Mew (Analysis)

Not yeeeeeeet.

First, place paragraph tags at the beginning and end of your paragraphs.

Second, copy pasta:

<p>To show the power the Mew can bring to the table, here are some calculations, assuming Mew has one Nasty Plot boost:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculations">
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252HP/252 Def Bold Blissey: 72% - 84.9%</li>
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252HP/252 Def Bold Chansey: 53.3% - 62.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Aura Sphere vs 252 HP/252SpD Sassy Tyranitar: 101% - 118.8%</li>
<li>+0 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/216SpD Sassy Ferrothorn: 109.1% - 128.4%</li>
<li>+2 LO Shadow Ball vs 248HP/216Def Bold Jellicent: 89.8% - 106.2%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/0 Impish Gliscor: 101.4% - 119.5%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/0 Impish Hippowdon: 88.1% - 103.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/252SpD Careful Jirachi: 103% - 121.3%</li>
Mentioning Timid nature in the calculations is pretty unnecessary since the only nature Mew's going to be using is...well, Timid.

EDIT: Also, it's not a big deal, but fix the GP tag in the title.

I would also advise you to condense some of your paragraphs in two, as a couple of them are way too long. The beginning paragraph of the Nasty Plot set and the Checks and Counters section are good places to start.
shouldnt fire blast be the primary option over shadow ball on the nasty plot set? seems quite unnecessary to be carrying shadow ball when latios already ohkos you with draco meteor, and by the damage calcs from mew to burungeru, latias can get 2 hits on you before you kill it. not sure if thats the case though, so i may be wrong. shadow ball is really only useful on reinculus, and i think killing pokemon that will be on every team (ferrothorn / spdef jirachi / scizor) is quite a bit more useful
At the time I wrote this, Reuniclus was a massive pain in the ass and I faced one of everye team, but when I think it over you're right.
It might be too late, but Magic Coat is a good option on the Baton Pass set, as it allows you to reflect Taunt and phazing in one fell-swoop (It allows you to by pass Prankster Taunters as well).
I typed this out last night with nearly every correction done, but it didn't go through because IE sucks huge cocks and dicks.
Not part of the GP team but I like doing these.

Shit I say

<p>Mew is easily the most versatile Pokemon in the entire metagame. arguably Smeargle but I know what point you're making Thanks to its balanced stats and immense movepool, Mew is capable of using an assortment of sets. With many key support moves in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Taunt in its arsenal, it comes as no surprise that Mew is primarily seen taking the role of a supporter. When it comes to Baton Passing, Mew is up there with the best of the best, mainly because its incredible durability and access to stat boosting moves like Nasty Plot allow it to pass successfully. Don't be mistaken, though.; While while Mew is usually seen as a supporter, it can pose a major offensive threat as well. For example, great coverage in the form of Flamethrower and Aura Sphere in conjunction with Nasty Plot makes Mew a formidable sweeper. While Although Mew doesn’t have any particular flaws, its lack of distinct strengths causes it to be ignored in favor of Reuniclus, a more specialized Psychic-type, and Gorebyss, who is capable of Baton passing Passing Shell Break. Nonetheless, Mew is second to none when it comes to versatility, and if you're looking for a Pokemon who keeps your opponent second guessing itself over and over, then Mew's your man. but Mew is genderless :o</p>

name: Support
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Soft boiled Softboiled
move 4: Psychic / Seismic Toss
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 32 Spe


<p>Mew is an excellent invaluable support Pokemon due to its excellent defenses, decent typing, and plethora of support options. Seeing as Mew's Psychic-typing lures out Pokemon like Scizor and Tyranitar, it makes for a respectable defensive pivot due to its ability to cripple them with Will-O-Wisp, effectively reducing their offensive capabilities. Taunt allows Mew to shut down defensive Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Blissey and Jellicent as well as preventing Pokemon like Reuniclus from setting up. Will-O-Wisp sets Mew apart from other bulky Psychic-types like Celebi and Jirachi, making it arguably the most important move on this set. Softboiled is obligatory on Mew, as it replenishes its health, giving Mew the durability it needs to thwart off dangerous threats. Psychic is Mew's STAB move of choice and enables it to damage the likes of Conkeldurr and Terrakion. On the other hand, Seismic Toss lets Mew deal consistent damage, regardless of typing; however, it makes Mew a sitting duck against Ghost-types. As mentioned before, many Pokemon who would ordinarily switch into Mew are absolutely ruined by a burn, making Mew an excellent lure. Will-o-wisp Will-O-Wisp, when used alongside Taunt, comma turns Mew into a fearsome stallbreaker. Pokemon like Blissey or Ferrothorn, comma for example, can’t even touch Mew remove comma nor can they use any of their support moves due to Taunt, and are thus forced to switch out.</p>


<p>A Lum berry Berry could be used if you want Mew to momentarily avoid status, however this seriously compromise Mew’s overall staying power. Max HP EVs are used to maximize bulk and 220 Defense EVs are used to check a variety of physical threats like Terrakion and Balloon Excadrill. 32 speed Speed EVs gives give Mew enough speed Speed to outspeed most variants of Tyranitar. that's alotta speed A Bold nature is used to increase Mew’s physical bulk, however a calm Calm nature with Special Defense EV investment may be used to balance Mew’s defenses so that it can handle threats from both ends of the spectrum.</p>

<p>Mew has a plethora of optional moves to choose from, each useful, largely depending on your team. Aura Sphere can be used to get some good damage against Tyranitar and steel types Steel-types while Flamethrower lets Mew roast Steel types Steel-types, i know what you're saying here but it's still redundant especially those that are 4X severely weak to fire Fire like Scizor, Ferrothorn and Forretress. Shadow Ball allows Mew to get decent damage against Latios and Latias, although Calm Mind variants are still capable of setting up on Mew. Mew is prone to causing switches, making U-turn a solid choice, especially if entry hazards are in play. It should be noted that without Special Attack investment, each of these coverage moves are quite weak, and that every single slot counts, so make sure you choose wisely before replacing one of Mew’s moves.</p>

<p>While this variant of Mew is incredibly durable, it still has trouble dealing with a select few Pokemon. Both Latias and Latios are capable of using Mew as setup fodder, completely disregarding most of its moves. Heatran is capable of completely walling Mew, only fearing the rare Aura Sphere. and earth power Tyranitar is a fantastic partner, as he can easily dispose of both Latios and Latias and is capable of walling Heatran with his gargantuan Special Defense stat in the sand. Trick Room Reuniclus is a troublesome counter, add space as not only does it wall Mew, it's also immune to status and can cleanly 2HKOes Mew with Shadow Ball. Scizor happens to counter Rankurusu Reuniclus and can even take on Latios and Latias to a certain extent. Hydreigon can easily switch into Mew, provided that it isn’t running Aura Sphere. using 'it' to refer to Mew sounds weird and I would change it to something else entirely; it's like the analysis isn't talking to the Mew user but rather to the Hydreigon user Chansey happens to be a phenomenal partner, as it can counter Hydreigon and almost every Special Attacker, most notably Latios and Latias. Chansey shares decent synergy with Mew, because between the two of them, they are capable of walling the majority of the metagame.<p>

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Psychock Psyshock / Psychic
move 3: Aura Sphere
move 4: Fire Blast / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Mew is capable of taking the offensive with Nasty Plot, making it incredibly difficult to counter due to its fantastic coverage and power. Nasty Plot skyrockets Mew’s Special Attack to 598 which gives Mew enough power to OHKO most of the metagame. Psychock Psyshock is Mew’s standard STAB move, and is incredibly strong after a boost. Psyschock Psyshock also allows Mew to beat to Chansey & Blissey, two of the heaviest special walls in the metagame. Keep in mind however, that because it targets physical Defense, physically defensive Pokemon like Gliscor and Hippowdon are capable of surviving a boosted Psychock Psyshock. Psychic on the other hand OHKOes both the aforementioned Pokemon and its higher base power allows it to score more OHKOes in general. Garchomp in particular is OHKOed by +2 Psychic, but is capable of surviving a +2 Psyshock. Aura Sphere provides Mew with incredible coverage, as very few Pokemon resist the Psychic & Fighting combination. In particular, Aura Sphere allows Mew to bypass Tyranitar, one of the most common and prominent special tank tanks in the metagame.</p>​

