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Motherboy XXX (The Well #30) - JabbaTheGriffin

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until what age is it acceptable to have a jew-fro?

how long until you change your name to The_Legendary_Griffin???

describe in 8 words or less your most shameful sexual encounter
say "fuk chansey" in your well (not a question, a demand)

favorite song to sing along to while drunk?

biggest bs?
since you didn't really know me too well before driving 12 hours to see me with dubs, what was going through your mind during that car trip?

what is your favorite movie? when is the first time you got drunk/realized you love gin and tonics so much? biggest regret whilst drunk, if not for the puking at the bar story?

what are you, Jonathan and I going to do the first time we're all three finally together?
obligatory: what's the story behind your username?

non-obligatory: what was your favorite song from Gaga's first album (Bad Romance?) and why do you think her latest one is so not as good?
hey jabba,

do i have a chance??

are you cool if i date amanda or allison or whatever he name was, rachel?

if you had to choose between a freaky fat chick or a hot chick with mad stds (no condoms) which would you pick? you are only slightly drunk but still able to think.

would you be cool with me texting you at odd hours of the nights asking you questions about bumps i have in strange places?

can i come hang out with you at penn state sometime? maybe sb?
Well fuck here goes page 1

Two Arrested Development fans in a row I see?

k, onto the serious issues

Villains always lose. Is this because they gather, or just because heroes do it alone?

Best show ever~ Where the movie at?

It's because of well-placed plot devices.

what is your favourite movie of the major genres (action/adventure/comedy/drama/horror/musical)

Guess I'm answering for each genre

Action: Probably one of the Bournes
Adventure: I don't know, does Neverending Story count?
Comedy: Super Troopers or Knocked Up
Drama: Goodwill Hunting
Horror: Drag Me To Hell
Musical: Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog

[15:49] Ditto I'm gonna ask Jabba his favorite way to daterape


It doesn't count as date rape if she willingly ingests it.

How many pints of Guinness have you downed and have you ever tried John Smiths? (Idk if you get it in the US).

Is 4Loko as good as everyone says it is since i'm thinking about shopping around for some since i'm sure they exist outside of the US, and i've heard some pretty neat stories about it so...

Not too many, but enough. I don't really consume much Guinness outside of Irish Car Bombs.

4 loko is fucking terrible, but if you can find the legit kind (with all the energy drink shit in it, America made them illegal this past year) please send me some.

how would you rank the seasons of dexter?

1 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5

5 was just fucking terrible. 3 was alright but had a lot of pacing problems. 2 the main Bay Harbor Butcher storyline was great but lila was a pale english titty vampire. 4 and 1 were amazing but 1 is first because it just blew me away the first time I watched it.

Who is your least and favorite person on smogon?

I love everyone except Bologo equally.

How do you feel about losing to me all the time?

Will you ever drink 4-Lokos with me?

I've lost to you?

Sure, if you have the legit kind. The new stuff still tastes like flavored urine but without the benefit of making you insane.

you like whisky too, right?

here's the menu from my new whisky haunt


pick your top 3 whiskys from that menu. don't let me down.

Eh, not really my thing to be honest. Well, I mean, I like the stuff, but I'm not yet at the point in my life where I just sit around sipping whisky. I'm still downing 50 cent beers at random bars. One day.

What do you consider your main ambition and why?

If you could achieve one single thing in the world, from a god-like perspective maybe, what would it be and why? Do you have any personal experiences with said field?

I'm not really the ambitious type. I would like to one day have my own wikipedia article though.

Huh? I don't know can I just say have superpowers and move onto the next question?

What attracted you to law school despite the field getting more and more competitive with not as many jobs sprouting up as new lawyers?

And since you didn't mention: How'd you get into Pokemon, competitive Pokemon, and Smogon?

A lot of misinformation propagated by bullshit law schools that make it look like you're going to get an 80k job right after you graduate. Fuck law schools.

