nelson did it because he just didn't give a shit (significantly cooler than me). I wanted to make more stuff redistributable but after the polls I did in some of my giveaways, I don't think it's what most of the community wanted.

But to get back on subject; I'm adding some more of Nelson's monsters because I traded for them. I can get clones made up for those who want to trade for them, but I don't have a cloning device so I'm not giving them away like his distributors. I've seen a lot of people come and go from smogon and with the oldest thread on wifi, some one has to trade these amazing monsters to the children for their new legendary resets; lol, I'm so old. Oh well, I'll try not to be too salty while resetting for my own Celebi.


[641] Tornadus [GER] "Boreos"
OT: Alex (11279) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Prankster
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Notes: Soft reset by Nelson Tangela. Fully redistributable. Comes with the German name "Boreos".


[720] Hoopa
OT: Harry (10235) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Jolly - Ability: Magician
IVs: 31/31/31/00/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Nelson Tangela's Hoopa. Fully Redistributable.
I don't have much but please CMT for

[488] Shiny Cresselia
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Tradeable Stock :
Note: This is ooh_shiny's Shiny Cresselia and it's fully re-distributable. Cloned with Action Replay on Black.

[151] Mew
OT: FAL2010 (10160) (Lv. 5)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Tutor Moves: Defog, Stealth Rock, Heal Bell
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Event Mew and is fully re-distributable. I asked about the legitimacy when I traded for it, and here's what he said:

I don't know who did the reset on it but I do remember asking in a PM if it's a legitimate event, I remember he said yes but unfortunately I don't have that PM (I deleted all my PM's a few months ago) to confirm and he's not active so I can't ask him to make sure.

Basically I targeted the fully-redis guys you had since I don't have ton to offer. I do clone so I could exchange some cloning services for them. I care more about Cresselia than I do Mew but I'd love to have both. I do intend to trade a clone of each to a RL friend of mine, but I'm hoping that the fully-redis nature of them will make that okay. Let me know, thanks!
[151] Mew
OT: GF (02016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Calm - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/6/31/31/31/31 [HP-Dragon]

This Mew is only redistributabe by me (iStratos) and Pokéguy. Not tradeable by those he trades it to. Enjoy!
I don't have much but please CMT for

[488] Shiny Cresselia
OT: Terezi (47974) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Tradeable Stock :
Note: This is ooh_shiny's Shiny Cresselia and it's fully re-distributable. Cloned with Action Replay on Black.

[151] Mew
OT: FAL2010 (10160) (Lv. 5)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Pressure
IVs: 31/X/31/31/31/31
Tutor Moves: Defog, Stealth Rock, Heal Bell
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Event Mew and is fully re-distributable. I asked about the legitimacy when I traded for it, and here's what he said:

I don't know who did the reset on it but I do remember asking in a PM if it's a legitimate event, I remember he said yes but unfortunately I don't have that PM (I deleted all my PM's a few months ago) to confirm and he's not active so I can't ask him to make sure.

Basically I targeted the fully-redis guys you had since I don't have ton to offer. I do clone so I could exchange some cloning services for them. I care more about Cresselia than I do Mew but I'd love to have both. I do intend to trade a clone of each to a RL friend of mine, but I'm hoping that the fully-redis nature of them will make that okay. Let me know, thanks!

It looks like you're still making your trade thread, but as of this post there was nothing I needed. I'd take you up on that cloning offer sometime when I have some spare monsters bred to trade for clones; another thing to add to the to do list.

[151] Mew
OT: GF (02016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Calm - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/6/31/31/31/31 [HP-Dragon]

This Mew is only redistributabe by me (iStratos) and Pokéguy. Not tradeable by those he trades it to. Enjoy!

Thanks for trade rights to this awesome Mew, and for the 4 Mew event codes you traded me.


[151] Mew
OT: GF (02016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Calm - Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 31/06/31/31/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: iStratos's Mew. Not re-distributable by those I trade it to.


[251] Celebi
OT: GF (03016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Naive - Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/31/29/31/31/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Soft reset by myself on Alpha Sapphire.
After Thoughts: I wished for this spread so hard on Diancie and it just never came. Decided to keep this Celebi, incase it mega evolves or something and a mixed set surfaces one day.


[251] Celebi
OT: GF (03016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Quiet - Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/26/30/31/31/31
Hidden Power Ice
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Soft reset by myself on Omega Ruby.
After Thoughts: Not everyday I find a flawless Hidden Power Ice spread on an event. Kept before I found the Modest one below.


[251] Celebi
OT: GF (03016) (Lv. 100)
Nature: Modest- Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/29/31/31/29/31
Tradeable Stock : 1
Notes: Soft reset by myself on the X file with OT 59622.
After Thoughts: I normally reset monsters within 2 points of flawless, or at least that's my goal for ones with out Hidden Power. Just made the cut, thought it would be cool to make it re-distributable for those who don't have time to reset their own.

So, for those wondering, these are what I have left for 100% legit events to Reset:
X (Naive Xerneas File): Jirachi, + Diancie (2014 slow reset)
X (Calm Xerneas File): Celebi + Jirachi + Mew, + Diancie (2014 slow reset)
Y : Celebi + Sludge Wave Gengar + Jirachi + Mew
Omega Ruby: Mew + Jirachi + Zoroark + Diancie (2015 Hope)
Alpha Sapphire (Main File): Mew + Jirachi + Hoopa
Alpha Sapphire (New Game Event only): Celebi + Jirachi

The totals:
Jirachi x6
Celebi x3
Mew x4
Diancie x1 (Screw the 2014 event)
Gengar x1
Hoopa x1
Zoroark x1 (was there even a point to this one?)

Side Notes: I know the Naive and Quiet Celebi aren't my best work, but the event was downloaded for free via Mystery Gift to 6 Games, so meh. Possible natures I'll be hoping for next, in the order I'd prefer to reset them, are:
1. Celebi [Timid HP Fire] + [Bold HP Fire] [Resetting for now]
2. Mew [Timid/Jolly 5IV]
3. Jirachi [Timid HP Fire] [Jolly/Timid/Modest 5 IV]
4. Gengar [lol maybe one day I'll get flawless]
5. Diancie [Motivation is killed for this one because of the amazing Diancie in this thread]
6. Hoopa [Think I have most every nature I need for this one; will probably just skip it]
No, there is no number 7. *kicks Zoroark wondercard*
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