Pet Mod MetaMons


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:rapidash: :bastiodon:MetaMons:sylveon: :arcanine:
Welcome to the third generation of MetaMons! This Pet Mod aims to create a micrometa where we get bad mon's concepts and use them to recreate the Pokémon in a way that doesn't make them bad.

And how do we do that? Every slate, we get some Pokémon and give them "restrictions" accordingly. These restrictions will determine what you have to keep on a Pokémon, the rest being fair game. Here's some example restrictions and an example submission:
Example Restrictions:
The Pokémon needs to be
The Pokémon needs to have Fillet Away
The Pokémon needs to have Sharpness.
The Pokémon's Speed can't be changed.

Then, you will be able to sub your 'new version' of the Pokémon, while still keeping its identity, according to the submission rules:
  • Keep the power level of the mod in mind and reasonable. (don't apply this to first slate, this is where we are going to build our power level)
  • Custom Abilities and Moves ARE allowed, but don't bloat your subs with these.
  • Always remember to follow ALL the restrictions.
Example Submission:
Pokémon: Veluza

Abilities: Mold Breaker / Sharpness
Stats: 90 / 88 / 75 / 102 / 75 / 70
Move Changes: +Moonblast, Scald, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam
Description: Special Fillet Away user with a better typing.

Tera will start banned (as opposed to the submission post, i changed my mind)

:chi-yu: Moretto
:scorbunny: scorbunnys
:murkrow: Runo

Competitive Council:
:mawile: Bobsican
:frosmoth: Loginator

Current Slate:
none yet

Discord Server
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Slate One: We are BACK
:sv/veluza: :sv/bellossom: :sv/camerupt:
The Pokémon needs to be
The Pokémon needs to have Fillet Away
The Pokémon needs to have Sharpness
The Pokémon's Speed can't be changed

The Pokémon needs to be
The Pokémon needs to keep Quiver Dance
The Pokémon can't get coverage moves with 90 BP or more (IF YOU ADD A NEW TYPE, MOVES OF THAT TYPE COUNT AS STAB AND NOT AS COVERAGE MOVES.)

The Pokémon needs to be
The Pokémon's Speed can't be changed
The Pokémon cannot be weak to Stealth Rock (by typing or ability means)

Submissions are open for a week.
Move Changes:
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Annoying ass fish, I can't go in the Paldea Sea without getting hunted by these monsters.
Pokémon: Veluza
Types: Water / Dark
Abilities: Swift Swim / Sharpness
Stats: 105 / 87 / 83 / 58 / 75 / 70
Move Changes: +Power Trip, -Psychic, -Stored Power
Description: Movepool is already stacked so we made it a bit bulkier and gave it a better offensive typing. Power Trip takes full advantage of Fillet Away and it's new typing. (Swift Swim is future-proofing, it has no use).
Addendum: Power Trip might be a bit broko, I'll talk to other people about this.

Kind of a crime that it didn't get Fairy type in Gen 6
Pokémon: Bellossom
Types: Grass / Fairy
Abilities: Grassy Surge / Healer*
Stats: 95 / 70 / 95 / 80 / 100 / 50
Move Changes: +Wish, +Knock Off, -Grassy Glide, +Dazzling Gleam, +Healing Wish, Rapid Spin.
Description: Defensive wall that can go either way. Uses its abilities and new moves to support its teammates to the fullest extent such as clearing hazards or Wish passing. Can use Quiver Dance + Strength Sap to act as a bulky win-condition.
Healer: Cures status of every party member on switch in. Does not cure it's own status.
Camel my beloved
Pokémon: Camerupt
Types: Fire / Psychic
Abilities: Magic Guard
Stats: 90 / 100 / 80 / 70 / 80 / 40
Move Changes: -Earth Power, +Psychic, +Psyshock + Calm Mind, +Recover, +Stored Power, +Focus Blast, +Superpower, +Flare Blitz, +Trick Room, +Teleport
Description: Tank mon that can act as a bulky win-con or hazard setter. Alternatively you can be super epic and run LO Flare Blitz to wallbreak.
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Pokémon: Veluza

