Hi. So this thread is dead again sooo similar to what Sken did about a year ago and others probably did before then I'm gonna share a few brief meta thoughts and stuff I've seen that have not been discussed much as of late. Keep in mind some of these will be my opinion.
Sometime during USUM this beast of a pokemon rose to power and is one of the premier offensive threats right now. With incredible water+flying STAB along with being incredibly fast at 19 speed Wingull is very hard to switch into especially when holding a Z crystal as almost all do. One of the most terrifying things about Wingull is how much a lot of its defensive counters dislike the current meta. Its safest defensive counters in BJ Chinchou and Munchlax both hate a meta filled with Knock Off and Foongus+Mienfoo respectively. Stuff used to check it right now do not do it 100% of the time. Bulky answers like Pawniard and Tirtouga risk Scald burns while tanks like Spritzee and Slowpoke are KOed by a combination of rocks+hurricane+Fly Z. Wingull is also a pain to revenge kill as Protect is almost mandatory on it meaning it can scout Scarfers trying to revenge it like Pawniard, Magnemite and Snivy. Wingull does have downsides though; it is extremely frail and hitting hurricanes at times seems impossible however paired with a bulky pivot like Vullaby or Mienfoo it gets ample oppurtunities to throw them out and generally doesn't need to hit more than 1 or 2 a game to do it's job of breaking teams down. It is also one of the best abusers of Z crystals whether Waterium to dent its normal switch ins like Eviolite Pawn and Tirtouga or the current best set in Flynium which just nukes whatever switches in without risking Hurricane missing. There hasn't been any discussion really on this bird despite it being a top 20 Pokemon easy right now.
Foongus' Impact
Foongus wars and preventing or winning them is commonly the meta at this point, whether that's through which Shroom gets knocked first or who pivots into their Steel Type to waste a Sludge Bomb for late game and/or preserving Syntheses through doubling and more. Foongus is also affecting the viability and coverage of Pokemon. Are you running a steel type? How about a Sleep talk or Taunt user? A Grass Pokemon? Maybe you've got Psychic, Ice, or Fire coverage on something that has become common place. Foongus is making all of these common and meta due to it being one of the most common, reliable LC Pokemon. It's even made an overall bad pokemon in Chespin viable mainly due to its ability to counter the fungi while avoiding trappers. Spore is an exceptional move and gives Foongus the potential to 1v1 Pokemon that in theory beat it like Abra, Scarf Pawniard and Wingull to name a few which is insane. Every team has to have at least 1 defensive check and 2 offensive checks whether it's a Diglett to Trap it when it gets low, Pokemon to threaten KOing it, or Pokemon to knock it off and keep it consistently low. Overall this fungi is affecting and influencing LC teambuilds as well as the meta as a whole immensly.
The Big 3
These Big 3 are consistently the best, most used and most splashable Pokemon in LC. Mienfoo is what makes U-turn so amazing in LC. It is on almost every team and for good reason. Whether bulky or fast eviolite as well as Scarf, Flynium, even Band to chunk its normal switch ins Mienfoo is the most splashable and best Pokemon in LC bar none. Similar to Mienfoo, Vullaby is incredible in its ability to run so many incredible sets all of which are either incredibly terrifying offensively or super splashable defensively. Weak Armor Onix is literally only used because of how ridiculous Vullaby is to switch into and even then Vullabies have ways to get around this with HP Grass becoming common. Flying types in general are top 2 in offensively spammable typings (The best in my opinion, #2 being Fighting) and Vullaby is the premier reason for this. Mixed Vullaby is ridiculous to find a switch in or check to, Offensive Defog breaks down its own counters throughout the game, Spdef Defog is incredibly splashable as well and spamming Knock Off is ridiculously valuable as well as softly checking the scariest offensive threats atm such as Timburr, Gastly, Abra, Wingull and Snivy to name a few with 1 team slot. Nasty Plot and Scarf can catch players off and pick up a crucial kill or surprising sweep as well. Foongus was discussed shortly earlier in Lily's gif and by Shrug earlier in a small post that I completely agree with as well as my own small Foongus writeup. Essentially it's the best dedicated wall in LC and completely defines todays LC metagame. Recent LC Tours such as LCPL, Swiss and multiple Seasonals have showed the dominance of these 3 above the rest. To give an idea of these 3 were the 3 most used EVERY single Week during LCPL. Other terrifying offensive threats are deemed those simply because they break these Big 3 down. Terrifying offensive Pokemon such as Abra, Gastly, Pawniard, Timburr, opposing Vullaby/Mienfoo, Wingull and Ponyta to name a few are so terrifying and amazing simply because they have the ability to break these 3 down and beat them and these 3 are so common place and are the meta. Overtime the meta has continually evolved and these 3 Pokemon have defined and created the meta.
Short Closing
While the meta is currently dominated by a select few number of Pokemon, that's how LC is and I enjoy the meta as it is currently. You have a variety of options whether you want to continually try to outplay with safer builds, or try using trapper+abuser cores or offenses. The tier also has balanced cheese such as Webs and Veil that are still viable, as well as type and core spam such as GastBra, Fighting, Flying and Dark Spam to break down standard defensive cores. There's still plenty I personally will be messing around with and testing/building around as Slam approaches. I could rant about LC for awhile and likely could have made this much longer than it is but I'm not a great writer nor am I the best person to talk about it. There's still plenty of discussion that could be had that just tends not to happen in here unfortunately so figure I'd leave some room for others to chat about what they're enjoying using or think is great atm.
