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Manesh Hoopa Code Giveaway: The Hoopaning (Closed for now)

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Hey all, it's me again, with another giveaway. This time, it's for Hoopa codes being given out in Southeast Asia. This is the first Hoopa distribution that's happening outside of Japan, so it's not one to miss.

What's the catch? This time, you'll have to post your (real-life) buyer's remorse stories. It can be a video game, clothes, anything. It has to be at least one paragraph. This will be more open-ended than the last giveaway, so post stories of your worst purchases here.

This giveaway will go on from today until whenever I stop buying cards, or until November 30th, when the codes expire.

  1. Do not spam, beg, or plead.
  2. One code per user.
  3. You must have a Japanese or American copy of XY/ORAS to redeem.
  4. Don't copy another user's post, even if you're just going to add your own words in. Anyone caught will be denied a code.
  5. Anyone who already got a code from this giveaway or another source is not qualified. I want to discourage code hoarding.
  6. Do not reserve codes for other users. This giveaway is a strictly first come, first serve basis.
  7. An extremely important one. Due to my last giveaway having a significant number of ineligible participants, you must provide photographic evidence that you own a Japanese or American copy of XY or ORAS.
    1. For owners of physical copies, you must attach a picture of your cartridge and a piece of paper with your written username to your post.
    2. For owners of digital copies, you must attach a picture of your 3DS's firmware, which is the first thing you will see on the System Settings menu's top screen, and include piece of paper with your written username to your post in the same image.
      1. To identify system regions, version 9.9.0-26U, for example, denotes an American system, if it ends in J, it's Japanese, E is for PAL region systems, which will be denied codes.
    3. If you do not have proof of either of these, I will ignore your post and deny you a code.
Event Information


OT: Manesh | ID: 08195

Level: 50

- Hyperspace Hole
- Psychic
- Astonish
- Nasty Plot

Current stock:
29(!!!) codes
Unlike the SG Summer'15 Rayquaza, these can be traded over Wi-Fi right off the bat.

I will answer any questions you have about the giveaway or the Pokémon itself.

EDIT: Some people have been sending screenshots with their name on something other than paper. That's fine.

EDIT 2: Noticing at least one in-game buyer's remorse account. I need them to be real-life ones.
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I want me a Hoopa in case gamefreak does any weird crazy metagames, so it's time for me to post!


That's my lovely... scrawly handwriting, alongside my american copy of Alpha Sapphire (I mostly play on my digital Omega Ruby, but the 3DS camera is all I have rofl) And that PS4 game at the bottom... is none other than the topic of my post for buyers remorse, Destiny!

I've had much worse purchases before, I'm sure I've bought shittier things, but I'm not gonna remember them as well as how Destiny swindled me! Like most people, I was fairly hyped for this game. Hell, it was a perfect storm of hype for me: In a shocking turn of events, my PS4 was by far my least played system of the current generation. My Wii U got plenty of play because of Nintendo's excellent first party support, and the Xbox One had surprised me with how awesome Titanfall is, and admittedly I have a guilty weak spot for Dead Rising 3. My PS4 meanwhile, had been left in the dust with its disapointing launch, and rushed first party games such as Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous: Second Son. I thought "man, Destiny is gonna be the game that justifies my PS4 purchase before Metal Gear Solid 5!"

It made sense too. Bungie had an awesome tenure on Halo, and Destiny sounded like it was gonna be freaking epic. Gigantic planets to loot and explore, MMO like mechanics except its paired with Bungie's awesome shooting mechanics, epic quests to partake in, and Bungie's interesting idea for the story about humanities future, one that Bungie was saying was going to be on par with Lord of the Rings!. I was pumped like most people!

And then the game came out... oh man, I got bamboozled hard! So much for those gigantic worlds to loot in, because these worlds aren't that big, and are pretty empty too! Those MMO elements? It's mostly seeing other people shoot things occasionally. Whole areas Bungie promised before the game such as Chicago were nowhere to be see. Those quests? They're either lame WoW stuff like "kill x amount of these dumbasses" or "do this same level again except BACKWARDS!".
Worst of all, Bungie screwed up the loot beyond belief. Instead of earning it after kicking ass, it was damn near randomized! Seriously, you just gotta repeat the same old boring missions over and over again, because there isn't much content in this game! Oh and by the way, the story manages to be nearly non-exsitant. And what story there is, its somehow worse than Super Mario Sunshine's with lines like "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain!" Like, seriously who writes this stuff?

