massive change.

in the end though, the only thing that matters is how much difference you make, and maybe what you consider the easier option (easy in your terms, not just time) is actually going to make more of a difference. I think one of the factors that is weighing into this is wanting to see the change in your own eyes to get the personal satisfaction of accomplishing your goals, and no I don't mean that in a selfish way, of course you want to see over this that it works out, it just might be interfering in making the best decision, best as in making the most change in the least amount of time.

Don't get the wrong idea, I won't even try to claim I know what the best decision is, thats obviously for you to decide, but the best decisions are free from personal biases and I'd just like to see the whole cause work out as best as possible. That's all.
in the end though, the only thing that matters is how much difference you make, and maybe what you consider the easier option (easy in your terms, not just time) is actually going to make more of a difference.
you cant see the future and tell me what will make the most difference. im doing this in the way i truely believe is the most efficient because i only 100% trust myself. maybe thats prideful but i have no reason to see it as clouded.

I think one of the factors that is weighing into this is wanting to see the change in your own eyes to get the personal satisfaction of accomplishing your goals, and no I don't mean that in a selfish way, of course you want to see over this that it works out, it just might be interfering in making the best decision, best as in making the most change in the least amount of time.
wow. true. i want change now. but the thing is, we all want change now and the satisfaction of change will be INFINITELY more powerful than the satisfaction of "wow i did this" because theyre different kinds

personal satisfaction and satisfaction of having created more love/understanding

i want the second. i want everyone to want the second. i want everyone o get the second

Don't get the wrong idea, I won't even try to claim I know what the best decision is, thats obviously for you to decide, but the best decisions are free from personal biases and I'd just like to see the whole cause work out as best as possible. That's all.
i dont really see that much personal bias getting in the way of my intentions. please let me know if that happens (seriously)
What could you possibly know about me? I am currently good friends with six lesbians. Three couples. They all know how I feel, and we talk about it all the time. And guess what? We love each other. That sort of ability comes with age I guess.

I was also raised in a Christian family and went to church all my life. I have met and befriended thousands of Christians from all over the country, from the deep south to the canadian border. And not once have I ever heard anyone say anything derogatory about homosexuals. Also, i've never met these lunatics that only ever seem to be on TV (and that's not really a coincidence, either).

So I've seen both sides, and I can tell you this: the whole problem is misunderstanding the other side. Same old human story. Christians don't 'hate' homosexuals, and they don't think their behavior is wrong because the bible tells them to. They think their behavior is wrong because of biology. In the case of sexuality, the 'instructions' are plain to see; all you have to do is look down. Anything else is slapping the creator in the face. Although they also know that 'hating' a homosexual would be slapping the creator in the face too, and like I said earlier, you can think a behavior is wrong and love a person at the same time.

But this doesn't seem to be a discussion for or against homosexuality. It's more about tolerance. So i'll say this; the anti-christian crowd is going to have to work to alleviate their intolerance just the same as everyone else if we want to get anywhere.
So I've seen both sides, and I can tell you this: the whole problem is misunderstanding the other side.
the problem is simple when you state it like that but do you realize what kind of work needs to go into going against thousands of years of ignorance?

But this doesn't seem to be a discussion for or against homosexuality. It's more about tolerance.
its more about making us into what we should be: not ignorant. not animals.
the whole christian hate thing is really troublesome. I am very offended by it, I can't open my mouth in Congregation anymore without getting flamed. I think a lot of it has to do with radicals like deck knight, to people on TV.

If a christian person is discriminating against someone or advocating violence, then they are not being christians at all. The crusades were done by people who claimed to be christian... but do you really think God approved of that slaughter!?
if people do not respect you for what you know now and disrespect for for what you didnt know before, they are ignorant skiddle.
I'm getting LOVE tattooed on my arm eventually :heart:

ps: I want to get in on the religious debate but that's not the purpose of this thread!
Your goal is vaster than most. Most people promote tolerance, you instead are promoting acceptance. There is a fundamental difference which very few realize and I hope in the near future it will be such that acceptance is the norm rather than tolerance.

I wish you luck in your endeavor, and I believe you have enough determination gorm to actually change opinions on a large scale if you make yourself heard.
i am going ot have to go agaisnt every single person in the world and im ready to die before everyone accepts this.

im not ready to do nothing with this knowledge. i dont think anyone should be.
i agree in principle with showing your beliefs etc etc but i also believe there's a time and a place. and the place is not a t-shirt slogan.
dude i wanted to change the world first

i like your idea, but you have to admit that going around and befriending people youve never seen before is a pretty good way too!!!!
Start a socialist revolution and become a dictator. That is a strong avenue for massive change. There is little a benevolent dictator cannot do.

Or, you can go find a relatively stable community that you disagree with and persuade the higher-ups to support you, thus givng you free reign to implement whatever changes you want over the rest of the community's protests.
i think darkflagrance that you shouldnt really question my motives/whats in my heart/what might happen and you should look at what i am saying now.

im saying it is ALWAYS better for humanity to respect eachother and share knowledge. what do you think of disagreeing with something like that? i feel its impossible to, and if you do i want to hear about it.
I am not questioning your motives, simply suggesting some courses of action.

As Machiavelli realized after a lifetime of failure, ideals get people nowhere, and sometimes pragmatism demands cruelty.
if you are suggesting courses of action that is awesome. i guess i saw what oyu proposed as sarcastic and thats not what im looking for. i might be wrong.

how would you change the world DF? where would you start?
I want to change the world too, and the way I've gone about it is by trying to have a positive effect on everybody I come across in life, even if I only know them for a few minutes. I personally can't stand being disliked, so I always go out of my way to be the friendliest, most amiable and approachable person I can be. I figure that if I can brighten someone else's day, that's one more step in the right overall direction.

I could say, yes, I am only one person, what could I possibly accomplish... but everything has to start somewhere.
Mr gormenghast, Whilst the idea is very solid, and i think definitley needs doing, i dont think just making t-shirts is the way to speak to the world about an issue that affects quite so many people. That being said, i do have one example where this did work quite effectivley.
A while back now, i was at a concert and a lot of people were wearing shirts that said "To write love on arms", and i felt pretty curious, and was compelled to google it. It is a non-profit organization thats aim is to change the world. i wont go into too much detail but the links at the bottom if you want to read more. anyway the point is using a t-shirt is actually a pretty fantastic was of getting people interested, just be careful not to make it too generic, like the
style tees. Although it of course it needs to be fashionable it also needs to be unique, otherwise it will not grab people attention enough. I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever need to distribute any of the tee's in the south of england, im your man :]

To write love on her arms' site:
dude i wanted to change the world first

i like your idea, but you have to admit that going around and befriending people youve never seen before is a pretty good way too!!!!


I was talking with a friend, and one of his interpretations was that in the end Christianity is about "relationships" with one another and with God. He lives by this, and tries to make an impact every way he can because he really finds that these relationships are important.

Now I need to find a way to make a positive impact ^___^
i delight in the suffering of others so i guess we can be archenemies

have you thought about finding a benefactor? this t-shirt project might find support if you framed it as installation art along the lines of Ayse Erkmen's work

or you could apply for a government grant
Wanting to change the world is one of the best goals anyone could have. If you made shirts, I'd buy them and pass them out to people.