calling act on opp, never responded to me
I won my first round against phantomcobra
Beautiful art by Swiffix
Welcome to the third Monotype Cup and the second official SV Cup! Whether you're a veteran with something to prove or a newbie looking for your breakout, I wish you the best of luck.
This is a single elimination tournament & each matchup is a Bo3 series! Remember this is Thread 1-A!!!
If you want to join this tournament as a substitute, please post in this thread:
>>Monotype Cup Playoffs Tracker<<
Baton Pass Clause: Baton pass is banned Same Type Clause: Pokémon in a team must share a type. Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned Moody Clause: Moody is banned Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokémon from Terastallizing
Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions. Scouting: Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any blatant scouting. There is a difference between "[user] is known for using Fire-type" and "let me follow [user] around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter. I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. Everyone will have access to your replays from earlier rounds though. Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time. Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.
In order to schedule with your opponent, please follow the scheduling guidelines!
Feel free to contact me in the Monotype discord server if you still have any questions regarding this tournament (or the Monotype Cup in general) after reading this post!
treeshhhh vs ZackPalace
Fad IV vs Sensibility
BugSnatcherViv vs Caderade007
olivia vs kamxvz
hopethishelps vs Dragon Expert Soma
Silveruby vs Tempo di anguria
Trying_toget_tough vs promare
elano77 vs poopawmcgee
DMPenguin vs Swagata Mitra
SloshingMachined vs ThrillAddict
Fraolain vs D3M0N-CH4N
Rex Slayer vs Tarre25
Dead by Daylight vs AK-25274
Don Bork vs Kanha Greninja
tehdicktutor vs You died32
ez forfeit vs Messiah_Raphael
snobnomnom vs mikeny777$
Audaz vs Froggy[*DNP]
Agisuru vs Ethogirl
Cinthia_bruh vs piitaa22
Wearth vs Bouki
djcarbary vs Floss
Queenthinng vs HoopsspooH
elKevasoPS vs A Helpful Rayquaza
The Game Warden vs Zangoose5000
ikiarihS vs wccknd
Arjit the Great vs Mark651
adjustments vs RedS_18
TeeZwo vs EdeyDaKing2
Sylveon used calm mind vs H2Goat
crashy vs JonethBee
shadowtime2000 vs NoahTheGreat64
jfarias84 vs LuxTea226
lolebruh vs mathematicalrac
wolfsniper35 vs Charzard_289
HydreigonHailer vs Fxll Iso
archieapplewoe vs Payload13
Peyton32 vs F-00
Awesome me 1233 vs relaxray
I love Bagon vs KingXenix
Qwertyness5000 vs memedose46
velvet vs Ragibgotyournumber
MrAmbassador vs crimsonbluster
Prof.Otaku vs Loogooby
Shucklegigas vs TDR
Forrest02 vs Ethan_Plays25
Frazzio[*DNP] vs Aqua Jet
mrextrazy vs BoringBaron
FadedCharm vs Hyjinks
marzy25 vs Ash Red Legend
Paxerion vs Coolbear489929
lion 234 vs Death of Mimikyu
pokeNUTT vs Trouser Snakes
Atlantyk vs SubZeroZilla
CheetosFlaminHot4 vs Falcon6447
DScartridge vs Gekokeso
Failbor vs Potionman
1800saber vs Derpeddeath
Gabriel XZ vs Ethereal Sword
relyks vs yaguinmatador
Scarfire vs epiu
LacoX vs GhostyTheMandu
Magnamite701[*DNP] vs ToasterBoi420
Devil76 vs TTK
