Movin' On Up (Submissions!!)

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Are you tired to see same old same old Pokes in OU? Well Movin' On Up seeks to change that. Movin' On Up is about making ALL fully evolved Pokemon NU and below S to A ranked in OU!

This will be done by slates, in which four Pokemon are selected to be buffed.

This Mod will have three different phases, the Submission phase, in which the community will submit their buffs, a Voting phase, in which people will vote for their favourite buffs and a Discussion phase, in which the community dicuss the winner's impact in OU, the niches they will have and how succesful they will be.


- Buffed Pokemon must have a BST of 590.

- Only fully evolved Pokemon are eligible to be buffed. (So no buffs for Sneasel)

- Buffed Pokemon can have a total of three(3) abilities. (Abilities can be replaced if already has 3, but keep flavour in mind!)

- Buffed Pokemon can gain an addition of up to four(4) new moves added.

- Buffed Pokemon can gain a new typing, but must keep their primary typing unless a flavourful and reasonable justification be explained. (No Ice/Electric Raticate, but Fairy Uxie is fine)

- Generally avoid making the Pokemon fill niches already saturated in OU. (A new Rapid Spinner or Defiant mon is nice, but a new Dragon DDancer isn't.

- On the topic of Mega evolutions. If a Pokemon's Mega is tiered NU or below, while the base form isn't, the megas WON'T be buffed. If its vice versa however, the mega will add on the stat boosts and typings on the new buffed stats, like in Mix n Mega. (If Pidgeot is buffed to having 110 SpA, its mega will have 175 SpA)

- I know what your thinking, but Shedinja!!! Well that will be sorted out in due time.

Slate One: OU Infestation!!
The Pokemon of this slate are:

Current Stats: 70/60/62/80/82/60
Current Typing: Bug/Flying
Current Abilities: Intimidate / Unnerve


Current Stats: 80/52/50/90/50/89
Current Typing: Bug/Flying
Current Abilities: Compound Eyes / Friend Guard / Shield Dust


Current Stats: 55/35/50/55/110/85
Current Typing: Bug/Flying
Current Abilities: Iron Fist / Early Bird / Swarm


Current Stats: 70/90/70/60/60/40
Current Typing: Bug/Poison
Current Abilities: Sniper / Insomnia / Swarm

Format for submissions are:

New Stats:
New Typing(if any):
Movepool Addition(s):
New Abilities(if any):
Niche in OU:

Submissions end on January 1st 2016!


OM room
Typing: Bug/Psychic
Stats: 110/53/110/120/110/105
+ Calm Mind + Psychic + Recover
Battle Armour / Swarm / Iron Fist


Typing: Bug/Fairy
Stats: 93/71/90/127/100/109
+ Moonlight + Moonblast + Defog + Focus Blast
Compound Eyes / Magic Guard / Shield Dust


Typing: Bug/Dark
Stats: 80/140/90/100/90/90
+ Knock Off
Poison Heal / Mold Breaker / Insomnia


Typing: Bug/Water
Stats: 100/85/115/90/115/85
Intimidate / Levitate


New typing: Poison/Dragon
New Stats: 80/125/89/87/109/100
Movepool Additions: + Outrage + Fire Blast + Dragon Dance + Draco Metoer
New Ability: Intimidate / Shed Skin / Multiscale


The Reptile
New Stats: 80/105/130/60/130/85 BST 590
New Typing(if any): Poison / Steel
Movepool Addition(s): Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Slack Off
New Abilities(if any): Stench / Weak Armor /Rough Skin (HA)


New Stats: 95/95/145/95/100/60 (BST 590)
New Typing(if any): Poison/Rock
Movepool Addition(s): Rock Slide, Wish, Stealth Rock, Rock Blast
New Abilities(if any): Levitate/Solid Rock/Aftermath

New Stats: 75 / 130 / 75 / 130 / 75 / 105 BST: 590
New Typing(if any): Poison / Dark
Movepool Addition(s): Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Nasty Plot
New Abilities(if any): Strong Jaw / Infiltrator (HA)


Name: Golurk
New Stats: 109/145/90/65/90/73
New Typing: Ghost/Ground
Movepool Additions: +Rapid Spin +Shadow Sneak +Taunt +Swords Dance
New Abilities: Iron fist / Mold Breaker / No Guard


Name: Dusknoir
New Stats: 95/110/140/65/140/40 (590)
New Typing: Ghost
Movepool Addition(s): +Drain Punch, +Dark Void, +Hammer Arm, +Signal Beam
New Abilities: Pressure/Iron Fist/Intimidate


Name: Mismagius
New Stats: 75/75/75/130/120/115
New Typing: Ghost/Fairy
Movepool Addition(s): +Moonblast +Focus Blast +Moonlight +Magic Coat
New Abilities: Levitate / Magic Guard / Cursed Body

Name: Drifblim
New Stats: 150/80/80/100/80/100 (590)
New Typing: Ghost/Flying
Movepool Addition(s): Roost, Wish, Flamethrower, Hurricane
New Abilities: Cloud Nine/Unburden/Flash Fire


Name: Sunflora
New Stats: 105/65/75/135/125/85
New Typing: Grass/Fire
Movepool Additions: +Overheat +Will o Wisp +Fire Blast +Sleep Powder
New Abilities: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Drought


Name: Jumpluff
New Stats: 85/105/100/65/105/130
New Typing: Grass / Flying
Movepool Additions: +Tailwind + Defog + Spore + Roost
New Abilities: Chlorophyll / Aerialate / Prankster


Name: Cacturne
New Stats: 90/130/80/130/80/80 (590)
New Typing: Grass / Dark
Movepool Additions: +Pursuit +Heatwave +Knock Off +Wood Hammer
New Abilities: Sand Rush / Solar Power / Dry Skin


Pika Xreme
Name: Ludicolo
New Stats: 110/70/90/110/120/90 (590)
New Typing: Grass/Water
Movepool Additions: Hurricane, Thunder, Thunderbolt
New Abilities: Swift Swim/Rain Dish/Drizzle


Name: Beartic
New Stats: 100 / 145 / 95 / 80 / 95 / 75
New Typing: Ice/Fighting
Movepool Additions: Earthquake, Drain Punch, Knock Off, Ice Shard
New Abilities: Tough Claws, Thick Fat, Swift Swim


Name: Vanilluxe
New Stats: 71 / 105 / 90 / 130 / 95 / 99
New Typing: Ice
Movepool Additions: Spikes, Rapid Spin, Tri Attack, Focus Blast
New Abilities: Snow Warning, Water Absorb, Refrigerate


Name: Avalugg
New Stats: 110/120/185/40/107/28 (BST 590)
New Typing(if any): Ice/Steel
Movepool Addition(s): Ice Shard, Knock Off, Body Slam, Iron Head
New Abilities(if any): Filter / Refrigerate / Regenerator


Name: Dewgong
New Stats: 110/110/80/100/120/75
New Typing(if any): Water/Ice
Movepool Addition(s): Work Up, Freeze-Dry, Slack Off, Heal Bell
New Abilities(if any): Thick Fat / Technician / Fur Coat


Name: Regirock
New Typing: Rock/Fighting
New Abilities: Rock Head / Iron Fist / Regenerator
New Stats: 80/120/180/40/110/60
Movepool Additions: + Close Combat + Head Smash + Mach Punch + Recover


