Pet Mod Megas for All v7 - please switch to the new thread for v8! (There's a link in the first and last posts!)

Please go here to access Megas for All v8!
Thank you for the fun times, everyone!! and thank you BlueRay for the new thread!!

- original thread and concept by acestriker19
- newest version approved by charizard8888
- more resources at the end of the post!

banner by the incredible inkbug, the artistic soul of this project

Hello, and welcome to version 7 of Megas for All!

Megas for All is a project that aims to create unique Mega Evolutions for every fully evolved Pokémon. This is a National Dex-based meta, so all Pokémon and moves will be usable provided that they are available in either Generation VII or Generation VIII.
Megas for All was rebooted in version 6, so we will be continuing from where that version left off, featuring all 33 Mega Evolutions from the past eleven slates but not the Mega Evolutions from the original Megas for All mod.

Like in all official formats, you can still only have one Mega Evolution on your team! The premise of the mod is to have options for every Pokémon, but that doesn't mean that you can make a team with all of them.​
A few people have misunderstood this, so I thought it would be good to note.

Request on Thread Conduct

Please do not make one-liners discussing the thread or other submissions - nor even to correct other posts you think are breaking the rules! Members of the council or moderators of the forum can address rule-breaking posts when they have the opportunity, but a one-liner about someone else's one-liner is still a one-liner; while we appreciate that people have wanted to help, this does just escalate the situation instead of resolving it!

Minor posts that aren't announcements, submissions or votes are best shared on our Discord server and will be considered unnecessary clutter when posted in the thread.

Submission Process

Every week, we’ll be running a new slate of anywhere from two to four Pokémon. You can submit Mega Evolutions for any of those Pokémon.
When submitting a Mega Evolution, you can decide its type, Ability, stats and any movepool additions.
(You can also optionally suggest a name for its Mega Stone if you want! There is no official guarantee the name you suggest will be used even if your submission wins, but people have put forward some clever names in the past and it's always neat to see what ideas people have.)
Here are the basic rules and guidelines in these areas:
- Your submissions should have at least one type in common with their base forms! This one is admittedly more of a guideline? I can't really think of anything that would warrant an exception to this, but if for some reason you want to replace its type completely, you're welcome to explain why and ask if it's okay!

- Mega Evolutions can only have one Ability!
There are no hard limits or "Ability rankings" in this version of the mod - you can pick any Ability you want, or even make a custom one - but please try to have balance in mind with your submissions.
I’ll try to help people judge them on a case-by-case basis and will respond with feedback if something seems overly strong!

- Custom Abilities are absolutely okay!
I’m the one doing most of the coding for the mod, so I’ll let you know if I don’t think I can do something (you might need to change it unless you can provide code yourself), but never be afraid to ask, even if you can't provide code yourself!
That said, I recommend that you make your submissions requiring custom Abilities well in advance of the submission deadline! We may need to talk over potential alternatives if I can't code what you want, so make sure to leave yourself time to do that before submissions close.
- That said, as a rule, we strongly prefer to avoid Abilities that straightforwardly combine two other Abilities in one, as well as Abilities that take an existing canon Ability and are strictly better than it (that is, there is no realistic situation in which you would rather have the canon equivalent than this).​
- We also avoid making new Abilities that are just the same as an existing one with a new name. If you're not changing anything about the Ability's function and the existing one would work the same, please consider using the one that already exists unless you have a very convincing argument!​
- Both of these can be enforced and exceptions to either of them are very rare.​

- Your Mega Evolution’s base stat total must always be exactly 100 points higher than its base form. There are also some other specific requirements on stat spreads:
- HP cannot be changed.​
- Attack and Special Attack cannot be lowered.​
You may switch your Mega Evolution's Attack with its Special Attack if you are changing the Pokémon from a physical attacker to a special attacker, but you must still follow the other rules if you do (its new Special Attack cannot be lower than its original Attack, and its new Attack cannot be lower than its Special Attack).​
- Defense, Special Defense and Speed may be lowered, but not to free up extra points to "spend" elsewhere. If you do lower one of these stats, please devote those points to the attacking stat that is lower on the base form (or the other attacking stat if you switched the two). Exceptions can be made for up to 10 points, but no more.​
- Some slates may come with exceptions to these rules, primarily for Pokémon like Beedrill with abnormally low base stat totals. This will be clearly stated when the slate is announced.​

- You should generally put serious consideration into what new moves are called for, although you're welcome to do more if you have changed your Mega Evolution's type and it needs basic STAB options for its new type. We've previously had a soft limit of two competitively viable moves, and though this has never been enforced, it's still a good rule of thumb - avoid adding excessive numbers of moves without good cause. You should always remember to consider the effect a move has on a Pokémon's base form, too, both in flavor and competitive use! If the base form shouldn't - or just realistically wouldn't - be able to use the move, it's not worth adding to the Mega.
That said, there are times when a Mega Evolution really seems like it should have a move for flavor reasons but wouldn’t run it viably. It’s totally okay if you want to include a small number of non-competitive moves for the fun of it! Just be sure to clarify why you don't think they're viable if it's not obvious. C:
- Since they were almost universally distributed prior to Generation VIII, the cut moves Hidden Power, Return and Frustration may be added to submissions for Generation VIII Pokémon for free, without counting towards the viable move limit. Please make sure to include them in your submission, however - they will still only be added when requested!​

Note that unlike Abilities, there are no plans to allow custom moves - not even if they’re clones or if you can provide code yourself.
This is because custom moves can still be used without Mega Evolving; we would prefer to limit custom elements to the Mega Evolutions themselves, as it makes the mod more accessible if people only need to worry about one Pokémon per team having anything new and unfamiliar to learn.
- Moves that have no existing users in the format are also not allowed. That means :floette-eternal: Light of Ruin (as AZ's Floette was never released) and the moves exclusive to the Partner Pokémon in :pikachu-starter: Let's Go! Pikachu and :eevee-starter: Let's Go! Eevee (as partner Pikachu and partner Eevee can't be traded out of LGPE and don't exist in National Dex) cannot be added to submissions.​
- On account of their unique characteristics, certain moves may no longer be added to Pokémon that don't have them in canon.​
These moves are as follows:​
:darkrai: Dark Void, :hoopa-unbound: Hyperspace Fury and :morpeko-hangry: Aura Wheel, which cannot be used by any Pokémon but their rightful owners even if they are learned by other means;​
:chatot: Chatter, which is impossible to copy even by way of Smeargle's Sketch;​
:zacian-crowned: Behemoth Blade and :zamazenta-crowned: Behemoth Bash, which replace Iron Head at the beginning of battle for their rightful users and cannot be known outside of battle by any Pokémon;​
:zygarde: Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves and Core Enforcer, which are learned only through the Zygarde Cube, an item that can only be used on Zygarde;​
and :pikachu: Volt Tackle, :keldeo-resolute: Secret Sword, :meloetta-pirouette: Relic Song and :rayquaza-mega: Dragon Ascent, which are learned exclusively through special means, such as tutors dedicated to specific Pokémon, and cannot reasonably be distributed to other Pokémon in the same manner.​
As a general point of advice:
Personally, I always find it useful to run damage calcs to compare them with similar Pokémon, especially with Abilities that boost damage.

For example, Huge Power is a much stronger Ability than Sheer Force in a vacuum, but Mega Mawile and Mega Camerupt actually hit for almost exactly the same amount of damage with their strongest moves, Play Rough and Fire Blast - Mega Camerupt actually hits very slightly harder!
Meanwhile, Mega Mewtwo Y has an incredibly high base 194 Special Attack, the highest of all Pokémon, but it relies on the move Psystrike, which has 100 base power. Would you believe that Mega Lopunny - with its base 136 Attack - hits about 99% as hard with its High Jump Kick, just because of the move's higher power alone?

The combination of stats, moves and Abilities means much more than any one of them alone. Very few stat spreads or Abilities are broken on their own, and you can almost certainly make a balanced submission out of anything you want if you’re careful - just remember to take this into account, and when in doubt, damage calcs are your friends!

That said, we can always nerf or buff submissions later if they turn out to be unhealthy or not strong enough, so don't be too afraid to take risks with Abilities!
I’m still likely to veto a submission if it seems to have too much going for it in terms of raw stats (especially in terms of attack power), but if you have a new custom Ability or an unexplored combination of effects and aren’t sure how strong it will be in practice, don’t beat yourself up over not getting the balance right on the first try!
I would say we have a pretty quick update time here, so it’s not like it’s going to ruin the mod if your sub turns out to be stronger than we thought at first - we can fix it easily after testing. You should still exercise caution, of course, but I’m okay with people taking risks in the name of creativity!
There's also a pretty thorough guide discussing how some of us approach coming up with ideas and the standards and popular preferences many of us uphold, written in part by the great DrPumpkinz and continued at length by me.
Apologies that it's smack in the middle of an announcement post and all - it's too long to fit in a single post because of the character limit, but we'll look into neater ways to host it in the future!

- One request: when you edit your submission, if someone on the council had already responded to it before the edit or if submissions are closing within 24 hours, please post in the Discord if possible (or the thread otherwise) to notify us of the change! We may, intentionally or not, use the outdated version of the submission if you don’t make this clear - sorry for the inconvenience, but please do make sure to keep us posted if you make changes like that!