<p>The final slot is up to you and mainly dependant on what your team can handle. Shadow Ball lets Mew take down opposing Psychic types Psychic-types, like Latias, Latios and Reuniclus while Fire Blast lets Mew KO Steel types Steel-types neutral to Fighting-type moves. Jirachi, Metagross, comma Scizor and Skarmory are all OHKOed by Fire Blast at +2. Fire Blast also lets you OHKO standard Gliscor and deal heavy damage to Hippowdon after a boost, which effectively eliminates Psyshocks Psyshock's weakness. The biggest advantage to using Nasty Plot Mew over any other special sweeper is its unpredictability. Its counters are mainly based on the final coverage move. For example, Latias and Reuniclus can check Mew if its it's using Fire Blast, while bulky steel-types Steel-types like Scizor and Jirachi can just as easily counter Mew if its it's using Shadow Ball. That bit of knowledge is Mew’s biggest trump card and it can cost your opponent the game if they’re not careful.</p>

<p>To show the power the Mew can bring to the table, here are some calculations, assuming Mew has one Nasty Plot boost:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculations">
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252HP/252 Def Bold Blissey: 72% - 84.9%</li>
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252HP/252 Def Bold Chansey: 53.3% - 62.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Aura Sphere vs 252 HP/252SpD Sassy Tyranitar: 101% - 118.8%</li>
<li>+0 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/216SpD Sassy Ferrothorn: 109.1% - 128.4%</li>
<li>+2 LO Shadow Ball vs 248HP/216Def Bold Jellicent: 89.8% - 106.2%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/0 Impish Gliscor: 101.4% - 119.5%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/0 Impish Hippowdon: 88.1% - 103.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252HP/252SpD Careful Jirachi: 103% - 121.3%</li>
there are many inconsistencies about spacing between the EV descriptions so look them over


<p>Leftovers is an alternative to Life Orb, increasing Mew’s overall vitality, but at the cost of some firepower. A Lum berry Berry is useful allows you to avoid status once, add space and is very useful for taking out Pokemon that rely on status to beat Mew. The EVs are pretty standard fare;, max Speed EVs are used to tie with Pokemon that have base 100 Speed and max Special Attack EVs are used to attain highest possible Special Attack. A Modest nature with 220 HP / 252 SpA / 36 Spe may be used to increase Mew's bulk and further boost its damage potential, securing a few more OHKOes at +2. However this noticeably drops Mew's Speed and the ability to outspeed certain threats. Specifically, Mew loses the ability to outspeed Haxorus, Hydreigon and Speed tie with opposing Pokemon with max speed base 100 speed Speed like Salamence, Volcarona, Celebi and Jirachi. Just like in the previous set, Mew has a ton of move options to choose from. Baton Pass is an interesting move to use on Nasty Plot Mew. It weakens Mew's ability to sweep by replacing a coverage move, but it allows Mew to make a hasty retreat should a counter switch into it. Mew can simply pass along those Nasty Plot boosts, making it a hybrid sweeper and team player. Baton Pass also helps Mew differentiate itself from other powerful Nasty Plot users like Thundurus. Roost gives Mew reliable recovery and is effective against Stall teams that rely on wearing down opposing sweepers. Roost works particularly well with Life orb Orb, because it allows Mew to keep its power without compromising its bulk. Unfortunately, just like Baton Pass it cuts down on Mews Mew's sweeping ability by eating up a coverage move.</p>

<p>Just like any other sweeper, Mew appreciates the presence of entry hazards to achieve several OHKOes. Blissey is typically OHKOed by boosted Psyshock if Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes are on the field. Reliable entry hazard users like Deoxys-S and Ferrothorn are good partners to Mew for this very reason. While Nasty Plot Mew is incredibly difficult to outright counter, it has several checks that keep it from demolishing teams. The Pokemon that can check Mew are completely dependant on Mew’s coverage moves. Specially Defensive Jirachi is a strong counter if Mew isn’t carrying Fire Blast while Reuniclus is a pain if Mew isn’t carrying Shadow Ball. Faster Pokemon like Latias, Latios and Gengar can switch into a resisted attack or Nasty Plot and force Mew out with their high power STAB attacks. Tyranitar as usual is a solid partner for Mew because it can counter Latias and Latios and check Reuniclus. Bulky Scizor is capable of checking Latias and Latios as well as outright countering Reuniclus. Unlike Tyranitar, it doesn’t summon sandstorm, keeping Mew from taking unnecessary sandstorm damage.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Rock Polish
move 3: Swords Dance / Nasty Plot
move 4: Taunt
item: Lum Berry
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe


<p>With good enough bulk, Speed, and access to a variety of boosting moves, Mew is a perfect candidate for Baton Pass. Mew is easily capable of turning its Baton Pass recipient into an ultimate killing machine with proper setup. A successful Baton Pass can drastically change the flow of the match, possibly deciding the match right there because the right Baton Pass recipient is nearly unstoppable. While Mew faces serious competition as a Baton Passer from the Shell Smash users, Gorebyss, Huntail and Smeargle, it still has a few perks over them, namely access to taunt Taunt over the former two and significantly more bulk over the latter. Rock Polish lets Mew outspeed most of the metagame, giving Mew more options like Baton Passing in the face of pokemon Pokemon who are normally faster. The choice between Swords Dance and Nasty Plot is obviously team dependant. Strong physical attackers like Langlos Landorus and Garchomp will naturally appreciate Swords Dance, while Special Attackers like Latios are bolstered by Nasty Plot. Finally, Taunt allows you to shut down defensive Pokemon who may attempt to plague Mew or its Baton Pass recipients with status. This set absolutely requires dual screen support in order to succeed. With dual screens in play, Mew is nearly impossible to OHKO, giving it ample time to setup. You should bring Mew in after one of your Pokemon have been KOed., (preferably your dual screener). Directly switching into pokemon Pokemon is unwise because Mew should remain in tip top condition to maximize its chances of successfully pulling off a Baton Pass.</p>


<p>Lum berry Berry momentarily allows Mew to dodge harmful status like Paralysis and Sleep, and is very useful in conjunction with synchronize Synchronize and Taunt. i don't get how Synchronize helps. you're paralyzed/slept. the damage is done while usually the paralyzer/sleeper is left certainly in a better state than the Mew user. just saiyan Leftovers can be used to increase Mew’s overall bulk and it can lessen entry hazard damage, however it should be noted that Mew cannot take any sort of status, increasing the importance of Taunt. Leftovers isn’t recommended because there are times when status in is unavoidable. The EVs on this set attempt to give Mew the maximum amount of bulk, while giving it enough speed Speed to outspeed most of the metagame after a Rock Polish. HP EVs are maxed out, while the leftover EVs are placed in physical Defense, providing Mew with extra insurance against the likes of Tyranitar and Scizor. 68 Speed EVs specifically allow Mew to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp and Deoxys-S. A Specially defensive spread may be used should you want Mew to survive power powerful special threats like Choice Specs Latios and Thundurus without light screen Light Screen support.</p>

<p>A dual screener is required to get the best use out of Baton Pass Mew because Reflect and Light Screen halve all forms of damage, allowing Mew to take more hits before Baton Passing. Deoxys-S is the perfect candidate for a dual screener. Its ridiculously high speed Speed gives it a quick taunt Taunt and allows it it to quickly setup both Reflect and Light Screen. Uxie and Latios also deserves deserve a mention because they can setup dual screens and are capable of using Memento, which lets Mew tsafely safely switch into the battlefield and it makes Mew nearly indestructible. Bronzong is a decent dual screener, its excellent typing and bulk gives it excellent staying power allowing it to repeatedly set up dual screens. It can also use Explosion to safely bring Mew into the fray. you should mention Bronzong's lack of reliable recovery</p>

<p>Mew has a variety a of Baton pass Pass recipients to choose from, however the right recipient is required to win matches. The proper recipient should have a set of key traits in order to demolish entire teams after a Baton Pass. They should be able to outspeed Jolly Doryuuzu Excadrill after a Rock Polish boost, have excellent natural bulk, decent coverage, the ability to OHKO most of the metagame and resistance to common priority moves. Garchomp fits the bill for most of these categories and is hands down the best recipient in the entire metagame. At +2/+2, he can easily 1-2HKO the entire metagame, and is extremely difficult to counter. Garchomp also has incredible natural bulk making hard for defensive pokemon Pokemon to take him out. Also, interestingly enough, Adamant Garchomp outspeeds Jolly Excadrill in the sand, so Garchomp can forego a Jolly nature for Adamant, thus making him even stronger. Lucario is similar to Garchomp in that he’s almost impossible to counter at +2/+2 and it even has its own priority move. He has exceptional synergy with Mew defensively too. Latios is the perfect recipient on the special side as its it's almost impossible to counter at +2/+2, resists common form of priority and is even immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes.</p>