It got even worse after Destiny burned me out hard apparently. I hear the game's DLC is overpriced BS with even less content than its price suggests, and Bungie resorted to stupid stuff like locking game content behind cans of Red Bull! I'll give Bungie this: the shooting feels damn good, it makes Destiny sting even harder because if the rest of the game didn't end up like such a trainwreck, it would have been brilliant! I mean, I hear the Taken King is fixing some of these problems, so who knows, maybe I'll jump back on for Destiny 2 if Bungie fixes their mess. Overall though, Destiny has burned me harder than any other game this gen, and is a major reason why my PS4 is just another netflix box until I get Metal Gear Solid V and save up for Bloodborne!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5khndbcrkkysfml/2015-08-21 17.23.26.jpg?dl=0

This is my cartridge, I also have a Pokemon X.

So anyway, 3-4 years back, I saw this deal online from a site which sells second hand stuff.
It was a Nintendo Wii. And it apparently came with 10 games.
I don't remember how much it costed but yeah, I remember I didn't have a console so I showed it to my mom and she agreed to buy it.
It was an online transaction, and the package for delivered to us in a few days.
I opened it and it was a legit Wii.
But the discs were all in plastic sleeves and weren't legit at all.
I tried playing few of those and they were fine, but only three were good games ( fifa 12, Ben10 alien force and some other one I don't remember)
So far I was like okay and then I saw that I could compete online in one of the games.
I tried to connect it to the Internet and then BAM!
It blanked out and then when I restarted it yellow text on a black background which made no sense to me.
I took it to many local repairmen none of them could fix it.
Probably the worst purchase I did (more like my mom did)

Ah well I had few hours of fun playing it while it worked xD
I'm in a hotel room on vacation right now but even then I don't wanna miss out on this one! Only had a newspaper around to write with and my laptop webcam to take a picture with so yeah...everything was a bit backwards so I had to flip it in post. But it's definitely me!


The recent memory I have of buyer's remorse is when I bought Fantasy Life back in January of this year. I was actually really excited to get it and tried to get it all throughout December, unfortunately I couldn't find it anywhere. When I finally did find it in January, I had to use up my Target Gift Card and a few 20s to get it. I started playing it but never really got all that in to it. I know the game has a lot of fans, but it turns out the Animal Crossing style of game is just not my thing. I don't really like playing games without a story or goal; in fact, I tend to play games more for the story and characters than the gameplay. My favorite games are either ones that have a really engaging story or good multiplayer options. So this just wasn't the game for me, and I haven't played it since January. A few weeks later I was running low on cash for food, and that extra 40$ definitely would have helped me there. Unfortunately, returning it would only net me 14 dollars so it was better if I just keep it. Who knows, maybe I'll like it eventually!

(If anyone wants to buy it for 3/4 original price hit me up)

Well my story in particular is 4 separate occurrences at the famous chain store GameStop all with faulty used merchandise

The first time I had a problem with GameStop was when I ordered a used copy of Mario and Luigi: Partners in time off the website. When the cartridge finally came and I tried to play it in my DSi(at the time) it wouldn't read properly but was registering. Well I took it out and saw what is probably the worst quality assurance for used merchandise I've seen... the cartridge was physically bent no idea how that happened but for whatever reason didn't look into returning it.

The second time I had a problem would be when I bought a used disk of Super Smash Brothers Brawl, the disk looked flawless and when i tried to play it got the very same error of the disk being unreadable as my scratched to being crosshatch pattern disk. When I overlooked the CD again there was a tiny scratch in the corner of the disk... returned the disk and bought a brand new copy from Wal-Mart afterward which worked just fine.