The submission phase will generally last four days (96 hours) from the end of the previous voting phase, although this may vary occasionally depending on personal circumstances.
In case it helps, here's a form that you can copy and paste when making a submission:
:pokemon: [b]Mega <Pokémon>
New Ability[/b]:

[b]New stats[/b]:
Special Attack:
Special Defense:

[b]New moves[/b]:
Anything else you want to say can go here! Many people like to explain their submissions to show how much thought they've put into them and make them more appealing to voters. You can also put design ideas if you have any, but no pressure if not!
For reference, here is an example of how you might fill it out, based on a previous submission from this mod:

:jolteon: Mega Jolteon
New Ability: Volt Absorb/Quick Feet -> Tempestuous
(When Mega Jolteon enters battle to replace a defeated ally, it immediately uses Charge. This has no effect when it enters battle any other way.)
Type: Electric

New Stats:
HP: 65
Attack: 65 -> 95 (+30)
Defense: 60
Special Attack: 110 -> 139 (+29)
Special Defense: 95 -> 125 (+30)
Speed: 130 -> 141 (+11)
(625 BST)

New moves: Calm Mind
This was mainly inspired by Jolteon's Pokédex entries, which all talk about how prone it is to mood swings and the interesting detail that changes in its mood also cause it to build up more electricity. I thought about what in-battle conditions might make it sad or angry the way its entries describe but also be good times to charge its power, and I settled for boosting its power for a single turn when it's aiming to revenge a Pokémon that defeated its ally.
Calm Mind was added as a way to capitalize on the free turns that an Ability like this is bound to generate - if it only has five chances to hit at full power, and it telegraphs an Electric-type move every single time, it would be way too easy to play around it just by switching out on those turns! I didn't want to go as far as Nasty Plot on something this fast, but Calm Mind seemed like a good middle ground - making it thrive in the long term but giving it somewhat less immediate damage than the Charge boost itself - while also pairing neatly with the +1 Special Defense that Charge already grants it. It's also some very fun flavor - on that first turn in battle, Jolteon has the choice between attacking out of anger for some instant-gratification breaking power or calming itself and becoming stronger in the long term.
Tempestuous makes Jolteon into a fantastic revenger and turns every knocked-out member of its team into a chance to grab back momentum, swing the battle in its favor and potentially sweep.

Voting Process

Once submissions close, we’ll have a voting period to choose the winners that will make it into the mod!
Currently, Megas for All uses a variation on instant runoff voting, meaning that it uses a systematic process of elimination to find the submission that's supported by the most people. This system takes into account both the total number of people who voted for the submission at all and how those people ranked it in relation to the other submissions.

Your votes should consist of however many submissions you like!
Including a submission in your post at all is "voting for it," but you can vote for as many (or as few) as you want - it doesn't have to be exactly three.
You votes should also be ranked from most preferred to least preferred.

Everyone is welcome to vote! You don't need to make a submission yourself to participate in choosing the winner.

The voting phase will generally last two days (48 hours) from the end of the submission phase, although this may vary occasionally depending on personal circumstances.

Slate Decision Process

For most weeks, the slate will be decided by a community vote! You can suggest any slate ideas you want in the thread or in the Discord. You can expect pretty much every slate to be featured in the poll of the week when it’s suggested (I guess it depends how many suggestions there are, but it’s been manageable so far!), and runner-ups will continue to be featured as long as they have any support.
The poll to decide the next slate will be run during the submission phase, while the results will be posted at the beginning of the voting phase. This gives 48 hours of preparation time before submissions officially open, so in case the submission phase falls at an inconvenient time for you (like if the voting phase is over the weekend) - or if you’re just excited - you can start planning ahead of time.
When suggesting slates, you’re not required to have any theme!
It seems like themed slates are usually more popular in my experience, so those might win the poll more often, but you can really put forward any set of Pokémon you’d like to get a Mega, and it’s entirely possible for it to be the next slate!

If possible, try to avoid Pokémon that are overly similar in function - Pokémon with similar stat biases, Pokémon that are defined mostly by using the same move, or Pokémon with exactly the same type combination.
I find that it’s more effective to slate these kinds of Pokémon separately so they can be differentiated from one another more carefully - if our slate is, say, Kabutops and Omastar, many of the same ideas are viable options for both of them, so there’s a much higher risk of stepping on other submitters’ toes or one of the two winners totally outclassing the other. They’ll feel a lot more natural if we can develop them separately, since whichever one goes second can be made with the first winner in mind!
I would also lean away from type-themed slates in general (if you have two Bug-types in the same slate, maybe try having a third Pokémon that’s not a Bug-type to balance them out?), although I’ll be more open to slates like this once we have a better balance of types!

Important note:
We are not doing Mega Evolutions for Ubers just yet!
By the nature of the mod, that has to happen eventually, but I would rather hold off until we’ve spent a bit more time fleshing out the OU side first. Adding an Ubers meta is almost like running a second mod at the same time, you know?
If people are really eager to get started with Ubers sooner rather than later, feel free to voice that in the thread or the Discord - I’m open to changing my stance on this if there’s a lot of demand for it - but I think it’s best to be patient on this, and I plan to focus entirely on OU for the moment.

Every once in a while, we might have a slate that isn’t up to a vote, or a slate that polls different options from usual rather than being based on user suggestions.
These will be on the rare side, because I usually prefer to leave it up to you guys, but certain special events might call for special slates, like if we have a theme in mind for a specific holiday or an anniversary.
(I wouldn’t expect this to happen often, though!)


The current council is as follows:

:simisear: Hematemesis (mod leader)
:parasect: inkbug
:starmie: BlueRay
:toxapex: Paulluxx

These outstanding contributors form the competitive council, working with BlueRay, Hematemesis and Paulluxx on teambuilding resources and metagame development:

:buizel: Mossy Sandwich
:cinccino: IsoCon
:lanturn: Exploziff
:diggersby: Sticky Fingaaa
and :chandelure: pupugugu but he is taking a break right now!

The mod is coded by :xerneas: Hematite (that's me! I also do the spreadsheet P:)

Resources and Side Formats

- The full list of Mega Evolutions in the mod so far is here.
- We also have an amazing Megas for All wiki, created and maintained by inkbug, which features more detailed information including sample sets and some replays!
- The mod and all of its formats can be played here, on Dragon Heaven, including all of our graphics and (sometimes) with client and teambuilder support!

Megas for All also has a number of side formats, including...

- a double battle format, based on the official VGC games (with no Dynamax)!​
- a random battle format, made by the amazing inkbug! You can find the details in his announcement here! The random battle format is somewhat outdated and has been pending improvements, so we apologize if it isn't at its best right now.
- a sandbox format, a custom game format (meaning there are basically no rules!) primarily used for testing future submissions - or just for fun! - with the help of the extremely flexible Sandbox Mod to use even custom base stats and type changes where needed. This is based on the work of another user, KeroseneZanchu.​
- a rotating VGC bonus format with special rules, which is currently a Hisui dex format featuring the new Pokémon from Legends: Arceus! You can find a rundown of the rules here C:​

We have a Discord server for Megas for All version 7! You can find it here. This link isn't supposed to expire, but it has a few times before, so just yell at me if it does and I'll fix it! OTL
This is a convenient and instantaneous way to discuss the current slate and get feedback, so it’s definitely worth joining!
Whenever possible, please use that for short posts other than submissions and voting, or if you expect to have a back-and-forth exchange with one person that doesn’t concern everyone in the thread - it helps to keep the thread tidier.

Above all, be creative and have fun!!​
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Maybe the real mega pokemon were the friends we ma
is a Community Contributor
>>> Megas for All Sprite & Concept Art Gallery <<<

Mega Inteleon

inkbug - all
Mega Clefable

inkbug - design, first draft sprite, old menusprite
Hematite - sprite revision & new menusprite
Mega Midday Lycanroc

Ausma - initial concept
inkbug - additional design & palette revisions
Hematite - design revision & sprites
Mega Honchkrow

Ausma - design
inkbug - design tweaks & sprites
Hematite - menusprite v2
Mega Raichu

Ausma - design & first draft sprites
Hematite - second draft & menusprites
inkbug - palette tweaks, redesign & final sprites
Mega Meowstic (F)

inkbug - design & sprites
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Meowstic (M)

inkbug - design & sprites
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Magcargo

Ausma - design & first sprites
inkbug - design revision & second sprites
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Lurantis

inkbug - design & sprites
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Flygon

Ausma - design
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Dragonite

inkbug - design
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Mimikyu

inkbug - design
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Vaporeon

inkbug- design
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Leavanny

all by inkbug but i literally just copy and pasted them together,
so dont give me too much credit here P:
Mega Toxtricity

ausma - initial design sketch
inkbug - design finalization
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Toxtricity-Low-Key

ausma - initial design sketch
inkbug - design finalization
b-torterra and Hematite - menusprite
Mega Sirfetch'd

inkbug - design
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Registeel

ausma & inkbug - WIP design
Hematite - menusprite
Mega Froslass

inkbug - design
Hematite - menusprite

Assorted concept art is in the hidebox below. Be aware that much of it is not final!
Mega Inteleon concept design by inkbug
Mega Raichu concept design & first-draft sprites by Ausma; revised sprites by Hematite; finalization by inkbug
aus_mraichu back.png
raichu time-front.png
raichu time-back.png

Mega Raichu v1

Ausma - design & first draft sprite
Hematite - second draft & menusprite
inkbug - color palette tweaks & shiny
raichu time-front.png
raichu time-back.png
raichu time-front-s.png
raichu time-back-s.png
Concept design V2 by inkbug; fanart by EeveeGirl1380
h au  n c h.png

Mega Dragapult concept design by Ausma; design finalization by inkbug (sprite wip)
Mega Dragonite V1 - all by inkbug (who wanted to redo these which is why they're not up there lol)

Mega Dragonite v2 - concept design by inkbug; concept design by kakaks
Mega Vikavolt concept design by Ausma; additional concept by kakaks; attempt by inkbug

Mega Clefable concept design by inkbug; fanart by Hematite; first-draft sprites by inkbug
mega clef.pngMega_Clefable.png

