Monotype Cup Monotype SS Cup - Round 1 (25$ Prize)

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Act Wins:
commas  vs  Cielau
S.D.S901  vs  Cesian [
cpt.kraken [*DNP]  vs  LucarimonD
Tarre25  [*DNP] vs  EpsilonRvB
Valoulefou  vs  Real GLaDOS
King Griffin [*DNP]  vs  Oscar99999
Death of Mimikyu  vs  ObzCoco [*DNP]
Holy Cheetos [*DNP]  vs  tetramain
Shruzz  vs  Whitespaniard [*DNP]
Vodoom [*DNP]  vs  landlord42
phantomcobra [*DNP]  vs  TheKingOfDestroyers
Tsiory 1  vs  Trouser Snakes [*DNP]
adjustments [*DNP]  vs  google is dum
The_Fish_Thing  vs  Chaitanya [*DNP]
blacknight11712  vs  CrossHeart [*DNP]
maroon [*DNP]  vs  Frojen
Fuego2108 [*DNP]  vs  AmericanPi
ArkenCiel [*DNP]  vs  UTJUTJ
RodentTamer [*DNP]  vs  Rae_2nd
Azick [*DNP]  vs  relaxray
Ethogirl  vs  Nekoma [*DNP]
cooper0812  vs  Spadesmaster [*DNP]
Creative Shadess  vs  FadedCharm [*DNP]
ToxaNex [*DNP]  vs  Seesaw90
Fonsi117  vs  sapphiree [*DNP]
twinkay [*DNP]  vs  jadedfalcon
DAHLI [*DNP]  vs  EdeyDaKing2
yourlosmychoice  vs  memedose46 [*DNP]
c0c0vontees  vs  TentacleRatGf [*DNP]
treeshhhh [*DNP]  vs  Kyogar
xenoceratops  vs  Fingie Snatcher [*DNP]
DerpsDeluxe [*DNP]  vs  Reuben_Thomas05
Arjit the Great [*DNP]  vs  evolution 6
Mihowk [*DNP]  vs  Onirennaj

Kutraya [*DNP]  vs  Fluried
ChasinEatsShoes [*DNP]  vs  Chefs cuckin
henguinie [*DNP]  vs  TheWyvernKing
KillaLeston [*DNP]  vs  pringleperson1
Ina fable [*DNP]  vs  YagoPose
shinyarc50 [*DNP]  vs  bloodknqckles
Tempo di anguria [*DNP] vs  TheSebDev
Baibbro [*DNP]  vs  caymarch162017
fabigod40 [*DNP]  vs  halaman95
Mateeus [*DNP] vs  _stevengallardo_
agentash123 [*DNP]  vs  Bagete
Ziograth [*DNP]  vs  Manz_2
Amit_gamer 69 [*DNP]  vs  Tommi
kradtheunbound [*DNP]  vs  ilovebol4
Huntu [*DNP] vs  giove97
Sabella [*DNP]  vs  Strictsceptile
Payload13 [*DNP]  vs  Staraptor
babyhabits [*DNP]  vs  Mada
ruuko [*DNP]  vs  Wartionzz
Torao [*DNP]  vs  Hadi.M
SubZeroZilla [*DNP]  vs  Enigmia
vishnu00640 [*DNP]  vs  the lucky one
Noahtoria [*DNP]  vs  TAG2Y2
NoahTheGreat64 [*DNP]  vs  Covle
Yuzora [*DNP] vs  kaydengarity08
tsl_123 [*DNP]  vs  Floss
clownex69 [*DNP]  vs  ErCarrazo
Frogmen [*DNP]  vs  Noahtoria
571FF [*DNP]  vs  nils2050
I2ac [*DNP]  vs  PokeChampMichael
joemonke [*DNP]  vs  Firechicken1
velvet [*DNP]  vs  poukislava
SirPlaguel [*DNP]  vs  CapnKeeta
Chlapin [*DNP]  vs  McCrab
SICKOMADE [*DNP]  vs  DangerRanger
Sethmokami [*DNP]  vs  patates ozcan
MTS007 [*DNP]  vs  AR Rakibul
raphael123 [*DNP]  vs  dethwind0911
Baoue [*DNP] vs  lion 234
Tenebricite [*DNP] vs  Yeoka
Arvinraj K III C [*DNP] vs  saiyanseen
Thundarsc0re [*DNP]  vs  Azamat140499
Railgun [*DNP]  vs  Lime Samurai
SirSkit [*DNP]  vs  Allan2004
Au253763 [*DNP]  vs  Lightniong
txitxas [*DNP]  vs  DJ_Swirlix
CrimsonMoon [*DNP]  vs  CristianIAC
KeshBa54  vs [*DNP]  LegendSteelix
Frogmen [*DNP] vs Noahtoria
TylerOnPokemon [*DNP]  vs  chuggachuggachooo
CheerfulGraffiti [*DNP]  vs  lil ceruldedge

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 9.42.50 AM.png
It always baffles me (and it's quite frustrating to see) that there are so many coinflips and activity wins for that first round (and so they can progress to the second round) while people who schedule properly are definitely out of the tour after one loss.

It's not my defeat was unfair (my oppo outplayed me, ggs to him) and that I want to have a second chance so badly but I raise an interesting issue. Tbf, I really believe that a "lucky loser system" should exist when losing players can replace an inactive player or a coinflip to reward activity. However, I guess that it would be very difficult to implement for tour hosts. :smogthink: Sorry for the little rant.
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