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Manesh Hoopa Code Giveaway: The Hoopaning (Closed for now)

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throwin it back to 2001 on this one. i used to play competitive paintball and it was time for a new gun. i had just graduated 8th grade and wanted to use my graduation money to buy it. i had my eye on a specific one but wasnt totally in love with it. that week, the same company made a cheaper, but comparable highly customizable version of the original one i wanted. i felt i should stick to my guns, no pun intended, but because i was impatient and didnt like the color they had, i went with the cheaper one. it ended up being a piece of junk and requiring a ton of repairs. i was stuck with it for the whole summer season :(

moral: dont cheap out, buy it once, and dont be impatient


thank you so much!

Steel Team 6 Here.... IRL Buyers remorse. So when I was a teenager, I played in a lot of bands. While I looked at music videos and rock shows on TV and movies, everyone had a Marshall half stack. So at age 16, I shelled out for the cheapest Marshall half stack I could find. Then, after playing professional gigs (and not just battle of the bands at high schools) I realized that most bars/clubs/venues, use decent tube combo amplifiers mic'd up to their house PA. Well, little me now then had to lug a head and cabinet all over Western Pennsylvania for all of my gigs... That was a major pain in the ass, back, and arms. I should have just bought Fender Blues Jr tube amp. I eventually sold it to guitar center dirt cheap too.
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Hey, thanks for the giveaway, this is awesome! My buyer's remorse: Spyro the Dragon: A Hero's Tale.

The original Spyro the Dragon game on PS1 was my first video game, and one of my all time favorites. Spyro 2 and 3, both still on PS1, were also amazing. It was probably around 10 years ago, when I was full on into Pokemon on my GBA, that I discovered that there was a Gameboy game with Spyro the Dragon in it! I was ecstatic, and decided to save up with my $2 a week allowance to get it. Week after week I saved, anxiously awaiting the day when I could go and buy it. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I had enough to buy it. I begged my parents to drive me down to Toys R Us so that I could free the game from its glass prison in the video game isle.

When I arrived home, I ripped off the plastic coating, tossed away the useless safety information and packaging, and popped the game into the slot, feeling that satisfying "clunk" when the cartridge locked into place. I turned on the game, a smile on my face, and lo and behold...it sucked. Bad.

I was so upset that the original studio who made the Spyro games that I loved, had sold the character and the game rights to another company, and they screwed it up. Terribly. I couldn't believe that I had spent all those weeks and all that hard-earned money just to watch my favorite video game character be turned into a cash grab. Even though I hear that the Skylanders games are actually pretty good, I don't think I'll ever try one of them again, since Spyro was sold off to start up that franchise, and the little purple dragon I knew and loved is no more.

Thanks again! Sorry it's sideways :P

Alright, gotta cut this off for now, but...

Before I have this thread closed, I will allow SteelTeam6 to edit his post. Should have clarified that it must be a real-life buyer's remorse story.

As for MagnusArcanum you can send me your proof over a private message.

I'll have more codes when my busy schedule allows it.
Does my entry even count ever? I don't really have buyers remorse because every purchase I make has some sort of purpose, but I will for the sake of argument. All these pictures are shitty and these are the only things I brought with me because I'm not home at the moment, so unfortunately I can't complain about more "buyer's remorse". I made all of these as short as possible. 'cus everyone likes to hear me complain, right?

Buyer's Remorse #0: Pre-ordering FFXIII, "Buying" FFXIII-2, "Buying" FFXIII: Lightning Returns

There's really not enough space for me to explain why all of these purchases made me want to vomit and this is one time I really wish I didn't apply "finish something you started" to a game/series. (Cutting out novels, yay)

Buyers Remorse #1 : Limited Edition Watchdogs

The game's subpar at best and it loses the ability to "wow" anyone who's bored enough to buy into the hacking element within about five minutes of gameplay. The game's noticeably shallow and I felt very little attachment to any of their plight. I bought this edition for collection purposes, but it wasn't even worth that (a close second would've been Duke Nukem Forever, but the bust and playing cards were worth something to me). It comes with a really stupid ski mask/vigilante mask that I have zero intention of using for skiing or for robbing anyone and the figurine that is included is some of the lowest quality I've ever seen. The included art book is worse than Mass Effect's (all of them excluding the, "The art of Mass Effect" book) in terms of art quality and length. Steel books are always nice though and they at least gave me an actual soundtrack disk and not a digital download like other games I won't mention. Really not worth the $150 something I spent on it regardless of the purpose it was for. At least they didn't pile on the day 1 DLC's.