Mega Cinderace concept design & additional art by inkbug
cinderace my friend cinderace.pngbunny time.png
Mega Midday Lycanroc concept design by Ausma; additional design & second clarifying draft by Hematite; additional revision by inkbug
aus_lycanroc.jpgMountain_Range_Dog.pngMega_Lycanroc_Update.pngmegadog midday.png
Mega Bisharp concept design by Ausma; additional design by inkbug
Mega Boltund concept design by kakaks; additional takes by Hematite and TheUltraFinder

Mega Chandelure concept design by inkbug
nightmare king chandelure 1.png
Mega Mismagius concept design by Ausma; additional design by inkbug
1603740719130.pngmismag modelsheet.png
Mega Honchkrow concept design by Ausma; clarification and menu sprite v1 by inkbug
1603740755030.pngh o n c h.png

Mega Hydreigon concept design by Gravity Monkey; next pass/full revision by inkbug
HYDREIGON FINALLY crop shiny.png

Mega Spiritomb concept design by Spook
Mega Toucannon concept design by Spook
Camo-Eel concept design by Ausma; attempted sprite by inkbug

Mega Feraligatr concept design by Ausma
Mega Magcargo concept design by Ausma; design elaboration by inkbug; first sprites by Ausma

Mega Meowstic concept design by inkbug
Mega Regice concept design by kakaks; notes for Regi patterns by DrPumpkinz; additional art by kakaks

Mega Mimikyu concept design by inkbug; sprite fanart by TheUltraFinder

(There has been a lot of concept design stuff for mega mimi busted i PROMISE i will track it all down at some point)
Mega Lurantis concept design by inkbug

Mega Registeel concept design by Ausma; revision by inkbug; (patterns by DrPumpkinz, see Regice above)

Mega Flygon concept design by Ausma

Mega Dhelmise concept design by Mossy Sandwich; additional design by DrPumpkinz

Mega Vaporeon concept design by inkbug; fanart by b-torterra

Mega Lycanroc-Dusk concept design by BotwNerd745; works-in-progress attempts by inkbug with input from KeroseneZanchu and others

Mega Froslass concept design by inkbug; fanart by b-torterra and EeveeGirl1380

Mega Exploud concept design by ausma

Mega Toxtricity (both) concept design by ausma; second design pass by inkbug

Mega Bibarel concept design by ausma; additional design by b-torterra

Mega Starmie concept design by Zephyr2007

Mega Jolteon concept design by inkbug; fan art by b-torterra; design 2nd pass by inkbug
mega jolteon my beloved.png
mega jolteon 2.png

Mega Reuniclus concept design by Zephyr2007

Mega Reuniclus concept design by Hematite; second design pass by inkbug
the baby_highlightsonly.png
the baby_notoplayer.png

Mega Reuniclus concept design by inkbug
double baby.png

Mega Reuniclus concept design by ARandomPerson

Mega Orbeetle concept design by Zephyr2007

Mega Klinklang concept design by MrFish777

Mega Butterfree concept design by TheUltraFinder; further design by inkbug; fan art by b-torterra
mega butterfluff.png
mega butterfluff teal.png

Mega Empoleon concept design by Loukarya, based on a fanart by VGAfanatic

Mega Zebstrika concept design and revision by Gravity Monkey

Mega Leavanny concept design by b-torterra; second pass/fanart by inkbug, swadloon fanart by TheUltraFinder; additional Leavanny outfit by inkbug
epic leafmom moments.png
leavanny again.png

Mega Parasect concept design by okispokis

Mega Flareon concept design by EeveeGirl1380

Mega Sirfetch'd concept design by inkbug
duck man.png

Mega Lycanroc-Midnight concept design by inkbug

Mega Regirock concept design by ausma and Violettes
You can also check out a reference sheet of general design progress here.
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Teambuilding Resources

- The most current viability rankings for M4A OU are visible in the teambuilder on Dragon Heaven!

- Some users have shared resources on the Kalos dex format of our current season, including:

- The most current viability rankings for M4A VGC are reported here on the Discord thanks to the VGC tier leader, BlueRay! (server invite link here if you need it!)

Tournament Hall of Fame

Be aware that this list hasn't been updated in a very long time (something like August 2021?), so it doesn't include every tour right now! Apologies for the lack of maintenance;;

Mega Dragapult Suspect Tour

Won by Ausma!
Replays can be found here!

New Recruits Tour

Won by MegaFlareon!
Replays can be found here!

Winter Break Tour
Won by Mossy Sandwich!
Replays can be found here!

Winter Break Monotype Tour
Won by BlueRay!
Replays can be found here!

Winter Break Research Tour
Won by BlueRay!
Replays can be found here!

Winter Break Mega Dragonite Suspect

Won by okispokis!
Replays can be found here!

Mega Dragonite Suspect 2

Won by Mossy Sandwich!
Replays can be found here!

Research Tour 2
Won by pupugugu!
Replays can be found here!

Room Tour 1
Won by BlueRay!
Replays can be found here!

VGC Tour 1
Won by BlueRay!
Replays can be found here!

New Recruits Tour 2
Won by BlueRay!
Replays can be found here!

M4A Monthly 1
Won by Exploziff!
Replays can be found here!
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Maybe the real mega pokemon were the friends we ma
is a Community Contributor
MfA Viability Rankings Project
You can also view this on the wiki, which will be more up to date and will have links to each Pokemon's information.
Discussions about the VR are held on the Discord and led by our Competitive Council (Ausma, Hematemesis, IsoCon, BlueRay, Mossy Sandwich & BitBitio)​


:dragalge: :eelektross: :starmie: :corviknight:

:honchkrow::garbodor::reuniclus::meowstic: :dhelmise:



:mimikyu:(Disguised):hydreigon::chandelure::jolteon::vaporeon::gourgeist:(Large):gourgeist:(Small):typhlosion::inteleon::lycanroc::regirock: :klinklang::sawsbuck-autumn: :clefable:

:tyrantrum: :walrein: :gigalith: :lycanroc-dusk::vikavolt: :vanilluxe: :luxray: :bastiodon::sawsbuck:

:trevenant::nidoking::mismagius::gourgeist:(Average):archeops: :gumshoos: :toucannon::goodra::froslass::flareon::kommo-o::lycanroc-midnight::conkeldurr::sawsbuck-summer:


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Maybe the real mega pokemon were the friends we ma
is a Community Contributor
Welcome to the Hall of Fame!

Slate 1:
lyd for Mega Dragonite :dragonite:
Demon Dragon for Mega Hydreigon :hydreigon:

Slate 2:
MegaFlareon for Mega Goodra and Mega Kommo-o :goodra: :kommo-o:
Mateeus for Mega Dragapult :dragapult:

Slate 3:
IsoCon for Mega Corviknight :corviknight:
Scoopapa for Mega Orbeetle :orbeetle:
MegaFlareon for Mega Thievul :Thievul:

Slate 4:
Mateeus for Mega Toucannon :toucannon:
MegaFlareon for Mega Gumshoos :gumshoos:
Cheezy for Mega Dusk Lycanroc :lycanroc-dusk:

Slate 5:
kakaks for Mega Vikavolt :vikavolt:
MegaFlareon for Mega Midnight Lycanroc :lycanroc-midnight:
Hematite for Mega Lycanroc :lycanroc:

Slate 6:
DrPumpkinz for Mega Raichu :raichu:
zxgzxg for Mega Clefable :clefable:

Slate 7:
Hematite for Mega Rillaboom :rillaboom:
Mateeus for Mega Cinderace :cinderace:
inkbug for Mega Inteleon :inteleon:

Slate 8:
zxgzxg for Mega Klinklang :klinklang:
Hematite for Mega Vanilluxe :Vanilluxe:
inkbug for Mega Garbodor :Garbodor:

Slate 9:
Hematite for Mega Jolteon :Jolteon:
inkbug for Mega Flareon and Vaporeon :Flareon: :Vaporeon:

Slate 10:
Mateeus for Mega Butterfree :Butterfree:
Hematite for Mega Slowking and Mega Froslass :Slowking: :Froslass:

Slate 11:
inkbug & BotwNerd745 for Mega Chandelure :Chandelure:
inkbug for Mega Gothitelle :Gothitelle:
DrPumpkinz for Mega Bisharp and Mega Conkeldurr :Bisharp: :Conkeldurr:

Slate 12:
inkbug for Mega Gigalith :gigalith:
Hematite for Mega Reuniclus :reuniclus:
kakaks for Mega Boltund :boltund:

Slate 13:
DrPumpkinz for Mega Luxray :Luxray:
Ausma for Mega Archeops :Archeops:
RottenInfernape for Mega Talonflame :Talonflame:

Slate 14:
IsoCon for Mega Staraptor :Staraptor:
かたわれ時 for Mega Bibarel :Bibarel:
inkbug for Mega Kricketune :Kricketune:

Slate 15:
Ausma for Mega Mismagius and Mega Honchkrow:mismagius::honchkrow:
inkbug for Mega Spiritomb :spiritomb:

Slate 16:
kakaks for Mega Ariados :ariados:
inkbug for Mega Gourgeist :gourgeist:
zxgzxg for Mega Mimikyu :mimikyu:

Slate 17:
MegaFlareon for Mega Nidoqueen :nidoqueen:
kakaks for Mega Walrein :walrein:
Hematite for Mega Aurorus :aurorus:

Slate 18:
MegaFlareon for Mega Nidoking :nidoking:
Mossy Sandwich for Mega Tyrantrum :tyrantrum:
IsoCon for Mega Trevenant :trevenant:

Slate 19:
Ausma for Mega Eelektross :eelektross:
BlueRay for Mega Dragalge :dragalge:
Mossy Sandwich for Mega Dhelmise :dhelmise:

Slate 20:
inkbug for Mega Meganium :Meganium:
BitBitio for Mega Typhlosion :Typhlosion:
Ausma for Mega Feraligatr :Feraligatr:

Slate 21:
DrPumpkinz for Mega Regirock and Mega Registeel :regirock::registeel:
Full_Korbe for Mega Regice :regice:

Slate 22:
Ausma for Mega Magcargo :Magcargo:
woworiginal for Mega Bastiodon :Bastiodon:
Hematite for Mega Leavanny :Leavanny:

Slate 23:
BitBitio for Mega Parasect :parasect:
BlueRay for Mega Samurott :samurott:
Mossy Sandwich for Mega Meowstic :meowstic-f: :meowstic:

Slate 24:
BlueRay for Mega Starmie :starmie:
Hematite and DrPumpkinz for Mega Delibird (1) (2) :delibird:
ViZar for Mega Sawsbuck :sawsbuck::sawsbuck-summer::sawsbuck-autumn::sawsbuck-winter:

Slate 25:
Ausma for Mega Flygon :flygon:
Hematite for Mega Drapion :drapion:
BitBitio for Mega Lurantis :Lurantis:

Slate 26:
Ausma for Mega Exploud :exploud:
BitBitio for Mega Noivern :noivern:
DrPumpkinz for Mega Toxtricity :Toxtricity: :toxtricity-low-key:

Slate 27:
Hematite for Mega Cacturne and Mega Araquanid :cacturne: :araquanid:
BlueRay for Mega Hawlucha :hawlucha:

Slate 28:
DrPumpkinz for Mega Alolan Ninetales :ninetales-alola:
Magmajudis for Mega Zoroark and Mega Delphox :zoroark::delphox:

Slate 29:
lydian for Mega Dugtrio :dugtrio:
inkbug for Mega Wishiwashi :wishiwashi: :wishiwashi-school:
ausma for Mega Falinks :falinks:

Slate 30:
inkbug for Mega Floatzel :floatzel:
ausma for Mega Simisear :simisear:
BitBitio for Mega Krookodile :krookodile:
KeroseneZanchu for Mega Cinccino :cinccino:

Slate 31:
abismal for Mega Torterra :torterra:
ausma for Mega Infernape :infernape:
BlueRay for Mega Empoleon :empoleon:

Slate 32:
ausma for Mega Rapidash :rapidash:
BlueRay and JosJet for Mega Zebstrika :zebstrika:
BitBitio for Mega Mudsdale :mudsdale:

Slate 32.5:
Gekokeso for Mega Spiky-Eared Pichu :pichu:
Ninjacid for Mega Eternal Floette :floette-eternal:
DrPumpkinz for Mega Meltan :meltan:

Slate 33:
KeroseneZanchu for Mega Electrode, Mega Golurk and Mega Silvally :electrode: :golurk: :silvally:

Slate 34:
KeroseneZanchu for Mega Golduck :golduck:
Violettes for Mega Porygon-Z :porygon-z:
Paulluxx and BlueRay for Mega Sirfetch'd :sirfetchd:

Slate 35:
inkbug for Mega Decidueye :decidueye:
Vipotis for Mega Incineroar :incineroar:
Rosiario for Mega Primarina :primarina:

Slate 36:
KeroseneZanchu and Paulluxx for Mega Jynx :jynx:
shinxthe17! for Mega Electivire :electivire:
Paulluxx and abismal for Mega Magmortar :magmortar:

Slate 37:
KeroseneZanchu for Mega Granbull :granbull:
jazzmat for Mega Mightyena :mightyena:
okispokis for Mega Stoutland :stoutland:

Slate 38:
KeroseneZanchu for Mega Victreebel :victreebel:
BlueRay for Mega Dodrio :dodrio:
okispokis for Mega Lanturn :lanturn:
Paulluxx for Mega Obstagoon :obstagoon:

Slate 39:
jazzmat for Mega Galarian Slowking :slowking-galar:
KeroseneZanchu for Mega Dusknoir :dusknoir:
jazzmat & KeroseneZanchu for Mega Galvantula :galvantula:

Slate 40:
KeroseneZanchu for Mega Articuno :articuno:
KeroseneZanchu & ausma for Mega Virizion :virizion:
BlueRay for Mega Guzzlord :guzzlord:

Slate 41:
? for Mega Lickilicky :lickilicky:
? for Mega Tsareena :tsareena:
? for Mega Grapploct :grapploct:
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Welcome, everyone!! We're finally starting the new thread!

As I mentioned in the previous thread, the Mega Evolutions we'll be doing in the current slate are :gigalith: Gigalith, :reuniclus: Reuniclus and :boltund: Boltund, counterparts to Pokémon that received Mega Evolutions in M4A v6, as suggested by ChoiceScarfed and voted in the latest poll.
The poll to decide next week's slate is also live! You can find it here, and the results will be announced at the beginning of the voting period, giving everyone time to prepare before the next submission phase starts. Edit to clarify: while I usually avoid monotype slates, we currently have literally no Ground-types, so I thought it would be okay to approve this one, haha.

You may now post!!
Also tagging DrPumpkinz and ChoiceScarfed your stats are legal this time!! just make sure to have only one Ability for Mega Reuniclus - there's no way for a Mega Evolution to have two, unfortunately! to repost their subs in this thread! (I can still include them in the voting slate if you don't, but having them here might be easier for everyone, haha.)
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Cell enforcer (all non stab moves deal 1.2 damage)
110, 65, 125, 135, 115, 40
Comp: It becomes an incredibly good tank with high defensive stats, and the ability to outspeed other walls, but cell enforcer can be intresting to play with in offensive sets.

Adrenaline (when koing another mon, gets an guaranteed crit on the next move)
66, 140, 60, 125, 60, 146
Comp: Boltund can be scary with its new fairy type, gaining an stab in play rough. its ability makes it easier to revenge kill intimidate mons with the crit, and its nice in general

Gravitas (ability developed for orbeetle that sets gravity)
85, 155, 130, 140, 80, 25
Focus blast, Cross chop
Comp: it can be pretty powerful with 100 acc stone edges and focus blasts, and it also got some mixed power, allowing it to scare walls like Tangrowth or Blissey.
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Overcoat/Magic Guard/
Regenerator->Telekinesis of Nobility (Magic Guard+Regenerator)
Mega Stone Name: Reuniclite
HP: 110->110 (+0)
Attack: 65->65 (+0)
Defense: 75->90 (+15)
Special Attack: 125->180 (+55)
Special Defense: 85->125 (+40)
Speed: 30->20 (-10)
Total: 490->590 (+100)

New Moves: Aura Sphere, Moonblast, Teleport

So, when I was first getting into Pokemon years ago, my earliest exposure was through the TCG. They will always hold a special place in my heart. This was one of my first three cards EVER and possibly my all time favorite:
I love it so much, and Reuniclus to this day is like my 3rd favorite Pokemon. And so, I wanted to pattern my Mega after the card, while also building on what Reuniclus already excels in. First, I gave Reuniclus its new ability, Telekinesis of Nobility, named after the move on the card. Since the move is used to pivot, I wanted the ability to fulfill a similar purpose so I decided to take Magic Guard and Regenerator, both abilities that base Reuniclus already has, so there was precedent. Teleport also adds to this in terms of flavor. Then, I knew I wanted to give it a new typing, and each of Psychic/Water, Psychic/Steel, Psychic/Fairy, Psychic/Poison, and Psychic/Electric went into consideration. I settled on Psychic/Fairy because it felt the most appropriate flavor-wise. I opted to increase Reuniclus's already great bulk to a solid 110/90/110 across the board. This, paired with ToN and Recover lets it stick around and do its jobs as both a threatening Calm Mind sweeper and special wallbreaker for a long time. I also gave it a solid boost to Special Attack to compensate the loss of Life Orb, though it still is virtually the same strength. Lastly, I lowered its speed to improve its ability to act as a Trick Room setter and sweeper, while also making it so that it must run quite a bit of extra speed to outrun stuff like Pex or Blissey which costs it in the bulk department, so one must be careful when EVing it. Teleport was added to facilitate the pivoting this Pokemon does, as well as make it a better TR setter. Moonblast and Aura Sphere are simple STAB and coverage

Four Attacks
Ability: Magic Guard
Modest Nature
252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpA
Move 1: Moonblast
Move 2: Psyshock
Move 3: Thunder/Flash Cannon
Move 4: Aura Sphere/Focus Blast

Calm Mind
Ability: Magic Guard
252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpA
Modest Nature
Move 1: Calm Mind
Move 2: Psyshock
Move 3: Moonblast
Move 4: Coverage/Recover

More to come!
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Mega: Gigalith
New Ability: Sand Stream/Sturdy/Sand Force ----> Stalagmite (Ice body clone, regains health in sandstorm or rain)
New Typing:
Meteor Beam - Rock-type

New Stats:
HP: 85 ----> 85
Attack: 135 ----> 175 (+40)
Defense: 130 ----> 160 (+30)
Special Attack: 60 ----> 60
Special Defense: 80 ----> 110 (+30)
Speed: 25 ----> 25
Base Stat Total: 515 ----> 615
New Moves: Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Liquadation, Precipice Blades
Description: Either a hazard setter that you decided to waste your mega evo on or a bulky sand/rain sweeper.
Mega Boltund
New Ability: Strong Jaw/Competitive ----> Galvanize
New Typing: Electric

New Stats:

HP: 69 ----> 69
Attack: 90 ----> 150 (+60)
Defense: 60 ----> 60
Special Attack: 90 ----> 101 (+11)
Special Defense: 60 ----> 60
Speed: 121 ----> 150 (+29)
Base Stat Total: 490 ----> 590
New Moves: Volt Tackle
Description: You have access to bulk up and volt tackle. What do you think?
Mega Reuniclus
New Ability: Overcoat/Magic Guard/Regenerator ----> Iron Fist
New Typing:
Max Mindstorm - Psychic-type
Max Knuckle - Fighting-type