Name: Registeel
New Typing: Steel
New Abilities: Pressure/Filter/Light Metal
New Stats: 80/90/135/90/135/60 [BST: 590]
Movepool Additions: +Recover, +Gyro Ball, +Volt Switch, +Knock Off


Name: Regice
New Typing: Ice/Electric
New Abilities: Analytic/Heatproof
New Stats: 80/50/120/120/200/20
Movepool Additions: Recover, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Energy Ball


Name: Regigigas
New Typing: Normal/Ground
New Abilities: Sheer Force/Unaware
New Stats: 105/155/100/60/100/70 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Whirlwind, Rest, Slack Off, Bulk Up


Name: (Mega) Audino
New Typing: Normal -> Normal/Fairy
New Abilities: Healer/Regenerator/Simple -> Wonder Skin
New Stats: 148/70/106/90/116/60 (BST 590) -> 148/70/146/110/156/60 (BST 690)
Movepool Additions: Moonblast, Recover, Focus Blast, Nature Power


Name: Steelix
New Stats: 83/105/200/65/80/57 -> 83/145/230/65/110/57
New Typing: Steel/Ground -> Steel/Dragon
Movepool Additions: Outrage, Dragon Rush, Coil, Glare
New Abilities: Sturdy, Strong Jaw, Sheer Force -> Iron Barbs


Name: (Mega) Camerupt
New Typing: Fire/Ground -> Fire/Ground
New Abilities: Soild Rock/Dry Skin/Mold Breaker -> Sheer Force
New Stats: 105/115/90/130/110/40 (BST 590) -> 105/135/120/170/140/20 (BST 690)
Movepool Additions: Slack Off, Superpower, Dark Pulse


Name: Glalie
New Stats: 90/110/90/105/90/105 -> 90/150/90/145/90/125
New Typing: Ice/Steel -> Ice
Movepool Additions: Flash Cannon, Shell Smash, Rock Polish, Icicle Crash
New Abilities: Sturdy, Solid Rock, Battle Armor -> Refrigerate


Abilities: Speed Boost / Tinted Lens / Analytic
Typing: Bug/Dragon
Stats: 110/76/95/130/79/100 (BST: 590)
Movepool Additions: Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Quiver Dance, Boomburst


Name: Luxray
New Stats: 90/130/80/110/80/100
New Typing: Electric/Dark
Movepool Additions: +Sucker Punch +Pursuit +Dark Pulse +Parting Shot
New Abilities: Strong Jaw / Intimidate / Moxie


Name: Mesprit
New Stats: 80/100/105/110/105/90
New Typing: Psychic/Fairy
Movepool Additions: +Moonblast +Wish +Taunt +Fire Blast
New Abilities: Levitate / Prankster / Magic Guard


Name: Muk
New Typing: Poison/Dark
New Abilities: Stench/Water Absorb/Poison Touch
New Stats: 130/105/90/70/145/50 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Recover, Knock Off, Drain Punch, Earthquake


Name: Bellossom
New Typing: Grass
New Abilities: Chlorophyll/Serene Grace/Flower Veil
New Stats: 95/60/100/115/120/100 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance, Baton Pass, Rapid Spin


Name: Corsola
New Typing: Water/Rock
New Abilities: Magic Guard/Natural Cure/Regenerator
New Stats: 95/105/135/85/135/35 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Razor Shell, Spiky Shield, Spikes, Heal Bell


Name: Tropius
New Typing: Grass/Flying
New Abilities: Multiscale/Thick Fat/Harvest
New Stats: 129/68/123/102/137/31 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Ancient Power, Earth Power, Glare, Hurricane


Name: Alomomola
New Typing: Water
New Abilities: Healer/Serene Grace/Regenerator
New Stats: 195/80/90/65/75/85 (BST 590)
Movepool Additions: Heal Bell, Body Slam, U-Turn, Heart Stamp


Name: Unown
New Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 105 / 90 / 105
New Typing: Psychic
Movepool Additions: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Psychic
New Abilities: Synchronize, Protean


Name: Delibird
New Stats: 85 / 125 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 115
New Typing: Ice / Flying
Movepool Additions: Drain Punch, Grass Knot, Bulk Up, Baton Pass
New Abilites: Vital Spirit, Thick Fat, Refrigerate


Name: Delcatty
New Typing: Fairy
New Stats: 80/105/85/95/75/105
New Abilities: Fur Coat/Pixilate/Wonder Skin
Movepool Addition(s): Moonblast, Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam


Heroes and Cons
Name: Ninjask
New Typing: Bug/Fighting
New Stats: 75/120/85/50/90/180
New Abilities: [Unchanged]
Movepool Addition(s): Superpower, Close Combat, Smack Down, Steel Wing


Heroes and Cons
Name: Klinklang
New Typing: Steel/Electric
New Stats: 80/120/135/70/95/90
New Abilities: Clear Body/Speed Boost/Technician [HA]
Movepool Addition(s): Drill Run, Baton Pass


Name: Aggron
New Typing: Steel/Rock
New Abilities: Rock Head / Sturdy / Lightning Rod
New Stats: 80/130/180/60/70/70
Movepool Additions: +Swords Dance +Dragon Dance +Wild Charge


the someone
Name: Mawile
Typing: Steel/Fairy
New Stats: 75/135/135/85/85/75
New Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Sheer Force (HA)
Movepool Addition(s): Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Trick, Lovely Kiss


Name: Bronzong
New Typing: Steel/Ghost
New Stats: 97/109/130/79/130/45
New Abilities: Levitate / Flash Fire / Bulletproof
Movepool Additions: +Shadow Sneak +Phantom Force +Heal Bell +Volt Switch


Name: Magmortar
New Typing: Fire/Fighting
New Stats: 85/105/67/135/95/105
New Abilities: Flash Fire / Mega Launcher / Vital Spirit
Movepool Addition(s): +Aura Sphere +Dragon Pulse +Dark Pulse +Eruption


Heroes and Cons
New Typing:
New Stats: 70/115/150/115/100/40
New Abilities: White Smoke/Simple [HA]
Movepool Addition(s): Gunk Shot


the someone
Name: Pyroar
Typing: Fire/Normal
New Stats: 91/82/90/129/90/108
New Abilities: Mold Breaker / Pressure / Justified
Movepool Addition(s): Boomburst, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun, Lava Plume