Abilities: Mold Breaker / Sharpness / Regenerator
Stats: 90 / 90 / 95 / 90 / 95 / 70 | 530
Move Changes: + Flip Turn, Scald, Sacred Sword
Description: fillet away is bringe but heres my take. regen helps you fillet away multiple times plus you can actually use stored power now. sacred sword with sharpness exists too

Pokémon: Bellossom

Abilities: Color Change / Dancer
Stats: 85 / 80 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 70 | 530
Move Changes: + Revelation Dance, Mystical Fire
Description: this is goofy as hell but its a super annoying set (not a good one though) in ndbh where you have qd + conversion 2 + revelation dance. this is slightly similar but frees up the need for conv2 by using the abil slot (original set used ph).

Pokémon: Camerupt

Abilities: Flame Body / Solid Rock / Sand Force
Stats: 85 / 95 / 100 / 105 / 105 / 40 | 530
Move Changes: + Slack Off, Iron Defense
Description: mon really has all it needs besides bulk and recovery. id is an afterthought for body press
man i love seeing this mod back in action

Pokémon: Veluza
Stats: 102 / 105 / 74 / 105 / 74 / 70 (530 BST)
Abilities: Unaware / Sharpness
Typing: Water/Steel
Move Changes: +Iron Head, Flash Cannon -Stored Power, Psychic
Summary of Changes: +12 HP, +3 Atk, +1 Def, +27 SpA, +9 SpD
Description: Fillet Away user with a good defensive typing and respectable bulk. You have Recover as usual to ensure a Fillet Away sweep and Unaware is interesting both offensively and defensively.
Pokemon: Veluza
Type: Water / Steel
Abilities: Sharpness / Iron Barbs | Pressure
Stats: HP-70 Atk-110 Def-130 SpA-70 SpD-80 Spe-70 BST: 540
Movepool Changes: + Recover, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Flip Turn, Razorblade (Steel-type Slash clone).
Description: Bulky hazard setter and defensive pivot with powerful and rare defensive typing.

Pokémon: Camerupt
Types: Fire / Ground
Abilities: Oblivious / Flame Body | Unaware
Stats: HP-115 Atk-100 Def-85 SpA-105 SpD-90 Spe-40 BST: 535
Move Changes: + Slack Off
Description: Fire / Ground is a good defensive typing, just with a bad original user. However, he has Unaware and Slack Off now

Pokemon: Bellossom
Type: Grass
Abilities: Leaf Guard / Dazzling | Grassy Surge
Stats: HP-70 Atk-110 Def-85 SpA-110 SpD-105 Spe-80 BST: 560
Movepool Changes: + Grassy Glide, Strength Sap
Description: Fun mixed offensive Grassy Terrain setter. It can mimic Rillaboom with Swords Dance and Grassy Glide, or run Strength Sap for ridiculous longevity.
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Pokémon: Bellossom
Stats: 75 / 70 / 90 / 85 / 110 / 70 (500 BST)
Abilities: Flower Veil / Aroma Veil / Flash Fire

Move Changes: +Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Mystical Fire, -Sleep Powder
Description: we cookin

Pokémon: Camerupt
Stats: 85 / 100 / 100 / 70 / 80 / 40 (475 BST)
Abilities: Orichalcum Pulse / Solid Rock

Move Changes: Close Combat, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere
Description: rock polish


Pokémon: Veluza
Stats: 90 / 87 / 103 / 68 / 75 / 70
Abilities: Sharpness

Move Changes: Triple Dive, Ceaseless Edge
Description: fish
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:bw/camerupt: :bw/heatran:
Pokémon: Camerupt
Stats: 80/100/80/105/85/40
Abilities: Flame Body/Magma Armor/Solid Rock
Typing: Fire/Steel
Move Changes: None!
Description: Mini Flame Body Heatran! :D
Cool defensive glue with an amazing typing, a surprisingly decent offensive presence and Stealth Rocks to boot.
Pokémon: Camerupt