ForrestFire vs jacobs.t
hupagi vs phantomcobra
Zinniaa vs Bovine Ghoti
Soundwave321 vs juleocesar
Aeromoris vs Fírnen
TheWyvernKing vs Paleonerd 2.0
smallfri vs PearlDislikesYou
Arvinraj K III C vs Merrit
prongls vs Starchon
Kastejon vs Arcanine1929
Still in the cut vs King Griffin
henguinie vs Bu11seye
AndresnHarold vs allisucks
Childe109 vs St4Nuke115
Connor mCstoned vs gayratee
SHIMA vs udongirl
chuggachuggachooo vs Nkc1201*
ToxaNex vs StarMon 2010
sk1191212 vs Baddy
abdu Latrish vs Crowd One
NoobishTrainerJoe vs Jayman
Dieu Amphibien vs MattandMello
Woomsicle vs Vonols
RainVGC vs Weech1234
Infiniteflame25 vs abriel
BirdNotReal vs EpicMr.L
Trippo8 vs schwipper
yeet67349 vs ingenio_aterido
DonovanPokemon vs Squeeby
Vertigo vs educambo
Danhehe vs syth1228
imed2000111 vs Melt Gibson
Artorias_ vs FLAREfofo
Kvaradona vs Bye 1
Knockout o_O vs Bye 2
LasanVGC vs Bye 3
Uta The Clown vs Bye 4
avarice vs Bye 5
bedh vs Bye 6
des121 vs Bye 7
DAHLI vs Bye 8
Anchor9 vs Bye 9
GGwebas vs Bye 10
Ravenna vs Bye 11
Vodoom vs Bye 12
TheIronPikachu vs Bye 13
Reign_X vs Bye 14
cutegalaxyqueen vs Bye 15
pinelabm vs Bye 16
Vaictador vs Bye 17
zSoulx vs Bye 18
Rinda vs Bye 19
rumia vs Bye 20
Ursaringer vs Bye 21
yedla vs Bye 22
Yippie vs Bye 23
legendaryMax vs Bye 24
MEGA KITTY vs Bye 25
UnfunnyValentine vs Bye 26
lackertacker3 vs Bye 27
TBoy737 vs Bye 28
Zazanero vs Bye 29
Lokizeme vs Bye 30
giove97 vs Bye 31
DugZa vs Bye 32
Hank But Better vs Say Your Prayers
Kylhor vs Bye 34
tausifur vs Bye 35
KeQri vs Bye 36
6996DIVAD vs Bye 37
FLESHY13 vs Bye 38
iloveyouhavefunplz vs Aamir Razzak
Azamat140499 vs Bye 40
DaviDXrt vs Bye 41
trusted vs Bye 42
Chris Chien Pao vs Bye 43
Real GLaDOS vs Bye 44
dhwna vs ObzCoco
TripleSevens vs Bye 46
DylanoSR vs Bye 47
weird mon vs Bye 48
JGollum vs Bye 49
autumn vs Bye 50
OhSlimee vs Bye 51
Vkhss vs Bye 52
kjllkl vs Bye 53
Extracrusty vs Bye 54
Nowh vs Bye 55
Shauntal Mega Simp vs Bye 56
Ina fable vs Bye 57
walider22 vs Bye 58
yourpzza vs Bye 59
CapaTezuka vs Bye 60
Stuffstuff vs Bye 61
CarloTroll vs Bye 62
O0HS0EVIL vs Bye 63
Shruzz vs Bye 64
jdois vs Bye 65
Seyhura vs Bye 66
Sabella vs Bye 67
kdoublejay vs Bye 68
ArthurMastery vs Bye 69
Nime vs Bye 70
arvyos vs Bye 71
Karelklos vs Bye 72
roxie vs Bye 73
Dsouppp567 vs Bye 74
mpuemar05 vs Bye 75
RagnarokSS vs Bye 76
SonLeche vs Bye 77
wkxkevin vs Bye 78
SlopWasTaken vs Bye 79
boomp vs Bye 80
Go make a sandwitch vs Sawra
Msousagamer vs Bye 82
Cesian vs Bye 83
Revenge Killer vs Bye 84
PhoenixDaGhostTrainer vs Bye 85
Chrono Ys vs Bye 86
CaptainDaimyo vs Bye 87
Dr.ZatchBell vs Bye 88
insertkoin vs Bye 89
spectrum-5 vs Bye 90
Hairoll vs Bye 91
coronel55 vs Bye 92
That_One_Mango vs Bye 93
kradtheunbound vs Bye 94
Xocov vs Bye 95
Replays are not mandatory for round 1
The Deadline for Round 1 will be on March 17th @ 10 PM GMT-4
Substitutes will be paired randomly on March 10th during nighttime GMT-8
still calling actcalling act
lost to pearldislikesyou best of luck to everyone else
Beautiful art by Swiffix
Welcome to the third Monotype Cup and the second official SV Cup! Whether you're a veteran with something to prove or a newbie looking for your breakout, I wish you the best of luck.