<p>While this variant of Mew is almost impossible to counter due to the nature of Baton Pass, there are a few Pokemon who give it trouble. Whimsicott is capable of switching in and stopping Mew’s Baton Passing attempts with priority Encore. Trick users like Choiced Latios and Rotom-W can cripple Mew or its Baton Pass recipients. Due to the fact that Mew lacks any sort of offensive prowess, comma it is a sitting duck before in front of faster Pokemon, so powerful sweepers like Terakion Terrakion and Garchomp can setup on Mew if it hasn’t used Rock Polished Polish. Dragon Tail users are a pain, because the move itself is unaffected by Taunt, completely ruining all Baton Pass attempts. Substitute can bypass Dragon Tail, however it comes at the cost of a boosting move or Taunt. There are some attacks that are simply too strong for Mew to handle, even with dual screens. Choice Band Tyranitar for example, can still 2HKO Mew even with Reflect up. Mew isn’t limited to passing offensive boost boosts,; it can also pass a variety of defensive boosts as well, like Iron Defence Defense and Amnesia. Entry hazard users like Ferrothorn and Forretress are acceptable because they help bypass Pokemon with the sturdy Sturdy ability and Multiscale and grant your sweepers even more OHKOes. It is important to center your team around Baton Pass Mew and its sweepers. It can’t be thrown on just any team. It’s also important to plan your actions careful carefully when using Baton Pass Mew because a fatal mistake can cost you the game.</p>

[Optional Changes]

<p>Mew is the king of optional options and itsit's no exaggeration when I to say that Mew can do just about anything. It has one of the largest movepools in the entire game, second only to Smeargle, however unlike Smeargle it has the stats to actually pull of off a wide variety of sets. However, its it's hard to find any more possible sets without making it outclassed. A Standalone stand-alone Swords Dance set is possible, but Mew is still too weak even after a Swords Dance and that set is typically outclassed by the Nasty Plot set, a far greater wall breaker. Mew can run an effective Calm Mind set similar to Reuniclus but with more bulk and speed Speed at the cost of power and a superior ability. Mew has a ton of other move options for the Baton Pass including but not limited to: Bulk up Up, Amnesia, Iron Defense and Calm Mind. The support set can utilize either Roar or Dragon Tail for phazing or Hypnosis to temporarily incapacitate a foe. Mew can also use a transform Transform set, which can be handy when dealing with a boosting sweeper. To sum it up, Mew gets nearly everything so go nuts, remove space before comma, add space after pick 4 moves and see what works for you. If you can imagine it, Mew can probably make it happen.</p>​

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Countering Mew can be a difficult task due to its staggering versatility. Scouting out its moveset instead of blinding switching in is recommended. Support sets are hard countered by Heatran, who resists Psychic and is immune to Will-o-Wisp Will-O-Wisp. In fact, if Heatran switches into a Will-o-wisp Will-O-Wisp it can easily cripple Mew or teammates with its boosted Fire moves. Both Latias and Latios can switch in with little to no trouble and fire off their powerful STABs, however, comma Mew can actually stall out choiced Choiced varints varients with Softboiled. Calm Mind Latios and Latias on the other hand can use Mew as setup fodder. Hydreigon can switch into Mew without resistance worry and fire off its powerful Dark STAB moves. Reuniclus that carry Shadow Ball can make short work of Mew and its it's even immune to status moves. Nasty Plot sets are significantly harder to counter due to their incredible power and coverage. Nasty Plot Mew’s counters are separated into 2 groups. Those who can counter Mew if it lacks Fire Blast and those who can counter Mew if it lacks Shadow Ball. Specially Defensive Jirachi for example, is a hard counter to Mew if its it doesn’t have Fire Blast. It can switch in and cripple it with Body Slam, and outstall Mew with a combination of Iron Heads and Wishes. Bulky Swords Dance Scizor can switch into Mew and hit it with a strong Bug Bite which easily cripple Mew into Bullet Punches Punch's KO range. Choice Band Metagross can switch into just about anything and crush Mew with a Choice Band boosted Meteor Mash.</p>

<p>On the other side, Mew’s that lack Shadow Ball can be countered by Latias and Latios. Specs versions can easily switch in and hit Mew with a super powered Draco Meteor. Bulky Choice Band Spiritomb is an unconventional yet highly effective counter that can actually deal with both of Mew’s coverage moves. Choice Band Spiritomb can finish it off with a high powered Sucker Punch or snag a fleeing Mew with Pursuit. Baton Pass is hardest set to counter considering Mew can just Baton Pass away at any time. However there are several precautions you can take to assure that Mew doesn’t pull of off a Baton Pass. Team preview allows you to scout your opponents opponent's team, determine Mew’s dual screener and devise a way to stop it. A fast taunt Taunt user like Deoxys-S can put a stop to most dual screeners. Unfortunately, Deoxys-S itself is a common screener and relying on a speed tie to stop it isn’t exactly recommended. Thundurus and Tornadus have priority Taunt which should be mentioned Strong priority users like Scizor and Mamoswine will only allow Deoxys-S to setup one half of dual screens, giving you an easier time when dealing with Mew. Keep in mind that if you fail to stop screens, comma itsit's almost impossible to stop Mew from Baton Passing due to its incredible bulk. Fortunately, unlike Gorebyss, Huntail and Smeargle, Mew typically takes 3 turns to setup its Baton Pass recipient, so keep that in mind and find a way to stop it before it Baton Passes.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Mew did not receive a Dream World ability.</p>

Hope I helped.
Mew can be so many things... but I REALLY hate baton pass, because it's all mew is known for...
Stop the abuse.
Mew can be so many things... but I REALLY hate baton pass, because it's all mew is known for...
Stop the abuse.

But it's so good at Baton Passing, and it at least got a slot in the analysis, so why shouldn't it have a Baton Pass analysis?

<p>A Lum berry could be used if you want Mew to momentarily avoid status, however this seriously compromise Mew’s overall staying power. Max HP EVs are used to maximize bulk and 220 Defense EVs are used to check a variety of physical threats like Terrakion and Balloon Excadrill. 32 speed EVs gives Mew enough speed to outspeed most variants of Tyranitar. A Bold nature is used to increase Mew’s physical bulk, however a calm nature with Special Defense EV investment may be used to balance Mew’s defenses so that it can handle threats from both ends of the spectrum.</p>
But it's so good at Baton Passing, and it at least got a slot in the analysis, so why shouldn't it have a Baton Pass analysis?
because of priority taunt, even if magic coat, are you going to spam it till they do something other than sub up?

And it seems that's all mew is used for, but that seems to be changing =)

There were a lot of missing serial commas and use of curly apostrophes instead of straight, so I commented the commas and fully highlighted words with apostrophes to make them easier to see. This could probably do with some paring down, too, but I guess we'll see how it looks once you implement this check.


<p>Mew is easily the most versatile Pokemon in the entire metagame. Thanks to its balanced stats and immense movepool, Mew is capable of using an assortment of sets. With many key support moves in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Taunt in its arsenal, it comes as no surprise that Mew is primarily seen taking the role of a supporter. When it comes to Baton Passing, Mew is up there with the best of the best, mainly because its incredible durability and access to stat boosting moves like Nasty Plot allow it to pass successfully. Don't be mistaken, (comma) though; while Mew is usually seen as a supporter, it can pose a major offensive threat as well. For example, great coverage in the form of Flamethrower and Aura Sphere in conjunction with Nasty Plot makes Mew a formidable sweeper. Although Mew doesn't have any particular flaws, its lack of distinct strengths causes it to be ignored in favor of Reuniclus, a more specialized Psychic-type, and Gorebyss, who is capable of Baton Passing Shell Break. Nonetheless, Nevertheless, Mew is second to none when it comes to versatility, and if you're looking for a Pokemon who keeps your opponent second guessing itself him or herself over and over, then Mew's the Pokemon for you.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Softboiled
move 4: Psychic / Seismic Toss
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 32 Spe