The third time I had a problem was when I bought a copy of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. When I got home and tried to play it well it would not even register and checking the contacts on the back showed why, it was insanely corroded but instead of returning it with rubbing alcohol I managed to bring it back from the dead although even now it is a bit stubborn to register/read.

and the fourth and most recent time I had a problem is with the purchase of a ds lite. Again when I got home and checked it well everything was fine minus a purple crack of sorts in the top screen display but I kept the device anyway this time since I mainly needed a gba slot for transferring pokemon from gen 3 to gen 4.

All in all GameStop is a nice place for getting new games ...not too nice for me at least for getting used games although usually one of the only sources to even get used games minus going to a place like Ebay.
I'm a very cautious buyer due to collecting so many stories of buyer's regret when I was younger, but it still happens to me sometimes :( I have a friend who loves RPGs and they tried really hard to get me into them as well. They convinced me to buy Bravely Default because it was simple enough to pick up, so I decided I would because I did want to try out new games. Turns out, I don't like RPGs. Still, I know games can get better as you go on (I mean, I play Harvest Moon and some of the games are ridiculously spartan so I know how to wait for a game to catch up to me, heh) so I went until the first boss battle. I lost, much to my amusement. I promised my friend I would try again sometime ... I never did. It's a shame too because do you know how expensive games are around here? What with importing fees and everything, and how the value of the ringgit has plummeted recently, I spent a good chunk of money on it.

So if anyone wants an NA copy of Bravely Default with its original casing, only lightly used, hit me up.

I get on a bit of a Hidato craze every now and then so this is the best I can do in terms of paper right now ^^;

PS Thanks for these awesome giveaways :D
Buyers Remorse:
My story of buyer's remorse is about my car. After graduating from my university, I worked at a retail store while searching for jobs in order to save up some money. After about 6 months, I landed a sweet job and decided to use my cash to buy a car. I did a lot of research and a lot of test driving before settling on a 2013 Ford Focus. At first all was well. Earlier this year, I have had a lot of issues with the car. With only 35k miles on it, I was having transmission issues. I had the car on a road trip to visit friends back home, and on the way back I got a system message about my transmission. When I took the car to the dealership, they said that I would need to have the entire transmission replaced. Luckily, it was still under warranty. More recently, while I was at home with family, my car wouldn't even budge. I could start it and move it 5 minutes before it stalled out. Got it towed to the dealer (which they covered) and they told me a cable had snapped and they would need to order a new one. Needless to say, probably not gonna be buying a Ford again; a car with 35k miles on it shouldn't be having such serious problems!

Thanks for doing such a cool giveaway!


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Alright, it's almost time for me to go to bed, and I gotta cut this off before people post without me watching.

Congratulations to those who got a code, and I will be back with more.
2015-08-21 18.08.22.jpg

I'll probably have to reupload the picture since I originally posted in a pm..thought it was a little more fun that way...anyway..

Buyer's remorse for me is my car. About 6 years ago I bought a 2002 ford explorer AS IS. Worst mistake of my life...in that 6 years, repair and maintenance costs have been over 100% of the purchase price for the car. The week I brought it home I needed to drop almost $1500 dollars on brakes. Each year at inspection time I've spent a MINIMUM of $700. Within a year the transmission went...for a grand total of half the cost of the car.

I'm fact, about 3 weeks ago I took it to the shop to have a bearing assembly replaced. A whopping 10 days later I needed to have it towed from work where it left me stranded, in the rain. This all stemmed from an issue with the fuel pump wiring harness (it was a 30 minute fix...the car sat at the mechanic for 6 days....). I hate that car more than anything in the world.

Obvs I don't need one but those little letters took a lot of work so there it is.
Awesome giveaway, man! :D


As for my story...well, I guess I got two for the prize of one, since they both came from the same shopping trip. It was two or so years ago, around the first time I visited the US. Given the taxes and high prices for games that we have over here, imagine my excitement when discovering discounts and the used game market, as well as the relatively cheaper prizes. This one day, I was browsing through some games on Walmart (while buying some food for the week) when I came across three games. The first one was DMC, which I got as a birthday present for my cousin (he wanted the game), simple enough. The other two? Resident Evil 6 and Metroid: Other M.

