Men's Rights

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Already, the dating scene is a buyer's market for women. In order to woo a mate, men have to have to be in perfect shape, have a six pack, a six figure salary, a large penis, and be intelligent and funny too boot. Women, on the other hand, simply have to be above a 5/10 in looks - and they have makeup.

women will want what they want from men, and you are free to have your own standards. Stop projecting your own low standards for women onto the rest of us

Women exploit this fact by friendzoning men and leading them on to achieve personal gains.


My god, if this was an experiment to see how quickly men of smogon would default to "hurr feminists r bad" then it worked. Last time I checked this was a men's rights thread, not an anti-feminist thread (we already had one of those practically)

So because I actually do feel strongly about this topic, I'm going to take this seriously with some real issues I don't like.

1. Accusations of rape
In america you are innocent until proven guilty. Why, then, is personal information about possible rape victims is off-limits to media but not for the accused? I liken this to the witness protection program--but unlike in cases where that is used, prosecution can build evidence outside of a witness and use that in a case against the accused. But that doesn't work in cases of rape when the only evidence is people's word. How about if you want to keep cases of rape from becoming sensationalized in both regards, why don't we just keep them private matters? I certainly wouldn't want my reputation damaged just by an accusation that I could likely never recover from. If you are arrested and THEN put on trial it is an entirely different matter, but otherwise why can't we just keep both identities private in the matter?

2. Divorce and custody
Divorce is a very dirty business for men, especially when there's children involved. Why are men forbidden from having any say on abortion and adoption (I don't want to start a fucking abortion argument here) but then must be able to provide for a child? If they didn't want a child but a woman does, why does the man have to provide for a child? If it's the other way around, a woman can do whatever she wants. A man wants a woman to keep a child but the woman doesn't? Too bad. I can't remember the statistics, but it is also MUCH harder for men to get any kind of equal custody in divorces. No matter what, a child is half yours, so why can't either men get half the say in everything that has to do with their children or they are not required to support them.

3. Societal norms
It's pretty obvious that the media objectifies both sexes, so what's the point of mentioning it? What I will mention though is why it's seen as OK to bash men and the patriarchy. When the "mainstream media" supports some kind of "rape culture" and "victim blaming" or "slut shaming" there's at least an opposing view that criticizes the media for it. But if it's the other way around, there's not really an accepted way for men to defend themselves. A woman that speaks out against a man is strong and independent, but a man that does the same is sexist. What if Magic Mike was reversed and about female strippers? Would that be OK to show in theaters? Above all, why is it that far less of the time women are called out as sexist for degrading men rather than the other way around?

I could go on and on about how silly feminazis are, but that's not the point. To do so in a thread about men's rights makes you no better than the feminists you criticize, only seeking to tear down men and not support women. Can't men be better and try and focus on building their own gender rather than tearing down another?
I think ultimately men's rights movements provide the foundation to bring honor to us all. You can argue that "opening a door for a woman makes her feel weak" and whatnot, but that's only because we are men. We are brought up believing that we are supposed to act in a certain way around woman and treat them with respect, because that is the path we must take to become a man. But honestly, at the end of the day all a man wants is a girl worth fighting for. I honestly believe that if those who oppose men's right stared at their reflection they would be able to see that we are all fighting for the same thing, to be as tranquil as a forest.
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