Abilities: Magma Armor / Solid Rock / Simple [HA]
Stats: 90 / 90 / 80 / 100 / 80 / 40 [480 BST]
Move Changes: + Flame Charge, Work Up, Power Gem, Toxic.
Description: numel has simple but camerupt doesnt?? now burro can pull off a flame charge + work up set and sweep to his hearts content or do a kinda gimmicky Set Up Tank set w Stockpile/Toxic o WoW/BP or Lava Plume or etc

Pokémon: Bellossom
Stats: 90 / 70 / 100 / 80 / 100 / 60 [500 BST]
Abilities: Dancer / Poison Heal [HA]

Move Changes: +Earth Power
Description: simple but effective changes, Its as terrifying as is shaky in any possible sense. (also doesnt bellossom learn moonblast why is the third rule in place for it,,)
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Pokémon: Veluza
Stats: 80 HP/105 Atk/90 Def/80 Sp. Atk/65 Sp. Def/70 Speed (490 BST)
Abilities: Mold Breaker/Rough Skin/Sharpness
Typing: Water/Dragon
Move Changes: + Dragon Tail, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Draco Meteor, -Stored Power, Zen Headbutt, Psychic Terrain
Description: Gave Veluza a better defensive typing, added Rough Skin in case you wanted to run a defensive set. Let down by its low Sp. Def.

Pokémon: Bellossom
Stats: 90 HP/75 Atk/80 Def/100 Sp. Atk/105 Sp. Def/50 Speed (500 BST)
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Own Tempo/Healer
Typing: Grass/Fairy
Move Changes: + Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, Fiery Dance, Healing Wish
Description: Funny Magic Bounce Pokémon, or funny Petal Dance spammer? Fiery Dance was the most fitting coverage move that is a Dance move, so it gets that.

Pokémon: Camerupt
Stats: 70 HP/70 Atk/105 Def/100 Sp. Atk/105 Sp. Def/40 Speed (490 BST)
Abilities: Magma Armor/Sheer Force/Sand Force
Typing: Fire/Steel
Move Changes: None
Description: Smaller version of Mega Camerupt, with a larger defensive focus. Its movepool is already good for what it does, so no additions.

I tried to keep them around the same power level, but if one of them ends up underpowered or overpowered compared to the other two, let me know.

EDIT: Upon request from Moretto , Magic Bounce has been removed. I decided to revert it to Healer.
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Pokémon: Bellossom
Stats: 75 / 80 / 105 / 90 / 110 / 70 (BST: 520)
Abilities: Chlorophyll / Limber
Typing: Grass / Fighting
Move Changes: +Aura Sphere, +Weather Ball
Description: Can either work as a sun sweeper or a bulky QD sweeper. STAB Fighting allows it to handle Heatran rather easily while still having a slot for a coverage move. Limber in QD sets protects it from annoying Thunder Waves.


Pokémon: Camerupt
Stats: 70 / 100 / 80 / 105 / 115 / 40 (BST: 510)
Abilities: Flame Body / Solid Rock | Drought
Typing: Fire / Ground
Move Changes: +Morning Sun
Description: A Sun setter on par with Torkoal. It has weaker physical bulk but has better special bulk, recovery, and good firepower if it needs to Attack.
Pokémon: Veluza
Stats: 100 / 117 / 98 / 78 / 65 / 70 [BST: 528]
Abilities: Mold Breaker / Sharpness
Typing: Water / Poison
Move Changes: + Cross Poison, Knock Off
Description: Same thing as before but now with a better typing for what it’s trying to do, hits Grasses hard, Knock Off for crippling possible switchins