Name: Rapidash
New Stats: 90 / 120 / 85 / 90 / 90 / 125
New Typing: Fire / Fairy
New Abilities: Flash Fire, Unburden, Reckless
Movepool Additions: High Jump Kick, U-Turn, Work Up, Play Rough
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Name: Ledian
New Stats: 110[+55]/35/110[+60]/120[+65]/110/105[+20] [BST: 590]
New Typing(if any): Bug/Psychic
Movepool Addition(s): + Calm Mind/+ Psychic/+ Recover
New Abilities(if any): +Battle Armor; - Early Bird
Justification: Ledian is supposed to be the superhero bug; with odd, Bent out of shape antenna designed for speed, Goggle-like eyes as well as head decorations that look like a mask/helmet. The Problem is; it's a terrible superhero, unable to take hits from the lowest of PU's physical monsters.
However, do you know what superheroes do? They are able to recover mid-battle, keep a calm mind when facing the strongest of enemies and some of them even have psychic powers to attack they're enemies from far away! Superheroes also have armor created to save them in the heat of battle, which resembles ledian's red covering and shiny underside.
Niche in OU: You know, Mega Slowbro can pull off hellish Calm mind sets right? Well... If don't want to use you're Mega Slot, Ledian Appears! With a Bug/Psychic Typing, a 4x resistance to Fighting and 2x resistance to ground, it's new stats can pull off really good Bulky Set up sets; With 110/110/110 bulk stats and a hefty 120 Special attack; The new and improved Ledian is extremely powerful; Only Stopped by the likes of Powerful Wallbreakers that take advantage of Ledian's 5 weaknesses [Fire, Dark, Flying, Rock, Ghost] Also it outspeeds garchomp now.
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New Stats: 100/70/100/110/110/100
New Typing(if any): bug/water masqurain has a water droplet for a head gdi. no but also, its species its based off of a dragonfly that mates, lives, and fertilizes its eggs near water, and since beedril doesn't need to be flying, i think masq should get the treatment too.
Movepool Addition(s): +surf (its a water type better start acting like one!)
New Abilities(if any): nope (drizzle and other water abilities actually don't fit masqs lore, as it cant fly in yeah, poor thing)
Justification: ok lets be serious here, all masq needed was a better type to be a absolute monster, its ability is excellent, it gets scald, quiver dance, and even gets sticky web.
Niche In Ou: i made it so masq can be both a bulky pivot, a nifty lead with sticky web, or a nasty quiver dance sweeper all at once. all stuff the meta doesn't have many of.

Name: vivillon
New Stats: 88/72/105/120/95/100
New Typing(if any): bug/flying still
Movepool Addition(s): +focus blast
New Abilities(if any): -freind guard -sheild dust(why would it dirty up its wings just to prevent status) +wonder skin +adaptability(its wings are based on its surroundings. its literally the definition of adaptability)
Justification: vivillons best niche, is to honestly just spam compoundeyes, new stats fix this, alongside the new focus blast, but also i gave it adaptability, for those who like the "risk reward" hitting 70 accuracy moves bring. lmao. on top of this, vivillons stats compliment its SR weakness and its powerful stab, so its strong, but still weak to stealth rocks horribly.
Niche in OU: basically, viv's niche is to be a good quiverdancer, spamming high base powered moves, while also offering sleep support.

ill probably do the others too. lmao. how many are we allowed to submit?
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View attachment 55023

New Stats: 70+30/90+20/70+30/60+20/60+25/40+75 -> 100/110/100/80/85/115
New Typing: Bug/Ground
New Abilities: Mold Breaker / Arena Trap / Compound Eyes
Movepool Additions: Earthquake / Knock Off / Gunk Shot / Swords Dance
Justification: Ariados looks like its based primarily off of land based spiders instead of web inhabiting ones, and spiders trap stuff; so Arena Trap fits there. Its Eyes look big and Galvantula gets it so I gave it Compound Eyes. I gave it Pursuit since these spiders pursue prey instead of catching in webs, Earthquake for STAB, Gunk Shot since spiders are known for killing with Poison and Swords Dance cause it needed a boosting move.
Bug/Ground because its a land spider.
Niche in OU: Ariados already has the niche of having access to Toxic Spikes AND Sticky Web, so it makes for an excellent lead, having an alright attack stat and a great speed tier along with access to the potent Mold Breaker. Bug/Ground is an interesting typing having alright coverage outside of Flying types and Gengar. But the real attraction of Ariados is having access to Arena Trap + Swords Dance and Ground STAB, allowing it to trap and elimate most threats in OU, notably Heatran, Raikou and Mega Metagross. Its bulk isnt bad either, and it can take a hit if it needs to.

Ariados @ Life Orb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Arena Trap
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
- Gunk Shot / Sucker Punch / Pursuit

Ariados @ Life Orb / Focus Sash
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Mold Breaker / Arena Trap
Jolly Nature
- Sticky Web
- Toxic Spikes
- Earthquake
- Pursuit / Sucker Punch / Megahorn

View attachment 55035
Name: Ledian
New Stats: 55+30/35+60/50+30/55+50/110+10/85+20 -> 85/95/80/105/120/105
New Typing: Bug/Fighting
New Abilities: Prankster / Iron Fist / Tinted Lens
Movepool Additions: Tail Glow / Close Combat / Healing Wish /Thunder Wave
Justification: Look at this thing! I'd hate to admit it, but Ledian looks like a cross between a Ladybug, a firefly and a costumed superhero. Bug/Fighting looks so good on Ledian it isnt funny, seeing it has access to soo much Fighting type moves already. I gave it Tinted Lens to go with it being a Bug and Prankster so it doesnt suck since it looks like it could play the part. Tail Glow is to follow on its firefly nature, Close Combat since its a Fighting type and its physical sets NEED STAB. Thunder Wave because Illumise and Volbeat, other firefly bug have the move and Healing Wish because.... honestly this thing REALLY sucks and had no niche so I had to make one.
Niche in OU: Ledian moves from a pitfully frail screens setter of PU to a versatile and extremely dangerous threat in OU. Baton Passing is probably its best niche, having access to Swords Dance, Tail Glow and Agility to pass to teammates to use with +1 priority. But dont think Ledian cant use it, its OK offenses skyrocket with a couple boosts on its belt. It also has other great support options in Tailwind, Thunder Wave, Encore, Healing Wish and its priority Roost shouldnt be underestimated. Its TG + Tinted Lens set however is an amazing wallbreaker, with high powered STAB Focus Blast and Bug Buzz. Plus having perfect coverage due to Tinted Lens makes it hard to wall and frees up a moveslot to either T.Wave, Roost or Encore to get more set up chances. Super powerful (once it sets up), super versatile superhero!


Name: Vivillon
New Stats: 80+13/52+19/50+40/90+37/50+50/89+20 -> 93/71/90/127/100/109
New Typing: Bug/Fairy
New Abilities: Compound Eyes / Magic Guard / Shield Dust
Movepool Additions: Moonlight / Moonblast / Focus Blast / Defog
Justification: Vivillon is based on migratory butterflies, but the reason for its new typing is due to its angelic appearance. Plus it already has access to Draining Kiss via level up, a pretty fairy exclusive move. Moonlight and Moonblast are generic Fairy moves, every special attacker worth using (and pre buff Ledian) has access to Focus Blast. Defog is a nod to its former types, and fits flavourwise as well.
Niche in OU: Vivillon should primarily be used as a powerful QD sweeper, with high 127 SpA, at +1 it is gonna hurt. Compound Eyes can still be used to get accurate Sleep Powder, Focus Blast and Hurricane, but Magic Guard looks as if it will be the superior ability, negating SR damage and LO recoil. At +1 Vivillon outspeeds the entire metagame, only being revenged by 110 scarfed mons and priority. With great coverage between Focus Blast and Moonblast, it hits most of the tier for supereffective damage. It also has an offensive Defog set, thanks to Magic Guard. It resists Bisharp's Sucker Punch, which is great for a Defogger. Roost gives it longevity. All in all its a powerhouse on any team its placed on.

Name: Masquerain
New Stats: 70+20/60+20/62+30/80+40/82+40/60+26 -> 90/80/92/120/122/86
New Type: Bug/Water
New Abilities: Intimidate / Compound Eyes / Hydration
Movepool Additions: Hypnosis / Surf / Psychic / Waterfall
Justification: Does one not see it?
Niche in OU:
This thing is a potent tank due to having great special bulk and Intimidate, so expect those all over the place. Its Compound Eyes sweeper set will be its most popular, thanks to Compound Eyes Hydro Pump + Hypnosis. But I personally would run its Hydration set, in which it functions similar to Manaphy (minus jaw dropping power). Rest, QD, Scald and Rain Dance + its phenomenal bulk means it will slowly (not really since QD boosts speed) sweep.

