Max Raid Discussion Thread

We'll also get some bonus armorite ore, capping out at 10 ore at 2 million wins.

What’s more, every player who takes part will also receive a piece of Armorite Ore for every 100,000 Trainers that defeat Zeraora after the first million is reached. The maximum number of Armorite Ore pieces that can be obtained this way is 10 (achieved when two million players have defeated Zeraora). Armorite Ore can be used in the dojo on the Isle of Armor (available with the Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass) to have your Pokémon learn moves.
Having still not updated I can say that when an event isn't going on, it's extremely common drop from raids. You get 2-3 pieces per raid (if it's a 3* raid i think its only 1-2). There's also a NPC who gambles on an ore seeing how many you can dig up before she breaks her shovel. You can also sometimes find it on the ground

10 seems like a pretty paltry amount considering the number of participants required for the bonus.
I usually play single player (offline) and have kind of learned to accept the AI teammates for what they are. But occasionally I have to deal with a particularly hard 5 star raid and decide that it might be easier to win by going online. After all surely humans are more useful than that fucking Wobbuffet.

So I find a 5 star raid of that poison / electric rocker thing. I'm not in the mood to soft reset 5 times to beat it so I turn on wifi and look for teammates. Two appeared, cool!

One brought a level 65 Primarina. It survived a single turn just long enough to kill the AI Solrock and wound my Steelix with spread damage Sparkling Aria crit.

The other player brought a level 70 Urifu, or whatever that dark / fight bear is. He used Close Combat twice then died.

We lost after Primarina died a second time.

Great. I'm going back to the AI teammates.
Wobbuffet and Solrock are so bad that I soft reset if I get them against a 5 Star.

A tip for spread move spammers like Toxtrickery, spam Wise Guard. The AI's level scales with yours, so if you have a high enough level and partners that don't suck, they can deal enough damage.
In my opinion the best AI partner by far is Snorlax - it at least doesn't make me rage quit like some of the others do.

Wishiwashi is probably the second best, as it can usually at least tank a hit or two. Mudbray, Krokorok, and Throh can be decent as well, and the life dew healers(Clefairy/Togepi) can at least provide a little help before they inevitably die(i.e. redirect with Follow Me).

Everything else is utterly useless. Hawlucha spams Feather Dance against mons with barriers up, Maractus uses Solar Beam(a two-turn move) so it doesn't even take down barriers as often as it should, and of course Wobboffet/Solrock are self-explanatory.
In my opinion the best AI partner by far is Snorlax - it at least doesn't make me rage quit like some of the others do.
I'm unsure, as much as it's not as bad as some of the others, it using GigaImpact and basically wasting a turn.

Also on the Zeraora raids, *insert complaints about pokemon with normal moves basically just spamhealing the boss due to Plasma Fists*
The giga impact recharge turn is annoying, but I'd still take Snorlax over most of the AI mons for general purpose.

Obviously for Zeraora, Mudbray/Jolteon are probably better simply because they are immune to electric
Obviously for Zeraora, Mudbray/Jolteon are probably better simply because they are immune to electric
As Clefable abuser, i'd actually rather not have Jolteon: it prompts the AI to use the ability-disabling pulse almost every turn, which results in losing Unaware
The event is over. Everyone should be able to get their Shiny Zeraora now if they fulfilled the Home requirement...

... except the servers are down due to the mass amount of people that are trying to get it.

... And the new raid event has an item called "Crownite Ore" (the Ore variant of Crown Tundra?) which is crashing people's games when they complete raids.

Unbelievable lol
how does that even happen their item indexes aren't that close together!
While it is a ridiculous mistake, what a person would actually write would be the name of the item (that's then automatically converted to the item id later). So they probably just lazily had their IDE autocomplete when writing "ore" or it's japanese translation and didn't realize it filled in the wrong constant value.
The event is over. Everyone should be able to get their Shiny Zeraora now if they fulfilled the Home requirement...

... except the servers are down due to the mass amount of people that are trying to get it.

... And the new raid event has an item called "Crownite Ore" (the Ore variant of Crown Tundra?) which is crashing people's games when they complete raids.

Unbelievable lol

And apparently the shiny Zeraora isnt even legal. Tried to join a max raid with it in my party and got "there is a problem with Pokemon in your party message" lol.

Imagine all the kids that get a shiny sparky cat and then can't raid with it lol.

The finally tally is 1,841,360.
It's interesting that they (apparently?) locked it to Hasty considering it doesn't have Hidden Power anymore and that was the main reason to not just run Jolly.

Feels they looked at a gen 7 smogon page Wowee
Okay, so funny story. I apparently never updated the wild news for the Zeraora raid, so I got just normal raids in the Isle of Armor, making me wonder why people where complaining about the lack of Armorite and being baffled by finding no Zeraora dens. I didn't notice until I connected and saw people fighting Gmaxs in the Isle of Armor that I never encountered.
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It's interesting that they (apparently?) locked it to Hasty considering it doesn't have Hidden Power anymore and that was the main reason to not just run Jolly.

Feels they looked at a gen 7 smogon page Wowee

... but, assuming that "Fantastic" is a 30 IV, then it's Hidden Power Dragon, of all things.

Either it's a typo or it was deliberately given a garbage Hidden Power type.
So the Zeraora/G-max raids have ended... and we now have another event going on, which doesn't provide anything interesting and is still hogging all the raid slots which would otherwise give Armorite Ore. I've searched the entire island since the raids change, and I literally haven't found a single native raid.

It's not a good sign when I'm actively hoping in futility that we will at some point get some time without a special event going on because I can't get an essential resource until we do. They need to either make event raids stop spawning in the DLC areas, make the raids or their occurrence on the Isle *much* less frequent, or make the event raids give Armorite Ore.
So the Zeraora/G-max raids have ended... and we now have another event going on, which doesn't provide anything interesting and is still hogging all the raid slots which would otherwise give Armorite Ore. I've searched the entire island since the raids change, and I literally haven't found a single native raid.

It's not a good sign when I'm actively hoping in futility that we will at some point get some time without a special event going on because I can't get an essential resource until we do. They need to either make event raids stop spawning in the DLC areas, make the raids or their occurrence on the Isle *much* less frequent, or make the event raids give Armorite Ore.

I actually ran into two non-event dens on the Isle of Armor for the first time since the DLC released yesterday evening in addition to the current event ones (it was a Chansey and a Marill). Both finally dropped some of that sweet Armorite Ore, and the Chansey even dropped a few Rare Candies, which I thought was kinda cool. Anyway, I'm not sure what the rate is of event vs. non-event dens spawning is, but I wonder if it's a little different now. Regardless (and I haven't done it myself yet), but couldn't you use some Wishing Pieces to spawn native dens (at least a couple)?