Side Monotype BLT VII - Week 3


is a Tournament Directoris a Battle Simulator Administratoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Top Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Monotype Leader

Co-hosted with Elliot
Rules & Schedule | Records Spreadsheet | Usage Stats | Replays


Inebriated Incineroars (3) vs (5) SouthPaw Ironfists
SV: Fraolain vs Starfox.
SV: paolode99 vs Captain Funk
SV: Fight3r m@n vs Azluc On Top
SV: Arkter vs jeza.p
SS: ikiarihS vs Sunnyboi0
SM: avarice vs TDR
ORAS: Verde vs Cielau
BW: swordstrike vs Tico


Rambunctious Rhyperiors (5) vs (3) Bocchi the Rockruffs
SV: dunoks vs ASKid679
SV: Sificon vs Silveruby
SV: Leafium Z vs Roxanner
SV: SBAP vs Uta The Clown
SS: Rex Slayer vs QuinnXD
SM: Trichotomy vs pas_touchao
ORAS: Showl vs ArkenCiel
BW: Prof.Otaku vs Trouser Snakes


Megstie Meganiums (3) vs (5) Tyrannical Tinkatons
SV: Elfuseon vs cpt.kraken
SV: sasha vs Irene-2002
SV: seroo vs WhiteQueen
SV: Plunder vs diegoblu
SS: Elyoss vs Cyberan
SM: Dragon Expert Soma vs Mateeus
ORAS: Enha Sunoo vs Quantum Tesseract
BW: byulharang vs juleocesar

The deadline for Week 3 is Sunday April 2nd @ 11:59pm GMT-4.

Inebriated Incineroars (0) vs (0) SouthPaw Ironfists
SV: Fraolain vs Starfox.
SV: paolode99 vs Captain Funk
SV: fight3r m@n vs Azluc On Top
SV: Arkter vs jeza.p
SS: ikiarihS vs Sunnyboi0
SM: avarice vs TDR
ORAS: Verde vs Cielau
BW: swordstrike vs Tico

Rambunctious Rhyperiors (0) vs (0) Bocchi the Rockruffs
SV: Dunoks vs ASKid679
SV: Sificon vs Silveruby
SV: Leafium Z vs Roxanner
SV: SBAP vs Uta The Clown
SS: Rex Slayer vs QuinnXD
SM: Trichotomy vs pas_touchao
ORAS: Showl vs ArkenCiel
BW: Prof.Otaku vs Trouser Snakes

Megstie Meganiums (0) vs (0) Tyrannical Tinkatons
SV: Elfuseon vs cpt.kraken
SV: sasha vs Irene-2002
SV: seroo vs WhiteQueen
SV: Plunder vs diegoblu
SS: Elyoss vs Cyberan
SM: Dragon Expert Soma vs Mateeus
ORAS: Enha Sunoo vs Quantum Tesseract
BW: byulharang vs juleocesar
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New predicts from the one who has 100% record in predictions.

Inebriated Incineroars (2) vs (6) SouthPaw Ironfists
SV: Fraolain vs Starfox.
SV: paolode99 vs Captain Funk
SV: fight3r m@n vs Azluc On Top
SV: Swiffix vs jeza.p
SS: ikiarihS vs Sunnyboi0
SM: avarice vs TDR
ORAS: Verde vs Cielau
BW: swordstrike vs Tico

Megstie Meganiums (5) vs (3) Tyrannical Tinkatons
SV: Elfuseon vs cpt.kraken
SV: sasha vs Irene-2002
SV: seroo vs WhiteQueen
SV: Plunder vs diegoblu
SS: Elyoss vs Cyberan
SM: Dragon Expert Soma vs Mateeus
ORAS: Enha Sunoo vs Quantum Tesseract
BW: byulharang vs juleocesar