The teams:
You, Me, and OP: Wingull / Geodude / Anorith / Fletchling / Machop / Budew / Yamask
(Mambo, Melon, OP)
Mambo's biggest fans: Croagunk / Ferroseed / Torchic / Carvanha / Larvesta / Houndour / Aipom / Gothita / Frillish / Nosepass / Natu
(Blarajan, Heysup, Fatty)
3 Fuccbois: Spinarak / Solosis / Drifloon / Aron / Deino / Clamperl / Pawniard
(Welli0u, fapkingg, LetMeShine-)
CE MAGNAMM WAGLIO': Dwebble / Riolu / Bunnelby / Wynaut / Pumpkaboo-Small / Corphish / Kabuto
(Tricking, fran17, Yagura)
The Big Cock Club: Squirtle / Honedge / Timburr / Zorua / Goldeen / Pineco
(ThatCrazyRussian, Max Carvalho, Celestavian)
Bubblegum Bellsprouts: Archen / Vulpix / Finneon / Flabebe / Oddish / Taillow / Cranidos
(Omastar42, Coconut., Fiend)
Salty Nerds: Ponyta / Skrelp / Snubbull / Vullaby / Tyrunt / Lileep
(Sken, TheFenderStory, Nineage)
S.S. Jersey Shore: Mienfoo / Stunky / Grimer / Sandshrew / Pumpkaboo-Large / Hippopotas / Shellos
(trash, Mr.NudistoBeach, Splashyship)
Dan Biglett the Midget Real Estate Agent: Spritzee / Tirtouga / Pumpkaboo-Super / Munchlax / Tentacool / Slugma
(ajernejcic, Ecna, kingmidas)
The Revolution Frogs: Surskit / Gastly / Chinchou / Mantyke / Doduo / Snover
(Gastrik, majaspic22, Litchi)
The Super Power Dudes: Amaura / Diglett / Bellsprout / Bronzor / Shinx / Remoraid
(Tahu, Brazilian Army, Superpowerdude)
Convicted Pedophiles Group: Growlithe / Scraggy / Onix / Mankey / Chespin / Koffing
(Akkeshi, apt-get, inscribe)
LC Players xd: Togepi / Porygon / Drilbur / Totodile / Voltorb / Teddiursa
(Goao, tazz, Kingler12345)
Mazmorra de Jodienda: Cottonee / Pancham / Slowpoke / Lickitung / Snivy / Shellder / Meowth
(H&MBerkeley, Shrug, thecrystalonix)
Tire Leaders: Abra / Foongus / Elekid / Staryu / Inkay / Numel
(macle, Sweep, QuoteCS)
Chunky Pingas Group: Omanyte / Magnemite / Zigzagoon / Trubbish / Magby / Pumpkaboo
(Water Drone, anime pu$$y, Michielleus)
Big shoutouts to
Earthworm and sid for helping me run the auction and thanks to everyone that showed up!