New Stats:
HP: 110 ----> 110
Attack: 65 ----> 125 (+60)
Defense: 75 ----> 80 (+5)
Special Attack: 125 ----> 140 (+15)
Special Defense: 85 ----> 105 (+20)
Speed: 30 ----> 30
Base Stat Total: ~ ----> ~
Description: Reuniclus's physical moveset is vast, but you've probably never seen it use it... Until now. As a trick room setter and sweeper, Hammer Arm is great, and being able to make use use of the elemental punches doesn't hurt either.
Also, yay, I finally made a balanced sub first time!
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Banned deucer.
:gigalith: Mega Gigalith
New Ability
: Sturdy / Sand Stream / Sand Force -> Basculonian Sands
(Primordial Sea clone: Mega Gigalith sets Sand Stream on entry. Rock, Ground, and Steel moves are powered up by 1.5x, while Fire, Water, and Grass moves are at .5x power. This is permanent until Gigalith switches out)
Type: Rock / Ground
Stone Name: Gigalite

New stats:
HP: 85- > 85
Attack: 135 -> 160 (+35)
Defense: 130
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 80 -> 140 (+60)
Speed: 80 -> 85 (+5)
(615 BST)

New Moves: Precipice Blades
Description: Mega Gigalith's permanent sand boosts along with its buffed attack makes it a great wallbreaker. The ability is similar to a Mega Vanilluxe submission from that slate. Precipice Blades is a great Ground STAB for Mega Gigalith, which fits with it's design premise of being a rock behemoth.
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:gigalith: Mega Gigalith
New Ability
: Sturdy / Sand Stream / Sand Force -> Basculonian Sands
(Primordial Sea clone: Mega Gigalith sets Sand Stream on entry. Rock, Ground, and Steel moves are powered up by 1.5x, while Fire, Water, and Grass moves are at .5x power. This is permanent until Gigalith switches out)
Type: Rock / Ground
Stone Name: Gigalite

New stats:
HP: 85- > 95 (+10)
Attack: 135 -> 160 (+35)
Defense: 130
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 80 -> 130 (+50)
Speed: 80 -> 85 (+5)
(615 BST)

New Moves: Precipice Blades
Description: Mega Gigalith's permanent sand boosts along with its buffed attack makes it a great wallbreaker. The ability is similar to a Mega Vanilluxe submission from that slate. Precipice Blades is a great Ground STAB for Mega Gigalith, which fits with it's design premise of being a rock behemoth.

:reuniclus: Mega Reuniclus
New Ability
: Overcoat / Magic Guard / Regenerator -> Cell Division (Parental Bond clone)
Type: Psychic
Stone Name: Reuniclite

New stats:
HP: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Attack: 65 -> 145 (+80)
Defense: 75
Special Attack: 125
Special Defense: 85
Speed: 30
(590 BST)

Description: While it could use its psychic abilities in battle, this Pokémon prefers to swing its powerful arms around to beat opponents into submission. I saw this entry and I thought, Why isnt this thing a physical attacker? So I gave it some physical attack, similarly to Mega Lucario with its special attack. Cell Division is a clone of parental bond because the cell divides into two "Daughter Cells".
You can't add HP for mega evos.
Um, if Flygon, Haxorus, and Volcarona are chosen for the next slate, what's gonna stop Volcarona from quiver dancing it's way to Ubers?
Edit: I realized that volcarona can''t hold heavy duty boots and mega evo.


token smogon furry
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OU Forum Leader

Ability: Top Dog (If the user uses a ballistic move, they will pivot out upon use.)

HP: 69
Atk: 115 (+25)
Def: 60
SpA: 115 (+25)
SpD: 60
Spe: 171 (+50)
New Moves: Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power


I am all for crazy pivots, and on top of the fact that there's some lost flavor from Ball Fetch, there's the existence of Electro Ball, which not only acts as a Special Electric ballistic move, but can correspond well with Mega Boltund's mind boggling speed tier and a new ability that lets it act as a very good offensive pivot. With this flavor in mind, I thought it'd be super fun to have a crazy fast pivot while giving the metagame a very effective offensive pivot that can lay out the foe on the way out. I opted to give it Focus Blast and Shadow Ball as some extra coverage options, but more prominently, to give it a couple of extra ballistic moves to play around with. Lastly, I gave it Hidden Power, since it only has these 3 moves on the Special side. However, I gave it some mixed attacking potential so it could also run its pretty solid physical coverage as well, while not making its pivoting moves absurd to play around.

Obviously, the biggest weaknesses of Mega Boltund come in its horrible defenses, meh attacking power, and lack of longevity due to its proneness to hazards. Wearing it down is not hard whatsoever, but it is very good at revenge killing many slower Scarf users, and revenge killing outright while keeping the momentum on the user's side. It also just underspeeds Mega Pult, but that is very intentional, as this amount of speed just barely forces it to actually run speed if it doesn't want to get battered by Boltund with Shadow Ball.

Flavor: Its hound appearance becomes much more apparent. It grows a sterner, more serious expression with longer, more upright ears, sharper patterns, and a more stiff tail. It's based heavily upon the dog athletes you see on TV, explaining its blitzing speed.

Dex Entry: It is extremely loyal to its trainer; with mega energy running through it, its conviction, drive, and loyalty increase drastically. Although it is not extremely strong in comparison to other mega evolutions, Mega Boltund uses its blinding speed to overwhelm its foes.
Offensive Pivot

Boltund-Mega @ Boltundite
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Electro Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast / Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Fire / Thunderbolt

Ability: Solar Refraction (If any other weather besides Sun is active upon switch-in or a Residual turn, the weather is replaced with sun, and Gigalith gains 2 stages of Special attack.

HP: 85
Atk: 105 (-30)
Def: 135 (+5)
SpA: 140 (+80)
SpD: 135 (+45)
Spe: 25
New Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Dazzling Gleam, Flash


Everyone here is probably already pretty familiar with Gigalith's relation to sun and solar energy, and I am absolutely entranced by that, but then there's the obvious conflict of Sand Stream; so, I decided to amp it up a notch and actually turn Sand Stream into a weapon for a Sun breaker. In order to do that, I thought making it a means of which for Gigalith to amplify its breaking power, while providing sun, would let Sand Stream serve as a weapon against other weather teams, ironically for Sun teams upon Mega Evolution, or as a general anti-weather option. It is gifted with the amazing Weather Ball and Solar Beam to make use of Sun already, but obviously it needs a couple of extra Fire moves to give it some general offensive groundwork, which it now has! Mega Gigalith is absolutely nuclear, and a reliable wallbreaker for Sun teams that also provides valuable support toward maintaining the offensive momentum that Sun teams need to stay intact. It can also work wonders on its own too, since it can capitalize on its own Sun for breaking purposes. I minmaxed here simply to shift it from being more Physically oriented to Specially oriented.

Dazzling Gleam is a light based attack, which I felt was fitting, while letting Gigalith more reliably hit Dragon-types. Flash is for flavor.

Flavor: Mega Gigalith becomes gigantic, but more prominently, its red crystals become much more pronounced and optimized for reflecting and absorbing solar energy, glowing with a bright energy. It exudes explosive energy just sitting there.

Dex Entry: Mega Gigalith's crystals are able to refract and weaponize the light that it comes in contact with. It is said that Mega Gigalith was used by prominent trainers to combat natural disasters with its unique, weather-defining attributes, and to help guide and protect ships in torrential storms with its bright crystals.
Sun Wallbreaker

Gigalith-Mega @ Gigalithite
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Weather Ball
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Dazzling Gleam / Power Gem

Offensive Stealth Rock

Gigalith-Mega @ Gigalithite
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Weather Ball
- Solar Beam
- Dazzling Gleam / Power Gem


Ability: Neurotoxin (Every residual turn, the opponent has a 50% chance to be inflicted with poison unless they have a natural immunity to it, or already have a status.)

HP: 110
Atk: 105 (+35)
Def: 50 (-25)
SpA: 145 (+20)
SpD: 155 (+70)
Spe: 30
New Moves: Venoshock, Sludge Wave, Poison Jab


It's said that drinking the liquid surrounding Reuniclus grants wisdom. Problem is, the liquid is highly toxic to anything besides Reuniclus itself.

Alright, so let's level: regular Reuniclus is crazy. Everyone is making some insanely awesome mixed attacking Reuniclus variants, though, and I don't want to cash in on that. So, instead, I thought it'd be fun to take a bit of a different approach to Reuniclus and make it a super cool status spreader and tank. Its ability allows for it to spread poison, which on its own is fantastic, being able to residually wear down a vast variety of targets while being able to sit in and either aid set up through making it so setting up doesn't render it passive, or assist its own allies in breaking through residual damage. The addition of Venoshock also gives it a bit of an immediate punch, while giving Reuniclus the ability to actually capitalize on the status it spreads with its unique ability. Sludge Wave and Poison Jab are also necessities to give its Poison-type a bit more weight.

Reuniclus's natural ability to sit in on its targets lets these 50% chances proc more often, too, especially with its mind boggling special bulk alongside Recover. It is a phenomenal Balance Mega that serves just as great as both a defensive pivot and status spreader, though at a cost of losing some physical bulk, as I fear this Mega Reuniclus would be outright broken otherwise.

Flavor: Mega Reuniclus dons purple overtones, its gel-like matrix is now filled with many branching veins, and thicker cell components. It almost somewhat resembles the Nirvana position.

