Project Monotype Interviews #6 - Cielau

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Monotype Interviews #6 - Cielau

:pmd/pawmi: royal :pmd/pawmi: | :pmd/mudkip: Cielau :pmd/mudkip:

First of all thanks for taking the time to do this, I'm sure the community will be interested in hearing from an MPL winning manager, would you mind telling us a bit about yourself?

My favorite pokemon is Mudkip, he's cute and my favorite game of pokemon is emerald. As hobby I like read manga, watch anime. I start to learn japanese, now I think I'm decent in English I wanted to learn a 3rd language and I decide to learn Japanese. Otherwise, I work in a supermarket, unfortunately pokemon doesn't help to have money...

That's so cool that we have the same favorite Pokemon :) how did you get the name Cielau?

Oh nice to hear it! For my name it was a random name I created for a game with my little sister, when I was 9 or 10 years old. A bit theater, we incarnate some character and one of them was Cielau. Of what I remember it's the fusion of Ciel = sky and Haut = high, the combination looks like cielo = sky in spannish this time. I like symbolic of trying to be higher than sky, it works well for a competitive game.

That's a really cool story, and definitely a really creative name! How did you get introduced / involved with the Monotype community?

I think it was because a french youtuber make a video of a mono ghost team early SS. I decided to try to play the team, and quickly grind in the ladder. I had lot of time at this moment of my life so I start to play a lot and a lot and I became a ladder hero of monotype. Dieu Amphibien asked me if I wanted to join the french monotype discord in April or May 2020. I accepted and I discovered a really welcoming and friendly community. And with time I also joined the smogon monotype community, and same, I discovered lot of good people.

Do you have a favorite moment or memory that sticks out from your time on Smogon / PS?

This mpl win will probably stay in memory for a long time, but I have in mind my first tournament win. It was a minor tournament from a french community, but it was the first (I 3-0 Toadow in finals :p). And yeah probably my win against Conflux during the tiebreak of the 16th place of 2021 playoff circuit. It's the both who came to me with that question, but I probably forgot a lot of good memories.

Big congratulations on your MPL win, do you mind telling us about that? How did you and Toadow decide to team up? How did you approach the draft?

Thanks I appreciate it! Honestly last year it was a bit unexpected to be choice as manager, Hurtadoo pushed me to try and with Toadow we agreed to be together for pushing our submission. We have been friends for a long time and they (hurta and toadow) had more experience as manager. So it was important to have them as support. For this year we just decided to redo with Toadow. I think I'm ovarall more active but less serious than him for schedule stuff and things like that, we also have a similar vision of what is a good manager so overall it was a good pairing.

For the draft, we had in mind to mix a competitive draft and a funny comp. Cuz yeah it's cool to win but I also want to take good and funny moment with my mate. For that we made a list of all the people we wanted to have, and during the auction we improvise depend of the situation. For the competitive part, like we was poor, we had to bet in the future goat or good pilot who didn't touch a lot monotype. I bet a lot in the ru player, cuz I knew they would take in hand quickly monotype (especially when u know they already touch a bit the tier in past gen)

That's a really smart strategy, its always important to prioritize having fun, as well as having good chemistry with your teammates. How did you guys feel going into the last week of the season? How did you prepare for a must win-scenario?

It was huge, we won the semis by the best way possible and be in finals always mean you have a chance, so I think everyone was focused on that. For the prep it depends on the player/slot, for exemple Masskeau needed a lot of testgame for his teams so each day we played like 3-5 games. For Bouff after having the team, I wrote a huge text with all the possible matchups and each scenario he has to expect, what's the gameplan, etc. For Gelb or Floss, it's more let them make their things and check after if they need help. I will not say everyone, but I think it gives an idea of how our organization looked at the moment. I think the real specific thing I did for finals, was watch all the replays of the competition and make a google doc with the statistic of winrate for each type in oldgen. But after 2 or 3 hours of making Floss reminded me Kenn already did it. But I think except in bw, we had all the good call like that, the original call in oras was bug but I didn't trust it 5min before the game...

Wow, that sounds like a lot of work but it definitely paid off, that's a very hands on approach to the game so it's no wonder why you guys won. Was there a team that was toughest for you guys?

Honestly we struggled against each team of this tournament, I don't remember any week where it was not close to be the end for us. But for sure tinkatons and honchkrows were the 2 teams I feared the most. It was clearly an upset from us to win this tournament.

