Team MPL X - Week 5

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is a Tournament Directoris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Top Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Monotype Leader

Amazing art by Rex The Eater Of Worlds
  • Follow all rules listed here.
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.
Replays and Usage<<


Trick House Treeckos (3) vs (5) Zero Isle Zoroarks
SV: Azick vs Leafium Z
SV: adjustments vs Sificon
SV: Larry vs Elyoss
SV: rs vs Scarfire
SS: Quinn vs Hurtadoo
SM: LuckyPiper vs DugZa
ORAS: Suspensse vs Dj Breloominati♬
BW: crash vs ikiarihS


Melemele Meloettas (4) vs (4) Tohjo Falls Thunders
SV: Cielau vs maroon
SV: Masskeau vs dunoks
SV: feen vs Bouki
SV: RoFnA vs Railgun
SS: schwipper vs MichaelderBeste2
SM: Toadow vs tier
ORAS: frankjosh vs Splash
BW: Gelbel3c vs DAHLI


Hearthome Honchkrows (5) vs (3) Tyrannical Tinkatons
SV: Tarre25 vs Fraolain
SV: yedla vs Dieu Amphibien
SV: style.css vs Chaitanya
SS: 3d vs Rinda
SM: roxie vs Havens
ORAS: fade vs Mada
BW: Sabella vs North


Bell Tower Braves (6) vs (2) Goldenrod Gengars
SV: Xiri vs freezai
SV: Mihowk vs KillaLeston
SV: RoyalReloaded vs clean
SV: pas_touchao vs mind gaming
SS: hellom vs Thiago Nunes
SM: Tenebricite vs Attribute
ORAS: Jojo8868 vs twinkay
BW: Trouser Snakes vs Meta

Trick House Treeckos (0) vs (0) Zero Isle Zoroarks
SV: Azick vs Leafium Z
SV: adjustments vs Sificon
SV: Larry vs Elyoss
SV: rs vs Scarfire
SS: Quinn vs Hurtadoo
SM: LuckyPiper vs DugZa
ORAS: Suspensse vs Dj Breloominati♬
BW: crash vs ikiarihS

Melemele Meloettas (0) vs (0) Tohjo Falls Thunders
SV: Cielau vs maroon
SV: Masskeau vs dunoks
SV: feen vs Bouki
SV: RoFnA vs Railgun
SS: schwipper vs MichaelderBeste2
SM: Toadow vs tier
ORAS: frankjosh vs Splash
BW: Gelbel3c vs DAHLI

Hearthome Honchkrows (0) vs (0) Tyrannical Tinkatons
SV: Tarre25 vs Fraolain
SV: yedla vs Dieu Amphibien
SV: style.css vs Chaitanya
SS: 3d vs Rinda
SM: roxie vs Havens
ORAS: fade vs Mada
BW: Sabella vs North

Bell Tower Braves (0) vs (0) Goldenrod Gengars
SV: Xiri vs freezai
SV: Mihowk vs KillaLeston
SV: RoyalReloaded vs clean
SV: pas_touchao vs mind gaming
SS: hellom vs Thiago Nunes
SM: Tenebricite vs Attribute
ORAS: Jojo8868 vs twinkay
BW: Trouser Snakes vs Meta

The deadline for this round is Sunday, June 30th at 11 PM GMT -4.​
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went 12-11 AGAIN, what are the odds.
welcome to LUSTRE predicts

Trick House Treeckos (4) vs (4) Zero Isle Zoroarks
SV: Azick vs Leafium Z - this will be a great battle, what with their banter outside of the game. azick probably doesnt want to lose to the guy he casually bullies (55/45)
SV: adjustments vs Sificon - i am an adjustments believer regardless of last week, this week especially being important to them (55/45)
SV: Larry vs Elyoss - elyoss is a bit inexperienced so leru has a strong advantage on experience alone and can outplay (70/30)
SV: rs vs Scarfire - scarlet might not want to lose another week so i believe he will tryhard this time around (49/51)
SS: Quinn vs Hurtadoo - better player with better overall record (40/60)
SM: LuckyPiper vs DugZa - same as above (40/60)

ORAS: Suspensse vs Dj Breloominati♬ - same as above, yeah im getting lazy (40/60)
BW: crash vs ikiarihS - hope shiraiki doesnt sub out this week, idt crash loses 2 weeks in a row tho (60/40)

Melemele Meloettas (4) vs (4) Tohjo Falls Thunders
SV: Cielau vs maroon - cielau has been doing well, much unlike his opponent (60/40)
SV: Masskeau vs dunoks - i find dunoks to be the better overall player, at least in monotype, would be a diff story if this was draft lol (40/60)

SV: feen vs Bouki - feen has more tour experience compared to bouki which i feel puts them at a significant advantage (60/40)
SV: RoFnA vs Railgun - luisin ladders more, and the one who ladders more is the one who wins (45/55)

SS: schwipper vs MichaelderBeste2 - will the tier mainer beat the jack of all trades ladderer supreme? stay tuned to find out (40/60)
SM: Toadow vs tier - toadow clears, i assume. tier might clutch for thunders but i dont see it happening (60/40)
ORAS: frankjosh vs Splash - tier mainer probably safer here, thunders need the win (40/60)

BW: Gelbel3c vs DAHLI - gelbel probably catches dahli off guard with some surprise factor team (60/40)