Dex Entry: Mega Reuniclus's gel-like matrix is filled many enzymes that greatly intensify its psychic energy upon Mega Evolution, to the point of being poisonous. This energy is greatly toxic to the neural systems of Pokemon and humans around it, and is naturally emitted from its body. Although Mega energy gives it a greater impunity to incoming energy itself, its body is much more vulnerable to physical attacks.
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Slate suggestions: The Legendary Birds, The Legendary Beasts and The Lake Guardians. (The legends that didn't make it into Ubers, so they will make a splash in OU)(Supposed to be 3 slates)
So I was originally going to do slates for all 3 Pokemon, but I think the ideas chosen by other people in the Discord were so vast and perfect in their own ways, so I decided to pick out Gigalith and Reuniclus. They're both interesting mons that definitely deserves a Mega Evolution upon others (their stats are also quite appealing and was fun to make!) Possibly the hardest part of making a Mega Gigalith is letting it stand out from other viable Rock-types in National Dex such as Tyranitar and Mega Lycanroc-Dusk, so I stretched it out to my best extent. Mega Reuniclus had to be a great stallbreaker to the point where I made it potentially outclass regular Reuniclus. On another note, i'm really glad on how MFA v7 is going to turn out with the community being much more open this time. So i'm glad to see more submissions!

:bw/gigalith: Mega Gigalith


Ability Rugged (Clone of Gooey) Lowers opponent's Defense by 1 if hit by a contact/physical move.
Mega Stone Name Gigalite
85 → 85
135 → 155 (+20)
130 → 170 (+40)
60 → 60
80 → 110 (+30)
25 → 25

New Moves Shore Up, Bulk Up

Design Description Gigalith's entire face gets recovered with red crystals, almost similar to a knight. They also get noticably spikier and taller. The ability Rugged comes from these spikes, making anything that comes into touch with it punishable. Finally, Mega Gigalith is more bulkier and fearsome, given its increased bulk and Attack.

Competitive Description Gigalith's absurd Defense stat and good HP stat allow it to check numerous physical attackers, while dishing out strong attacks overtime. Its special bulk is also a good trait, although less bulkier than Tyranitar due to the lack of Sand Stream, since it can still check the likes of Volcarona, Togekiss, and Heatran. Shore Up provides useful recovery and ensures that Mega Gigalith isn't completely worn down by powerful attacks. Its pure Rock-typing also limits it, because it is much more vulnerable to almost any attacker in the game. Despite this, it can boost its already high physical bulk throughout Iron Defense, but you can opt for Bulk Up if you want other attacks to hit harder.

Sample Sets
Gigalith @ Gigalite
Ability: Rugged
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Iron Defense
- Stone Edge
- Body Press
- Shore Up

This is the main set and in my opinion, the most effective one. Safely switch-in on a physical attacker, use Iron Defense, and start dominating the opposing team mid- or late-game.
Gigalith @ Gigalite
Ability: Rugged
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge / Rock Blast
- Body Press
- Shore Up

This set can provide valuable utility to its team by using Stealth Rock. Its main niches over Tyranitar as a setter are higher physical bulk, reliable recovery, and different typing - at the cost of risking a Mega Evolution.


:bw/reuniclus: Mega Reuniclus

Poison Heal
Mega Stone Name Reunite

110 → 110
65 → 65
75 → 105 (+30)
125 → 165 (+40)
85 → 115 (+30)
30 → 30

New Moves None

Design Description The "cell" inside Reuniclus's blob is now finally developed into a small child, which means it's more smarter and has full advantage of its body. The blob has expanded with its large feet, meaning that Reuniclus can now finally walk. It can also benefit from poison as stated by the Pokedex entry "It's said that drinking the liquid surrounding Reuniclus grants wisdom. Problem is, the liquid is highly toxic to anything besides Reuniclus itself."

Competitive Description WIP
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Mega Reuniclus

Overcoat/Magic Guard/Regenerator -> Miracle Lens (Scrappy Clone; this Pokémon's psychic type attacks can hit dark types, however, if it hits a dark type with a psychic type Haze is applied)
Typing: Psychic

HP: 110
Atk: 65 -> 105 (+40) I really don't want to just put 40 into the weaker offense simply because I made sure the other stats weren't broken but here we are
Def: 75 -> 85 (+10)
SpA: 125 -> 140 (+15)
SpD: 85 -> 110 (+25)
Spe: 30 -> 40 (+10) trust me this does something

BST: 490 -> 590 (+100)

New Moves: None

Flavour: Okay I have literally no idea with the design like idk maybe some third eye stuff? The name of the ability comes from Miracle Eye and Tinted Lens.

Competitive: Mega Reuniclus is an extremely threatening sweeper (as is regular reu), being able to set up Acid Armor and Calm Mind with... relatively little to stop it. Once set up, there's about what... one pokemon that takes a Stored Power (its an undead bug :/). However, each time you take out a dark type, you give your opponent another chance to knock you out before you set up again (and if they have another dark they get more chances). The 10 speed means Reu no longer has to run 44 speed evs to outrun pex. Its different to regular Reuniclus in that it can come in straight away and set up, which forces a ko (and if theres no dark types well...)


Mega Boltund

Strong Jaw/Competitive -> Precision (Technician Clone; all moves with 60 base power or under have their power doubled)
Typing: Electric/Fire

HP: 69
Atk: 90 -> 125 (+35)
Def: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpA: 90 -> 120 (+30)
SpD: 60 -> 70 (+10)
Spe: 121 -> 146 (+25)

BST: 490 -> 590 (+100)

New Moves: Quick Attack, Hidden Power, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz

Flavour: Mega Boltund's body has red streaks, and the ears are longer with flame like fur rising from them. Its feet become a bit more sharp, while the darker parts of fur on its body gain more crimson like tufts. Its appearance looks more rugged and its sprite would be more in a position where it looks angry-ish.

Competitive: Mega Boltund has a wide array of moves to choose from which are boosted by Precision (list at the bottom, ones in italic are unviable), meaning its often hard to play against - especially considering that you always have to fear a super-effective-120 BP Hidden Power coming your way. Its speed tier in base 146 means that it outspeeds everything not named Dragapult-Mega or certain scarfers (not Dracovish though :) ) which allows it to threaten them with its base 100 power Flame Charge (after Flame Charge it outspeeds most chlorophyllers and swift swimmers along with every scarfer and mega pult), a 120 bp HP Electric, or one of its many coverage moves. Defensively, its stats are pretty poor and its defensive typing leaves it with a stealth rock weakness along with a 4x weakness to ground.

252 Atk Boltund Bite vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Dragapult: 278-328 (73.3 - 86.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (Mega Dragapult)
4 SpA Boltund Hidden Power Electric vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Corviknight: 288-342 (72.1 - 85.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (Mega Corviknight)
252 Atk Boltund Flame Charge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Rillaboom: 348-410 (102 - 120.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO (Normal Rillaboom)
252 Atk Boltund Flare Blitz vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Rillaboom: 350-414 (102.6 - 121.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO (Mega Rillaboom)

Bite, Nuzzle, Round, Snarl, Flame Charge, Snore, Swift, Tackle, Quick Attack, Hidden Power


Mega Gigalith

Sturdy/Sand Stream/Sand Force -> Prism Armor

HP: 85
Atk: 135 -> 155 (+20)
130 -> 140 (+10)
SpA: 60 -> 95 (+35)
SpD: 80 -> 100 (+20)
Spe: 25 -> 40 (+15)

New Moves: None

Flavour: Gigalith's gems grow to large sizes and become more prism shaped; they cover most of its body, gleaming rainbow. Its body gains more prisms with some ones poking out from its body. The rainbow colour comes from light being refracted through a prism. The idea is that all the light it drew in from the sun bursts out as it mega evolves.

Competitive: Mega Gigalith has very high potential due to its absolutely insane bulk (check calcs), and is able to set up curses and start dealing ridiculous damage thanks to presumably stone edge along with its base 155 atk. CurseTalk sets have a certain edge over others because Rest allows it to actually have recovery and also ignore status. It also has a bit of coverage possible to utilise in EQ, Iron Head and Superpower, although a lot of sets would almost entirely rely on Stone Edge/other rock move for damage (non CurseTalk sets will want Stealth Rock which gives it even less slots to fit attacking moves).

252+ SpA Choice Specs Magearna Fleur Cannon
vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Gigalith in Sand: 169-199 (45.1 - 53.2%) -- 32.4% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Magearna Flash Cannon vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Gigalith in Sand: 154-184 (41.1 - 49.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
232 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Prism Armor Gigalith: 195-231 (52.1 - 61.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Strong Jaw Dracovish Fishious Rend (170 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Prism Armor Gigalith: 361-427 (96.5 - 114.1%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
+2 252+ Atk Technician Scizor-Mega Bullet Punch
vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Prism Armor Gigalith: 267-316 (71.3 - 84.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 200 SpA Serperior Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Gigalith in Sand: 202-238 (54 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Swampert-Mega Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Prism Armor Gigalith in Rain: 244-289 (65.2 - 77.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
4 Atk Excadrill Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Prism Armor Gigalith: 157-186 (41.9 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Prism Armor Gigalith: 184-217 (49.1 - 58%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Gigalith in Sand: 163-195 (43.5 - 52.1%) -- 14.8% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump
vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Gigalith in Sand: 217-258 (58 - 68.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Kartana Leaf Blade
vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Prism Armor Gigalith: 211-249 (56.4 - 66.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

0 Atk Gigalith Stone Edge
vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 139-165 (35.2 - 41.8%) -- 83.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 0 Atk Gigalith Stone Edge
vs. 0 HP / 68 Def Landorus-Therian: 106-126 (33.2 - 39.4%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO
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Maybe the real mega pokemon were the friends we ma
is a Community Contributor
Um, if Flygon, Haxorus, and Volcarona are chosen for the next slate, what's gonna stop Volcarona from quiver dancing it's way to Ubers?
Nothing, unless we're incredibly careful, haha! (Also, please edit your previous posts, or voice your comments in the Discord. we are always there, I can get you another link if you need! We even have a dedicated slate ideas channel.)
Mega Gigalith
New Ability: Sturdy/Sand Stream/Sand Force --> Solar Core (When in sunlight, all of this Pokemon's moves that require a charging turn go off instantly.)
New Type:
Rock (unchanged)

New Stats: 85/135/160/100/110/25
HP: 85
ATK: 135
DEF: 130 --> 160 (+30)
60 --> 100 (+40)
80 --> 110 (+30)

New Moves: Skull Bash, Synthesis, Sunny Day
Sunny Day is an option that I doubt it would run, but it feels really weird having it not be in the moveset. Mostly for flavor but could be useful on certain builds

Meteor Beam Time Let's GO
The spA is nothing special, but it, it kind of needs to be that low to not be completely busted with four-to-seven turns of Instant Mbeam, haha, like i mean...

