Max Raid Discussion Thread

I heard it is not possible to use G Max mons in online matches or something, can anyone confirm?
Not in Battle Stadium Singles and VGC unfortunately. This is probably because Meowth, Eevee, and Pikachu are event exclusive, and TPC took the lazy way out by banning all of them instead of only those 3.
The restriction is only till the season in January2020, they are probably waiting for a bunch of people to have access and get used to them.
Are we certain that every HA outside of starters is available? There are some Pokemon like Gothita that I can't find on the rare spawns list, and I think it's only rare beams that are capable of having their HA.

Am I also right in thinking that a yellow background on the raid indicates HA chance?

HA's are simply more common in Golden Screens, they can still spawn with red.

Likewisde Golden dosen't mean 100% HA. I've caught 3 Golden background Galarian Corsola and not a single one had it's HA.
There are apparently reports that the host has an increased catch rate in raids, and there is another catch rate bonus for dealing thr final blow. Can anyone else confirm?
Anyone willing to help me take down a five star Skuntank raid? It’s one of those rare ones that has the yellow aura behind it. These AI teammates just won’t help lol
I'm revising my opinion on the usefulness of Zacian and Eternatus, especially at high levels. I thought not being able to Dynamax was a liability, and it kinda is... but their damage output isn't totally irrelevant. When the boss's defenses drop, you can put out serious damage. I just did a 5* Galarian Weezing raid and straight up skipped the entire second barrier phase because Behemoth Blade OHKO'd right through the barrier.
So what exactly is the criteria for the kind of TRs a Raid Boss drops?

I thought it was only TRs matching one of the boss's types, but today I faced a Gigantamax Gengar and it dropped Shadow Ball and some Psychic-type TRs...
So what exactly is the criteria for the kind of TRs a Raid Boss drops?
They actually have a droptable.
In general it's several of their main type's TR with some variations.

I believe it was also datamined at some point but they aren't just "random drops", each specific raid has its own fixed droptable.
Has anyone been able to use the method for changing the date for max raid battles lately? Tried it yesterday and today, neither time has worked for me, the beam just disappears.
Has anyone been able to use the method for changing the date for max raid battles lately? Tried it yesterday and today, neither time has worked for me, the beam just disappears.
Changing date still works as of writing this. Make sure you are searching for others before changing date.

I've tried to find an efficient way of getting the HA that you want with trace Gardevoir, but everytime I reset it doesn't seem to ever change ability at all. Leads me to believe each encounter is locked in ability until you reroll it again. Can anyone verify this?
I've tried to find an efficient way of getting the HA that you want with trace Gardevoir, but everytime I reset it doesn't seem to ever change ability at all. Leads me to believe each encounter is locked in ability until you reroll it again. Can anyone verify this?
Once a den spawns, the IVs, Ability and I believe nature and gender are all decided up-front.
Right; so here's some basic strategy for Raids I've found successful enough to be clearing 5* raids pretty consistently with only 2 people, as well as some general rules regarding Raids.

1: Since Dynamax rotates between players 1-2-3-4; Player 1 [The host] should NOT use Eternatus/Zacian/Zamazenta, so that they can Dynamax Turn 1. Also; it is generally better to have a pokemon slower than those three; because MAX moves take off 2 barriers; so your Dynamax can hit Barriers than spawn at 25% or lower

2: Players who are not hosts can bring Zacian/Zamazenta/Eternatus, since you're not delaying Dynamax shieldbusting.

3: You can also play a more supportive role:
a: Weather-induceing is quite useful; especially against raids weak to Water and Fire. I personally frequently bring my Drought Torkoal to Raids between it's durabilty and support.
b: Likewise; debuffing moves and abilities can be useful. Especially on a fast pokemon who can apply an ATK/Sp.Atk debuff before shields go up.
c: Reflect/Light Screen are huge, and can help AI die less; my go-to is a Xatu with Duel Screens.
d: Do NOT bring self-buffing moves however, the Raid will frequently dispel your stat changes.
e: Fast [Or Prankster] Taunt can be useful Turn 1; some Raids set-up and will start oneshotting everything. Shell Smash raids are particularly scary due to barriers.
f: When up against a Raid that may know a spread move [IE: Water/Ground/Rock] consider bringing a pokemon with Wide Guard. Especially with NPC's. Or consider bringing a pokemon that resists or is even immune to such moves.
g: Remember status moves won't work on barriers; neither will secondary effects trigger.