<p>Mew is an invaluable support Pokemon due to its excellent defenses, decent typing, and plethora of support options. Seeing as Mew's Psychic-typing lures out Pokemon like Scizor and Tyranitar, it makes for a respectable defensive pivot due to its ability to cripple them with Will-O-Wisp, effectively reducing their offensive capabilities. Taunt allows Mew to shut down defensive Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Blissey, (comma) and Jellicent as well as preventing Pokemon like Reuniclus from setting up. Will-O-Wisp sets Mew apart from other bulky Psychic-types like Celebi and Jirachi, making it arguably the most important move on this set. Softboiled is obligatory on Mew, as it replenishes its health, giving Mew the durability it needs to thwart off dangerous threats. Psychic is Mew's STAB move of choice and enables it to damage the likes of Conkeldurr and Terrakion. On the other hand, Seismic Toss lets Mew deal consistent damage, regardless of typing; however, it makes Mew a sitting duck against Ghost-types. As mentioned before, many Pokemon who would ordinarily switch into Mew are absolutely ruined by a burn, making Mew an excellent lure. Will-O-Wisp, (capitalization and comma) when used alongside Taunt, turns Mew into a fearsome stallbreaker. Pokemon like Blissey or Ferrothorn, for example, (comma) can't even touch Mew, (comma) nor can they use any of their support moves due to Taunt, and are thus forced to switch out.</p>


<p>A Lum Bcould Berry could be used if you want Mew to momentarily avoid status, however this seriously compromise compromises Mew's overall staying power. Max HP EVs are used to maximize bulk and 220 Defense EVs are used to check a variety of physical threats like such as Terrakion and Air Balloon Excadrill. 32 Speed EVs give Mew enough Speed to outrun most variants of Tyranitar. A Bold nature is used to increase Mew's physical bulk, however a Calm nature with Special Defense EV investment may be used to balance Mew's defenses so that it can handle threats from both ends of the spectrum word that doesn't annoy Theorymon and let it handle both physical and special threats.</p>

<p>Mew has a plethora of optional moves to choose from, each useful, largely depending on your team. Aura Sphere can be used to get some good damage against Tyranitar and Steel-types, (comma) while Flamethrower lets Mew roast Steel-types, especially those that are severely weak to Fire like Scizor, Ferrothorn, (comma) and Forretress. Shadow Ball allows Mew to get decent damage against Latios and Latias, although Calm Mind variants are still capable of setting up. Mew is prone to causing switches, making U-turn a solid choice, especially if entry hazards are in play. It should be noted that without Special Attack investment, each all (trying to avoid some each is/are stuff here) of these coverage moves are quite weak, and that every single slot counts, so make sure you choose wisely before replacing one of Mew's moves.</p>

<p>While this variant of Mew is incredibly durable, it still has trouble dealing with a select few Pokemon. Both Latias and Latios are capable of using Mew as setup fodder, completely disregarding most of its moves. Heatran is capable of completely walling Mew, only fearing the rare Aura Sphere. Tyranitar is a fantastic partner, as he it can easily dispose of both Latios and Latias and is capable of walling Heatran with his its gargantuan Special Defense stat in the sand. Trick Room Reuniclus is a troublesome counter, as not only does it wall Mew, it's also immune to status and cleanly 2HKOes Mew with Shadow Ball. Scizor happens to counter Reuniclus and can even take on Latios and Latias to a certain extent. Hydreigon can easily switch into Mew and obliterate it with its Dark STAB moves. Chansey happens to be a phenomenal partner, as it can counter Hydreigon and almost every Special Attacker, most notably Latios and Latias. Chansey shares decent synergy with Mew, because between the two of them, they are capable of walling the majority of the metagame.<p>

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Psyshock / Psychic
move 3: Aura Sphere
move 4: Fire Blast / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Mew is capable of taking the offensive with Nasty Plot, making it incredibly difficult to counter due to its fantastic coverage and power. Nasty Plot skyrockets Mew's Special Attack to 598 which gives Mew enough power to OHKO most of the metagame. Psyshock is Mew's standard STAB move, and is incredibly strong after a boost. Psyshock also allows Mew to beat to Chansey & Blissey, two of heaviest special walls in the metagame. Keep in mind however, that because it targets physical Defense, physically defensive Pokemon like Gliscor and Hippowdon are capable of surviving a boosted Psyshock. Psychic, (comma) on the other hand, (comma) OHKOes both the aforementioned Pokemon and its higher base power allows it to score more OHKOes in general. Garchomp in particular is OHKOed by a +2 Psychic, but is capable of surviving a +2 Psyshock. Aura Sphere provides Mew with incredible coverage, as very few Pokemon resist the Psychic & Fighting combination. In particular, Aura Sphere allows Mew to bypass Tyranitar, one of the most common and prominent special tanks in the metagame.</p>

<p>The final slot is up to you and mainly dependant dependent on what your team can handle. Shadow Ball lets Mew take down opposing Psychic-types, like Latias, Latios, (comma) and Reuniclus, (comma) while Fire Blast lets Mew KO Steel-types neutral to Fighting-type moves. Jirachi, Metagross, Scizor, (comma) and Skarmory are all OHKOed by Fire Blast at +2. Fire Blast also lets you OHKO standard Gliscor and deal heavy damage to Hippowdon after a boost, which effectively eliminates Psyshock's weakness. The biggest advantage to using Nasty Plot Mew over any other special sweeper is its unpredictability. Its counters are mainly based on the final coverage move. For example, Latias and Reuniclus can check Mew if it's using Fire Blast, while bulky Steel-types like Scizor and Jirachi can just as easily counter Mew if it's using Shadow Ball. That bit of knowledge is Mew's biggest trump card and it can cost your opponent the game if they're not careful.</p>

[ADDITIONAL COMMENTS] (damage calcs should be under AC so just start it here)

<p>To show the power the Mew can bring to the table, here are some calculations, assuming Mew has one Nasty Plot boost:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculations">
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252 HP / 252 Def Bold Blissey: 72% - 84.9%</li>
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252 HP / 252 Def Bold Chansey: 53.3% - 62.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Aura Sphere vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Sassy Tyranitar: 101% - 118.8%</li>
<li>+0 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 216 SpD Sassy Ferrothorn: 109.1% - 128.4%</li>
<li>+2 LO Shadow Ball vs 248 HP / 216 Def Bold Jellicent: 89.8% - 106.2%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 0 Impish Gliscor: 101.4% - 119.5%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 0 Impish Hippowdon: 88.1% - 103.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Jirachi: 103% - 121.3%</li>
</ul> (spacing spacing spacing)


<p>Leftovers is an alternative to Life Orb, increasing Mew's overall vitality survivability, but at the cost of some firepower. A Lum Berry is useful as it allows you to avoid status once, and is very useful for which helps in taking out Pokemon that rely on status to beat Mew. The EVs are pretty standard fare, max Speed EVs are used to tie with Pokemon that have base 100 Speed and max Special Attack EVs are used to attain the highest possible Special Attack. A Modest nature with 220 HP / 252 SpA / 36 Spe may be used to increase Mew's bulk and further boost its damage potential, securing a few more OHKOes at +2., however this noticeably drops reduces Mew's Speed and the its ability to outspeed certain threats. Specifically, Mew loses the ability to outspeed Haxorus, and Hydreigon, (comma) and Speed tie with opposing Pokemon with base 100 Speed like Pokemon such as Salamence, Volcarona, Celebi, (comma) and Jirachi. Just like in the previous set, Mew has a ton of move options to choose from. Baton Pass is an interesting move to use on Nasty Plot Mew. It weakens Mew's ability to sweep by replacing a coverage move, but it allows Mew to make a hasty retreat should a counter switch into it. Mew can simply pass along those Nasty Plot boosts, making it a hybrid sweeper and team player. Baton Pass also helps Mew differentiate itself from other powerful Nasty Plot users like Thundurus. Softboiled gives Mew reliable recovery and is effective against Stall teams that rely on wearing down opposing sweepers. Softboiled works particularly well with Life Orb, because it allows Mew to keep its power without compromising its bulk. Unfortunately, just like Baton Pass it cuts down on Mew's sweeping ability by eating up a coverage move.</p>