There goes all of my subs. Continue subbing!
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Reactions: Mq
New Stats: 100/70/100/110/110/100
New Typing(if any): bug/water masqurain has a water droplet for a head gdi. no but also, its species its based off of a dragonfly that mates, lives, and fertilizes its eggs near water, and since beedril doesn't need to be flying, i think masq should get the treatment too.
Movepool Addition(s): +surf (its a water type better start acting like one!)
New Abilities(if any): nope (drizzle and other water abilities actually don't fit masqs lore, as it cant fly in yeah, poor thing)
Justification: ok lets be serious here, all masq needed was a better type to be a absolute monster, its ability is excellent, it gets scald, quiver dance, and even gets sticky web. i made it so masq can be both a bulky pivot, a nifty lead, or a nasty quiver dance sweeper all at once.

Name: vivillon
New Stats: 88/72/105/120/95/100
New Typing(if any): bug/flying still
Movepool Addition(s): +focus blast
New Abilities(if any): -freind guard -sheild dust(why would it dirty up its wings just to prevent status) +wonder skin +adaptability(its wings are based on its surroundings. its literally the definition of adaptability)
Justification: vivillons best niche, is to honestly just spam compoundeyes, new stats fix this, alongside the new focus blast, but also i gave it adaptability, for those who like the "risk reward" hitting 70 accuracy moves bring. lmao. on top of this, vivillons stats compliment its SR weakness and its powerful stab, so its strong, but still weak to stealth rocks horribly.

ill probably do the others too. lmao. how many are we allowed to submit?

You can submit all four if you wish. You can add up to four moves (as long as they make sense) if you like. Just saying. And please clearly define its niche in OU, its jumbledness makes it difficult to understand
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Reactions: Mq
View attachment 55023

New Stats: 70+30/90+20/70+30/60+20/60+25/40+75 -> 100/110/100/80/85/115
New Typing: Bug/Ground
New Abilities: Sniper / Arena Trap / Compound Eyes
Movepool Additions: Earthquake / Pursuit / Gunk Shot / Swords Dance
Justification: Ariados looks like its based primarily off of land based spiders instead of web inhabiting ones, and spiders trap stuff; so Arena Trap fits there. Its Eyes look big and Galvantula gets it so I gave it Compound Eyes. I gave it Pursuit since these spiders pursue prey instead of catching in webs, Earthquake for STAB, Gunk Shot since spiders are known for killing with Poison and Swords Dance cause it needed a boosting move.
Bug/Ground because its a land spider.
Niche in OU: Ariados already has the niche of having access to Toxic Spikes AND Sticky Web, so it makes for an excellent lead, having an alright attack stat and a great speed tier. Bug/Ground is an interesting typing having alright coverage outside of Flying types and Gengar. But the real attraction of Ariados is having access to Arena Trap + Swords Dance and Ground STAB, allowing it to trap and elimate most threats in OU, notably Heatran, Raikou and Mega Metagross. Its bulk isnt bad either, and it can take a hit if it needs to.

Ariados @ Life Orb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Arena Trap
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
- Gunk Shot / Sucker Punch / Pursuit

Ariados @ Life Orb / Focus Sash
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ability: Arena Trap
Jolly Nature
- Sticky Web
- Toxic Spikes
- Earthquake
- Pursuit / Sucker Punch / Megahorn

View attachment 55035
Name: Ledian
New Stats: 55+30/35+60/50+30/55+50/110+10/85+20 -> 85/95/80/105/120/105
New Typing: Bug/Fighting
New Abilities: Prankster / Iron Fist / Tinted Lens
Movepool Additions: Tail Glow / Close Combat / Healing Wish /Thunder Wave
Justification: Look at this thing! I'd hate to admit it, but Ledian looks like a cross between a Ladybug, a firefly and a costumed superhero. Bug/Fighting looks so good on Ledian it isnt funny, seeing it has access to soo much Fighting type moves already. I gave it Tinted Lens to go with it being a Bug and Prankster so it doesnt suck since it looks like it could play the part. Tail Glow is to follow on its firefly nature, Close Combat since its a Fighting type and its physical sets NEED STAB. Thunder Wave because Illumise and Volbeat, other firefly bug have the move and Healing Wish because.... honestly this thing REALLY sucks and had no niche so I had to make one.
Niche in OU: Ledian moves from a pitfully frail screens setter of PU to a versatile and extremely dangerous threat in OU. Baton Passing is probably its best niche, having access to Swords Dance, Tail Glow and Agility to pass to teammates to use with +1 priority. But dont think Ledian cant use it, its OK offenses skyrocket with a couple boosts on its belt. It also has other great support options in Tailwind, Thunder Wave, Encore, Healing Wish and its priority Roost shouldnt be underestimated. Its TG + Tinted Lens set however is an amazing wallbreaker, with high powered STAB Focus Blast and Bug Buzz. Plus having perfect coverage due to Tinted Lens makes it hard to wall and frees up a moveslot to either T.Wave, Roost or Encore to get more set up chances. Super powerful (once it sets up), super versatile superhero!
just a nitpick, but ledian isnt a firefly. its a ladybug. hence why it doesnt have a tail...thus, tail glow makes no sense flavorwise lmao.
Actually, after doing research Tail Glow fits nice since almost all of its Pokédex enteries include it either glowing at night via a special powder or it using starlight as energy. If no one else agrees I will change it.
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Name: Ledian
New Stats: 85/135/90/55/110/115
New Typing(if any): Bug/Fighting
Movepool Addition(s): Close Combat / Bulk Up / Meteor Mash / Rock Slide
New Abilities(if any): Iron Fist / Technician / Early Bird
Justification: Punches are its best attacks, so why not Bug/Fighting? And it gets Meteor Mash because it's related to stars 'n' stuff.
Niche in OU: With Heracross being used only in its Mega form as a Bulky Sweeper, the Bug/Fighting type is another time without a fast attacker, so here's a new Ledian to take that place!

Name: Masquerain
New Stats: 90/70/92/130/102/106
New Typing(if any): Bug/Water
Movepool Addition(s): Sleep Powder / Surf
New Abilities(if any): Intimidate / Hydration / Compundeyes
Justification: Really?
Niche in OU: Unique typing and 3/3 viable abilities. "What else?"
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Name: Masquerain
New Stats: 70/80/105/130/105/100 (590)
New Typing(if any): Bug/Water
Movepool Addition(s): Psychic, Hurricane, Surf, Waterfall
New Abilities(if any): Intimidate / Levitate / Drizzle
Justification: It already screams Bug/Water, so that's the typing none the less. The moves are for having Psybeam as an egg move, having Air Slash none the less, and common Water-type moves. The abilties are described as same as before, for keeping the Flying type, and for calling rain.
Niche in OU: It's niche will show a bulky special sweeper with enough bulk to fill a Defog space.
Name: Masquerain
New Stats: 85/68/120/135/96/86 (590)
New Typing(if any): Bug/Water
Movepool Addition(s): +Hurricane, +Thunder, +Thunderbolt, +Hypnosis
New Abilities(if any): Intimidate/No Guard/Frisk
Justification: The false eyes are efficient at intimidating the opponents, yes, but c'mon they're a huge target. No Guard represents what will happen if Masquerain decides to use them as actual eyes - They make it easy for Masquerain to track enemies, but is also an ease to target; Hurricane, Thunder (and by extension Thunderbolt) and Hypnosis are all added to make use of No Guard, and can be handwaved as an assosciation with rainstorms.
Niche In Ou: I don't think there has been a Quiver Dancer that is more bulky on the physical side, has there? In any case, with a single Quiver Dance it becomes both comfortably bulky on both sides, and have enough power and speed to break through opponents. Not only is Bug/Water a pretty nice STAB combo, it also has Hypnosis + No Guard if you want to set up QD safely or going for a support set with Sticky Web/Defog/Whirlwind/etc. Slight bit of 4MSS, though.