I had heard a lot about these games. Some hated them, some were OK with it, others...no, wait, that was the extent on the opinions I got. I told some friends about the games I got during my visit, which included those two, and everyone warned me I would regret it. At the time, I dismissed those comments, thinking I should make my own opinion and not just follow what anyone on the internet says. What could go wrong right? Well, in any case, I didn't play the games until I returned home months later. And then I played them. Oh, I played them. Resident Evil 6 showed promise, with the old-school atmosphere, zombies, and overall improvements in certain areas. But the gameplay seemed OK, at best. Still, I was optimistic, and wondered what the fuss was about; this game was fine. Boy was I wrong. The more I played, the further I went through the campaings, the more my disappointment grew. Even without taking the story into account, the game was a mess of play-styles and ideas poorly implemented. Chris' scenario, in particular, I hated. I hated, I hated, I hated all the CoD-style gunfights that plagued it, and how much it reflected the current state of RE games, and heck, maybe even some mainstream horror games in general. Some of the characters were OK, or even great, but many were forgettable. The story was forgettable, and there were some good ideas here and there. But the poor execution bogged it all down, leaving me with disappointment. So, what did I do right after playing this mess of a game?

I played Other M. Yippee. Me.

Nowadays, since I'm running low on money to spend on personal stuff, I've always wondered if I would be better off not having bought some of the games back then (I bought a LOT). But these two in particular...yeah, they definitely left that impression.
That, and the fact that in the same trip I bought a $50 Facebook Card. Yes. A FACEBOOK card. I have no idea what I was thinking, and that one is definitely one I regret incredibly. Especially considering the game I used it for, I stopped playing for a couple years. I did a lot of stupid things back then...

My buyer's remorse story is about Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. A couple years ago, my dad bought it for me off ebay as a present. When I got it, I noticed that the back of the case mentioned the game had local multiplayer, which I found slightly off. I assumed it was just a printing error and opened the case up. I noticed that it didn't have a Club Nintendo insert, which was also a bit odd.

The cart itself was another story. The label was much smaller than the space for it, and seemed rather washed out. It was also a really ugly shade of green. Not a nice Luigi-green, just a weird yellowgreen. Another weird thing were the strange white flakes coming out of it and the fact it was lighter than my other carts. At this point I started to become suspicious, but stuck it in my ds lite and played it.

It worked fairly well. Some enemies made it freeze, so I had to attempt to avoid them, which was tricky when they chased you on sight. Otherwise, it worked fine and I enjoyed every minute of the game. I did test it on my sister's dsi a few times, which upon launching the game stated it couldn't read the cart/something was wrong with it. That basically confirmed the now obvious fact it was a counterfeit/bootlegged cart.

Eventually, it stopped working. It would load up to the file select screen, but then blackscreen after. I think I reached about halfway-3/4s of the game, which disappointed me. But by that point, I had other games to play so I didn't mind as much. I did get a proper M&L:BIS cart a couple years later and beat it a couple times. Guess moral of the story is if it's a cheap new mario game on ebay, it's probably shady or something. Either way, thanks for the giveaway!

I also have a digital copy of omega ruby.

Buyers remorse: recently I bought a digital copy of sonic boom shattered crystals for the 3ds. Yeah it's no surprise that it's not a great game. However there are some cool things about the game the worm stages and the racing stages are fun. The bad stuff though is the fact that you have to back track through stages just to collect stuff to earn completion badges at the end of the stages. In order to advance to the next stage you need X amount of badges. A stage can take up to thirty minutes and you may even need to play that stage twice. The controls feel awkward and take a while to get used to. Stages get boring very quickly as well. For thirty bucks I was disappointed but honestly I was expecting worse.
Hmmm.... The worst purchase I've ever made was on a discounted TV. My old TV was really small, so I wanted an inexpensive upgrade. At a store, I found a relatively cheap 68-inch TV (LCD). I bought it and took it home. It worked great... For a little bit. After a week I noticed the display turning a little green. I ignored it, as it was slight. However, the problem persisted until EVERYTHING was a shade of green. There was no warranty, and no replacement parts, so I just wasted hundreds of dollars...
Moral of the story: Don't buy discount Sony LCDs, it'll go bad in a week
Edit: Attached, sorry for poor handwriting