<p>Just like any other sweeper, Mew appreciates the presence of entry hazards to achieve several OHKOes. Blissey is typically OHKOed by a boosted Psyshock if Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes are on the field. Reliable entry hazard users like Deoxys-S and Ferrothorn are good partners to Mew for this very reason. While Nasty Plot Mew is incredibly difficult to outright counter, it has several checks that keep it from demolishing teams. The Pokemon that can check Mew are completely dependant dependent on Mew's coverage moves. Specially defensive Jirachi is a strong counter if Mew isn't carrying Fire Blast, (comma) while Reuniclus is a pain if Mew isn't carrying Shadow Ball. Faster Pokemon like Latias, Latios, (comma) and Gengar can switch into a resisted attack or Nasty Plot and force Mew out with their high powerful STAB attacks. Tyranitar is a solid partner for Mew because it can counter Latias and Latios and check Reuniclus. Bulky Scizor is capable of checking Latias and Latios as well as outright countering Reuniclus. Unlike Tyranitar, it doesn't summon sandstorm, keeping Mew from taking unnecessary sandstorm damage.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Rock Polish
move 3: Swords Dance / Nasty Plot
move 4: Taunt
item: Lum Berry
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe


<p>With good enough bulk, Speed, and access to a variety of boosting moves, Mew is a perfect candidate for Baton Pass. Mew is easily capable of turning its Baton Pass recipient into an ultimate killing machine with proper setup. A successful Baton Pass can drastically change the flow of the match, possibly deciding the match right there because the right Baton Pass recipient is nearly unstoppable. While Mew faces serious competition as a Baton Passer from the Shell Smash users, Gorebyss, Huntail, (comma) and Smeargle, it still has a few perks over them, namely access to Taunt over the former two and significantly more bulk over the latter. Rock Polish lets Mew outspeed most of the metagame, giving Mew more options like Baton Passing in the face of Pokemon who are normally faster. The choice between Swords Dance and Nasty Plot is obviously team dependant dependent. Strong physical attackers like Landorus and Garchomp will naturally appreciate Swords Dance, while special attackers like Latios are bolstered by Nasty Plot. Finally, Taunt allows you to shut down defensive Pokemon who may attempt to plague Mew or its Baton Pass recipients with status. This set absolutely requires dual screen support in order to succeed. With dual screens in play, Mew is nearly impossible to OHKO, giving it ample time to set up (space). You should bring Mew in after one of your Pokemon have been KOed, preferably your dual screener. Directly switching into Pokemon is unwise because Mew should remain in tip top condition to maximize its chances of successfully pulling off a Baton Pass.</p>


<p>Lum Berry momentarily allows Mew to dodge harmful status like paralysis and sleep, and is very useful in conjunction with Synchronize and Taunt. Leftovers can be used to increase Mew's overall bulk and it can lessen entry hazard damage, however it should be noted that Mew cannot take any sort of status, increasing the importance of Taunt. Leftovers isn't recommended because there are times when status is unavoidable. The EVs on this set attempt to give Mew the maximum amount of bulk, while still giving it enough Speed to outspeed most of the metagame after a Rock Polish. HP EVs are maxed out, while the leftover EVs are placed in physical Defense, providing Mew with extra insurance against the likes of Tyranitar and Scizor. 68 Speed EVs specifically allow Mew to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp and Deoxys-S. A Specially defensive Special Defense oriented spread may be used should you want Mew to survive powerful special threats like Choice Specs Latios and Thundurus without Light Screen support.</p>

<p>A dual screener is required to get the best use out of Baton Pass Mew because Reflect and Light Screen halve all forms of damage, allowing Mew to take more hits before Baton Passing. Deoxys-S is the perfect candidate for a dual screener. Its ridiculously high Speed gives it a quick Taunt and allows it it to quickly set up (space) both Reflect and Light Screen. Uxie and Latios also deserve a mention because they can set up (space) dual screens and are capable of using Memento, which lets Mew safely switch into the battlefield and it makes Mew nearly indestructible. Bronzong is a decent dual screener, as its excellent typing and bulk gives it excellent staying power allowing it to repeatedly set up dual screens. It can also use Explosion to safely bring Mew into the fray.</p>

<p>Mew has a variety of Baton Pass recipients to choose from, however the right recipient is required to win matches. The proper recipient should have a set of key traits in order to demolish entire teams after a Baton Pass. They It should be able to outspeed Jolly Excadrill after a Rock Polish boost, have excellent natural bulk, decent coverage, the ability to OHKO most of the metagame, (comma) and resistance resistances to common priority moves. Garchomp fits the bill for most of these categories and is hands down the best recipient in the entire metagame. At +2/+2, he it can easily 1-2HKO the entire metagame, and is extremely difficult to counter. Garchomp also has incredible natural bulk, (comma) making hard for defensive Pokemon to take him it out. Also, interestingly enough, Adamant Garchomp outspeeds Jolly Excadrill in the sand, so Garchomp can forego forgo a Jolly nature for Adamant, thus making him it even stronger. Lucario is similar to Garchomp in that he’s it's almost impossible to counter at +2/+2 and it even has its own priority move. He has exceptional synergy with Mew defensively too. Lucario also has exceptional defensive synergy with Mew. Latios is the perfect recipient on the special side as it's almost impossible to counter at +2/+2, resists common form forms of priority, (comma) and is even immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes.</p>

<p>While this variant of Mew is almost impossible to counter due to the nature of Baton Pass, there are a few Pokemon who give it trouble. Whimsicott is capable of switching in and stopping Mew's Baton Passing attempts with priority Encore. Priority Taunt users like Tornadus and Thundurus can also put a complete stop to Mew's Baton Passing attempts. Trick users like Choiced Latios and Rotom-W can cripple Mew or its Baton Pass recipients. Due to the fact that Mew lacks any sort of offensive prowess Because this Mew lacks any offensive moves, it is a sitting duck before in front of faster Pokemon, so powerful sweepers like Terrakion and Garchomp can set up (space) on Mew if it hasn't used Rock Polish. Dragon Tail users are a pain, because the move itself is unaffected by Taunt, completely ruining all Baton Pass attempts. Substitute can bypass Dragon Tail, however it comes at the cost of a boosting move or Taunt. There are some attacks that are simply too strong for Mew to handle, even with dual screens. Choice Band Tyranitar for example, can still 2HKO Mew even with Reflect up. Mew isn't limited to passing offensive boosts; it can also pass a variety of defensive boosts as well, like Iron Defense and Amnesia. Entry hazard users like Ferrothorn and Forretress are acceptable teammates because they help bypass Pokemon with the abilities Sturdy ability and Multiscale, (comma) and grant your sweepers even more OHKOes OHKOs. It is important to center your team around Baton Pass Mew and its sweepers. It can’t be thrown on just any team. It’s also important to plan your actions carefully when using Baton Pass Mew because a fatal mistake can cost you the game. (honestly this AC section is already really long and these last few remarks feel like generic and obvious statements. Another GPer may disagree but I find them pretty unnecessary.)</p>

[Optional Changes] [Other Options]

<p>Mew is the king of optional options and it's no exaggeration to say that Mew can do just about anything. It has one of the largest movepools in the entire game, second only to Smeargle, however unlike Smeargle it has the stats to actually pull off a wide variety of sets. However, its hard to find any more possible sets without making it outclassed. Even so, it can be difficult to find sets Mew can run without being outclassed. A stand-alone Swords Dance set is possible, but Mew is still too weak even after a Swords Dance and that set is typically outclassed by the Nasty Plot set, a far greater wall breaker. Mew can run an effective Calm Mind set similar to Reuniclus but with more bulk and Speed at the cost of power and a superior ability. Mew has a ton of other move options for the Baton Pass set, including but not limited to: Bulk Up, Amnesia, Iron Defense, (comma) and Calm Mind. The support set can utilize either Roar or Dragon Tail for phazing or Hypnosis to temporarily incapacitate a foe. Mew can also use a Transform set, which can be handy when dealing with a boosting sweeper. To sum it up, Mew gets nearly everything so go nuts, pick 4 four moves and see what works for you. If you can imagine it, Mew can probably make it happen.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Countering Mew can be a difficult task due to its staggering versatility. Scouting out its moveset instead of blinding blindly switching in is recommended. Support sets are hard countered by Heatran, who resists Psychic and is immune to Will-O-Wisp. In fact, if Heatran switches into a Will-O-Wisp it can easily cripple Mew or and its teammates with its boosted Fire-type moves. Both Latias and Latios can switch in with little to no trouble and fire off their powerful STABs, however, Mew can actually stall out Choiced varients variants with Softboiled. Calm Mind Latios and Latias, (comma) on the other hand, (comma) can use Mew as set-up (hyphen) fodder. Hydreigon can switch into Mew without worry and fire off its powerful Dark-type STAB moves. Reuniclus that carry Shadow Ball can make short work of Mew and it's even immune to status moves. Nasty Plot sets are significantly harder to counter due to their incredible power and coverage. Nasty Plot Mew's counters are separated into 2 two groups.: those who can counter Mew if it lacks Fire Blast and those who can counter Mew if it lacks Shadow Ball. Specially defensive Jirachi for example, is a hard counter to Mew if it doesn't have Fire Blast. It can switch in and cripple it with Body Slam, and outstall Mew with a combination of Iron Heads and Wishes. Bulky Swords Dance Scizor can switch into Mew and hit it with a strong Bug Bite, (comma) which easily cripple brings Mew into Bullet Punch's KO range. Choice Band Metagross can switch into just about anything and crush Mew with a Choice Band boosted Meteor Mash.</p>