This is a single elimination tournament & each matchup is a Bo3 series! Remember this is Thread 1-A!!!
If you want to join this tournament as a substitute, please post in this thread:
>>Monotype Cup Playoffs Tracker<<
Baton Pass Clause: Baton pass is banned Same Type Clause: Pokémon in a team must share a type. Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned Moody Clause: Moody is banned Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokémon from Terastallizing
Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions. Scouting: Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any blatant scouting. There is a difference between "[user] is known for using Fire-type" and "let me follow [user] around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter. I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. Everyone will have access to your replays from earlier rounds though. Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time. Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.
In order to schedule with your opponent, please follow the scheduling guidelines!
Feel free to contact me in the Monotype discord server if you still have any questions regarding this tournament (or the Monotype Cup in general) after reading this post!
treeshhhh vs ZackPalace
Fad IV vs Sensibility
BugSnatcherViv vs Caderade007
olivia vs kamxvz
hopethishelps vs Dragon Expert Soma
Silveruby vs Tempo di anguria
Trying_toget_tough vs promare
elano77 vs poopawmcgee
DMPenguin vs Swagata Mitra
SloshingMachined vs ThrillAddict
Fraolain vs D3M0N-CH4N
Rex Slayer vs Tarre25
Dead by Daylight vs AK-25274
Don Bork vs Kanha Greninja
tehdicktutor vs You died32
ez forfeit vs Messiah_Raphael
snobnomnom vs mikeny777$
Audaz vs Froggy[*DNP]
Agisuru vs Ethogirl
Cinthia_bruh vs piitaa22
Wearth vs Bouki
djcarbary vs Floss
Queenthinng vs HoopsspooH
elKevasoPS vs A Helpful Rayquaza
The Game Warden vs Zangoose5000
ikiarihS vs wccknd
Arjit the Great vs Mark651
adjustments vs RedS_18
TeeZwo vs EdeyDaKing2
Sylveon used calm mind vs H2Goat
crashy vs JonethBee
shadowtime2000 vs NoahTheGreat64
jfarias84 vs LuxTea226
lolebruh vs mathematicalrac
wolfsniper35 vs Charzard_289
HydreigonHailer vs Fxll Iso
archieapplewoe vs Payload13
Peyton32 vs F-00
Awesome me 1233 vs relaxray
I love Bagon vs KingXenix
Qwertyness5000 vs memedose46
velvet vs Ragibgotyournumber
MrAmbassador vs crimsonbluster
Prof.Otaku vs Loogooby
Shucklegigas vs TDR
Forrest02 vs Ethan_Plays25
Frazzio[*DNP] vs Aqua Jet
mrextrazy vs BoringBaron
FadedCharm vs Hyjinks
marzy25 vs Ash Red Legend
Paxerion vs Coolbear489929
lion 234 vs Death of Mimikyu
pokeNUTT vs Trouser Snakes
Atlantyk vs SubZeroZilla
CheetosFlaminHot4 vs Falcon6447
DScartridge vs Gekokeso
Failbor vs Potionman
1800saber vs Derpeddeath
Gabriel XZ vs Ethereal Sword
relyks vs yaguinmatador
Scarfire vs epiu
LacoX vs GhostyTheMandu
Magnamite701[*DNP] vs ToasterBoi420
Devil76 vs TTK