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Wow, very nice giveaway! I'll make a post myself :)


I have a lot of these buyer's remorse stories, but I will bring up one game that I was extremely disappointed, and in my opinion, flopped incredibly hard. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, which I was extremely hyped for because I pretty much put in all of my free time into Borderlands 2, which was my first Borderlands game played and completed at least thirty times. I was ready for Borderlands TPS and so were my friends, but as soon as I got the game I noticed a really big difference in its moving mechanic, gravity, boring character skills, horrible writing, and very low replay value. I love playing games that have great gameplay like Destiny, which doesn't really feel like it has a story but does have replay value because of all the strikes, raids, and crucible which the game does offer even if it is unbalanced. Sadly, I bought TPS on the Xbox 360 Marketplace for $60, therefore I couldn't sell it. I didn't even finish the game the game because at first it felt unbearable. I decided to buy the Handsome collection on the PS4 which brings Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for $60 which includes all the DLC ever included. Despite it having Borderlands TPS, I thought the price was still decent because it came with all the DLC + Borderlands 2 which is my favorite game in the series, and my friends have the game as well, so I wouldn't be playing alone. Even when I replayed Borderlands TPS and beat it, it was difficult to stay into the game because it was so boring, but I wasted my money on a game so the least I could do is beat the game once. I still regret buying the game through the marketplace, but there was nothing I could do about it but to see it sitting on my dashboard whenever I turned on my Xbox 360.

Hello there, thank you for doing such an amazing giveaway. Legit Hoopa is kind of rare right now what with it only being available to certain lucky players.

Here's a story about my buyer's remorse:
About a few years ago, I was actually obsessed with gadgets having renewable energy sources such as solar panels embedded into a smartphone case so that it can charge whenever exposed to sunlight or any artificial lighting. Of course the technology was not up to par yet then. And even up till today there are still no advancement worth mentioning in this field. However I didn't care and bought myself a powerbank solar charger named the Powermonkey. It's a small compact device just like any other powerbank, but with only a capacity of 2200 mah. At that time my smartphone was only a 1800 mah Samsung entry level phone, so I thought the capacity shouldn't be too much of a problem. What I didn't notice was how impractical this thing was with too many connectors within the package. Plus the solar component was actually separate from the powerbank itself and is not embedded into it. The charging time with solar energy compared to AC charging from a power outlet is so significantly less that I chose to abandon the solar component completely after just the one time experience.

Of course part of this was also my fault with not recognizing what the target market for this device was. I'm more of an indoors person whereas this gadget clearly caters to those who are active and like to do things outdoors. I bought the thing for about 100 bucks and I left it sitting in my drawers collecting dust after only a week of use. We all know that powerbanks cost way less than that with much more capacity. I still regret purchasing it to this day mostly because I bought it on a whim and not having thought things through.

Anyways, hope this story will suffice :)
Alright, I gotta have this closed until I get new codes.

RStorm565: I'll get back to you when I get at least one code
Sorry for semi-potato quality, I took this via an iPod 4.


My buyers remorse was a digital download of Pokemon Rumble U. I decided to try it despite negative reviews. What I got was a bland-ass plot, boring gameplay, and nonexistent postgame. The graphics look nice, but that's about it. I could've saved for the upcoming SSB4 DLC, but no, I wasted it on this shitty game.
Not sure I've had any purchases I've really regretted, but hope this counts.

Black Friday last year I was looking to shop for a new laptop. I found a really good deal, but I followed my mom's advice and decided to hold off on purchasing so I could check other stores for better deals. I spent a few hours driving all over the place to find good laptop deals, but couldn't find anything better. So I went to place an order online...only to find out they were out of stock. I wasted all of Black Friday and ended up with nothing.

I did find the same laptop I was looking at a few weeks later at the same place and bought it, but I didn't get as good a deal as I could have. :/

Edit: Seems my file is too large to upload by mobile, I'll have to try late when I get to a computer...
Ah, buyer's remorse. I'm not a big spender, but I can think of a few things that I regret ever buying. I think my biggest case of buyer's remorse has to do with the Xbox 360 (inb4 I get hate PMs).

