Yes, but Jiggy said it was Meganium's niche since nothing else learns that combo of 3 moves, but Exeggutor does.
Thanks, I stand corrected--missed that one since I was looking at fully-evolved Pokemon and Sleep Powder has to come from Exeggcute. But yeah, basically I'll amend to a niche of those three moves plus having bulk on both sides (which is what I meant anyway since I knew I was ignoring Smeargle).Exeggutor learns those 3 moves.
Meganium-Leftovers (Overgrow)
248 HP/200 Def/60 SpDef
Sassy (SpDef+,Spd-)
Giga Drain
Dragon Tail
Any thoughts?
That seems like the point, but it looks like Mega is being horribly stretched and wouldn't do what it's supposed to before dying.