Most Underrated Pokémon of Generation 5

Sigilyph is a really cool Pokemon on paper, I tested it yesterday though and the results were very frustrating. I would burn maybe one Pokemon per round, it would usually be a spiker or something that switches in on me though so it didn't make much of a difference. And EVERYTIME I tried to setup Cosmic Powers I would die to a critical hit.

Maybe a set like Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Roost / Psycho Shift would work with a Flame Orb? Beats Skarm and Gliscor and can burn incoming Scizors, Tyranitars, etc.
Sigilyph is a really cool Pokemon on paper, I tested it yesterday though and the results were very frustrating. I would burn maybe one Pokemon per round, it would usually be a spiker or something that switches in on me though so it didn't make much of a difference. And EVERYTIME I tried to setup Cosmic Powers I would die to a critical hit.

Maybe a set like Thunderbolt / Ice Beam / Roost / Psycho Shift would work with a Flame Orb? Beats Skarm and Gliscor and can burn incoming Scizors, Tyranitars, etc.

I don't think it learns thunder bolt :/ it learns charge beam....but that's uber weak.
Or just use Hidden Power Electric.

How about a set with Substitute, to better ease a prediction from Sucker Punch / Pursuit users.
Or just use Hidden Power Electric.
That seems too weak on a Pokemon that already has pretty mediocre SpA.

Also, Magnezone can take rock, ice, electric, dragon, and ghost type moves aimed at Sig, along with being able to trap Pokemon like Skarmory and Nattorei, and possibly setup substitute on some Pokemon thanks to the burn that Sig spreads around. They also share common counters in things like Blissey, so if you can eliminate them you should be pretty good!!

ps - this is all theory mon
You obviously haven't looked at Stunfisk's movepool.
The only other STAB physical attack he gets is Spark, which is not legal with Sleep Talk.

I suppose you could run Un-STAB Rock Slide.
Or maybe Return.
Or Revenge.
Look at Stunfisk's stats. Clearly, it's better off in the Special end of things, like Thunderbolt, Discharge, Scald, Surf and Earth Power.
Medicham: Slap a Scarf on this thing and you have one hard-hitting poke. High Jump Kick got a buff this Generation, and with Pure Power, it hurts...a lot.

Gallade: People seriously underestimate this thing's Special Bulk. I run Wow/DPunch/Shadow Sneak/TWave, and it works wonders. Crits and hard hitting attacks make him cry, though, and can't switch into TTar w/o either Reflect up or Prior Burning.

Slowbro: Regeneration Choice Specs. I believe i don't need to say anymore...

It appears I've found someone who's willing to be imaginative and varied!

On the main note, I used Krookodile early in this gen and found him to be quite effective, after I passed a sub from Vaporeon, that is...

Krookodile @ Life Orb
Earthquake Spiral / Moxie... Whatever the hell it's called now...
252 Attk/252 Spe/ 4 HP
- Taunt
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Outrage

Laugh all you want, when this gets going, it broke teams. Outrage confusion didn't particularly matter, as I'd use it when their team was depleted and things that resisted it were disposed of. Taunt was for preventing being roared out or, if there was no sub up, to prevent crippling with status.

People are likely to, as this is smogon, crap on this idea, but you have to remember that this is with team support and when I've removed its walls and counters, that is the most effective way for a sweeper to function, after all...
when you've removed the walls and counters of anything it sweeps.

Although passing it a sub is a good idea, what does it accomplish if... say ferrothorn comes in and tries to just power whip you?
A lot of these Pokemon are not really underrated more so than forgotten in the fracas. Certain Pokemon will only be truely underrated when the tiers settle down and someone discovers said forgotten Pokemon wrecks shit.


what does it accomplish if... say ferrothorn comes in and tries to just power whip you?