ForrestFire vs jacobs.t
hupagi vs phantomcobra
Zinniaa vs Bovine Ghoti
Soundwave321 vs juleocesar
Aeromoris vs Fírnen
TheWyvernKing vs Paleonerd 2.0
smallfri vs PearlDislikesYou
Arvinraj K III C vs Merrit
prongls vs Starchon
Kastejon vs Arcanine1929
Still in the cut vs King Griffin
henguinie vs Bu11seye
AndresnHarold vs allisucks
Childe109 vs St4Nuke115
Connor mCstoned vs gayratee
SHIMA vs udongirl
chuggachuggachooo vs Nkc1201*
ToxaNex vs StarMon 2010
sk1191212 vs Baddy
abdu Latrish vs Crowd One
NoobishTrainerJoe vs Jayman
Dieu Amphibien vs MattandMello
Woomsicle vs Vonols
RainVGC vs Weech1234
Infiniteflame25 vs abriel
BirdNotReal vs EpicMr.L
Trippo8 vs schwipper
yeet67349 vs ingenio_aterido
DonovanPokemon vs Squeeby
Vertigo vs educambo
Danhehe vs syth1228
imed2000111 vs Melt Gibson
Artorias_ vs FLAREfofo
Kvaradona vs Bye 1
Knockout o_O vs Bye 2
LasanVGC vs Bye 3
Uta The Clown vs Bye 4
avarice vs Bye 5
bedh vs Bye 6
des121 vs Bye 7
DAHLI vs Bye 8
Anchor9 vs Bye 9
GGwebas vs Bye 10
Ravenna vs Bye 11
Vodoom vs Bye 12
TheIronPikachu vs Bye 13
Reign_X vs Bye 14
cutegalaxyqueen vs Bye 15
pinelabm vs Bye 16
Vaictador vs Bye 17
zSoulx vs Bye 18
Rinda vs Bye 19
rumia vs Bye 20
Ursaringer vs Bye 21
yedla vs Bye 22
Yippie vs Bye 23
legendaryMax vs Bye 24
MEGA KITTY vs Bye 25
UnfunnyValentine vs Bye 26
lackertacker3 vs Bye 27
TBoy737 vs Bye 28
Zazanero vs Bye 29
Lokizeme vs Bye 30
giove97 vs Bye 31
DugZa vs Bye 32
Hank But Better vs Say Your Prayers
Kylhor vs Bye 34
tausifur vs Bye 35
KeQri vs Bye 36
6996DIVAD vs Bye 37
FLESHY13 vs Bye 38
iloveyouhavefunplz vs Aamir Razzak
Azamat140499 vs Bye 40
DaviDXrt vs Bye 41
trusted vs Bye 42
Chris Chien Pao vs Bye 43
Real GLaDOS vs Bye 44
dhwna vs ObzCoco
TripleSevens vs Bye 46
DylanoSR vs Bye 47
weird mon vs Bye 48
JGollum vs Bye 49
autumn vs Bye 50
OhSlimee vs Bye 51
Vkhss vs Bye 52
kjllkl vs Bye 53
Extracrusty vs Bye 54
Nowh vs Bye 55
Shauntal Mega Simp vs Bye 56
Ina fable vs Bye 57
walider22 vs Bye 58
yourpzza vs Bye 59
CapaTezuka vs Bye 60
Stuffstuff vs Bye 61
CarloTroll vs Bye 62
O0HS0EVIL vs Bye 63
Shruzz vs Bye 64
jdois vs Bye 65
Seyhura vs Bye 66
Sabella vs Bye 67
kdoublejay vs Bye 68
ArthurMastery vs Bye 69
Nime vs Bye 70
arvyos vs Bye 71
Karelklos vs Bye 72
roxie vs Bye 73
Dsouppp567 vs Bye 74
mpuemar05 vs Bye 75
RagnarokSS vs Bye 76
SonLeche vs Bye 77
wkxkevin vs Bye 78
SlopWasTaken vs Bye 79
boomp vs Bye 80
Go make a sandwitch vs Sawra
Msousagamer vs Bye 82
Cesian vs Bye 83
Revenge Killer vs Bye 84
PhoenixDaGhostTrainer vs Bye 85
Chrono Ys vs Bye 86
CaptainDaimyo vs Bye 87
Dr.ZatchBell vs Bye 88
insertkoin vs Bye 89
spectrum-5 vs Bye 90
Hairoll vs Bye 91
coronel55 vs Bye 92
That_One_Mango vs Bye 93
kradtheunbound vs Bye 94
Xocov vs Bye 95
Replays are not mandatory for round 1
The Deadline for Round 1 will be on March 17th @ 10 PM GMT-4
Substitutes will be paired randomly on March 10th during nighttime GMT-8