Team Monotype Premier League VII - Week 4

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B101 Leader
Co-hosted with: Perish Song

Art by Yours Truly

Week 4
Replays Thread
Records Spreadsheet
Stats Sheet


Meteor Falls Miniors (3) vs Blackthorn Bucks (5)

SS: Maki vs kythr
SS: Fraolain vs Meta
SS: Cielau vs TeamCharm
SM: Vaboh vs Pak
SM: umbry vs Xiri
ORAS: Cell vs Indigo Plateau
BW: Attribute vs Jyph
Bo3: FatFighter2 vs Decem


Trick House Treeckos (4) vs Bell Tower Braves (4)

SS: King Choco vs tko
SS: Shiba vs TJ
SS: TheArchitect_ vs Sificon
SM: LuckyPiper vs Harpp
SM: adjustments vs Mateeus
ORAS: taide vs lax
BW: Crashy vs SoulWind
Bo3: Dieu Amphibien vs Bushtush


Hearthome Honchkrows (5) vs Tohjo Falls Thunders (3)

SS: Skysolo vs Conflux
SS: Padox vs Gtcha
SS: Rinda vs Fylkir Pudin
SM: ez vs Splash
SM: Kenix vs IPF
ORAS: jonfilch vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
BW: Sae vs Sabella
Bo3: Maskun vs Star


Dreamyard Darkrais (5) vs Goldenrod Gengars (3)

SS: maroon vs Aeran
SS: ErPeris vs Confide
SS: Toadow vs LightScreener
SM: Kev vs dahli
SM: Kaguya Lys vs Alpha Rabbit
ORAS: Catalystic vs Finchinator
BW: Raichy vs SPACE FORCE meeps
Bo3: Floss vs Chaitanya

Meteor Falls Miniors ( ) vs Blackthorn Bucks ( )

SS: Maki vs kythr
SS: Fraolain vs Meta
SS: Cielau vs TeamCharm
SM: Vaboh vs Pak
SM: umbry vs Xiri
ORAS: Cell vs Indigo Plateau
BW: Attribute vs Jyph
Bo3: FatFighter2 vs Decem

Trick House Treeckos ( ) vs Bell Tower Braves ( )

SS: King Choco vs tko
SS: Shiba vs TJ
SS: TheArchitect_ vs Sificon
SM: LuckyPiper vs Harpp
SM: adjustments vs Mateeus
ORAS: taide vs lax
BW: Crashy vs SoulWind
Bo3: Dieu Amphibien vs Bushtush

Hearthome Honchkrows ( ) vs Tohjo Falls Thunders ( )

SS: Skysolo vs Conflux
SS: Padox vs Gtcha
SS: Rinda vs Fylkir Pudin
SM: ez vs Splash
SM: Kenix vs IPF
ORAS: jonfilch vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
BW: Sae vs Sabella
Bo3: Maskun vs Star

Dreamyard Darkrais ( ) vs Goldenrod Gengars ( )

SS: maroon vs Aeran
SS: ErPeris vs Confide
SS: Toadow vs LightScreener
SM: Kev vs dahli
SM: Kaguya Lys vs Alpha Rabbit
ORAS: Catalystic vs Finchinator
BW: Raichy vs SPACE FORCE meeps
Bo3: Floss vs Chaitanya
Bo3s exclude SM!

The deadline for Week 4 is July 25th @ 11:59PM EDT (GMT -4)!
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Trick House Treeckos (4) vs Bell Tower Braves (4)

SS: King Choco vs tko - There is no way tko enjoys playing mono
SS: Shiba vs TJ - Shiba has like 8 mono tour wins I'll give it to him
SS: yedla vs SwordStrike - Still don't know who SwordStrike is but he's fire. I just like yedla more ngl bros
SM: LuckyPiper vs Harpp - Harpp's on a mission he's never losing a game again
SM: adjustments vs Mateeus - Mat is prob better than attitude adjuster as long as he doesn't choke late game
ORAS: taide vs lax - taide's matchup prowess is unrivaled
BW: Crashy vs SoulWind - No way SW stays negative for more than one week right..
Bo3: Dieu Amphibien vs Bushtush - Don't let the washing machine do what he did to chait bush please

Hearthome Honchkrows (3) vs Tohjo Falls Thunders (5)
SS: Skysolo vs Conflux - Likewhore vs Smokewhore. One kills you another gives you lung cancer. Only one winner here
SS: Padox vs Gtcha - This guy's got a big mouth lets see if he can back it up
SS: Rinda vs Fylkir Pudin - This can go either way I just flipped a coin and it landed on rinda can't lie
SM: ez vs Splash - No way splashvro's opp gets the detroit pistons luck again
SM: Kenix vs IPF - Idk who either of these two are but apparently kenix tried to edit his post into act calling? LMAO no shot
ORAS: jonfilch vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d - Sinnoh plays aggro as fuck but its been working so far so I'll give it to him
BW: Sae vs Sabella - The grandpa has more mono wins than his age now p sure
Bo3: Isza vs Star - Player Killer.

Dreamyard Darkrais (3) vs Goldenrod Gengars (5)

SS: maroon vs Aeran - maroon been popping off this tour apparently?
SS: ErPeris vs Confide - I like erperis more than dumbass confide but less mono exp alas
SS: Toadow vs LightScreener - I think toadow is french? no way he loses
SM: Kev vs dahli - Number 1 and Number 2 SS players in SM LOL? Peachy has a cool record
SM: Zap vs Alpha Rabbit - Let's play a game! Will Zap have activity issues this week too?!?! Tune in on 25th July to find out!
ORAS: Catalystic vs Finchinator - I think Finch is better but Cata has more mono exp so idk maybe this goes either way
BW: Raichy vs SPACE FORCE meeps - Meeps has looked good so far
Bo3: Floss vs Chaitanya - Omg the Indian vs the Paki feels like 1947 again. I shall give it to the paki this time
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