Thanks for your insight! Just a few more questions to wrap up. First, if you could ban or unban anything in any Monotype generation, what would it be and why?

Back 2 years ago I would say moltres-galar 100% but now probably gouging fire, flutter mane or gholdengo. Hard to know who are the worst. For past generations, I wouldn't make any change even if sometimes the tier isn't really balanced. It's already hard to know what is good for a tier when it's a current gen, so for a past gen I think it's really easy to get wrong.

I could definitely get behind banning Gholdengo. Is there a team that you think shows your style of play best that you could share with us?

Would be great... I think I can show you an old team now from SS, I think it was built for mwp 2021-2022. Probably the most classic fly you could see, but I know I was one of the first who used Knock Off on Thundurus and same Thunder Punch on the Dragon Dance Dragonite set (it was always eq). I think the team still works even if it's clearly outdated now. Overall I play mainly balance and bulky offense, it's clearly what I prefer


Do you have any advice for newer players who want to get more involved in the community?

Honestly the best way is playing tournaments, don't hesitate to ask people for suggestions, for help, for games. You have more good surprise than bad overall. Be active, and more than all you have to persevere. By that, I mean, believe in the possibility you will succeed and how. It's only words, but when you doubt yourself, I think it's important to keep that in mind. Love you monotype, I hope one day, our work will pay off and our tier will be more recognized.

Thank you so much for your time and your diligent answers, I’m sure everybody will appreciate reading and learning a bit more about you. Is there anybody you would like to give a shoutout to?

Big s/o to all my mpl team, s/o to all the people who have helped me throughout the years, s/o to all the friends I made in this game, s/o all the contributors of the community. Thanks for this interview it was nice to be a part of it!


This thread will remain open in case anyone would like to ask Cielau any further questions. If you have an idea for who you would like to be interviewed next, please don't hesitate to let me know!​
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What do you think about assassins targeting the king in Citadel?

Any apologies regarding that one mario party game?

Wanna reveal your laser game cheat code?

How many shuttlecock did you send on the roof?
What do you think about assassins targeting the king in Citadel?

I will consider the question to quick ban his existence

Any apologies regarding that one mario party game?

A missionary of chaos don't apologize, thx to the holy 22

Wanna reveal your laser game cheat code?

I believe in my gun, that's all !

How many shuttlecock did you send on the roof?

Huh.... Too many, I'm bad

(that was really funny vacation except the part of the Citadel, even gholdengo looks fun next to)
Meowdy Cielau, thank you for letting yourself be interviewed. Can I have your thoughts on these?

1. Since you mentioned that you mainly like Balance/Bulky Offense, which types (aside from the Steel team and Flying) could use more exploration in SV that can achieve the same playstyle that you like? If you want to share thoughts or builds that would be nice but this sounds like a holdup atp

2. Which mon in the current SV Mono/any old gen banlist is unbannable in your opinion? Explain why too btw if thats fine. If there is none thats fine too :-:

3. Congrats on winning MPL! Is there a reason for why you picked the team name "Melemele Meloettas"?

4. Can you rank the frenchies using any metric (funny or serious, it doesnt matter) that you like? Minimum of 5 >:3

Thank you in advance :blobnom:
whose fault is it that you guys don't have your mpl custom yet

who would win in a fist fight between mushamu and Azick

most exciting players to watch? (this can be outside of monotype if you want)

what game that you've played are you most proud of? this can be from any tier forum team tour or circuit tour

you just won mpl so... what's next for you? is there anything else you wanna win / play in / learn?

i asked this to toadow, but was there at any point in your time of playing pokemon that you felt like you could compete with anyone, regardless of their skill level? if so, when?
1. Since you mentioned that you mainly like Balance/Bulky Offense, which types (aside from the Steel team and Flying) could use more exploration in SV that can achieve the same playstyle that you like? If you want to share thoughts or builds that would be nice but this sounds like a holdup atp

If no steel or no flying, probably water. If I have to build a balanced or a BO, It's probably the type I will enjoy the most build u have many option. Unfort it's also a type like flying with a ton of problem u have to solve when u build, so it's really hard to don't do the same team with only some little change again and again. (would send a build of one of my BO water, but I recently lost all my sv monotype team ....)
But fun fact, I prefer play dark in SV. It's generally really funny to play and a good read with dark generally can make a game, and that's also something I like

2. Which mon in the current SV Mono/any old gen banlist is unbannable in your opinion? Explain why too btw if thats fine. If there is none thats fine too :-:

Mmh, the only I see is probably keldeo honnestly, in oras. Feel like the mon was really strong but not banworthy, was really surprise to see a ban. But yeah unfort Neko... Chien pao deserved his ban ....