Name: Ariados
New Stats: 125/135/105/80/95/50 (590)
New Typing(if any): Ground/Bug
Movepool Addition(s): +Drill Run, +Gunk Shot, +Earthquake, +Slack Off
New Abilities(if any): Poison Touch/Arena Trap/Poison Heal
Justification: Yes, this is the same typing as G-Luke's submission. No, I didn't copy him, dammit :U
I based this on Tsuchigumo, a mythical spider monster in Japan. They're noted for having a really noticeable face - which, although not on Ariados, is shown on the back of Spinarak. Later depictions are apparently influenced by chinese bird spiders, which has tiger-like stripes on them - yet another thing Ariados has. One more thing: Tsuchigumo once caused malaria to one of its enemy, which can be used to explain the Poison-type moves.
Niche In Ou: Another bulky part-ground Poison Healer! But this time it's much, much bulkier! Having both Arena Trap and Poison Heal gives it a lot of options: Hone Claws trapper, support trapper, Poison Heal wall, PH support, AV attacker and more. It's hard-walled by Skarmory, unfortunately.

Name: Ledian
New Stats: 80/117/83/60/115/135 (590)
New Typing(if any): Bug
Movepool Addition(s): +Thunder Wave, +Meteor Mash, +Taunt, +Powder
New Abilities(if any): Mold Breaker/Defiant/Iron Fist
Justification: Franky, nothing flavor wise suggests Ledian as a Fighting-type. Aside from the looks, I guess. That said, can't really let the fists go to waste, now can we? Mold Breaker and Defiant are one of those abilities that doesn't take too much flavor to slap onto a mon. Meteor Mash is basically just a physical moves that help with coverage, and doesn't contradict Ledian's flavor; Thunder Wave and Taunt are in the same boat, while providing utility; And Powder is both added for utility and because of its pokedex entry: "When the stars flicker in the night sky, it flutters about, scattering a glowing powder."
Niche In Ou: OU is a hard place for Bug-types, where Flying-type sweepers are prevalent and utterly ruins any Flying-weak mon's day. Ledian isn't geared to sweep; Rather, it takes the spot of fastest Taunt user in OU bar M-Aerodactyl and Electrode, and have Mold Breaker to go with it. Magic Bounce? Too bad. Being even faster than Crobat means it can basically be a better stallbreaker, with Meteor Mash to guarantee a 2HKO on 252 HP/172 Def Clefable if Ledian's running Adamant. If, for some reason, you decide to forego Mold Breaker and go for Iron Fist, you can do it with Jolly as well. Though why you'd run Iron Fist over Mold Breaker, I have no idea...
Defiant is another option if you want Junior Bisharp, easily taking out Lati@s with U-Turn, while Skarmory is 2HKOed by it. Brave Bird hurts really hard, though...
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Ok. My thoughts on the following submissions.

CorruptedFlame - Your Ledian seems very interesting and very different than the others, due to it being part Psychic type. It also has a niche of an offensive CM user, a common but potent attack style. Its very powerful and its typing gives it good resistances to Psychic, Grass, a super resist to Fighting and a Ground resist, good offensive tyoes in the meta. But it also unfortunately as a few major setbacks that might not make it the S or A rank threat we strive for. Weaknesses to Five of the most common offensive types in the game isnt good at all. This typing also migates its bulk due to that. A SR weakness isnt nice either, but it can be allieved via Roost. Its Speed however is what truely sets it back, being too slow to threaten Offence or the fact that its typing makes it easy for Offence to find checks. Since it cant heal status either, Stall can muscle through with a combo of WishTect and Toxic stalling. Its still a good mon, but not really A rank. Address this please.

Stitch98 - I really like your Ledian submission. It just goes straightfoward. Physical Sweeper. That 135 Atk stat (compared to its initial 35) is extreme, combined with its 115 Speed makes it outspeed and KO most of the metagame. The few faster threats are threatened by its STAB Iron Fist Mach Punch, making hard to revengekill. It seems to have very little counters, mostly Skarm and really bulky Psychic types. Its checks are more plentiful. Talonflame is the best check offense can offer, outprioritizing and OHKOing with BB. Mega Aerodactyl and MegaZam can also check it, but the former must watch out for Mach Punch. Thanks to SD, stall barely has a chance at all, mostly just Mega Sableye and Physically Def Clefable. Supper powerful. Might be broken.

zerobreaker000 - Your Ledian looks like its bout to wreck. The only problem is its type. Bug with those stats are good, but its only STAB is U-Turn, kinda lame for SD sets which you recommend. Coverage can only go so far, and it faces alot of competition as a sweeper from the likes of MegaZard X, RP Megagross, WP Dragonite and SD + Spore Breloom, all of which have powerful STABS to back up those powerful attacks. An average attack stat + no STAB is gonna be underwhelming even after SD, and HO might just find away, Stall just straights up wall it. At least it scares off Defog (which it wouldnt mind). Address this issue please. The main focus is competitiveness, not nessecarinly flavour.
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And on Masquerain

Lcass4919 - Your Masquerain looks simple. Mew-like stats all around. Though I add you should try to give it new moves and abilities, as it doesnt stand out much against the other Masquerain. In general those are the main things about this, since its simple. Very simple gave u a hint there ;-). Just dropping Ideas here. Totatally inconspicous.

Stitch98 - Your Masquerain is the most offensive out of all of the subs, and while I like that very muvh, I think you ve taken it a BIT too far. 116 Speed outspeeds sooo much. Then it has access to QD. Now it cant be outsped at all. Now it has Swiftswim, and at +1 probably outspeeds Deoxys-S. With a Choice Scarf. Did I mention Tailwind? The point is please tone down with the subs. This particular fusion cant even be properly revengekilled thanks to residting Fighting, Water, Ice and Steel. Bisharp cant OHKO with Sucker Punch and is swiftly (heheheh) OHKO'ed. Only Talon can vengekill it, and that should NEVER be the case. Please fix. Or it might be ineligible.

Ticktock - My favourite one of them all. It has the right combination of bulk, power and utility to make it a A ranked or even S ranked threat. No complaints here.

zerobreaker000 - Another favourite. This one sacrifices speed for physical bulk and the legendary ThunderCane coverage. Sure to also be a top threat. Hypnosis seems popular. Hmmmm

I will post for Vivillon and Ariados when more subs come in. Keep on subbing!