Pokémon: Bellossom
Stats: 75 / 80 / 100 / 110 / 105 / 50 [BST: 520]
Abilities: Chlorophyll / Triage
Typing: Grass / Fairy
Move Changes: + Draining Kiss, Psyshock
Description: Bulky QD, can be very annoying to deal with offensively due to Strength Sap, Giga Drain and Draining Kiss and Triage but is likely shut down easily by Fires, Steels and Poisons(if not running Psychic) to compensate for this

Pokémon: Camerupt
Stats: 90 / 100 / 85 / 105 / 100 / 40 [BST: 520]
Abilities: Magma Armor / Solid Rock / Regenerator
Typing: Fire / Ground
Move Changes: + Knock Off, Spikes
Description: Defensive Regen Pivot and Hazard Setter; I don’t think this really needed too much to shine, mainly just a better ability and stats
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Pokemon: Veluza
Stats: 90/67/98/115/90/70 [BST:530]
Abilities: Clear Body/Sharpness
Typing: Water/Flying
Move Changes: +Air Slash +Hurricane +Moonblast +Earth Power, -Stored Power -Psychic -Psychic Terrain -Zen Headbutt
Description: Offensive Set-Up Sweeper, Once Fillet Away is set, moves hit harder and is a premier wallbreaker.
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Pokémon: Veluza
Stats: 70/110/93/50/85/70 (473 BST)
Abilities: Mold Breaker/(Sharpness)
Typing: Water/Fire
Move Changes: +Bitter Blade, Sacred Sword, -Recover, Stored Power
Description: Don't really need broken stats if you just have broken move. The bulk isn't anything special, but low HP means you heal a lot and blade allows you to potentially get a second fillet away in, though it's hella risky so probably not worth it. STAB combo sucks though, so you need Sacred Sword or you get walled by 2 of Fire, Water or Dragon. Setting up is also kinda hard with the rock weakness and all, but you're not easy to revenge once actually setup so I'd say it's worth the risk.

Pokemon: Bellossom
Stats: 68 / 80 / 80 / 115 / 95 / 62 [BST = 500]
Abilities: Chlorophyll / Dazzling

Move Changes: +Water Pulse, Mud Shot, Shadow Ball, Extrasensory, Air Slash
Description: The base speed increase isn't that high, but means it requires less setup through sun or QDs to begin outspeeding and sweeping. Combined with more coverage moves and the option of Dazzling to shut down priority counters, Bellossom becomes a reliable special sweeper.

Pokémon: Veluza

Abilities: Mold Breaker / Sharpness
Stats: 100 (+10) / 113 (+11) / 93 (+20) / 78 / 65 / 70 (BST: 519)
Move Changes: +X-Scissor
Description: There really isn't too much wrong with Veluza other than its stats: it's too frail before set up, too weak to be an immediate threat after set up, and too slow after set up to avoid being revenge killed. Since I can't change Speed, increasing its physical bulk prevents 2HKOs and actually gives it set up opportunities, and a base 113 Attack stat at +2 is terrifying. It already has a great movepool, but adding X-Scissor gives it nearly unresisted Water/Psychic/Bug coverage - with Sharpness, these are 3 moves at over 100 base power. Thought of changing the typing, but other Sharpness STAB don't really improve it's resistances.


Pokémon: Bellossom

Abilities: Chlorophyll / Flash Fire
Stats: 75 / 70 (-10) / 95 / 98 (+8) / 111 (+11) / 57 (+7) (BST: 507)
Move Changes: +Fire Blast, +Flamethrower
Description: In buffing, Bellossom, the first thing to notice is the similarities with Volcarona - they are both Quiver Dancing Fire-types. As such, it's important to give them separate niches. This is done by focusing on it's defensive qualities. Having Strength Sap, Flash Fire, and 75/95/111 makes this tough to kill and harder after set up, and the added Fire-type works surprisingly well defensively. It's Special Attack is buffed to be strong, but not overwhelming, and it's Speed was kept reasonable to mitigate these concerns.