<p>On the other side, Mew’s Mew that lack Shadow Ball can be countered by Latias and Latios. Choice Specs versions can easily switch in and hit Mew with a super powered STAB Draco Meteor. Bulky Choice Band Spiritomb is an unconventional yet highly effective counter that can actually deal with both of Mew's coverage moves. Choice Band Spiritomb can finish it off with a high powered super effective STAB Sucker Punch or snag a fleeing Mew with Pursuit. Baton Pass is hardest to counter considering Mew can just Baton Pass away at any time. However there are several precautions you can take to assure that Mew doesn't pull off a Baton Pass. Team preview allows you to scout your opponent's team, determine who Mew's dual screener user is and devise a way to stop it. A fast Taunt user like Deoxys-S can put a stop to most dual screeners user. Unfortunately, Deoxys-S itself is a common screener dual screen user and relying on a speed tie to stop it isn't exactly recommended. Strong priority users like Scizor and Mamoswine will only allow Deoxys-S to set up (space) one half of dual screens, giving you an easier time when dealing with Mew. Keep in mind that if you fail to stop screens, it's almost impossible to stop Mew from Baton Passing due to its incredible bulk. Fortunately, unlike Gorebyss, Huntail, (comma) and Smeargle, Mew typically takes 3 three turns to set up its Baton Pass recipient, so keep that in mind and find a way to stop it before it Baton Passes.</p>

[Dream World]

<p>Mew did not receive a Dream World ability.</p>
(then it doesn't receive a Dream World section)

GP 1/2.
Thanks for the GP check Wekhter.

I left a few changes (mainly the gender changes) because I can
I'd like to point out that the use of a comma before "and" & "but" are completely optional.

I'm still implementing those specific changes, but if i'm allowed to change it, I will.

Oh, sorry if my check made it seem as if I don't like Pokemon to be gendered in analyses. The only reason I changed everything to "it" is to keep it consistent. The only Pokemon you refer to as "he" are Tyranitar, Garchomp, and Lucario, and even then it's not consistent.

That is to say, the first time you talk about Tyranitar you state, "Tyranitar is a fantastic partner, as he can easily dispose of [...]" but later on you say, "Tyranitar is a solid partner for Mew because it can counter [...]". In fact, when you talk about Lucario, you change from gendered to genderless within a single sentence: "Lucario is similar to Garchomp in that he’s almost impossible to counter at +2/+2 and it even has its own priority move."

Throughout the analysis, you refer to Reuniclus, Hydreigon, Chansey, Scizor, Deoxys-S, Bronzong, Latios, Heatran, and Jirachi as "it". For Deoxys-S, Bronzong, and Jirachi this is understandable, as they're genderless Pokemon. However, Reuniclus, Hydreigon, Scizor, and Heatran should assumedly be called "he" to keep in line with Tyranitar, Lucario, and Garchomp. Chansey is 100% female and should always be "she"; Latios is 100% male and should always be "he". Because of the previous inconsistencies and use of "it" on single-gendered Pokemon, I treated the scattered male pronouns as an error. Obviously if you'd like to keep them in, I'd think it best to also give gendered pronouns to the Pokemon which can have genders, as otherwise I (personally) find it awkward. As is stated in the link provided, "pronouns [...] must be internally consistent."

As for the serial comma issue, that is the Smogon standard.
I'm glad mew is going UU or BL this gen, I'm going to rape. People will be expecting BP off my set, then boom, sweep.
It was good stuff ;D



<p>Mew is easily the most versatile Pokemon in the entire metagame. Thanks to its balanced stats and immense movepool, Mew is capable of using an assortment of sets. With many key support moves, including in the form of Will-O-Wisp and Taunt in its arsenal, it comes as no surprise that Mew is primarily seen taking the role of a supporter. When it comes to Baton Passing, Mew is up there with the best of the best, mainly because its incredible durability and access to stat boosting moves like Nasty Plot allow it to pass successfully sporting awesome durability and a plethora of boosting moves, including the ever-coveted Nasty Plot. Don't be mistaken, though; while Mew is usually seen as a supporter, it can pose as a major offensive threat as well. For example, great coverage in the form of It has awesome coverage moves like Flamethrower and Aura Sphere to be used in conjunction with Nasty Plot, making makes Mew a potentially formidable sweeper. Although Mew doesn't have any particular flaws, its lack of distinct strengths causes it to be often ignored in favor of more specialized Pokemon. Reuniclus, a more specialized will often be viewed as a superior Psychic-type sweeper, and while Gorebyss's , who is capable ofBaton Passing Shell Break Baton Passing gives Mew stiff competition on Baton Pass-based teams. Nevertheless, Mew is second to none when it comes to versatility, and if you're looking for a Pokemon who keeps your opponent second guessing him or herself over and over, then Mew is the Pokemon for you.</p>

name: Support
move 1: Taunt
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Softboiled
move 4: Psychic / Seismic Toss
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 224 Def / 32 Spe


<p>Mew is an invaluable support Pokemon due to its excellent defenses, decent typing, and plethora of support options. Seeing as Mew's Psychic-typing lures out Pokemon like Scizor and Tyranitar, it makes for a respectable defensive pivot due to its ability to cripple them with Will-O-Wisp, effectively reducing their offensive capabilities. Taunt allows Mew to shut down defensive Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Blissey, and Jellicent as well as preventing Pokemon like Reuniclus from setting up. Will-O-Wisp sets Mew apart from other bulky Psychic-types like Celebi and Jirachi, making it arguably the most important move on this set. Softboiled is obligatory on Mew, as it replenishes its health, giving Mew the durability it needs to thwart off dangerous threats. Psychic is Mew's STAB move of choice and enables it to damage the likes of Conkeldurr and Terrakion. On the other hand, Seismic Toss lets Mew deal consistent damage, regardless of typing; however, it makes Mew a sitting duck against Ghost-types. As mentioned before, many Pokemon who would ordinarily switch into Mew are absolutely ruined by a burn, making Mew an excellent lure. Will-O-Wisp, when used alongside Taunt, turns Mew into a fearsome stallbreaker. Pokemon like Blissey or Ferrothorn, for example, can't even touch Mew, nor can they use any of their support moves due to Taunt, and are thus forced to switch out.</p>


<p>A Lum Berry could be used if you want Mew to momentarily avoid status, however this seriously compromises Mew's overall staying power. Max HP EVs are used to maximize bulk and 220 Defense EVs are used to help Mew check a variety of physical threats such as Terrakion and Air Balloon Excadrill. 32 Speed EVs give Mew enough Speed to outrun most variants of Tyranitar. A Bold nature is used to further increase Mew's physical bulk, however a Calm nature with Special Defense EV investment may be used to balance Mew's defenses and let it handle both physical and special threats.</p>

<p>Mew has a plethora of optional moves to choose from, each useful, largely depending on your team. Aura Sphere can be used to get some good damage against Tyranitar and Steel-types, while Flamethrower lets Mew roast Steel-types, especially those that are severely weak to Fire like Scizor, Ferrothorn, and Forretress. Shadow Ball allows Mew to get decent damage against Latios and Latias, although Calm Mind variants are still capable of setting up. Mew is prone to causing switches, making U-turn a solid choice, especially if entry hazards are in play. It should be noted that without Special Attack investment, all of these coverage moves are quite weak. and that every single slot counts Each moveslot is really important to Mew, so make sure you choose consider carefully wisely before replacing one of Mew's moves.</p>