Yeah this should be in the OP. When I was around 14 (a whopping 9 years ago jesus christ) I started playing on netbattle. I was pretty average. I was pretty good at predicting and shit but I was absolute ass at team building (my main team back then had subpunchreversalcham..). I played on and off it was pretty fun. Flash forward a few years and I'm a regular on the Gamefaqs contest board (Board 8).

Quick aside actually: When I first made the transition from Board 8 to Smogon I was absolutely shocked. Board 8 was a giant popularity contest for people who weren't popular in real life. They had neverending user contests and people's favorite users would constantly make lists of THEIR favorite users. It was terrible. When I looked on the Smogon social forums I just couldn't believe there wasn't a single user contest. I knew I was at home.

Anyway, so someone on Board 8 held a Pokemon tournament (that actually hosted a few smogon regulars: skarm, DekarTKB, and sir chris). I saw it and went, shit I used to play a bit, that should be fun. So I got back into Pokemon again. My buddy Dekar was testing for some mono tournament one day and I was like where the fuck are you finding these tournaments. So he linked me to the smogon boards and I joined. For the first few months most of my posts were just "in" or my battle results. I eventually started venturing to the rest of the forums and boom here I am. Also for those who know him: this is also Legendary Curt's origin story. We came from the same place at the same time.

why do you choke so hard?

It's in the BIG job description

thoughts on drizzle?

top 10 players in the BW metagame?

folgorio on a gay scale 1-10?

I'm like a Kyogre when I make it rain~

BW sucks, the top players are all pretty much equal in skill. Like they say, anyone can win on any given wednesday afternoon.

not as gay as eo/10 har har har fuck you guys

Favorite Pocket Monster?

How drunk are you right now?

Finally, what is the origin story of Treiner Orange?

Victini riding on a Keldeo

Honestly, I'm still a bit tipsy from last night, but it's wearing off pretty quickly.

His name is Treiner ORENGE, and I don't know, he's a mysterious figure who will one day be revealed to the world in a blaze of super-fire.

Do you know Dubulous?

Yeah I'm aware of his existence.

What writing do you do outside of the Smogon-related stuff, how far do you want to go with it, what got you into writing in the first place?

Honestly, absolutely nothing. The first thing I ever wrote was the joke topic about Legendary Curt and I really enjoyed writing it. I don't really have a writing outlet in real life, so all I've ever written has been for Smogon. I did take a creative writing class a couple years back in undergrad and wrote the same kind of stuff I write here. I was actually the odd one out because as you can imagine, an undergrad creative writing class is going to be filled with a bunch of kids who think they're going to make it big writing poetry and amazing short stories and they're going to fill the world with joy and deep thoughts~ I, on the other hand, knew I was only taking the class because my girlfriend at the time was taking the class (we broke up halfway through the semester, talk about awkward), so I was able to just have fun with what I wrote. I ended up writing a lot of poems with punchlines I had a lot of fun with (one poem was about me killing a doctor, but the punchline was just that I drank a doctor pepper. another was about me falling out of love with some girl and the last 2 lines were: My heart deflated, I deflate you. Back at the store, I exchange you for something new).

So I just went on a pretty big tangent, but anyway, yeah I really enjoy writing, but outside of Smogon, I really don't write at all. I would love to have somewhere to do it more consistently, but considering how bogged down I am with law school and all that shit, I really don't see it realistically happening. So Smogon will continue to be my outlet!

What's your worst beer goggles experience?

What do you think about the UU metagame?

What's the most selfish thing you've done?

I don't really get beer goggles, I just generally have low standards.

It will always be better than OU.

Stole a girl from my buddy one night. Anyone on this site that knows me from a few years back probably knows Courtney. So all I can say about that one is "karma is a bitch"

Are we related?

Possibly. I'm pretty bad with birth control.

So Jabba... how have you enjoyed law school so far? What do the grades look like?

I have not enjoyed it.