Pokémon: Camerupt

Abilities: Magma Armor / Solid Rock / Flame Body
Stats: 77 (+7) / 85 (-15) / 89 (+19) / 126 (+21) / 75 / 40 (BST: 492)
Move Changes: +Power Gem, +Seismic Force, +Shore Up
Description: Camerupt really gets the short end of the stick normally - it just wants to fire off Eruption, but is so slow and so frail that it is almost never at full power. While we can't fully remedy that other than with a buff to it's physical bulk, we can replicate that immediate threat by pumping up it's Special Attack to scary levels and giving it a new, 100% accurate, 110 BP STAB in Seismic Force. With only minor drawbacks, this should give Camerupt the spammable move it always dreamed of. Reliable recovery and Power Gem makes Camerupt immediately threatening to the whole tier, balanced by a rough combination of mediocre bulk and still having that poor speed. Finally, 100 Attack and Anger Point made no sense on a Pokemon with no desire to go physical, so Flame Body has some utility.

Seismic Force: Ground-type Clanging Scales clone, lowers the user's Special Defense by 1 stage.
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:sv/veluza: :sv/bellossom: :sv/camerupt:
80 (+10) / 130 (+31) / 103 (+20) / 71 / 101 / 70(BST: 555)
Movepool removals: Fillet Away
Movepool additions Filllet Away, Iron Head, Sacred Sword, Power Trip
Filllet Away: user loses 50% HP, +2 atk, spatk and speed. +3 if ability Sharpness
Idk, physical sweeper that needs heavy support of screens

Chlorophyll/Misty Surge
75 / 70 (-10) / 95 / 105 (+15) / 111 (+11) / 80 (+30) (BST: 537)
Movepool additions: Draining Kiss, Mystical Fire, Mud Shot
A p strong wincon, able to exploit defensive mons to set-up, with coverage for Steels
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2 Weather-based changes

Pokémon: Camerupt
Stats: 90 / 125 / 80 / 95 / 80 / 40 | BST: 510
Changes: [ +20 / +25 / + 10 / +10 / -10 / -- ]
Abilities: Solid Rock / Drought | Flame Body
Typing: Fire / Ground
Move Changes: +Morning Sun, +Parting Shot +Heat Crash
Description: Camerupt always seemed like a prime candidate to have Drought since it helps with the 4x weakness, but it never got it. Wanted to set it apart from Torkoal & Ninetales by giving it pivoting capabilities and Parting Shot seemed most fit. Both Torkoal & Ninetales are more special attackers, so I shuffled some of his stats around to make him more physically offensive. Morning Sun to have this guy stick around for a while with it being boosted by Sun.

Pokémon: Bellossom
Stats: 55 / 75 / 115 / 100 / 120 / 60 | BST: 525
Changes: [ -10 / -5 / +20 / +10 / +20 / +10 ]
Abilities: Chlorophyll / Prankster | Rain Dish
Typing: Grass
Move Changes: +Strength Sap, +Encore, +Rapid Spin, +Weather Ball (How does this count for the coverage BP rule?), +Water Pulse, +Mystical Fire, +Fiery Dance
-Moonblast, -Dazzling Gleam
Description: A lot of changes but Bellossom deserves some versatility after 8 gens of being bad. Can go with an offensive QD set or a more defensive set, and works on both Rain or Sun teams Prankster works for non-weather teams, and allows for easier set-up, or just general disruption on non-QD sets via Strength Sap, Stun Spore / Sleep Powder and Encore. Also Rapid Spin because it makes sense but tbh this can go if it gives too many options.