<p>While this variant of Mew is incredibly durable, it still has trouble dealing with a select few Pokemon. Both Latias and Latios are capable of using Mew as setup fodder, completely disregarding most of its moves. Heatran is capable of completely walling Mew, only fearing the rare Aura Sphere. Tyranitar is a fantastic partner, as he it can easily dispose of both Latios and Latias and is capable of walling Heatran with his gargantuan Special Defense stat in the sand. Trick Room Reuniclus is a troublesome counter foe, as not only does it wall Mew, it's also immune to status and cleanly 2HKOes Mew with Shadow Ball. Scizor happens to counter Reuniclus and can even take on Latios and Latias to a certain extent. Hydreigon can easily switch into Mew and obliterate it with its Dark STAB moves. Chansey happens to be is a phenomenal partner, as it can counter Hydreigon and almost every Special Attacker, most notably Latios and Latias. Chansey shares decent synergy with Mew, because between the two of them, they are capable of walling the majority of the metagame.<p>

name: Nasty Plot
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Psyshock / Psychic
move 3: Aura Sphere
move 4: Fire Blast / Shadow Ball
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


<p>Mew is capable of taking the offensive with Nasty Plot, making it incredibly difficult to counter due to its fantastic coverage and power. Nasty Plot skyrockets Mew's Special Attack to 598, which gives Mew enough power to OHKO most of the metagame. Psyshock is Mew's standard STAB move, and is incredibly strong after a boost. Psyshock also allows Mew to beat to Chansey & Blissey, two of heaviest special walls in the metagame. Keep in mind however, that because it targets Defense, physically defensive Pokemon like Gliscor and Hippowdon are capable of surviving a boosted Psyshock. Psychic, on the other hand, OHKOes both the aforementioned Pokemon and its higher base power allows it to score more OHKOes in general. Garchomp in particular is OHKOed by a +2 Psychic, but is capable of surviving a +2 Psyshock. Aura Sphere provides Mew with incredible coverage, as very few Pokemon resist the Psychic & Fighting combination. In particular, Aura Sphere allows Mew to bypass beat Tyranitar, one of the most common and prominent special tanks in the metagame.</p>

<p>The final slot is up to you and mainly dependent on what your team can handle. Shadow Ball lets Mew take down opposing Psychic-types, like Latias, Latios, and Reuniclus, while Fire Blast lets Mew KO Steel-types neutral to Fighting-type moves. Jirachi, Metagross, Scizor and Skarmory are all OHKOed by Fire Blast at +2. Fire Blast also lets you OHKO standard Gliscor and deal heavy damage to Hippowdon after a boost, which effectively eliminates Psyshock's weakness. The biggest advantage to using Nasty Plot Mew over any other special sweeper is its unpredictability. Its counters are mainly based on the final coverage move. For example, Latias and Reuniclus can check Mew if it's using Fire Blast, while bulky Steel-types like Scizor and Jirachi can just as easily counter Mew if it's using Shadow Ball. That bit of knowledge is Mew's biggest trump card and it can cost your opponent the game if they're not careful.</p>

<p>To show the power the Mew can bring to the table, here are some calculations, assuming Mew has one Nasty Plot boost:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculations">
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252 HP / 252 Def Bold Blissey: 72% - 84.9%</li>
<li>+2 LO Psyshock vs 252 HP / 252 Def Bold Chansey: 53.3% - 62.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Aura Sphere vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Sassy Tyranitar: 101% - 118.8%</li>
<li>+0 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 216 SpD Sassy Ferrothorn: 109.1% - 128.4%</li>
<li>+2 LO Shadow Ball vs 248 HP / 216 Def Bold Jellicent: 89.8% - 106.2%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 0 Impish Gliscor: 101.4% - 119.5%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 0 Impish Hippowdon: 88.1% - 103.8%</li>
<li>+2 LO Fire Blast vs 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Jirachi: 103% - 121.3%</li>

<p>Leftovers is an alternative to Life Orb, increasing Mew's overall survivability, but at the cost of some firepower. A Lum Berry is useful as it allows you to avoid status once, which helps in taking out Pokemon that rely on status to beat Mew. The EVs are pretty standard fare, max Speed EVs are used to tie with Pokemon that have base 100 Speed and max Special Attack EVs are used to attain the highest possible Special Attack. A Modest nature with 220 HP / 252 SpA / 36 Spe may be used to increase Mew's bulk and further boost its damage potential, securing a few more OHKOes at +2, however this noticeably reduces Mew's Speed and its ability to outspeed certain threats. Specifically, Mew loses the ability to outspeed Haxorus and Hydreigon, and Speed tie with opposing base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Salamence, Volcarona, Celebi, and Jirachi. Just like in the previous set, Mew has a ton of move options to choose from. Baton Pass is an interesting move to use on Nasty Plot Mew. It weakens Mew's ability to sweep by replacing a coverage move, but it allows Mew to make a hasty retreat should a counter switch into it. Mew can simply pass along those Nasty Plot boosts, making it a hybrid sweeper and team player. Baton Pass also helps Mew differentiate itself from other powerful Nasty Plot users like Thundurus. Softboiled gives Mew reliable recovery and is effective against Stall teams that rely on wearing down opposing sweepers. Softboiled works particularly well with Life Orb, because it allows Mew to keep its power without compromising its bulk. Unfortunately, just like Baton Pass it cuts down on Mew's sweeping ability by eating up a coverage move.</p>

<p>Just like any other sweeper, Mew appreciates the presence of entry hazards to achieve several OHKOes. Blissey is typically OHKOed by a boosted Psyshock if Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes are on the field. Reliable entry hazard users like Deoxys-S and Ferrothorn are good partners to Mew for this very reason. While Nasty Plot Mew is incredibly difficult to outright counter, it has several checks that keep it from demolishing teams. The Pokemon that can check Mew are completely dependent on Mew's coverage moves. Specially defensive Jirachi is a strong counter if Mew isn't carrying Fire Blast while Reuniclus is a pain very reliable if Mew isn't carrying Shadow Ball. Faster Pokemon like Latias, Latios and Gengar can switch into a resisted attack or Nasty Plot and force Mew out with their powerful STAB attacks. Tyranitar is a solid partner for Mew because it can counter Latias and Latios and check Reuniclus. Bulky Scizor is capable of checking Latias and Latios as well as outright countering Reuniclus. Unlike Tyranitar, it doesn't summon sandstorm, keeping Mew from taking unnecessary sandstorm damage.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Rock Polish
move 3: Swords Dance / Nasty Plot
move 4: Taunt
item: Lum Berry
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 188 Def / 68 Spe


<p>With good enough bulk, Speed, and access to a variety of boosting moves, Mew is a perfect candidate for Baton Pass. Mew is easily capable of turning its Baton Pass recipient into an ultimate killing machine with proper setup. A successful Baton Pass can drastically change the flow of the match, possibly deciding the match right there because the right Baton Pass recipient is nearly unstoppable. While Mew faces serious competition as a Baton Passer from the Shell Smash users, Gorebyss, Huntail, and Smeargle, it still has a few perks over them, namely access to Taunt over the former two and significantly more bulk over the latter. Rock Polish lets Mew outspeed most of the metagame, giving Mew more options like Baton Passing in the face of Pokemon who are normally faster. The choice between Swords Dance and Nasty Plot is obviously team dependent. Strong physical attackers like Landorus and Garchomp will naturally appreciate Swords Dance, while special attackers like Latios are bolstered by Nasty Plot. Finally, Taunt allows you to shut down defensive Pokemon who may attempt to plague Mew or its Baton Pass recipients with status. This set absolutely requires dual screen support in order to succeed. With dual screens in play, Mew is nearly impossible to OHKO, giving it ample time to set up. You should bring Mew in after one of your Pokemon have been KOed, preferably your dual screen user. Directly switching into Pokemon is unwise because Mew should remain in tip top condition to maximize its chances of successfully pulling off a Baton Pass.</p>


<p>Lum Berry momentarily allows Mew to dodge harmful status like paralysis and sleep, and is very useful in conjunction with Synchronize and Taunt. Leftovers can be used to increase Mew's overall bulk and it can lessen entry hazard damage, however it should be noted that Mew cannot take any sort of status, increasing the importance of Taunt. Leftovers isn't recommended because there are times when status is unavoidable. The EVs on this set attempt to give Mew the maximum amount of bulk, while still giving it enough Speed to outspeed most of the metagame after a Rock Polish. HP EVs are maxed out, while the leftover EVs are placed in Defense, providing Mew with extra insurance against the likes of Tyranitar and Scizor. 68 Speed EVs specifically allow Mew to outspeed Choice Scarf Garchomp and Deoxys-S. A Special Defense oriented spread may be used should you want Mew to survive powerful special threats like Choice Specs Latios and Thundurus without Light Screen support.</p>