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zerobreaker000 - Your Ledian looks like its bout to wreck. The only problem is its type. Bug with those stats are good, but its only STAB is U-Turn, kinda lame for SD sets which you recommend. Coverage can only go so far, and it faces alot of competition as a sweeper from the likes of MegaZard X, RP Megagross, WP Dragonite and SD + Spore Breloom, all of which have powerful STABS to back up those powerful attacks. An average attack stat + no STAB is gonna be underwhelming even after SD, and HO might just find away, Stall just straights up wall it. Address this issue please. The main focus is competitiveness, not nessecarinly flavour.
The issue is that the only good physical Bug STAB is Megahorn, and, well, Ledian doesn't have a horn. Another one would be Attack Order, I guess, but that's strictly Vespiquen's thing and it sure as hell isn't going to fit flavor.
I changed it to a stallbreaker to make better use of that blazing speed. That better?
And on Masquerain

Lcass4919 - Your Masquerain looks simple. Mew-like stats all around. Though I add you should try to give it new moves and abilities, as it doesnt stand out much against the other Masquerain. In general those are the main things about this, since its simple. Very simple gave u a hint there ;-). Just dropping Ideas here. Totatally inconspicous.

Stitch98 - Your Masquerain is the most offensive out of all of the subs, and while I like that very muvh, I think you ve taken it a BIT too far. 116 Speed outspeeds sooo much. Then it has access to QD. Now it cant be outsped at all. Now it has Swiftswim, and at +1 probably outspeeds Deoxys-S. With a Choice Scarf. Did I mention Tailwind? The point is please tone down with the subs. This particular fusion cant even be properly revengekilled thanks to residting Fighting, Water, Ice and Steel. Bisharp cant OHKO with Sucker Punch and is swiftly (heheheh) OHKO'ed. Only Talon can vengekill it, and that should NEVER be the case. Please fix. Or it might be ineligible.

Ticktock - My favourite one of them all. It has the right combination of bulk, power and utility to make it a A ranked or even S ranked threat. No complaints here.

zerobreaker000 - Another favourite. This one sacrifices speed for physical bulk and the legendary ThunderCane coverage. Sure to also be a top threat. Hypnosis seems popular. Hmmmm

I will post for Vivillon and Ariados when more subs come in. Keep on subbing!
the thing is, i wanted to go all out, but i also wanted to be flavorful with masq, and not pull straws for abilities.(cough cough, drizzle,hydration and swift swim on a mon that "cant move when wet", cough cough) but on top of that, with a water/bug typing, gaining anything more then what it has (i gave it is bst for a reason, lmao otherwise imagine volcarona without 4xSR weakness+arguably better coverage options with stab) would push it too far into ubers territory. the bst change was big enough on its own, (look at suicune in inh, it was banned with half the stats i gave masq) for making it "OU viable" i took the "flavorwise" direction, while not pushing it over the edge into ubers territory. plain might be "plain" but masq STILL didn't need much to fill a niche. dispite mine being the least creative mines also the likely candidate to be ou as the others seem to make it a bit TOO op +1 252+ SpA Life Orb Masquerain Hydro Pump vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 294-347 (45.7 - 54%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock). of course mine doesn't look the "prettiest" but at the same time, at least mine still fails to 2hko the strongest special wall in the game at +1. lmao. you ARE looking for OU pokemon, aren't you?

the problem is lets not forget while giving masq new toys is cool, its already got quite a toolkit on its own, and removing its typing is in itself a HUGE buff to masq (it literally would be OU with just the typing change tbh). of course masq can use cool moves like hurricane, but at the same time, giving it like...130 spc attack and bulk surpassing suicune is just overkill especially when it loses every reason it was low tier in the first place.
the thing is, i wanted to go all out, but i also wanted to be flavorful with masq, and not pull straws for abilities.(cough cough, drizzle,hydration and swift swim on a mon that "cant move when wet", cough cough) but on top of that, with a water/bug typing, gaining anything more then what it has (i gave it is bst for a reason, lmao otherwise imagine volcarona without 4xSR weakness+arguably better coverage options with stab) would push it too far into ubers territory. the bst change was big enough on its own, (look at suicune in inh, it was banned with half the stats i gave masq) for making it "OU viable" i took the "flavorwise" direction, while not pushing it over the edge into ubers territory. plain might be "plain" but masq STILL didn't need much to fill a niche. dispite mine being the least creative mines also the likely candidate to be ou as the others seem to make it a bit TOO op +1 252+ SpA Life Orb Masquerain Hydro Pump vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Eviolite Chansey in Rain: 294-347 (45.7 - 54%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock). of course mine doesn't look the "prettiest" but at the same time, at least mine still fails to 2hko the strongest special wall in the game at +1. lmao. you ARE looking for OU pokemon, aren't you?

the problem is lets not forget while giving masq new toys is cool, its already got quite a toolkit on its own, and removing its typing is in itself a HUGE buff to masq (it literally would be OU with just the typing change tbh). of course masq can use cool moves like hurricane, but at the same time, giving it like...130 spc attack and bulk surpassing suicune is just overkill especially when it loses every reason it was low tier in the first place.

1. They are supposed to be at least A rank.

2. Even if its bulk surpasses Suicune, Suicune still has merits over it, notably no SR weakness and a spot on defensive teams.

3. Non of the submissions are broken (after Stitch88 change), as each has a small flaw that makes it OU level. Ticktock has low HP which migates its 105/105 Defences, especially when not running Intimidate. Stitch98 toned down on his fusion and it can be threatened by the massive amount of threats that outspeed it prior to setting up. Its also struggles to break past bulky waters without giving up good coverage. No Guard is a double edged sword since its weak to Stone Miss Thunder and Hurricane and its low special bulk prior to set u combined with its low speed makes it easy to be revengekillrd by powerful fast special attackers.

4. And that flavour thing is bull. I said the main aspect of this competitiveness, flavour is secondary. Even Gamefreak has done this before with Politoed and Ninetales by giving them the weather abilities, not nessecarinly flavourful but still made them top tier (back in the day). Thanks to your stat spread, Swiftswim, Compound Eyes, Drizzle, Hydration, Wonder Skin, Tinted Lens and even Simple are optional abilities that wont make it broken. And it still could use additional moves. Hypnosis, Thunder(bolt), Hurricane, Powder, Taunt, Soak, Weather Ball, Sleep Powder, Rage Powder etc are all viable options that still make sense. So dont limit your buffs. Just dont break them either.
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Name: Masquerain
New Stats: 85/80/122/116/102/85 BST 590
New Typing(if any): Bug / Water
Movepool Addition(s): Surf, Waterfall
New Abilities(if any): Intimidate / Water Veil (HA)
Justification: It now has respectable bulk - especially after Intimidate - and decent speed and SpA, making it an overall good mon. Bug / Water doesn't need much justification I hope, and I gave it a slightly more useful ability over Unnerve, as I felt that Intimidate already does what Unnerve does flavor-wise. Water Veil is kind of a generic Water-type ability and makes Masq a good Scald switch-in so why not.
Niche in OU: This Masq is almost 100% going to be a bulky QD sweeper, although a full offensive set isn't out of the question. With a set of STABs / QD / Roost it can set-up on a couple of threats such as Keldeo, which it walls. Water Veil can help against Keldeo, but a lot of the time you're going to be using Intimidate to switch-in and set-up on Pokemon such as Defensive Lando-T.

Name: Vivillon
New Stats: 90/99/90/130/70/111 BST 590
New Typing(if any): Bug / Fairy
Movepool Addition(s): Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Moonlight
New Abilities(if any): none
Justification: Fairy-type on Vivillon isn't completely outlandish - it kind of fits with them even without its Pink wings. Its new stat line is basically an expansion on its old one - focus on offensive stats, have a high-ish HP with low defenses, mix-max to all hell. I didn't change any of its abilities because they all fit really well and Compound Eyes is good on its own.
Niche in OU: Offensive QD, plain and simple. Using its 111 speed, you put something to sleep with Sleep Powder, set-up, then hit them up with Moonblasts. Vivillon is not a very complex Pokemon - the only other thing it can do is double powder.

