Escort. Airdrop.
I prefer to run support to assault on most of my kits because:
a) I run around quickscoping and/or going for clips rather than worrying about my kdr
b) it's more helpful for my team in most gametypes I play (mostly objective based or mixed)
Reaper isn't overpowered. The blast radius seems to be smaller for the missles than the actual predator killstreak, maybe they are just less accurate by nature, idk. Also, you get this cool thing called a stinger missile at level 40 (I think?).
Does anybody feel like semtexes and explosives overall are a lot weaker? I played some free for all today, so naturally I brought claymores with me to cover my backside, and I swear more than half of them got a) hitmarkers or b) just didn't hit the guy at all.
I like the escort airdrop minus the fact that it takes about three years to get your care packages and it just is begging to get emp'ed or shot down. Also i agree the reaper sucks since it shows the enemy exactly where your missile is coming.
The noob tube is ridiculously awful. I can not believe how terrible it is. Same with the xm25. Explosives are in general crap now. And stalker pro is rather widespread and renders them useless.