Monotype Community Create A Team | Phase 5 - Voting

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approved by scpinion and Dream Eater Gengar | adapted from OU version | Banner made by me | hosted with 6TI

hi. The purpose of this thread is for us to create a team Pokemon by Pokemon as a community via nominating and voting on Pokemon in this thread. Halfway through the build & once the team is finished (every 3 Pokemon), we'll have a session in the Monotype Events room on PS! where we'll discuss the Pokemon chosen and decide whether or not what was voted on was the most optimal. This gets rid of the biggest problem with the original thread: people potentially voting for bad stuff. The goal here is to not only build a team as a community, but to discuss the team, test the team, and improve the team and our teambuilding skills overall.

  • When submitting a Pokemon, be sure to include a set and explanation. The explanation should not only explain why you chose that Pokemon, but also why that Pokemon is the most optimal choice for the team. Be sure to also explain why you chose the set you chose specifically.
  • During the voting period, you're only allowed to vote for 1 Pokemon! Simply say the name of that Pokemon in bold. Please say the name of the Pokemon / set as it appears on the list. This makes it 10x easier for us to tally the votes n_n
  • Don't submit totally unviable / bad stuff !

  • The submission period for each Pokemon will go for 5 days. Voting period will be during next 2 days.
  • There will be a break between the first three Pokemon and the last three to host the (live) portion of this project.
  • Once we have the "final" team (immediately after the second live portion), we'll test the team a bit to totally finalize it.
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Team in progress #1
Tornadus-Therian @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 76 Atk / 180 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hurricane
- Superpower
- U-turn
- Taunt

Landorus-Therian @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 164 Def / 92 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Knock Off

Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Crunch

Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def
Careful Nature
- Iron Head
- Roost
- Spikes
- Defog / Whirlwind
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Just to clear some things up, you don't have to wait for a type to be picked. all you have to do is suggest a pokemon!
and now, the best pokemon...

Breloom @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature / Adamant Nature
- Force Palm / Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Spore
- Rock Tomb

I think this is a pretty fun and underrated set. This is for grass, since partially because fighting is relatively generic and partially because grass really appreciates fast spores from breloom, which aren't guaranteed when using sash because of grass's lack of good removal. It also beats charizard, although most chars won't stay in if breloom is at 100% if they fear sash.
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Snorlax @ Maranga Berry / Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 188 HP / 144 Def / 176 SpD
Careful Nature
- Curse
- Body Slam
- Rest
- Fire Punch / ?

Although it hasn't been seen much at all in Monotype ever since gen 5, Snorlax presents a really interesting wincon for Normal. It slowly breaks through teams that lack strong Fighting-types, like Dragon, Electric, some Normal, and some Psychic. It does lose to some really powerful wallbreakers in the meta, but it has some great teammate options that can take those on for it. If we can build a team that lets Snorlax get past its checks and counters, it could prove to be really threatening.

The set was mostly ripped from the UU Snorlax analysis. IIRC, Maranga Berry on Snorlax was an idea that I got from Thimo, but idr if he made a good team with it. Leftovers is good too, if that ends up being unreliable. Curse is the fun part of the set, since it turns Snorlax into a neat setup mon. Body Slam can cripple Snorlax's checks early-game and spreading paralysis early-game can also help out other teammates, such as Porygon-Z and other slow wallbreakers. Gaining extra turns through paralysis is especially important since this doesn't have Sleep Talk. Rest is Rest, and lets it beat passive Pokemon like Chansey, Zapdos, etc, that try to beat it with Toxic or something. Fire Punch lets it hits Steel-types, which commonly try to set up on Snorlax. If Snorlax ends up being the last Pokemon against a Steel team, I think it could pull off a sweep since Skarmory can't Whirlwind it out. Also, I have no idea how to optimize this EV spread, so that can be changed later I guess.

Tornadus-Therian @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 76 Atk / 180 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hurricane
- Superpower/ Focus Blast/ Heat Wave
- U-turn
- Taunt
I've never seen a flying team built around Life Orbed Tornadus-T. Tornadus-T is a really fast pokemon and has powerful flying STAB in Hurricane. The Life Orbed set is interesting with the ability to break stall water with ease.It also can break other defensive cores such as Psyshic, Normal, and Grass among other types. It also is a very good pivot and can form a solid Volt Turn core with Zapdos.