Name: Ledian
New Stats: 90/100/85/70/130/115 BST 590
New Typing(if any): Bug / Fighting
Movepool Addition(s): Close Combat, Bulk Up, U-Turn, Meteor Mash
New Abilities(if any): Swarm / Justified / Iron Fist (HA)
Justification: JUSTICE. Ledian always reminded me of Kamen Riders with its mask and punchy-ness, and what better typing to represent that then Fighting - the typing of JUSTICE. This is also why it gets Justified. Its stats is basically an expansion of its old stats - the only really notable stat now is its new speed which is 105. Meteor Mash might seem weird but its a punching move and Ledian must have ALL THE PUNCHING MOVES.
Niche in OU: With its decent bulk, ok attack, and great speed, Ledian makes for a rather dangerous sweeper, with either SD or Bulk Up. Even all-out attacker can work really well, especially since it has anti-Fairy coverage.

Name: Ariados
New Stats: 100/90/100/80/120/100 BST 590
New Typing(if any): Bug / Dark
Movepool Addition(s): Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Slack Off
New Abilities(if any): Insomnia / Poison Touch / Intimidate (HA)
Justification: Bug / Dark makes sense to me for Ariados, as it and Hoothoot were the first examples of the Day / Night system in GS and Dark was introduced in GS. To keep with its old Poison theme however it gets Poison Touch and Poison Heal. Intimidate is because spiders r spoopy, and it fits with its new typing. I went with a more bulky spread with Ariados, as I feel it complements the typing a bit better. 100/100/120 is pretty good, especially when paired with Intimidate.
Niche in OU: Ariados can check a couple of special attackers, such as Mega Alakazam and the Lati twins to an extent, and then Pursuit trap them (or Sucker Punch them if you want to play the 50/50 game). In general, Ariados is a Psychic-types worse nightmare. It can also just work as a pivot thanks to Intimidate and its good overall bulk.
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Name: Masquerain
New Stats: 80/65/102/111/92/85 BST 505
New Typing(if any): Bug / Water
Movepool Addition(s): Surf, Waterfall
New Abilities(if any): Intimidate / Water Veil (HA)
Justification: A reoccuring theme that you'll probably notice with all of my submissions here is that all of them have low-ish BST. Masquerain has the highest out of all of them and it doesn't really have that high of a BST. This is a bit difficult to do and make them A/S rank OU, but lets see if we can get something going. One of the ways to do it is to min-max a bit, which I did with Masq (granted, it was already min-maxed but now moreso). It now has respectable bulk - especially after Intimidate - and decent speed and SpA, making it an overall good mon. Bug / Water doesn't need much justification I hope, and I gave it a slightly more useful ability over Unnerve, as I felt that Intimidate already does what Unnerve does flavor-wise. Water Veil is kind of a generic Water-type ability and makes Masq a good Scald switch-in so why not.
Niche in OU: This Masq is almost 100% going to be a bulky QD sweeper, although a full offensive set isn't out of the question. With a set of STABs / QD / Roost it can set-up on a couple of threats such as Keldeo, which it walls. Water Veil can help against Keldeo, but a lot of the time you're going to be using Intimidate to switch-in and set-up on Pokemon such as Defensive Lando-T.

Name: Vivillon
New Stats: 90/52/60/120/50/111 BST 483
New Typing(if any): Bug / Fairy
Movepool Addition(s): Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Moonlight, Focus Blast
New Abilities(if any): none
Justification: Fairy-type on Vivillon isn't completely outlandish - it kind of fits with them even without its Pink wings. Its new stat line is basically an expansion on its old one - focus on offensive stats, have a high-ish HP with low defenses, mix-max to all hell. I didn't change any of its abilities because they all fit really well and Compound Eyes is good on its own, especially now that it has Focus Blast.
Niche in OU: Offensive QD, plain and simple. Using its 111 speed, you put something to sleep with Sleep Powder, set-up, then hit them up with Moonblasts and Focus Blasts. Vivillon is not a very complex Pokemon - the only other thing it can do is double powder.

Name: Ledian
New Stats: 70/50/65/60/110/105 BST 460
New Typing(if any): Bug / Fighting
Movepool Addition(s): Close Combat, Bulk Up, U-Turn, Meteor Mash
New Abilities(if any): Swarm / Justified / Pure Power (HA)
Justification: JUSTICE. Ledian always reminded me of Kamen Riders with its mask and punchy-ness, and what better typing to represent that then Fighting - the typing of JUSTICE. This is also why it gets Justified. Pure Power fits the theme of the Kamen Rider idea I'm going with and was the only way I could think of to make it viable and keep a very low BST of 460. Its stats is basically an expansion of its old stats - the only really notable stat now is its new speed which is 105. Meteor Mash might seem weird but its a punching move and Ledian must have ALL THE PUNCHING MOVES.
Niche in OU: I think the best way to describe Ledian is "discount Mega Medicham". Basically it does everything Mega Medicham would do except maybe slightly worse. However, Ledian doesn't take up your Mega Slot, giving it value over Medi. It also has U-Turn, a decent SpDef, and Mach Punch to separate itself from Medi.

Name: Ariados
New Stats: 100/90/80/60/110/20 BST 460
New Typing(if any): Bug / Dark
Movepool Addition(s): Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Slack Off, Taunt
New Abilities(if any): Intimidate / Poison Touch / Poison Heal (HA)
Justification: Bug / Dark makes sense to me for Ariados, as it and Hoothoot were the first examples of the Day / Night system in GS and Dark was introduced in GS. To keep with its old Poison theme however it gets Poison Touch and Poison Heal. Intimidate is because spiders r spoopy, and it fits with its new typing. I went with a more bulky spread with Ariados, as I feel it complements the typing a bit better. 100/80/110 is pretty good, especially if you opt for Intimidate over Poison Heal. It's not a bad choice, seeing as it has the flavor-neutral Slack Off now.
Niche in OU: Ariados can check a couple of special attackers, such as Mega Alakazam and the Lati twins to an extent, and then Pursuit trap them (or Sucker Punch them if you want to play the 50/50 game). In general, Ariados is a Psychic-types worse nightmare. Poison Heal can also let it act as a status blocker and as sort of a stall breaker.

The first rule of it is that all buffed Pokemon must have a BST total of 590. Until they are fixed they are inelegible.
Name: Masquerain
New Stats: 100/85/115/90/115/85 (BST 590)
New Typing: Bug/Water
Movepool additions: (none, this thing would be broken already)
New Abilities: +Levitate, -Unnerve
Justification: This is literally Suicune's Inheritance set with 10 more attack and an added Bug Typing. So I figured I'd make a joke out of Suicune usually inheriting from Masquerain(before it was banned anyway) and give Masquerain Suicune's stats and Water typing, which isn't that far-fetched as it ties in to Surskit being a pond skimmer. This thing's combination of raw stats and movepool makes it an amazing threat, also able to run a secondary STAB to murder grasses with. The one thing that may hold this back is its awful Bug typing.
Niche in OU: Intimidate wall/defogger or Quiver Dance Sweeper. Can even run a gimmicky pivot set with U-Turn, and 85 attack is not bad at all, only mediocre. Really, just look at Inheritance Suicune pre-ban to have an idea of what this thing can do.

