Fuck the double posting rule.
This post before may come off as mean because i wrote it in my phone in under a minute, but the truth is doing a retest of an already banned Pokémon is undesirable, moreso if we already suspected it twice. This is not to say that I think all retests are something we should avoid (even if I have many complaints about how they handled them in the past, like with the Zamazenta-C suspect that I'd like changed here, but besides the point). I understand that some people of the community (won't say the majority because really only council people have positioned themselves, and that creates a kind of echo chamber effect) might think that freeing the bird would help the metagame, even if I don't, and the metagame could be actually better than this one (my opinion on either of those metagames is irrelevant to my argument). Still, I think we should avoid going back and forth with the bird, for these reasons:
1. Metas are always fixable: I think it's a fact that every problem we can have with a metagame can be adressed via bans. The premise is quite simple: if something's wrong, if we take it out nothing will be no longer wrong. This has happened multiple times in the past, with metagames like modern BW LC after Misdreavus, modern DPP and ORAS OU after Dugtrio, ORAS UU after Conkeldurr and SM UU after Quagsire, to name a few. If we found the right thing to suspect (I'll get to that in a later part), we should be able to fix this metagame, if needed.
You could say this doesn't necessarily have to be the case, as in some other instances like BW OU after absolutely everything and SM LC after Trapinch (and arguably SS LC after Vullaby) bans have happened and nothing improved, or even worsened in the case of BW OU
because it sucks and has been and still is being horribly handled. Still, I think the chances of it working are bigger than not, and I think that gen ending shouldn't be an issue (all my examples of metas being fixed are after them being current).
2. A lot of action regarding one single problem isn't desired: this would be the third time that we suspect the emobird. Now, this isn't something prohibited (see:
how do you make this smaller) but I still think this is something we don't wanna repeat. I get that this point could be seen as subjective, but reverting to a metagame we had before is a) undoing a year of work and b) not guaranteed to work: it was banned for a reason after all, isn't it likely that it's broken again regardless, and we will have to suspect it
again. A lot of time might be lost, and even if it isn't, it's just to revert to a metagame we had rather than having a new one, which is something that I wouldn't desire.
With this said, I wouldn't like action taken on Vullaby, since I think it's had enough already, and there are other paths via new bans. However, if we ended up unbanning the bird, we should, in my opinion, follow it up with a Porygon suspect. Won't elaborate.
Now, what should our course of action be, according to me, if we choose to ban stuff? Let's look at the usual suspects (pun non intended):

this would for sure fix the Mienfoo on Natu speed tie problem, but I don't think it is broken on its own. Every team packs a check to it that doesn't only check it but do other things, added to other soft checks like the Psychics. It sure is good, but I don't think it is currently a problem in the metagame, but rather a bless to check half the metagame.

I don't think this is problematic in the slightest. It helps keep in check a lot of stuff, especially the Eviolite set, thanks to Grassy Glide, and is a good breaker but one that doesn't beak the tier in half or is unstoppable. Many meta mons help handling it, and it does more good than bad in my opinion.

my complete post on the subject. In short, the fish is a really strong mon in the current metagame, that serves a defensive purpose and is able to be stopped by every team. Besides, even if it was deemed too strong for the tier, its ban wouldn't solve any of our problems (speed ties and teams being similar), since its counterplay is independent of those factors and the metagame isn't likely to change much with it's departure, but rather to go back to what it was when we didn't use it.

the duck has been broken in the past, but in my opinion the metagame has adapted a lot. Steels and special walls in general as are used as ever because of it and another psychic spamming friend, but now many mons use spreads that don't boost Porygon's special attack. What's more, its defensive presence is very valuable, being able to check both special and physical attackers, and also to countertrap the grounds.

now comes my hot take. I think Abra is broken, and I also think it would help with some of the metagame's problems if it were gone. In short as for why is it broken, this mon is literally impossible to check. If you think Eviolite Grookey or Diglett are enough, you are delusional. It beats all its used checks, and is immune to both Fake Out and Arena Trap. But why do I think it would help if it were gone? Well, we mainly use the steels like we do, especially Ferroseed, to have a chance at beating it. With it gone, teams wouldn't really need steels the way they do now: special attackers still need to be checked, but non Abra ones have more checks than the steels (like the aforementioned EVs for Porygon, Grookey and trappers for Staryu and Porygon, and Frillish without a steel for all of them. Expanding on this, all of these mons already are able to check the special attackers, but either they can't deal with Abra and need the help of a steel, or can't deal with a special attacker and Abra, which are often paired, and they too need the help of a steel. Deleting Abra would help a lot with this, expanding diversity in special attackers checks). In its place, we would probably use Ponyta-Galar, which is just an inferior version of Abra, much more easy to handle, but it'd still offensively check things like Mienfoo or the Poisons, while not dying to Grassy Glide. With this, we would see more variation (likely, in my opinion) than just the steels for special attackers checking antics, so teams would be more varied.
I understand if this last solution isn't desired by some, or if they don't believe it would actually fix their concerns with the tier. In reality, I think the tier is completely fine, and all the problems I've talked about are non issues, but I think I'm on the minority and I had to adress this, since I think it would be the best course of action. If anyone thinks I'm fucking stupid for wanting to ban Abra, feel free to haha react and respond to this thread. The more information regarding the playerbase opinion we have, the better. Especially if it comes from people who we consider good at the game. Please and thank you, peace