My brother and I pitched in and bought the console not too long after it was released in the states, along with Call of Duty 2 and some other game that I don't remember off the top of my head. It was all fine and grand for a little while; we enjoyed playing CoD against each other (before it was cool) and were amazed at how sharp the graphics looked for the next gen. But not even a month later, the issues started to pop up. To start, the console caused major scratch rings on a few of our games, which made the games unreadable even after buffering the scratches. Shortly after that, the console fell victim to the cursed red ring of death, requiring us to send the console to Microsoft for repair. It took several weeks before the console arrived back. We plugged it in and got about another month's worth of play out of it before it got the red ring yet again. Since the warranty was expired at this point, my brother and I just said "fuck it", and put the old thing in a box in the closet. We ended up buying a PS3 after that, which ended up being a better investment since we grew up with the old PSX and PS2 exclusive games. Why we didn't wait and get a PS3 first, I'll never know.

Attaching the picture below as a file. Thanks again for doing these! :)

Edit: Thanks! :)


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Probably the worst game I ever decided to try (don't regret selling it to GameStop for chump change) was a GBA Lord of the Rings game. The back of the box and the manual promised character abilities, great combat, and a ton of other lies that weren't in the game. You couldn't open treasure chests, the (admittedly amazing) music cut off for long periods of time for no reason, every enemy got a first hit on you even if it was a plant, and there were glitches everywhere. The worst was one door you had to walk through in Moria that froze the game upon passing through. There was supposedly a "strategy" to save immediately and reload the game on the other side, but that never worked the few times I attempted it. Anyway, here's my proof of having Omega Ruby. Thanks for having another one of these giveaways.


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First things first, thanks Djura for doing this awesome giveaway!

Well... let me start to talk about my favorite videogame saga, you've probably heard something about it because a lot of people play this kind of game.
I'm a "fanatic" of Kingdom Hearts saga and I've played all the chapters since the first Kingdom Hearts (including the awesome HD collections for PS3).
Personally, I like the major part of the KH games but there's one in particular that I hate. I'm talking about Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded for DS ('cause the mobile version wasn't enough), the shittiest game of the whole saga. I spent 40+ euros for this game and when I inserted the game cartridge into my DS Lite, my eyes started to bleed.
Definitely, Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded is the worst game that I've played in my own life. It has a pathetic storyline and the game contents are recycled from KH1 and KH RE: COM, even if I gotta admit the gameplay is acceptable. The worst money that I've ever spent.

A buyers remorse i have. A few years ago i bought an xbox because i wanted to play gears of war. I picked up a used one with no warranty. A couple weeks later the red ring came on it. That was a waste of money and i didnt even finish the game.

Thank you for the great giveaway.


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My biggest buyer's remorse in my life has been to buy Bionicle figures instead of a brand new Pokémon Emerald back then in 2005's new year's eve back when I wasn't a big fan of Pokémon; not only those Bionicles were more expensive but after nearly a year of getting them I simply left them away in their respective boxes (even if they looked much cooler and much better than Emerald in my 12 yrs old/idiotic mindset), while if I had Emerald in my hands instead of those I would've had guaranteed fun for years. I still regret that idiotic buy up to this day (even if I got an Emerald 8 years later) but it made me more conscious of not falling to eye candy/cool looking stuff and made me a smarter buyer at least. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


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Let's see. I always have buyer's remorse. Spent too much money on League of Legends cards at Gamestop, buying more copies of games I already own, etc. But I think I'll talk about the time that I spent like $30 on sandals that ended up injuring me. They were these beaded sandals for beach wear and they went with a lot of my clothes at the time. Unfortunately, I recognized too late that they were too tight for my feet because of the style of the straps, but by then, they had literally caused my foot to bleed by the beads digging into my skin. It was a thing they noticed when I went to return them. They said they were stretched out and had stains on them and that the best they could do was give me a merch credit for them. Buyer's remorse AND an injury. Fuck shoe shopping.
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