Do we really have to have BST as exactly 590? Because if we don't than subtracting 10 from Attack is what i'd do.

Stats: 80/105/105/125/80/95
Typing: Bug/Water
Abilities: Levitate / - / -
Movepool Additions: -

Justification: Masquerain is the perfect candidate for the unique Bug/Water typing, which is quite solid defensively and allows it to abuse its colorful movepool perfectly.
Niche in OU: Quiver Dance is the one most defining move Masquerain has access to, and can turn it into a very threatening sweeper after a single turn of set-up with excellent coverage between STAB Hydro Pump/Scald and Bug Buzz. The Bug typing is notable in that it help Masquerain defeat a lot of defensive Pokemon which its fellow Water type sweepers struggle against, such as Latias, Latios, Celebi and Slowbro. A base speed of 95 ensures, that Masquerain outspeeds and OHKOs Scarf Landorus-T after a single Quiver Dance. Its bulk of 80/105/80 is quite respectable, and allows Masquerain to set-up on a large part of the metagame, especially considering its solid defensive typing with only 3 weaknessess, an immunity to (Toxic) Spikes, access to reliable recovery in Roost and most importantly the SpD boosts granted by Quiver Dance.
A significant part of the stat boosts were attributed to Masquerain's Atk stat, as to balance out its incredibly powerful movepool and prevent it from starting out with above average stats even before boosting. While it is mostly useless, it does allow Masquerain to outspeed and OHKO Talonflame with Aqua Jet after SR and a QD boost.


Typing: Bug/Flying
New Abilities: Compound Eyes / Friend Guard / Shield Dust
Movepool Additions: +Focus Blast

Justification: Following Vivillon's existing role, this spread takes advantage of a fantastic ovepool in combination with the ability Compound Eyes in order to overcome Vivillon's suboptimal typing.
Niche in OU: Vivillon's overall improved stats enhances it's former role to the point where it can reliably perform in the OU metagame. Its new offensive stats of 135/105 make it less reliant on a Quiver Dance boost, and allow it to dish out quick damage with STAB Hurricane right off the bat if necessary, boosting its consistency in battle. However, Vivillon's greatest weapons are a highly accurate Sleep Powder in combination with Quiver Dance itself, which provide it with easy set-up opportunities, and boost its stats to unprecedented levels, while most traditional switch-ins to Sleep Powder such as Mega Venusaur, Celebi and Amoongus are convenienly beaten by Hurricane. Focus Blast provides excellent coverage for Vivillon, hitting the Steel and Rock types which resist Hurricane, and benefiting from Compound Eyes to gain near perfect accuracy.


Typing: Bug/Fighting
Abilities: Iron Fist / Early Bird / Swarm
Movepool Additions: +U-Turn, +Bulk Up, +Meteor Mash

Justification: This spread picks up on Ledian's fighting theme, and allows it to take full advantage of its Iron First ability and exotic movepool including an abunance of punching moves.
Niche in OU: Bug/Fighting is an excellent typing in OU for a bulky offensive pivot, which is exactly the role that Ledian would assume. The Fighting sub-type allows it to take full advantage of its powerful STAB U-Turn by rounding it off with a rare neutrality to Stealth Rocks, while also allowing Ledian to abuse the Bug typing's useful resistances to Fighting and Ground without worrying too much about the common Rock-type coverage they come with. As for Fighting STABs, Ledian has access to both Iron Fist boosted Drain Punch and Mach Punch, which grant it valuable passive recovery and powerful priority, respectively, and make a bulky boosting set with Bulk Up viable beside the pivoting set. Lastly, Ledian possesses excellent coverage in Iron First boosted Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Meteor Mash, allowing it to hit common resists to Fighting and Bug, such as Landorus-T, Gyarados, Clefable, and Talonflame on the switch for super-effective damage.


Stats: 80/140/90/100/90/90
Typing: Bug/Dark
Abilities: Poison Heal (Sniper) / Mold Breaker (Swarm) / Insomnia
Movepool Additions: +Knock Off

Justification: With it's new typing, Ariados can make excellent use of its many useful Dark type options such as Sucker Punch and Pursuit, as well as the newly added Knock Off. This spread specializes in setting up both Sticky Web and Toxic Spikes either through bulk or offensive pressure.
Niche in OU: Its renowned access to both Sticky Web and Toxic Spikes make Ariados a useful hazard lead for multiple team archetypes. Both Poison Heal and Mold Breaker greatly aid it in this role, either by allowing it to take advantage of its decent defensive typing and bulk to set-up the hazards multiple times throughout the match, or by ensuring that it gets its job done reliably in the first turn in combination with its offensive presence to deter the use of Taunt. In addition, Ariados shares its base 90 Speed with Deoxys-D, which makes it an effective user of Taunt itself.
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Hey Cretacerus, your submission are very good and balanced. But there are just TWO SMALL problems.

1. Masquerain already has access to Roost. So if your gonna add a new move (or more) you might wanna change it. Its still accepted, but when voting starts urs will say no movepool additions. And is its ability only levitate, or is that ability added?

2. Even though I said competitiveness over flavour, it still is important. Hydro Pump Vivillon cant stay. NOTHING but water types gain Hydro Pump. Masquerain only has it due its pre evo being water and learning itself. Not even all Water types get it. Im srry, but if u dont change it ifs inelegible. Thunder makes more sense imo.
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Hey Cretacerus, your submission are very good and balanced. But there are just TWO SMALL problems.

1. Masquerain already has access to Roost. So if your gonna add a new move (or more) you might wanna change it. Its still accepted, but when voting starts urs will say no movepool additions. And is its ability only levitate, or is that ability added?

2. Even though I said competitiveness over flavour, it still is important. Hydro Pump Vivillon cant stay. NOTHING but water types gain Hydro Pump. Masquerain only has it due its pre evo being water and learning itself. Not even all Water types get it. Im srry, but if u dont change it ifs inelegible. Thunder makes more sense imo.
Alright, did the edits, thanks for the heads-up! To be honest, I added both Hydro Pump and Blizzard mainly for flavor reasons due to Vivillon's environmental theme, since I don't believe they would have a large impact on Vivillon's performance due to it's large 4MSS. But then again, flavor can be very subjective, and I'll keep the changes more minimalist in future. ;)
Name: ledian
New Stats: 70/125/80/75/120/110
New Typing(if any): flying/fightning
Movepool Addition(s): +brave bird, +taunt
Abilities: iron fist/prankster/early bird
Justification: it's a small flying thing and looks like (a little kid dressed up as) a hero so i wanted to capitalize around that. It's new typing gives it unrested coverage and a very nice STAB drain punch to abuse iron fist with. Added prankster because little kids do a prank from time to time.
Niche in OU: ledian now is pretty much the more offensive version of klefki. Both having access to dual screens and a form of speed control (tailwind and thunder wave respectively). However ledian is also a really good stallbreaker with prankster taunt, toxic and encore.

Besides it's great options to support offensive teams, it can be quite an offensive monster itself with 125 base atk and iron fist backed up by a great 110 speed. It also has unresisted coverage with its stabs alone (which includes semi-relaible recovery!) which frees up 2 moveslots to do whatever it wants. The only option for those slots that i haven't mentioned yet is baton passing. It either passes SD or subs, with SD being pretty great besides passing to boosts it's already great attack stat to extreme levels

Btw, Cretacerus, ledian already learns U-turn
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