Hearthome Honchkrows (3) vs (5) Tyrannical Tinkatons
SV: TTK vs Whitespaniard - more experience with better synergy with their team (60/40)
SV: Tarre25 vs Fraolain - i believe in the frol1 surprise element (40/60)
SV: yedla vs Dieu Amphibien - yedla stocks have been a bit low im afraid (40/60)
SV: style.css vs Chaitanya - chaits probably the better player although i'd love to see style win this game (40/60)
(loved to see style win indeed)
SS: 3d vs Rinda - bolding the tier mainer should be safe right (40/60)
SM: Gondra vs Havens - gondra probably the better player here overall (60/40)
ORAS: fade vs Mada - mada might cook something worth eating here (40/60)
BW: Sabella vs North - sabella is a "cult classic" pick if u will, looking forward to this game. (51/49)

thx for reading pls subscribe
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my predicts overall is def worse than that guy above ^ me :( still having fun though!

Melemele Meloettas (4) vs (4) Tohjo Falls Thunders
SV: Cielau vs maroon - maroon is gonna sub out, we all already know this...
SV: Masskeau vs dunoks - i kinda got smoked by dunoks, don't underestimate him at all!
SV: feen vs Bouki - feen has kinda had a monotype revival, i would love for bouki to prove me wrong but i think feen will take this one
SV: RoFnA vs Railgun - i liked rofna's play last week and did not like luisin's
SS: schwipper vs MichaelderBeste2 - in a battle of germans, i don't even think schwipper will be mad for this one, mdb2 is just too solid of a player to predict against
SM: Toadow vs tier - prep diff
ORAS: frankjosh vs Splash - experience diff
BW: Gelbel3c vs DAHLI - gelb is here to stay in bw, i think he will put up a really good fight, but im just giving dahli the edge here, this would be like a 49/51 kinda thing

Hearthome Honchkrows (4) vs (3) Tyrannical Tinkatons
SV: TTK vs Whitespaniard - im taking an upset here, if wspan can play a clean game i think he can take this, seems like he prepped well last week and played well.
SV: Tarre25 vs Fraolain - the infracted duo is undefeated to everyone's surprise, i'm happy to see tarre back in the lineup but i feel like he's just outmatched here
SV: yedla vs Dieu Amphibien - yedla will become yedluck, i think he will get a lucky win
SV: style.css vs Chaitanya - it's cool to see chait experiment w/ gougingless fire, we will see something kind of weird but structurally sound again, like bug or something... as long as there's no double sub given style's availability
SS: 3d vs Rinda - word on the block is krows are putting in a ton of work in their ss slot, this one is pretty close to a tossup though
SM: Gondra vs Havens - better player overall, but if havens can get the crust off, this one is closer than it looks
ORAS: fade vs Mada - probably the oras hl of the week, i think we're in for a treat with this one
BW: Sabella vs North - this is def the bw highlight of the week, crashy vs raiki a close 2nd, there's no telling who'll take this one

Bell Tower Braves (3) vs (5) Goldenrod Gengars
SV: Xiri vs freezai - i think xiri will get some rhythm with a win here, he's definitely more familiar w/ the meta than freezai is
SV: Mihowk vs KillaLeston - mihowk isn't having a super great tour surprisingly, would love to see him get back on track with a dub here
SV: Fírnen vs clean - clean won't go 0-2 against the french surely
SV: pas_touchao vs mind gaming - mg is having a stellar tour, i hope he's having fun as well, patou has had a good show too but i think he's outmatched here unfortunately
SS: hellom vs Thiago Nunes - hellom brought stall and got unlucky or something, i really cba to watch that game, tnunes has had better team choices
SM: Tenebricite vs Attribute - idk bout yall but im really excited for this one. both seem to have been really fuckin around in the builder, attribute has probably seen it all at this point though, so im taking the calculator to win
ORAS: Jojo8868 vs twinkay - jojo is back from vacation or the bench or something... twinkay seems a lot more motivated though
BW: Trouser Snakes vs Meta - the cooster making his debut in this tour, if he plays a clean game this is a dub for him i think!
Trick House Treeckos (3) vs (5) Zero Isle Zoroarks
SV: Azick vs Leafium Z
SV: adjustments vs Sificon
SV: Larry vs Elyoss
SV: rs vs Scarfire
SS: Quinn vs Hurtadoo
SM: LuckyPiper vs DugZa
ORAS: Suspensse vs Dj Breloominati♬
BW: crash vs ikiarihS

Melemele Meloettas (4) vs (4) Tohjo Falls Thunders
SV: Cielau vs maroon
SV: Masskeau vs dunoks
SV: feen vs Bouki
SV: RoFnA vs Railgun
SS: schwipper vs MichaelderBeste2
SM: Toadow vs tier
ORAS: frankjosh vs Splash
BW: Gelbel3c vs DAHLI

Bell Tower Braves (4) vs (4) Goldenrod Gengars
SV: Xiri vs freezai
SV: Mihowk vs KillaLeston
SV: Fírnen vs clean
SV: pas_touchao vs mind gaming
SS: hellom vs Thiago Nunes
SM: Tenebricite vs Attribute
ORAS: Jojo8868 vs twinkay
BW: Trouser Snakes vs Meta
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