Sometime during USUM this beast of a pokemon rose to power and is one of the premier offensive threats right now. With incredible water+flying STAB along with being incredibly fast at 19 speed Wingull is very hard to switch into especially when holding a Z crystal as almost all do. One of the most terrifying things about Wingull is how much a lot of its defensive counters dislike the current meta. Its safest defensive counters in BJ Chinchou and Munchlax both hate a meta filled with Knock Off and Foongus+Mienfoo respectively. Stuff used to check it right now do not do it 100% of the time. Bulky answers like Pawniard and Tirtouga risk Scald burns while tanks like Spritzee and Slowpoke are KOed by a combination of rocks+hurricane+Fly Z. Wingull is also a pain to revenge kill as Protect is almost mandatory on it meaning it can scout Scarfers trying to revenge it like Pawniard, Magnemite and Snivy. Wingull does have downsides though; it is extremely frail and hitting hurricanes at times seems impossible however paired with a bulky pivot like Vullaby or Mienfoo it gets ample oppurtunities to throw them out and generally doesn't need to hit more than 1 or 2 a game to do it's job of breaking teams down. It is also one of the best abusers of Z crystals whether Waterium to dent its normal switch ins like Eviolite Pawn and Tirtouga or the current best set in Flynium which just nukes whatever switches in without risking Hurricane missing. There hasn't been any discussion really on this bird despite it being a top 20 Pokemon easy right now.
Foongus wars and preventing or winning them is commonly the meta at this point, whether that's through which Shroom gets knocked first or who pivots into their Steel Type to waste a Sludge Bomb for late game and/or preserving Syntheses through doubling and more. Foongus is also affecting the viability and coverage of Pokemon. Are you running a steel type? How about a Sleep talk or Taunt user? A Grass Pokemon? Maybe you've got Psychic, Ice, or Fire coverage on something that has become common place. Foongus is making all of these common and meta due to it being one of the most common, reliable LC Pokemon. It's even made an overall bad pokemon in Chespin viable mainly due to its ability to counter the fungi while avoiding trappers. Spore is an exceptional move and gives Foongus the potential to 1v1 Pokemon that in theory beat it like Abra, Scarf Pawniard and Wingull to name a few which is insane. Every team has to have at least 1 defensive check and 2 offensive checks whether it's a Diglett to Trap it when it gets low, Pokemon to threaten KOing it, or Pokemon to knock it off and keep it consistently low. Overall this fungi is affecting and influencing LC teambuilds as well as the meta as a whole immensly.
These Big 3 are consistently the best, most used and most splashable Pokemon in LC. Mienfoo is what makes U-turn so amazing in LC. It is on almost every team and for good reason. Whether bulky or fast eviolite as well as Scarf, Flynium, even Band to chunk its normal switch ins Mienfoo is the most splashable and best Pokemon in LC bar none. Similar to Mienfoo, Vullaby is incredible in its ability to run so many incredible sets all of which are either incredibly terrifying offensively or super splashable defensively. Weak Armor Onix is literally only used because of how ridiculous Vullaby is to switch into and even then Vullabies have ways to get around this with HP Grass becoming common. Flying types in general are top 2 in offensively spammable typings (The best in my opinion, #2 being Fighting) and Vullaby is the premier reason for this. Mixed Vullaby is ridiculous to find a switch in or check to, Offensive Defog breaks down its own counters throughout the game, Spdef Defog is incredibly splashable as well and spamming Knock Off is ridiculously valuable as well as softly checking the scariest offensive threats atm such as Timburr, Gastly, Abra, Wingull and Snivy to name a few with 1 team slot. Nasty Plot and Scarf can catch players off and pick up a crucial kill or surprising sweep as well. Foongus was discussed shortly earlier in Lily's gif and by Shrug earlier in a small post that I completely agree with as well as my own small Foongus writeup. Essentially it's the best dedicated wall in LC and completely defines todays LC metagame. Recent LC Tours such as LCPL, Swiss and multiple Seasonals have showed the dominance of these 3 above the rest. To give an idea of these 3 were the 3 most used EVERY single Week during LCPL. Other terrifying offensive threats are deemed those simply because they break these Big 3 down. Terrifying offensive Pokemon such as Abra, Gastly, Pawniard, Timburr, opposing Vullaby/Mienfoo, Wingull and Ponyta to name a few are so terrifying and amazing simply because they have the ability to break these 3 down and beat them and these 3 are so common place and are the meta. Overtime the meta has continually evolved and these 3 Pokemon have defined and created the meta.
Short Closing
While the meta is currently dominated by a select few number of Pokemon, that's how LC is and I enjoy the meta as it is currently. You have a variety of options whether you want to continually try to outplay with safer builds, or try using trapper+abuser cores or offenses. The tier also has balanced cheese such as Webs and Veil that are still viable, as well as type and core spam such as GastBra, Fighting, Flying and Dark Spam to break down standard defensive cores. There's still plenty I personally will be messing around with and testing/building around as Slam approaches. I could rant about LC for awhile and likely could have made this much longer than it is but I'm not a great writer nor am I the best person to talk about it. There's still plenty of discussion that could be had that just tends not to happen in here unfortunately so figure I'd leave some room for others to chat about what they're enjoying using or think is great atm.
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