My grades are absolute ass. The problem for me is that I coasted my entire life. Highschool I never studied and got A's and B's. Undergrad I studied occasionally and got straight A's. So I come into law school with the same mentality and after the first set of exams I immediately get knocked on my ass. Law school, or at least it seems like this to me, is more about effort than natural intelligence. It's a difficult transition for someone who has never put any effort into anything. I really want to come out of the 3rd year as a changed man though. Someone who actually cares about succeeding. It's going to be a difficult road, but I'm confident I can get my ass into gear starting in a couple weeks!

What's your opinion of me?

Pretty low since you asked that question in my well.

how was p90 today? it sucked for me, but I'm getting so buff. also let's get drunk over IRC together sometime

I skipped because I was celebrating my birthday! I may double up today because one of the workouts is Kenpo and that hardly counts as a workout.

And it would be an honor and a privilege.

aren't you the guy who posted funny goofy pics of yourself with captions when you first came to smogon? Everyone got a kick out of that thread. My b if I am thinking of someone else.

What kind of music do you listen to nowadays? Whose your top 3 artists / band?

Nope that wasn't me.

I'm all over the place really. Rock, rap, pop, etc. My top 5 always changes so instead I'll just list the 3 albums I'm currently rocking on repeat: Broken Bells, Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Rooney.

do you remember the one time you were talking about college and you kept calling it state and i was like wth kinda name is state for a college?

or was that dubs...

Is Pennsylvania a good state to live in? If you could live in a different one which would you choose? Whats your favorite meal?

It was both of us because Penn State is in a town called State College!

Pennsylvania is terrible. So is Jersey. I've wanted to live in California for the past 6 years, but I've been too much of a pussy to just take the leap and go there for school.

Buffalo wings obviously

I guess somebody else already asked but what compelled you to be a lawyer? I personally perceive you as the person on Smogon least likely to enjoy that profession.

Do you like BW more or less than DPP or ADV (so I guess rank them)?

Do you feel that Smogon holds some misconceptions about you that you would like to clear up?

What is that supposed to mean??


ADV is pretty much the best metagame Pokemon could ever produce. Luck and team matchups are as irrelevant as they can be (which for Pokemon, is still a pretty big factor but whatever). The end DPP metagame is pretty awesome, I'm glad we banned all the good dragons. Dragons ruin mons. BW is trash.

Top 6 favorite Pokemon?

Will you ever watch the mentalist?

Victini riding on a Keldeo, Shaymin riding on a Keldeo, Pikachu riding on a Keldeo, Jirachi riding on a Keldeo, Celebi riding on a Keldeo, Keldeo riding on a Keldeo (is that even possible? it just blows my mindhole thinking about it)

I'm 23, not 70
Happy belated bday :)

Have you ever tried any drugs at all? What do you think about them?

Favorite drunken memory?
I have not enjoyed it.

My grades are absolute ass. The problem for me is that I coasted my entire life. Highschool I never studied and got A's and B's. Undergrad I studied occasionally and got straight A's. So I come into law school with the same mentality and after the first set of exams I immediately get knocked on my ass. Law school, or at least it seems like this to me, is more about effort than natural intelligence. It's a difficult transition for someone who has never put any effort into anything. I really want to come out of the 3rd year as a changed man though. Someone who actually cares about succeeding. It's going to be a difficult road, but I'm confident I can get my ass into gear starting in a couple weeks!

Ugh, you sound just like me. We're scarily alike.

I skipped because I was celebrating my birthday! I may double up today because one of the workouts is Kenpo and that hardly counts as a workout.

Haha I just doubled up yesterday, Plyo X and Back and Biceps. I took off Monday because I just didn't have time. But usually, when I double up it's Kenpo X -----> Stretch X back to back, and I skip a bunch of the stretches. I'm about to hit the second rest week in my 3rd time through the program... I'd be super cut right now if I didn't have so many stupid little injuries over the past few months that stopped me from working out.

Where do you plan on practicing after school? What area of law are you thinking of practicing?
On a scale of one to one hundred how many thousands of posters should be made of that picture during Swiss with us, Paul, and Len?

How come we never use sketchy mod ethics and get people to flame me and then you warn them anymore. That was fun the first time.

You're a good man. Dos Equis for life.

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