+1 252+ SpA Gigalith Meteor Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 270-318 (66.8 - 78.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252+ SpA Gigalith Meteor Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 358-423 (88.6 - 104.7%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO

+3 252+ SpA Gigalith Meteor Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 448-528 (110.8 - 130.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
... it kinda snowballs preeeetty quickly! :'D

It's still real slow, of course-- but its monstrous defenses ensure that it's gonna be able to boost pretty much no matter what. And depending on how long it manages to stay in, thanks to the boosting effects of Meteor Beam and Skull Bash it gets to keep hitting really hard with its normal attacking moves.

Insta-Skull Bash also synergizes well with Body Press if it wants to run that, along with the new chunk of Defense it gets -- that in combination with Weather Ball if Sun is still up should be enough to keep it getting walled by Steel-types (though admittedly I don't see Steel-types being much of a problem for a Sun team anyway).


A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
Overcoat/Magic Guard/
Regenerator->Telekinesis of Nobility (Magic Guard+Regenerator)
Mega Stone Name: Reunicl
HP: 110->110 (+0)
Attack: 65->65 (+0)
Defense: 75->110 (+35)
Special Attack: 125->175 (+50)
Special Defense: 85->110 (+25)
Speed: 30->20 (-10)
Total: 480->580 (+100)

New Moves: Light of Ruin*, Teleport, Sparkly Swirl*, Aura Sphere, Earth Power

*Note on the moves: If LoR or Swirl seem OP I can just give it Moonblast, what do you guys think?

So, when I was first getting into Pokemon years ago, my earliest exposure was through the TCG. They will always hold a special place in my heart. This was one of my first three cards EVER and possibly my all time favorite:
I love it so much, and Reuniclus to this day is like my 3rd favorite Pokemon. And so, I wanted to pattern my Mega after the card, while also building on what Reuniclus already excels in. First, I gave Reuniclus its new ability, Telekinesis of Nobility, named after the move on the card. Since the move is used to pivot, I wanted the ability to fulfill a similar purpose so I decided to take Magic Guard and Regenerator, both abilities that base Reuniclus already has, so there was precedent. Teleport also adds to this in terms of flavor. Then, I knew I wanted to give it a new typing, and each of Psychic/Water, Psychic/Steel, Psychic/Fairy, Psychic/Poison, and Psychic/Electric went into consideration. I settled on Psychic/Fairy because it felt the most appropriate flavor-wise. I opted to increase Reuniclus's already great bulk to an even 110 across the board. This, paired with ToN and Recover lets it stick around and do its jobs as both a threatening Calm Mind sweeper and special wallbreaker for a long time. I also gave it a solid boost to Special Attack to compensate the loss of Life Orb, though it still is slightly weaker overall. Lastly, I lowered its speed to improve its ability to act as a Trick Room setter and sweeper, while also making it so that it must run quite a bit of extra speed to outrun stuff like Pex or Blissey which costs it in the bulk department, so one must be careful when EVing it. Teleport was added to facilitate the pivoting this Pokemon does, as well as make it a better TR setter. LoR/Sparkly Swirl were added as Fairy STAB, and Aura Sphere and Earth Power are both coverage and flavor.

Four Attacks
Ability: Magic Guard
252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpA
Move 1: Light of Ruin
Move 2: Psyshock
Move 3: Earth Power
Move 4: Aura Sphere/Focus Blast

Calm Mind
Ability: Magic Guard
252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpA
Move 1: Calm Mind
Move 2: Psyshock
Move 3: Light of Ruin
Move 4: Coverage/Recover

More to come!
A few things with this Sub.

- Defense, Special Defense and Speed may be lowered, but not to free up extra points to "spend" elsewhere. If you do lower one of these stats, please devote those points to the attacking stat that is lower on the base form (or the other attacking stat if you switched the two). Exceptions can be made for up to 10 points, but no more.

The points you've removed in speed cannot be used for anything except buffing Mega Reuniclus's physical attack, which seems like an overall bad change to make since 1. Reuniclus won't ever need it's attack, and 2. Lowering Reuniclus's speed just seems like a way to abuse the fact that it doesn't need it's speed stat to be good, to be able to buff it's other stats further. This isn't considering that lowering Reuniclus's speed is in itself a buff since it boosts it's speed even further in Trick Room.

Going on,
Light of Ruin on a mon with regenerator and 175 SPECIAL ATTACK IS SO BUSTED OH MY GOD
0 SpA Reuniclus Light of Ruin vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 246-291 (60.8 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Reuniclus cleanly 2hko's max HP mew with Light of Ruin, and then you remember that Reuniclus is able to be a setup sweeper with calm mind.
Light of ruin essentially has no drawback as well, when you have not only an HP stat of 110, but also can completeley regenerate all the health you just lost by switching out.

And I'm not finished, your ability is so extremely busted, that the only way of beating reuniclus is through phasing, and nothing is going to be able to freely take a Light of Ruin in the face. Regular Reuniclus currently has a great role in being able to either be a setup sweeper with magic guard or a great pivot that can threaten most other regenerator mons while also appreciating regenerator itself, your Reuniclus has BOTH of these, WITHOUT MENTIONNING IT'S IMMUNE TO HAZARDS.
You CANNOT get rid of your Reuniclus at the moment, Steel types aren't able to ohko reuniclus, Let's take one of the strongest hitting steel types in the metagame, and slap a choice band on it:
252+ Atk Choice Band Bisharp Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Reuniclus: 284-336 (66.9 - 79.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Not only does your Reuniclus have the bulk to absolutely tank that, but it has the coverage to destroy both of it's biggest weaknesses with earth power, not to mention light of ruin ohkoes it anyway.
0 SpA Reuniclus Light of Ruin vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp: 330-388 (98.8 - 116.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

Even after taking 70%, reuniclus just switches out and comes back in with it's biggest check gone.
Sparkly Swirl also is way too good to pass up on this set, making reuniclus able to heal it's entire party's status while still dishing out a 120bp move, while being able to pivot out to one of it's newly cured teammates.

This mon seems like it'll be so incredibly good on stall, heck, it'll be good on everything since it's so incredibly busted.

TLDR Fixes:
1. Change the Ability: Magic Guard+Regenerator is a big no
2. Speed back to 30, while removing 10 points: I'd reccomend removing to points in physical defense, just to make reuniclus be slightly more bareable for physical attackers.
3. Remove Coverage: No offense, but almost all of your moveset submissions needs to go, both of the big fairy moves are way too good on a mon with 175 special attack, while earth power and aura sphere make steel types unable to come in. I'd even be wary of adding Moonblast here, since it's still a greatly spammable move with little resists, and I'd suggest Dazzling Gleam instead. Now Teleport i can see keeping if you choose either of the previous abilities.
4. Remove Physical Defense: Your opponent's need to have a way to break Reuniclus, I'd suggest not having more than 90 defense on reuniclus, and putting the rest into special attack or spdef. Reuniclus is also able to boost it's defense itself with Acid Armor so it still has a way to live on a switchin, but does force it to run ID+CM+Recover+Coverage, so only having one coverage option or sacrificing calm mind or recover.
:gigalith: Mega Gigalith
New Ability
: Sturdy / Sand Stream / Sand Force -> Basculonian Sands
(Primordial Sea clone: Mega Gigalith sets Sand Stream on entry. Rock, Ground, and Steel moves are powered up by 1.5x, while Fire, Water, and Grass moves are at .5x power. This is permanent until Gigalith switches out)
Type: Rock / Ground
Stone Name: Gigalite

New stats:
HP: 85- > 95 (+10)
Attack: 135 -> 160 (+35)
Defense: 130
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 80 -> 130 (+50)
Speed: 80 -> 85 (+5)
(615 BST)

New Moves: Precipice Blades
Description: Mega Gigalith's permanent sand boosts along with its buffed attack makes it a great wallbreaker. The ability is similar to a Mega Vanilluxe submission from that slate. Precipice Blades is a great Ground STAB for Mega Gigalith, which fits with it's design premise of being a rock behemoth.