Buyer's Remorse #2 : 3-5 Extra Copies of Golden Sun/Golden Sun: The Lost Age in English and 2 in Japanese

Yeah, I don't know how I managed to do this. I went through a lot of stuff at the age of 16 when this/these game(s) came out and for some reason I either kept losing my copies (which I never really did, they somehow fell into a black hole in my backpack every single time and I found them over the summer) or I had a mild case of amnesia and kept forgetting I owned the games/played through them. I was moving back and fourth between three countries for a little over a year during the whole thing. My grandma ended up buying me two more when I went to visit her because I had asked her to do so three months prior unknowingly. I don't really remember much about that point in time except the fact I bought that many Golden Sun's, Pokemon Yellow twice (the first one was stolen, but I "stole" it back the next summer) and Pokemon Red four times. Now I just have them because why not.


Buyer's Remorse #3: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

The first two games were worth my money as a kid except for the fact that I purchased them multiple times. They weren't spectacular, but they kept me entertained. Dark Dawn was the exact opposite of the last two, it was bad and not worth my money nor worth waiting ten years for it to exist (hello Duke Nukem Forever). Everything was watered down from battle mechanics to story (besides Djinn), I'm not a fan of children of the hero children continuing their parents mission either, summons had very little weight in their sound effects and so did regular psynergy/weapon sounds/weapon unleashes - everything sounded like it was being recorded underwater and all the attacks were wet noodles on impact that did 1,000 damage. Why was Doom Dragon turned into a random wooden tank at the end of a terrible rendition of the last game(s) Colosseum? It wasn't funny, witty or entertaining. It was stupid, stupid and the easiest fight on earth. The game's very lackluster, feels rushed (even the 3D models were very poor for DS ignore low poly/res and with lots of inaccuracies or glitches and while there were some cool things in it - it's hard to like it. Djinn are still ridiculously adorable though.

Buyer's Remorse #4: Paper Mario: Sticker Star

We don't talk about Sticker Star (it did complete my collection though - I guess and the music was okay, but an OST isn't worth $40 on its own.)

Buyer's Remorse #: Special Edition Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker (A New Hope), The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi books when I already owned it

Everyone knows Lucas is crazy already the amount of editing, retcon-ing and blatant disregard for any semblance of story in these books is not an exception to that. They're bad. I purchased the set again because it was the last thing I had from my dad - long story short the original set was in a stupid box somewhere, so now I have two for no reason.


On the opposite end of that - One of the Best Purchases Little Me Ever Made #1: Fallout 1/2*

Don't ask me why a twelve year old was able to buy an M rated game that consisted of having hookers, killing children, getting high on post apocalyptic drugs and memes before memes. To quote the back of the box: "Fall in love, get married, and then pimp your spouse for a little extra chump-change. Hey, it's a dark and dangerous world." (Thanks CompUSA!), but I like the series a lot and I'm glad to play/own all the games non-canon ones included [Don't think I need to go on another tirade about Bethesda vs. Interplay]. They all have a decent to great story and voice acting before that was more prominent. Fallout 1/2 don't hold up well at all over the years unless you played them* when they were new or actually have patience and understanding for the time period these were released. Yes, there's a trend - I buy two or more of everything. I have an unfortunate bout of numerical OCD.

*Fallout 1 suffers more from "doesn't hold up today" standards than the second one because of the terribly restrictive time period they give you to finish the game. It's worse than Majora's Mask with no way to reverse time at all. Fallout 2 also has a time/aging mechanism, but it matters less in that game than the first and it doesn't have as much bearing on you destroying the world/saving the world in a timely manner.

*Insert every other game I like and own here from that time period and don't have pictures for. Thanks little me.


Proof here even though they don't all fit in one picture, sorry.


Thank you for doing this giveaway :)

Buyers Remorse: i only have one buyer's remorse story. I was 12 at the time this happened. All my friends had a mobile those days so i was pretty jealous of them. I pestered my dad into buying me one as well. After a few weeks he agreed to buy me one. So i went with him to the shop and browsed through some of the mobiles on display. I wanted a samsung however they were too high priced so i had to settle for an i- ball mobile. I choose an i-ball Andi Radium A4 or something like that. It was working fine the first few months but after that it started having problems. I had to take it for servicing every few weeks. It cost a lot each time. It's internet connwction was absolute crap. Wouldn't even load a single website in the browser. After about a year i got sick of it and exchanged it for my dad's Samsung Galaxy Mega. After using it a few weeks he realized it was crap as well so he sold it.