<p>A dual screen user is required to get the best use out of Baton Pass Mew because Reflect and Light Screen halve all forms of damage, allowing Mew to take more hits before Baton Passing. Deoxys-S is the perfect candidate for a dual screen user. Its ridiculously high Speed gives it a quick Taunt and allows it it to quickly setup both Reflect and Light Screen. Uxie and Latios also deserve a mention because they can set up dual screens and are capable of using Memento, which lets Mew safely switch into the battlefield and it makes Mew nearly indestructible. Bronzong is a decent dual screener, as its excellent typing and bulk gives it excellent staying power allowing it to repeatedly set up dual screens. It can also use Explosion to safely bring Mew into the fray.</p>

<p>Mew has a variety of Baton Pass recipients to choose from, however the right recipient is required to win matches. It should be able to outspeed Jolly Excadrill after a Rock Polish boost, have excellent natural bulk, decent coverage, the ability to OHKO most of the metagame, and resistances to common priority moves. Garchomp fits the bill for most of these categories and is hands down the best recipient in the entire metagame. At +2/+2, it can easily 1-2HKO the entire metagame, and is extremely difficult to counter. Garchomp also has incredible natural bulk making it hard for defensive Pokemon to take him it out. Also, interestingly enough, Adamant Garchomp outspeeds Jolly Excadrill in the sand, so Garchomp can forgo a Jolly nature for Adamant, making him it even stronger. Lucario is similar to Garchomp in that he's it is almost impossible to counter at +2/+2 and it even has its own priority move. Lucario has exceptional synergy with Mew defensively too. Latios is the perfect recipient on the special side as it's almost impossible to counter at +2/+2, resists common forms of priority and is even immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes.</p>

<p>While this variant of Mew is almost impossible to counter due to the nature of Baton Pass, there are a few Pokemon who give it trouble. Whimsicott is capable of switching in and stopping Mew's Baton Passing attempts with priority Encore. Priority Taunt users like Tornadus and Thundurus can also put a complete stop to Mew's Baton Passing attempts. Trick users like Choiced Latios and Rotom-W can cripple Mew or its Baton Pass recipients. Because this Mew lacks any offensive moves, it is a sitting duck before in front of against faster Pokemon, so powerful sweepers like Terrakion and Garchomp can set up on Mew if it hasn't used Rock Polish. Dragon Tail users are a pain, because the move itself is unaffected by Taunt, completely ruining all Baton Pass attempts. Substitute can bypass Dragon Tail, however it comes at the cost of a boosting move or Taunt. Furthermore, there are some attacks that are simply too strong for Mew to handle, even with dual screens. Choice Band Tyranitar for example, can still 2HKO Mew even with Reflect up. Mew isn't limited to passing offensive boosts; it can also pass a variety of defensive boosts as well, like Iron Defense and Amnesia. Entry hazard users like Ferrothorn and Forretress are acceptable teammates because they help bypass Pokemon with the abilities Sturdy and Multiscale, and grant your sweepers even more OHKOs.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Mew is the king of options and it's no exaggeration to say that Mew can do just about anything. It has one of the largest movepools in the entire game, second only to Smeargle, however unlike Smeargle it has the stats to actually pull off a wide variety of sets. Even so, it can be difficult to find sets Mew can run without being outclassed. A stand-alone Swords Dance set is possible, but Mew is still too weak even after a Swords Dance and that set is typically outclassed by the Nasty Plot set, a far greater wall breaker. Mew can run an effective Calm Mind set similar to Reuniclus but with more bulk and Speed at the cost of power and a superior ability. Mew has a ton of other move options for the Baton Pass set including but not limited to: Bulk Up, Amnesia, Iron Defense, and Calm Mind. The support set can utilize either Roar or Dragon Tail for phazing or Hypnosis to temporarily incapacitate a foe. Mew can also use a Transform set, which can be handy when dealing with a boosting sweeper. To sum it up, Mew gets nearly everything so go nuts, pick four moves and see what works for you. If you can imagine it, Mew can probably make it happen.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Countering Mew can be a difficult task due to its staggering versatility. Scouting out its moveset instead of blindly switching in is recommended. Support sets are hard countered by Heatran, who resists Psychic and is immune to Will-O-Wisp. In fact, if Heatran switches into a Will-O-wisp it can easily cripple Mew and its teammates with its boosted Fire-type moves. Both Latias and Latios can switch in with little to no trouble and fire off their powerful STAB attacks, however, Mew can actually stall out Choiced variants with Softboiled. Calm Mind Latios, and Latias on the other hand, can use Mew as set-up fodder. Hydreigon can switch into Mew without worry and fire off its powerful Dark STAB moves. Reuniclus that carry Shadow Ball can make short work of Mew and it's even immune to status moves. Nasty Plot sets are significantly harder to counter due to their incredible power and coverage. Nasty Plot Mew's counters are separated into 2 groups: Those who can counter Mew if it lacks Fire Blast and those who can counter Mew if it lacks Shadow Ball. Specially defensive Jirachi for example, is a hard counter to Mew if it doesn't have Fire Blast. It can switch in and cripple Mew with Body Slam, and outstall Mew with a combination of Iron Head and Wish. Bulky Swords Dance Scizor can switch into Mew and hit it with a strong Bug Bite which easily brings Mew into Bullet Punch's KO range. Choice Band Metagross can switch into just about anything and crush Mew with a Choice Band boosted Meteor Mash.</p>

<p>On the other side, Mew that lack Shadow Ball can be countered by Latias and Latios. Choice Specs versions can easily switch in and hit Mew with a STAB Draco Meteor. Bulky Choice Band Spiritomb is an unconventional yet highly effective counter that can actually deal with both of Mew's coverage moves. Choice Band Spiritomb can finish it off with a super effective STAB Sucker Punch or snag a fleeing Mew with Pursuit. Baton Pass is the hardest to counter considering Mew can just Baton Pass away at any time. However there are several precautions you can take to assure that Mew doesn't pull off a Baton Pass. Team preview allows you to scout your opponent's team, determine who Mew's dual screen user is and devise a way to stop it. A fast Taunt user like Deoxys-S can put a stop to most dual screeners. Unfortunately, Deoxys-S itself is a common screener and relying on a speed tie to stop it isn't exactly recommended. Strong priority users like Scizor and Mamoswine will only allow Deoxys-S to setup one half of dual screens, giving you an easier time when dealing with Mew. Keep in mind that if you fail to stop screens, it's almost impossible to stop Mew from Baton Passing due to its incredible bulk. Fortunately, unlike Gorebyss, Huntail, and Smeargle, Mew typically takes three turns to set up its Baton Pass recipient, so keep that in mind and find a way to stop it before it Baton Passes.</p>


GP check 2/2
You somehow lost an [ADDITIONAL COMMENTS] section along the way, it should be above the damage calcs on the second set.
great move set:
physical mix atk
item= expertbelt(fakechoice)-choice scarf/band-lifeorb (only if you wanna...)
EV's=max atk and max speed
flame charge-speed booster (making adament much better :D)
u-turn (for leading and great move to fake choice :D)
zenheadbutt (just for STAB) or.... any element punch/superpower
quake-for victini

special atking set
EV's=max spatk and max speed
item=expert belt/choice scarf, choice specs or life orb (i wont recommend specs or LO)
voltswitch/chargebeam (it's almost like u-turn or +1 special atk....i would go with voltswitch :P)
icebeam (for Latios and other dragons)
flamethrower/fireblast/shadowball/any filler :P

try it out!
proof of my physical set
i'll be posting the proof of the special atking set sometime soon :D
Flame Charge and U-turn on the same set is plain out retarded. You don't use a boosting move and a scouting move on the same set. No Pokemon uses Swords Dance and U-turn on the same set because having coverage is much more important than trying to "fake a scarf" or something.

On another note, youtube videos =/= proof.
mental herb can be used on the baton pass set over lum berry (it allows you to beat priority taunt and encore), and if mew is using taunt, status is not a problem (mew can stop most status moves, except jirachi´s body slam, that still not being a problem because synchronize can pass the paralysis to jirachi too)