Big Multifaction Recruitment Mafia 2 - Freelancer Boogaloo - Game Over, Freelancers + Electric + DBD Win

Alright, so there is a chance (however small) that Clouds isn't lying about being the last freelancer Street Justice and that gkitty is. Because of that, we are going to switch to a more concrete guaranteed vote target.

Internet is part of the Bodyguard primary ability server and is an alias swapper that can only target members of his own faction. We have multiple users corroborating that there are only 2 Freelancers left in the bodyguard server. Internet claimed to have alias swapped with Joey, also from that bodyguard server, meaning if he was not lying, both freelancers would be accounted for in the BG server.

However, we have absolute irrefutable proof of another user who is freelancer and is also from the BG server.

Since there can only be 2 freelancers in the BG server, and we know for certain that someone who isn't internet/joey is one of them, the pair of joey/Internet cannot possibly be freelancer.

They are either different factions but coordinated lying about being alias swapped to maintain the lie of being freelancer, or they are on the same recruited faction and actually did alias swap with each other. Either way, it doesn't really matter, they are 100% recruited, regardless of which is true.

As such, it is time to unvote and Vote Columbia
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