:reuniclus: Mega Reuniclus
New Ability
: Overcoat / Magic Guard / Regenerator -> Cell Division (Parental Bond clone)
Type: Psychic
Stone Name: Reuniclite

New stats:
HP: 110 -> 130 (+20)
Attack: 65 -> 145 (+80)
Defense: 75
Special Attack: 125
Special Defense: 85
Speed: 30
(590 BST)

Description: While it could use its psychic abilities in battle, this Pokémon prefers to swing its powerful arms around to beat opponents into submission. I saw this entry and I thought, Why isnt this thing a physical attacker? So I gave it some physical attack, similarly to Mega Lucario with its special attack. Cell Division is a clone of parental bond because the cell divides into two "Daughter Cells".
this is gonna have to be vetoed.
Reuni has parental bond, and it woudnt be that much of an problem, if it didnt had absud defenses and night shade. also, giga has too many effects and is too strong in general.
also, you cant change hp
TLDR Fixes:
1. Change the Ability: Magic Guard+Regenerator is a big no
2. Speed back to 30, while removing 10 points: I'd reccomend removing to points in physical defense, just to make reuniclus be slightly more bareable for physical attackers.
3. Remove Coverage: No offense, but almost all of your moveset submissions needs to go, both of the big fairy moves are way too good on a mon with 175 special attack, while earth power and aura sphere make steel types unable to come in. I'd even be wary of adding Moonblast here, since it's still a greatly spammable move with little resists, and I'd suggest Dazzling Gleam instead. Now Teleport i can see keeping if you choose either of the previous abilities.
4. Remove Physical Defense: Your opponent's need to have a way to break Reuniclus, I'd suggest not having more than 90 defense on reuniclus, and putting the rest into special attack or spdef. Reuniclus is also able to boost it's defense itself with Acid Armor so it still has a way to live on a switchin, but does force it to run ID+CM+Recover+Coverage, so only having one coverage option or sacrificing calm mind or recover.
Addressing each point in list form:
1. The ability is the centerpiece of the flavor and concept. I would really, really, really like not to drop it. Base Reuniclus never ever runs Regen anyway
2. The rules state that exceptions can be made up to 10 points. I took out that much, and it actually is a mixed bag and not just a buff. Reuniclus doesn’t actually underspeed any other relevant Mons in the meta with -10 so it doesn’t really buff it aside from extra points to spend but I already covered why that’s okay so
3. I did ask for feedback on this one. I agree after checking the calcs that LoR is insane. Sparkly Swirl is probably too good as well. You are also correct about Earth Power. So the adjusted moves will be Moonblast, Teleport, and Aura Sphere (which acts as a weaker alternative to Focus Blast, an outright stronger attack.)
4. Eh I could probably stand to nerf Defense down to 90. Will do.
Hello! Quick update post:

BitBitio: While I wasn't involved with M24's post, the council was discussing making a similar post and what we'd need to cover, and I think their criticism was pretty much what any of us would have said as well if a tiny bit angrier about it than we might have been. (Confirming that there's nothing wrong with the Speed drop you had, though! Thanks for checking the stat rules!)
That said, I thought I should confirm that the nerfs you gave it seem like they addressed the problem very well! Thank you for always being so good about taking feedback! C: Yours is fine now as far as I'm concerned!

One small thing to note about the previous version, even though it's not relevant any more - Light of Ruin's recoil would actually be negated by Magic Guard, so you'd have just given it a spammable 140 BP STAB with no drawbacks. I think that's probably the most important reason to call for the move's removal - I actually love the idea of a recoil move user with Regenerator by itself, although I would probably have gone with a lower Special Attack for a Light of Ruin user myself, but specifically the fact that it both has Regenerator and doesn't suffer the recoil in the first place would have made for a somewhat broken combination. I don't think you did on purpose, so I thought I should point out that interaction just for future reference!

AllTerrainVen0moth: I can confirm that kakaks was speaking on behalf of the council with their post! We did discuss this as a group and decide that it would be best to request a nerf.
For reference, the specific issue with Reuniclus really is just Parental Bond + Night Shade - I would normally be open to Parental Bond subs in general (actually, I was in favor of letting you keep the Ability when we first opened the discussion!), but the fact that it has a fixed-damage move that can do 200 damage to everything is probably too much; from what I understood, that was one of the bigger factors that got Mega Kangaskhan banned as well, so noticing that it had that was the main thing that made us want to nerf it.
Unfortunately, there's no chance to get rid of Night Shade from Reuniclus since it already has it in canon, so we are going to have to say no to Parental Bond subs this time around. (It's possible that we're overestimating its impact, though - if anyone has any objections to this, please do voice them!! I'm not super familiar with how Mega Kangaskhan played in practice, so feel free to speak up if you think we're misjudging this and we can talk it over! The Discord is also a great place to talk about balance concerns and negotiate what might be allowed if you ever disagree with a veto!)
also, yeah - I know two people have told you already, so you probably don't need to hear it again, but HP can't be boosted, either

The other subs so far all seem good! I can already tell it's going to be incredibly difficult to decide on votes again, haha.
Hello! Quick update post:

BitBitio: While I wasn't involved with M24's post, the council was discussing making a similar post and what we'd need to cover, and I think their criticism was pretty much what any of us would have said as well if a tiny bit angrier about it than we might have been. (Confirming that there's nothing wrong with the Speed drop you had, though! Thanks for checking the stat rules!)
That said, I thought I should confirm that the nerfs you gave it seem like they addressed the problem very well! Thank you for always being so good about taking feedback! C: Yours is fine now as far as I'm concerned!

One small thing to note about the previous version, even though it's not relevant any more - Light of Ruin's recoil would actually be negated by Magic Guard, so you'd have just given it a spammable 140 BP STAB with no drawbacks. I think that's probably the most important reason to call for the move's removal - I actually love the idea of a recoil move user with Regenerator by itself, although I would probably have gone with a lower Special Attack for a Light of Ruin user myself, but specifically the fact that it both has Regenerator and doesn't suffer the recoil in the first place would have made for a somewhat broken combination. I don't think you did on purpose, so I thought I should point out that interaction just for future reference!

AllTerrainVen0moth: I can confirm that kakaks was speaking on behalf of the council with their post! We did discuss this as a group and decide that it would be best to request a nerf.
For reference, the specific issue with Reuniclus really is just Parental Bond + Night Shade - I would normally be open to Parental Bond subs in general (actually, I was in favor of letting you keep the Ability when we first opened the discussion!), but the fact that it has a fixed-damage move that can do 200 damage to everything is probably too much; from what I understood, that was one of the bigger factors that got Mega Kangaskhan banned as well, so noticing that it had that was the main thing that made us want to nerf it.
Unfortunately, there's no chance to get rid of Night Shade from Reuniclus since it already has it in canon, so we are going to have to say no to Parental Bond subs this time around. (It's possible that we're overestimating its impact, though - if anyone has any objections to this, please do voice them!! I'm not super familiar with how Mega Kangaskhan played in practice, so feel free to speak up if you think we're misjudging this and we can talk it over! The Discord is also a great place to talk about balance concerns and negotiate what might be allowed if you ever disagree with a veto!)
also, yeah - I know two people have told you already, so you probably don't need to hear it again, but HP can't be boosted, either

The other subs so far all seem good! I can already tell it's going to be incredibly difficult to decide on votes again, haha.
Thanks! By the way Golurk should totally be added to the Unova Ground type slate
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[repost from the previous thread]

Hmmm, what am I going to do for Gigalith? Maybe the Pokedex will have some inspiration for me.
Compressing the energy from its internal core lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away a mountain.
The solar energy absorbed by its body's orange crystals is magnified internally and fired from its mouth.
The solar rays it absorbs are processed in its energy core and fired as a ball of light.
The blasts of energy it makes from sunbeams have terrifying power. However, it's not able to fire its blasts at night or on rainy days.
When it fires off energy with all its might, the power creates countless fissures on its body.
It absorbs rays of sunlight and shoots out energy. It's usually lurking deep beneath the surface.
Although its energy blasts can blow away a dump truck, they have a limitation—they can only be fired when the sun is out.

Huh. Alright then.

Mega Gigalith
Ability: Drought
HP: 85​
Att: 95 (-40)​
Def: 130​
SpA: 170 (+110)​
SpD: 110 (+30)​
Spe: 25​

I know I lowered an offensive stat. Hear me out. Much like Mega Diancie or my old Mega Cinderace submission, this is a role reversal. If you were to swap the Attack and Special Attack of Mega Gigalith, you'll find that they're both just +35 from their original values (135->170, 60->95). So there's no cheating the system to get free stat points here.

Anyway, Mega Gigalith makes for an interesting special attacker. Its primary STAB of Power Gem isn't all that impressive at 80 base power, but it's got some nice coverage in Earth Power, Solar Beam, and Weather Ball (if only Meteor Beam's charge turn could be skipped without a Power Herb). It can also use its titanic Defense or still-decent Attack to muscle past premier special wall Blissey with Body Press or Superpower (both will require some investment to deal more than 50%).

Since it has Sand Stream as a starting ability, Mega Gigalith can play an interesting role on sun teams as a secondary setter. If sun is still up but is just about to run out, Gigalith can clear it away with Sand Stream before refreshing it with Drought. It's the Tyranitar + Mega Charizard Y combo but in a single Pokemon.

In terms of flavor, Mega Gigalith has built up more solar energy than it can contain, so the energy radiates from it constantly (it's a better explanation than most weather setters get). Its head and torso now point forward instead of up, and energy glows from inside its mouth, making it resemble a laser cannon that's about to fire.

Hey, everyone! After some discussion based on feedback brought up in the Discord, the council has decided on an update to the move limit rules:

Since they were almost universally distributed prior to Generation VIII, the cut moves Hidden Power, Return and Frustration may be added to submissions for Generation VIII Pokémon for free, without counting towards the viable move limit. Please make sure to include them in your submission, however - they will still only be added when requested!​

(Note that this does not currently apply to any other moves, even if their distribution was universal in the past!)
The only Pokémon affected by this change in the current slate is Boltund - the other two already have these moves.
Remember that this change is still optional! You don't need to add these moves unless you specifically want them. That said, a handful of people have discussed wanting to add Hidden Power to Boltund specifically because of its shallow coverage.

This change has now been added to the list of rules in the first post.

Also confirming that DrPumpkinz's stat spread is within the constraints of the rules! That part isn't an update, though - there was already a note in the rules about cases like this. C:
Since they were almost universally distributed prior to Generation VIII, the cut moves Hidden Power, Return and Frustration may be added to submissions for Generation VIII Pokémon for free, without counting towards the viable move limit. Please make sure to include them in your submission, however - they will still only be added when requested!​
I'm not on the council, and this is a nice change, but will this be applied to pre-existing Gen 8 megas (as in those 3 moves being added to pre-existing megas)?

(NOTE: The reason I'm posting in this thread and not in the Discord is because I can't access it from the device I'm using.)

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