Considering a 252 Atk +Spe (not even max+ Atk) LO Krookodile at +1 (as in, after getting a Moxie boost) does 106.6 - 126% damage to max+ Def Ferrothorn with Fire Fang, the only thing Ferrothorn is going to be doing much of is getting KO'ed.
A lot of these Pokemon are not really underrated more so than forgotten in the fracas. Certain Pokemon will only be truely underrated when the tiers settle down and someone discovers said forgotten Pokemon wrecks shit.


Considering a 252 Atk +Spe (not even max+ Atk) LO Krookodile at +1 (as in, after getting a Moxie boost) does 106.6 - 126% damage to max+ Def Ferrothorn with Fire Fang, the only thing Ferrothorn is going to be doing much of is getting KO'ed.
I don't see Fire Fang on that set.
Well, Earthquake hits for neutral damage, at +1 that would be doing plenty, letting me survive, but minus a sub, and go for the 2HKO, assuming that its possible (its way to late for me to do the calcs)

It's not as if we don't have other ways to handle Ferrothorn...
Have people talked about the water monkey? It is the most useful of the 3 monkeys and it is fast and carries Nasty Plot. Yes it has horribly sucky defenses (but doesn't die in one hit to any common 40 bp priority thankfully) but the thing smacks hard.

Nasty Plot
Focus Blast/Substitute

Seems to be the best set.
On water monkey, its a Water type, what can you expect from it(read : Decent Water Type) other than outclassed but wreck shit anyway ?
Well i mean if something isnt used but its water type, sometime something is able to do the same thing or what it does isnt so great but it still wreck shit. Its WATER after all
Krookodile @ Life Orb
252 Attk/252 Spe/ 4 HP
- Taunt
- Earthquake
- Crunch/Fire Fang
- Stone Edge

Intimidate is far better than Moxie especially on a Pokemon with less than 100 Base Speed. Being able to switch into more things is way more valuable than an attack boost on a Pokemon with 'meh' Speed.

Outrage is bad. Unless Druddigon is THAT big of a threat, Crunch/Stone Edge hits all but 4 of the OU Dragons for SE damage. (If you consider Druddigon & Flygon OU)

Fire Fang lets it abuse Intimidate to switch into the slew of Pokemon that are weak to Fire. Mainly Scizor, but it's just preference.

Pair this thing up with Bulky Gyarados with Taunt. You won't be disappointed. They cover each others weaknesses and dual Intimidate with Taunt just ends stall and makes it so easy for Gyara to DDance up.
After reading JSND's bit on Kurimigan or whatever the F it's called now, I decided to take it for a spin and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised. Sucker Punch does a hell of alot of damage and it is surprisingly bulky. The dragon type is just peachy and it synergizes very well with my Vappy's wish. This thing is kicking ass. I just wish that it had more than one useful move that gets boosted by sheer force.

Intimidate is far better than Moxie especially on a Pokemon with less than 100 Base Speed. Being able to switch into more things is way more valuable than an attack boost on a Pokemon with 'meh' Speed.

Outrage is bad. Unless Druddigon is THAT big of a threat, Crunch/Stone Edge hits all but 4 of the OU Dragons for SE damage. (If you consider Druddigon & Flygon OU)

Fire Fang lets it abuse Intimidate to switch into the slew of Pokemon that are weak to Fire. Mainly Scizor, but it's just preference.

Pair this thing up with Bulky Gyarados with Taunt. You won't be disappointed. They cover each others weaknesses and dual Intimidate with Taunt just ends stall and makes it so easy for Gyara to DDance up.
Druddigon isn't close to OU, or even something worth considering at all in teambuilding. Flygon doesn't seem to be OU, either, for good reason. Between Landlos, Garchomp, and Hydre, the only use of Flygon is if you need a Scarfer with STAB Earthquake, STAB Outrage, and U-Turn all on one Pokemon so desperately as to completely ignore the advantages of the other three. It's not useless, but it's rather niche now.

That in mind, the Dragons that appear to be part of the current OU are Latios, Latias, Kingdra, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Salamence, and Dragonite. Four of the seven are weak to either Crunch or Stone Edge, while three are not. Still, it's probably better to stick to moves that will be more helpful against a wider range of enemies.