3. Congrats on winning MPL! Is there a reason for why you picked the team name "Melemele Meloettas"?

We choose meloetta as mascot cuz Toadow really love the mon, and melemele thx to Trouser Snakes who find the melemele. We wanted a funny and memorable name with the restriction of a teamname

4. Can you rank the frenchies using any metric (funny or serious, it doesnt matter) that you like? Minimum of 5 >:3

The weebest frenchie from mpl:

11. Bouki - I don't even think he knows the word...
10. pas_touchao - I'm sure he run away each time the discussion is about an anime
9. elyoss - don't know him enough on this point unfort ...
8. Rinda - He's discord pp is a fake, it's not a weeb ....
7. yedla - Not the weebest, but we start to see a weeb energy
6. Toadow - A yu-gi-yo enjoyer is for sure a weeb
5. Hurtadoo - Really high for nothing, it's not really a big weeb but he has the shonen spirit in him
4. Gelbel - Not a AMQ main, but it will happen soon .....
3. Masskeau - I could lie and say gelb is weebest than u, but Toadow told me the opposite
2. frol1 - Last time I play AMQ with him and I lose, I can't rivalize ....
1. Dieu Amphibien - The only tierlist I will accept to put him top 1 I think ....

Thx for the question and my bad for the delay ! The last one is for fun ofc, had also in idea who are the frenchiest frenchie, but didn't had enough idea
whose fault is it that you guys don't have your mpl custom yet

They ping me, litarally 5min after ur post .....

who would win in a fist fight between mushamu and Azick

Azick for sure, I can bet 50$ on that ! (let's organize it)

most exciting players to watch? (this can be outside of monotype if you want)

Hard to answer, I'm unfort not a big watcher of game. But I think recently I really like watching kushalos in RU, and had a big period where I watch a lot sensei axew and garay oak. But imo it's a bad habits, watch games of player better than u is a really good way to improve urself so I should probably take more the time to watch major.

what game that you've played are you most proud of? this can be from any tier forum team tour or circuit tour

I have 2 games in mind but I'm sure I forgot a lot of game, unfort I think I remember more my loses than my wins. The first one, was against Conflux in 2021, it was for tiebreak of circuit. Have in mind the g3 where I played a water against a dragon with specs kyurem, it was really really close but I made the good play and finally won the game. I know it change a lot my perception of myself as a player.
The 2nd one was for a random french teamtour in 2022, where I played ss ou. I faced a stall with a team unfort not build for win it, nobody trust in my win due to the mu, but I finally win the game after more than 300 tours. Was really proud of it and the most funny thing was then someone said "let's all rename Cielau and use his pp", so during 2 weeks they are 7 guys called cielau

you just won mpl so... what's next for you? is there anything else you wanna win / play in / learn?

Honnestly I have a ton of objective in mind, want to won the monotype circuit, monotype cup, same for ru circuit. I have also in mind SCL, grand slam and I will probably finally play more ou to play the major. I know when I decide to take in serious this game, I wanted to know how far I could go. So now it's with this mentality I play. Probably 1 day I will don't find the motivation or irl stuff will take too many time to continue this rythm, but for the moment I'm still motivate. We will see !

i asked this to toadow, but was there at any point in your time of playing pokemon that you felt like you could compete with anyone, regardless of their skill level? if so, when?

Mmmh, I'm far to pretend to that, I know I still have things I have to improve even if I saw a really good evolution of my level this year. Now I never start a game with the idea of losing it, I'm always convince I can win and game will prove if I'm right or wrong. And yeah defeat is sometimes really painfull. But it's clearly part of the game, bounce back and be able to be resilient, it's how u progress

Thx for all the questions ! Hope I answered correctly
melemele thx to Trouser Snakes who find the melemele. We wanted a funny and memorable name with the restriction of a teamname
Damn I thought I was the one who gave u the idea for Melemele :puff:


Anyways... Gimme your top 7 toughest opponent you have ever played in monotype and pls give us the reason and how you prepared for them :blobwizard: