[More WIP than ever] The Honey Treehollow [2017 UPDATE: Still alive]

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In response to your CMT for Heracross, I would like a female 5 IV spit back of Mawile. Metal burst, not sucker punch please.
Hi, I'm interested in getting a female hexaflawless Wooper in a Dream Ball. I have all three females you're looking for (Aerodactyl not yet listed on my thread), so maybe we could work out a deal?
Hi, I'm interested in getting a female hexaflawless Wooper in a Dream Ball. I have all three females you're looking for (Aerodactyl not yet listed on my thread), so maybe we could work out a deal?
Sure thing. Perhaps having the three fems being penta-flawless. But I can't breed yet. I'm almost done with the Victory Road though, by tomorrow I should be able to get started with it
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