Houndour is pretty good if you don't mind dig 50/50s and build to handle waters and timburr. also if you don't miss...
That's part Dark though
Houndour is pretty good if you don't mind dig 50/50s and build to handle waters and timburr. also if you don't miss...
And fire! Therefore it's a fire-type special attacker which is actually "good." But if you want a mono-fire type Special attacker, you're less likely to get that than anything i hope for, unless a lot of stuff is banned.That's part Dark though
What are yall hoping to get from gen 7? I kinda hope more playstyles are available. Specific team style are not really viable like tr, rain, etc besides maybe sticky web. I also hope to see more hazard removal.
- A 100% accurate 95 power special flying move with no drawbacks that is common amongst flying types. Fuck Hurricane, Fuck Air Slash.
- a 100% accurate 95 power physical flying move with no drawbacks that is common amongst flying types. Fuck Brave Bird, Fuck Acrobatics.
I don't hope for anything because I think ORAS LC is the best metagame in the world
Was this supposed to be Mambo?Mambot
1. Pawniard
2. Abra
3. Snubbull
4. Archen
5. Ferroseed
6. Mienfoo
7. Porygon
8. Foongus
9. Fletchling
10. Diglett
11. Gothita
12. Shellder
13. Aipom
14. Chinchou
15. Drilbur
16. Spritzee
17. Croagunk
18. Timburr
19. Snivy
20. Vullaby
Hi there! As many of you know, for the past few weeks, I have been asking people for their lists of top 20 Pokemon; the results are compiled below in a few different ways. This isn't anything official, but I thought it would be interesting to see how we look at the metagame. This time, we have a total of 51 Pokemon over 41 respondents. As always, don't be mean about someone's list - I only asked people who I felt have a good grasp of the LC metagame.
In comparison, here are the results from the last couple of times I did this:
Results for 2015
Results for 2014
agreed, especially DPPt UU.Other metas are ass.
1) You can just U-turn out if needed and into a mon that resists rock type moves, such as ferro.
2) Flame Charge is just to counter the extremely common ferro.
3) Why on earth did someone give fletchling berry juice? Its simply to frail to survive anything it doesn't resist...
1) I'm not talking about the itemless set, i'm talking about the berry juice set...
2) SR can easily be removed by spinners such as drilbur and squirtle which can easily take out onix or other flying reists...
3) How is Focus Sash weaker? If you use Minimal Hp, Def, and SpDef IVs it is guaranteed to put you down to the sash and you get either a flame charge boost or a SD boost, which enables you to sweep better than itemless or berry juice