In that case, ban all weather inducers, because they regularly force you to carry your own weather in order to beat them in this fast generation.
Some people mention it being a quick ticket for less skilled people beating more skilled people.
However, I argue that these so called less skilled people are taking advantage of an ucommon strategy, and ACTUALLY making it work. Stop calling them nobs, and man up and accept Inconsistent demands certain specific things.
I've beaten many, many weather teams without a weather setter of my own (Stall says hi). The difference between weather setters and Inconsistent is that the former is much less centralizing than the latter. You *could* use a weather setter, but that's optional. With Inconsistent, if you don't run a very specific type of counter for 2 (TWO) Pokemon, you're screwed 99% of the time.
Also, this is no longer an uncommon strategy, since everyone and their mom is running Octillery now. I wouldn't go so far as to call them noobs, since I generally dislike that term, but the fact that they're making the metagame more luck-based is not fun for anyone but them. And I think that's the main reason so many people are complaining. Who wants to play in a metagame where luck has an overwhelming part in deciding whether or not you win?