Removed the Fairy moves so Dragon mons still handle it well.
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Pokémon: Veluza

Abilities: Mold Breaker | HA: Sharpness
Stats: 90 HP / 105 Atk / 83 Def / 90 SpA / 75 SpD / 70 Spe | BST: 513
Move Changes: +Razor Shell, Sacred Sword
Description: Fillet Away is kinda crazy, but let's go with Sharpness spam with two of the best slicing moves in the game right now (only Ceaseless and Stone Axe better). Razor Shell + Sacred Sword smacks at +2, and it has Night Slash to act as coverage. Non STAB Stored Power is gimmicky but can go crazy if done correct.

Pokémon: Bellossom

Abilities: Chlorophyll / Symbiosis | HA: Dancer
Stats: 85 HP / 80 Atk / 95 Def / 100 SpA / 120 SpD / 50 Spe | BST: 530
Move Changes: +Draining Kiss, Dazzling Gleam, Mystical Fire, Rapid Spin
-Strength Sap
Description: Grass Fairy is a solid defensive typing, Bellossom can use these tools to either be a good wall or be a threatening set up sweeper. It already gets Moonblast from Gloom so it can go crazy here.

Pokémon: Camerupt

Abilities: Earth Eater / Solid Rock | HA: Solar Power
Stats: 80 HP / 100 Atk / 100 Def / 105 SpA / 95 SpD / 40 Spe | BST: 520
Move Changes: +Spikes, Taunt, Magma Storm
Description: Heatran at home. I didn't want to do hard recovery yet, as I think the raw utility of Earth Eater does more than enough for it. Magma Storm does it's usual stallbreaking, Stealth Rock has it's use as well. Spikes forces momentum and racks up useful chip. Hates Water types and that can used against you.
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Pokémon: Camerupt
Stats: 90 / 80 / 110 / 80 / 100 / 40 (500 BST)
Abilities: Flame Body, Sheer Force (HA: Solid Rock)

Move Changes: +Gigaton Hammer, +Iron Defense, +Morning Sun, +Sunsteel Strike, +Spikes, +Thunder Wave
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Submission Phase has come to an end, so here come the vetos:

BreloomBuddy's Veluza:
120 in Attack makes this Pokémon a little bit too potent for its capabilities. Fillet Away can deal big damage and it has good utility in added and existing moves. I suggest you lower its attack stat by 10.

Voden's Camerupt:
Council is worried the camel with Simple, setup, and Slack Off will be too much. So, here your choice is to: 1. Remove Simple or 2. lower some Attack, HP and remove Slack Off. You can choose what to change but the way it is right now it is too much.

satofreak's Bellossom:
Your Bellossom submission has nice stats and a good kit, but Magic Bounce preventing setup answers currently makes it too much. It's easy to fix this though, just remove Magic Bounce from it and you're good.


LOrd Fernado's Veluza:
Veluza would be okay here without Sheer Force, because that pushes it over the edge currently. What you should fix is exactly that, by removing Sheer Force.


God of Llamas's Veluza:
You've said it: 133 attack at +2 is terrifying. Terrifying indeed, this is why it's gotta be changed. We recommend you to lower the Attack of it by 20.

God of Llamas's Bellossom:
It's too strong. Strength Sap, Quiver Dance, great STABs. Lower 10 Def and 10 SpA stats and the sub is good to go.

God of Llamas's Camerupt:
The new signature move, Seismic Force, along with a huge 146 Special Attack stat are very, very strong. You should lower its SpA stat by 20. That will make it more manageable.


Turtlek's Veluza:
Rework Fillet Away to its original form, Power Trip with a +3 +3 +3 move is insanely busted. Also has too much attack for a Power Trip setup move like Fillet Away. -25 Atk.

GhiteOff's Camerupt:
That's a really high Attack stat for Gigaton Hammer. -20 Atk and you're good to go. (Remember Tinkaton is good at UU and it has an even lower Attack.)

You have until tomorrow to fix your subs, if they aren't fixed by then, people won't be able to vote for them. If the submissions are fixed earlier than in 24 hours, voting phase will be opened immediately.​