Sorry jf it isn't that great as other's. My first language isn't english and i sometime struggle to find the right words :)
My worst one was sims 3, i had played sims two for a long time and really liked it so i was super excited about sims 3. But at the time i had an old windows XP desktop that we had for ages. Child me didnt worry about it though, i spent all my allowance on it then came home spent like 3 hours downloading it went to play it and it was like glitch mania i couldn't make a character because i could only see their hair. So i gave it to a girl i liked and she played it but when we stopped talking i asked for it back because by then i had a new computer. She said she gave it away to her friend who gave it who a friend who gave it to their aunt who makes coasters out of cds. Never got to play sims 3. Theres my proof of game thanks!


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Buyer's remorse for me was purchasing Final Fantasy XIII. Waiting years through all the hype for the next great Final Fantasy. Pre-ordered the game and collector's guide just to go with it. Counted down everyday till it's released and stood in line at the midnight launch. Raced home to play it immediately expecting an epic experience. After few hours in the game my hype started deflating. The story was already convoluted, the protagonists unlikable, combat lacking and zero exploration. I pushed on though thinking it was just a rough start seeing all the glowing reviews at that time. I soon found out that the game didn't get any better. I began to loath the character's more. Lightning was like an even more emotionless Squall, Vanille was too out there, Snow wouldn't shut up about being a hero and Hope was a massive crybaby. The story got worse and was so confusing even for Final Fantasy standards. No towns and the maps were nothing but corridors. 40 hours later I said fudge it and sold it to my friend. One of my biggest gaming remorses and a complete series killer for me.

Thanks for throwing this gave away.
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!

I guess as a buyer's remorse story, I wanted to be able to play Stepmania using an actual dance mat, so my initial foray into getting that to happen was to look for a game plug adapter, since at the time I had a gamecube dance mat for Mario DDR (which wasn't exactly a stellar purchase either). At any rate, I went with a USB multi-adapter that was supposed to work with xbox, playstation and gamecube mats. Of course when I finally got the thing the gamecube port wouldn't recognize the mat, so it was a wasted purchase. And since i got it online it wouldn't have really been worth the hassle trying to return it.


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A buyers remorse story would be about one or two weeks ago when i bought the game jstars for the ps3. i played the nds version which was jump ultimate stars and i was addicted to the game. i thought this game j stars would be a a better version of the game as soon as i found the game i bought it right away with not much saved up. ran straight home and started up my ps3.... but after playing the first arc it didnt really give me the same feel as the nds version of the game. i did admire the character roster but the play style was not my thing. in the end i didnt play it as much as i thought i would and just returned it.

Here my User and my physical copy of Pokemon Omega Ruby!! :) thank you sooo much for this give away!!!!!


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Hi! Thanks for the giveaway.

My earliest buyers remorse was when I was like 8 or 9 years old. I had saved up my allowance to buy a game for my N64, the game was Mega-Man Legends/64. When I finally bought it I was really exited because I had played the megaman and megaman X games so now I could play megaman in "3D"! Sadly not only was the game boring it was also a defective cartridge I could not get past the 2nd level before the game crashed and had to restart the same level again. Afterwards I went to the store to get my money back but the owner wouldn't gimme my money back D: My mom was nearby of course so she talked to the guy and agreed to let me change the game for another one. I decided on Mario Party, I didn't want the game because I would often visit my best friend's house and he had that game but I guess it was better than a faulty game :P

I didn't actually save to buy the whole game just half, my mom paid the other half. It was just that my parents were teaching me how to save money sadly it didn't go well in tha pay off xD
Its not a very interesting story, but i remember when i was 11 and my dad just buyed my ps2 (the first console i ever had, not counting my big bro snes which i also played a lot). My brother the first week took it to a shop so i could play with “pirate games” (now i prefer original ones, but then i didint have much money to afford them). I remeber spending like 25$ for 3 games, and i do that for like 2 years until i realize how easy and cheap was to burn the games on my pc. Also i remember buying like 3 copies of GTA San andreas because i play it to much and the low quality dvd scratched alot, making it imposible for the ps2 lector to play them again (i know i save alot not buying original games but i could save even more and spend it on original games i really wanted or anything else, who knows)

Now i really apreciated the value of original games and only buy those (now that i have the money of course, for my ps3 games, and now im saving for a ps4, i really want to play FF XV when the reléase it, it was the main reason i think for me to buy the ps3 in the first place before it was ported). Of course thanks a lot Djura for this giveway, you are awesome pal and sorry if my english is not so good, im from Chile so is not my native language (muchas gracias compañero).