4: Do not bring moves such as Earthquake that hit all pokemon on the field. They will end up teamkilling. This generally makes Ground-types pretty bad in Raids [Unless they are special attackers with Earth Power]

5: Since you can only die a limited number of times, and the mechanics of the barriers [Raids will be ending with -4 DEF at 5*]; tankier pokemon >>> glass cannons. Also remember you can use items to heal! [I once got Frozen for example...] Fainting not only adds to the KO counter but reduces how much barrier damage you can do; making more fainting more likly!

6: Avoid the Swoobat raids. They know Future Sight which is seemingly bugged in Raids and causes you to crash.
Has anyone been able to use the method for changing the date for max raid battles lately? Tried it yesterday and today, neither time has worked for me, the beam just disappears.

It only works on raids spawned by a wishing piece. Non wishing piece raids reset every 24 hours, so changing the date time moves where they are. Wishing piece raids stay in the same place until you kill it or use another wishing piece. I was doing it quite a bit yesterday night and it absolutely still works.
Does anyone know if soloing or hosting raids gives you a higher catch rate? The reason I ask is because I joined 4 different players' G-Max Alcremie raids and it broke out of my Ultra Ball all 4 times after the first shake. Yesterday, I got lucky and found my own G-Max Alcremie. I soloed the raid and caught on the first attempt using a Heal Ball. I know this is a small sample size but I've had similar experiences in the more common G-Max raids as well, such as Butterfree and Sandaconda.
It only works on raids spawned by a wishing piece. Non wishing piece raids reset every 24 hours, so changing the date time moves where they are. Wishing piece raids stay in the same place until you kill it or use another wishing piece. I was doing it quite a bit yesterday night and it absolutely still works.

Thank you, that is what I was doing wrong
Does anyone know if soloing or hosting raids gives you a higher catch rate? The reason I ask is because I joined 4 different players' G-Max Alcremie raids and it broke out of my Ultra Ball all 4 times after the first shake. Yesterday, I got lucky and found my own G-Max Alcremie. I soloed the raid and caught on the first attempt using a Heal Ball. I know this is a small sample size but I've had similar experiences in the more common G-Max raids as well, such as Butterfree and Sandaconda.
I've had that expiernce with Butterfree ,Centiskorch, and Corviknight: When I hosted those Raid Battles, I caught them but at others I did not. The only exception was Hatterene, but I used my Masterball.
Does anyone know if soloing or hosting raids gives you a higher catch rate? The reason I ask is because I joined 4 different players' G-Max Alcremie raids and it broke out of my Ultra Ball all 4 times after the first shake. Yesterday, I got lucky and found my own G-Max Alcremie. I soloed the raid and caught on the first attempt using a Heal Ball. I know this is a small sample size but I've had similar experiences in the more common G-Max raids as well, such as Butterfree and Sandaconda.
There's only empirical proof of this. No actual source from the datamine.
I hosted g max raids and caught every single one of them, even with beast balls, which have a lower rate than pokeballs. Think its safe to say it holds water.

Certainly feels like it for me too. I tried catching GMax Hatterene 5 times when others were hosting it, and I finally succeeded when I hosted. This hasn't been the case with Centi, Corvi, or Sandaconda though. I wonder if it only applies to non-promoted raid bosses?
Kinda makes me feel like i don't want to participate in any other non-promoted GMax raids, which is really counter-intuitive. I'm glad that they ensured that the host would catch such a rare spawn, but it feels impossibly low for other players.

On that note, have we settled that the Repeat Ball is the most effective ball for catching raid pokemon?
I only raid one Butterfree and one Corvi and I thought it was 100% catch rate in all raids no ?
No you are not guaranteed. It’s mostly for G-Max battles that are the hardest to catch, but I’ve had a few regular escape as well.

BTW, do Timer Ball bonuses apply in raid battles?
I’ve been trying to catch a Frosmoth with its Hidden Ability but serebii says it only appears with Ice Scales in Sword (I have Shield btw). Sp far I’ve only ran into Avalugga and Vanilluxe. Am I just being unlucky? Of course if anyone has a HA Snom or Frosmoth I’ll trade you a Gigantamax Centiskorch with Flare Blitz for it.