I took the set because I've been playing some OU recently and always found Tornadus-T to be a good Pokemon but it tends not to fit on Flying teams easily without the proper build. The set just beats bulkier Monotype builds and punishes teams that rely on fat walls that need to constantly recover. It also has Regenerator which allows it to recover some HP from the Life Orb recoil. Also the team has so many ways it can go since flying is such a versatile type the team can go in multiple directions depending on what Pokemon want to be used

Kingdra @ Scope Lens
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Focus Energy
- Surf
- Agility

Kingdra in general I feel is a little underrated, especially this set, which once set up can basically guarantee spammable Sniper-boosted critical hits, making it a deadly wallbreaker. On water, it can help break through some of the toughest walls with a combination of its powerful STABs, and I feel it would be something really fun to build around! :)

Pidgeot @ Pidgeotite
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- U-turn / Defog
- Roost

Mega Pidgeot is a pretty nice mon to use on Normal teams especially now that Sablenite is gone. But how would it do on Flying teams? I'm not sure if I've ever seen even a decent Flying team that utilized Mega Pidgeot, and all the generic stuff is just boring. Why not spice it up a bit?
Enoch here. Since I've returned to Monotype, I'm sure many of you have seen me on the Ladder as Enoch.Test (or one of its variants) using dumb yet deadly shit like Scarf Cloyster or Whirlpool Gyarados. As a guy who loves to mindlessly try out new things, ever seeking a breath of fresh air in a metagame doomed to stagnation, I've tried out a lot of new stuff, some of it being effective, some of it being different yet not worth using over another Set, and some of it... Not so good. But then I thought, if the new stuff isn't working out, why not old? And that led me to look back to times past, back to the good ol' days. So allow me to re-introduce a good friend of mine from Gen V, MoxieMence:


Salamence @ Yache Berry
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute

Classic Sub booster, Salamence edition. First off, what Sets Salamence apart from its cousin Dragon/Flying Mon Dragonite is it's benchmark 100 Spd Stat, which puts less pressure on the player to find not one but two opportunities to DD. In addition to that, 'this kid gots Moxie' which speaks for itself. The beauty of this Set is that, when people see Salamence, they immediately think it's a Scarf Set and try to Switch in, allowing it an opportunity to either DD in the opponents face or Sub up on em like a boss. What happens next is Rated R.

The EV spread is a straightforward Physical Sweeper spread, Max Speed and Max Attack. And while Dragon+Ground Coverage isn't as good as it used to be due to Fairys, the only Pokes that resist it are Skarmory, Whimsicott and Togekiss (Shedninja too but c'mon), three Pokes which Flying can handle with ease. Yache Berry May seem odd on a Set with Sub but I found that after I net my +2 DD, my Sub is broken and all the work I did on getting there is wasted by a simple Ice Shard. Sub is there more for Prankster spammers like T-wave Thundurus and WoW Sableye.

So there's my suggestion. Been having tons of fun with this guy. Meant to be used for Flying due to better support, but he can be used on Dragon just fine too.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Vacuum Wave
- Nasty Plot

I've always been a big fan of offensive set-up Infernape. Good movepool great speed tier and high damage after a Nasty Plot. This set is intended for fighting teams, as they usually lack strong special attackers with Keldeo being the exception. With access to moves like Grass Knot and HP Ice it can be a threat to many ground mons such as Landorus and Hippowdon as well as annoying walls like Swampert on water. Vacuum Wave also works wonders vs Steel (Fire+Fighting stab) and can sweep with NP late-game. I'd love to see a strong team with it.
Lucario for Fighting

Lucario @ Focus Sash
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Flash Cannon
- Dark Pulse
- Vacuum Wave

I have this as a setup lead, with focus sash you can always get a nasty plot in. There is no aura Sphere like most sets because it just simply isn't needed. Flash Cannon is for Fairy teams, Dark Pulse is for Psychic teams. Vacuum wave is so even if they are faster you still get to attack and not have to waste that just used nasty plot. Vacuum Wave is strong enough to pretty much 2HKO anything that is weak to it, if it's not weak use Flash Cannon; SIMPLE!
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Ivid, because it's obvious nobody else will win, and if I may suggest one thing though, instead of having u-turn, have both heat wave and superpower, because there are a lot of very very physical steel types or fighting neutral steel types, and superpower, is definitely useful to keep because it sweeps normal types, I actually run, hurricane, heat wave, superpower, knock off, but taunt is just as good in a different way.
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