My recent buyers remorse would be two months ago when i bought the game naruto ultimate ninja storm revolution. i saw it at an eb games shop near buy and wondered why i dont have the game(didnt have the hard copy at home....) so i immediately bought the game without a thought or doubt in my mind. I rushed home to play the game and turns out i have unlocked all the characters already.... in my head i was just confused if the game had given me characters or if i had played the game already. turns out my brother already bought the game on the psn store and i just regretted buying the game without questioning and ended up wasting money. i didnt have time to go back to eb games so by the time i tried returning it they wouldnt give me the full priced i payed for..... well thats my storu.

Heres my hard copy of the gme and my user thank you!!!!


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My first video game was none other than webkinz, one of the cheapest online games to have ever been created, so this makes my buys remorse story, which is that I bought so many pets for this game, I used to be such a fan of the game, but the animals where both expensive for me to get, and they made your subscription a year from then, but not added, which made my subscription end very fast because I brought them in the game very fast, and you could do so many things in the game without the membership subscription.
Thank you (sorry bad camera)
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My buyer's remorse story? Well, Paper Mario: Sticker Star was a huge letdown for me, as a fan of the Paper Mario series. I tried so hard to like it, but the writing and gameplay are nothing like the previous titles in the franchise. It's the only Nintendo game I've played that I genuinely disliked. My other buyer's remorse is probably spending a bunch of money on paint in Team Fortress 2 when I was in high school. That was just dumb of me.

Anyhow, thanks for doing this giveaway and giving everyone a shot at Hoopa! There's a lot of people eager to get Hoopa, it's sad there hasn't been many events for it outside Japan.

Buyers Remorse: Wii U Edition

Once I heard Smash Bros. was announced for the Wii U, I knew I just had to buy a Wii U. This was the only game I really wanted it for, besides Mario Kart 8. So, I hop into my car and drive to Best Buy to get the MK8 Wii U bundle. I was so hyped until I got home. Suddenly, I felt a huge wave of remorse come over me. "I just bought this system for two games...", I thought. My feelings got the best of me, and that same day, I returned the Wii U to Best Buy. All is good now, but that was a terrible feeling, lol. Thanks for doing this giveaway and good luck to everyone :)
Thank you for putting on such a wonderful giveaway.

Like Esmeya, I regret buying Watchdogs. However, my biggest buyer's remorse was paying for the membership for Runescape - it was what the cool kids did, so I convinced my parents to get it for me, played for a few months, then forgot about it. Fast forward about 7 years to my father asking me what the $5/month payment to Jagex was...we had been paying the membership for so many years. I felt terrible for my parents and told them to cancel it.

I also have slight buyer's remorse with each FIFA game that I get, but it's worth it as soon as I pop in the disk.

Thanks again!
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My most regrettable buyer's remorse would be investing into TCGs. I'm currently playing YugiOh, Force of Will and had played Magic and Pokemon in between. As to why its a buyer remorse, getting cards was like playing the stock market. Cards values changed everyday, and you had to keep up with prices and news because no one wants to lose money, I've been playing for 2-3 years now, and even though the games are fun to watch and the market is great to learn bargaining skills, I feel like I've invested a lot. Its like buying a meal for $200 bucks but you can eat it multiple times, but you're stuck with that meal and have little to no money to do anything else. Its what I put myself through. I wished I can stop, but its enjoyable as a hobby makes it often that I forget to stop turning money into cardboard.

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If you are familiar with the card game, Yugioh, you know the struggle. Haha. However if you are not, for players who want to be competitive in the game, it is fairly expensive. I no longer play Yugioh but when I did there was a card called, "Tour Guide From the Underworld," which was very expensive at the time. Everyone who wanted to stay fairly competitive in the game basically needed 3 copies of this card, the problem was it's $150 price tag. I got lucky with a few packs and managed to pull 2 of them. The card was revealed to be later reprinted (which dramatically decreases the value of the card). I rarely ever join large tournaments but there was one located 3 hours away from where I lived and being the 100th YCS (Yugioh Championship) it was an event I couldn't miss it. So a few friends, people from my local shop, and I decided to go to it. However my deck was not complete without a playset so I looked on Craigslist for potential sellers and managed to find one for $100. At the time, I thought it was a steal (even with the reprint announced) since the lowest most people would sell the card for was around $120. I purchased it and ended up doing okay in the tournament with a standing of ~300/~4000 people but the regret of buying it came later. I was looking to sell the card but most shops were looking for way less than I had bought it for and no one wanted to buy it. I ended up holding onto it and eventually it got reprinted. The card dropped from $150 to around $50 and later $25 with another reprint. I sold it/traded it (can't remember) at that price. I now play Magic the Gathering. Haha. It can get quite pricey but it's a lot better than Yugioh.
I have a Story I would like to tell:
I live in India, so there's NO official presence of Nintendo in India. The only ways to get a 3DS was: If your relative lived in US or You can Import it by ebay with Expensive Shipping and 33% Custom Duties + Credit card charges+ Currency Conversion Charges.

I was a big fan of Nintendo since I came to know about pokemon games, I used to play it on Emulators (Being 100% Honest) because No Nintendo ever available in India.
So, With the release of Pokemon X and Y, I had no Choice but absolutely HAD to buy a 3DS.
I can't even think about giving up pokemon just because of not having 3DS.

So I decided to get a 3DS, but Unfortunately I had no relative in US and local ebay DIDNOT sell Any 3DS at that time
, so I had to take the Hard way:

I had to buy it from ebay from a PayPal account (Which accept ONLY CREDIT CARDS OF PRIVATE BANK and I didn't have any credit card at the moment)
so I had to pay:
1) 3DS XL : 200 US$
2)Shipping : 80 US$
3)Custom Duties : 120$
4)Credit Card(for Paypal): 500$ FD. Because -My Bank took that much Fixed Deposit in Bank to grant me a Credit card.)

So this indirectly cost me 900 US$ Approximately equal to 58,000 Rupees (I have to maintain Credit card to buy games online)

And the WORST PART was, My Local Ebay Seller listed the 3DS XL within 1 month of my purchase for 15000 Rupees (Approximately 220US$)

If I had waited for just one month, It would have saved me a TON of money.
Thanks For Giveaway (Joined Smogon forums because of your giveaway, that's why my Account is new :) )
Buyer's remorse..So many stories I could tell. Just last week I purchased a new headphone cord, only to get home and discover that it wouldn't fit into my headphones. Or the time I bought pokemon black 2 used and didn't make them check the case to verify the game. I ended up with one of the pokemon mystery dungeon games instead -.-. Or the time I bought Wow for a friend, who then refused to play the game, leaving me with an extra copy of the game I didn't need..I could go on, but I'll refrain.
Thank you for the giveaway.

Sorry the image is blurry, if it doesn't upload properly I'll try again.


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I'm hoping this has reopened, I guess it has since I can post here.

Some time ago, I would have to say six years at least, I bought a violin. I've always wanted one and wanted to learn how to play. When I saw one for $50.00 online I couldn't believe I jumped at the opportunity. I impatiently awaited the day of its arrival and when it finally came I ripped open the packaging and pulled it out. It didn't look as great as it did in the pictures. I thought, looks can be deceiving. I tried tuning but never could get it in tune. The tuning pegs kept loosening by themselves, the bridge kept collapsing, and one of the strings snapped. I replaced all the strings on it, but it still wouldn't get in tune. I eventually gave up on it, and it's now gathering dust in my closet. That's what I get for spending $50.00 on a violin. To this day I own many instruments and paid a decent amount to obtain them, but never have I bought another violin.


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I hope this is re-opened =P i want my hoopa code =P.
Thanks in advance =3

My buyer's remorse was with the game that nobody loves... Final Fantasy XIII, there is not more remorse than that, it was the game who made Square Enix fall down as serious video games company. I could download the game for flashCard freely, but not... i bought it, could not neither finish the game because it was horrible and i could not change it in the store. This history happened a couple of years ago but i still regret about it t.t.

Pd. I know my camara is not really good, but you can see the USA at the end xD
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I'd also like to try for a Hoopa code.
My most recent buyer's remorse came in the form of a video game. I had been interested in CODENAME: STEAM so I bought it. After playing the game for about an hour, I decided I didn't really like it. The style of gameplay didn't suit me. So I returned it and used the credit I got from returning it to get a copy of Alpha Sapphire because I had misplaced my original copy. A week later, my brother finds my original copy of Alpha Sapphire. I regret buying the extra copy of Alpha Sapphire as it doesnt really serve any purpose as I don;t really like to Soft Reset for legendaries.


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