I decided to rebuild the team from MaximumZero what he used at the Sao Paolo Challenge:

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Discharge
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect

This is a pretty standard Tapu Koko set. Thunderbolt for a powerful electric attack, Discharge to bypass Lightningrod and Dazzling Gleam for a Fairy move. 252+ to get as high speed as possible and 252 SPA for more damage. With Life Orb i wanted to do more damage. This 'mon has synergy with Alolan Raichu because of his ability to auto-set Electric Terrain, which Raichu will like!

Raichu-Alola @ Aloraichium Z
Ability: Surge Surfer
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Fake Out
- Protect

This is also a pretty standard Raichu set. With Thunderbolt i can do massive damage in Electric Terrain. Psychic for a second STAB move and it will do some nice damage if Psychic terrain is up. Fake Out to flinch opponents. Protect to scout what the opponent is gonna do. I have chosen for Modest with 252 EVS, to max out my damage and i dont need Timid because i am already super fast in Electric Terrain with 252 Speed EVS.

Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Darkest Lariat
- Fake Out
- U-turn

I wanted a second Fake Out user, and something with a slow U-Turn and there it is: Incineroar! I made him bulky in SP.DEF and maxed out his HP and Attack. Flare Blitz and Darkest Lariat for STAB.

Kartana @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword
- Detect

I wanted a fast Grass type to kill Gastrodon because its a huge threat to my team, so i choosed Kartana! I have Leaf Blade to OHKO Gastrodon, Smart Strike for the Tapus and other fairys and Sacred Sword to do Super Effective damage to Porygon2. Detect to Protect me a turn. 252 speed EVS with Jolly to be as fast as Possible and 252 Attack EVS to do a lot of damage! Focus Sash to live a Fire move.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Trick Room

And there is it: Porygon2! This mon is gonna support Araquanid and Incineroar by setting up Trick Room and its my best way to KO Garchomp with ice Beam. Recover to heal and Discharge to do damage to both opponents. 252 def and sp.def EVS with eviolite to be bulky and a quiet nature with 4 evs to special attacking damage!

Araquanid @ Waterium Z
Ability: Water Bubble
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Lunge
- Poison Jab

Also a Pretty standard Araquanid set here! Waterium Z combined with Water Bubble and Liquidation is gonna do massive damage. Leech Life to recover some health and Lunge to deal damage and lower the opponents attack. Poison jab for Fairys! 252 EVS and a Adamant Nature to max out my damage and 248 HP EVS to have a lot of HP!
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I decided to rebuild the team from MaximumZero what he used at the Sao Paolo Challenge:

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Discharge
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect

Raichu-Alola @ Aloraichium Z
Ability: Surge Surfer
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Fake Out
- Protect

Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Darkest Lariat
- Fake Out
- U-turn

Kartana @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword
- Detect

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Trick Room

Araquanid @ Waterium Z
Ability: Water Bubble
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Lunge
- Poison Jab
Hi there, I'm not sure you understand the assignment, the purpose of it is to make a team, and then explain the sets and general synergy of the team, just as you would in a RMT.
Hi there, I'm not sure you understand the assignment, the purpose of it is to make a team, and then explain the sets and general synergy of the team, just as you would in a RMT.

Here it is!

I decided to rebuild the team from MaximumZero what he used at the Sao Paolo Challenge:

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Discharge
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect

This is a pretty standard Tapu Koko set. Thunderbolt for a powerful electric attack, Discharge to bypass Lightningrod and Dazzling Gleam for a Fairy move. 252+ to get as high speed as possible and 252 SPA for more damage. With Life Orb i wanted to do more damage. This 'mon has synergy with Alolan Raichu because of his ability to auto-set Electric Terrain, which Raichu will like!

Raichu-Alola @ Aloraichium Z
Ability: Surge Surfer
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Fake Out
- Protect

This is also a pretty standard Raichu set. With Thunderbolt i can do massive damage in Electric Terrain. Psychic for a second STAB move and it will do some nice damage if Psychic terrain is up. Fake Out to flinch opponents. Protect to scout what the opponent is gonna do. I have chosen for Modest with 252 EVS, to max out my damage and i dont need Timid because i am already super fast in Electric Terrain with 252 Speed EVS.

Incineroar @ Assault Vest
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Darkest Lariat
- Fake Out
- U-turn

I wanted a second Fake Out user, and something with a slow U-Turn and there it is: Incineroar! I made him bulky in SP.DEF and maxed out his HP and Attack. Flare Blitz and Darkest Lariat for STAB.

Kartana @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword
- Detect

I wanted a fast Grass type to kill Gastrodon because its a huge threat to my team, so i choosed Kartana! I have Leaf Blade to OHKO Gastrodon, Smart Strike for the Tapus and other fairys and Sacred Sword to do Super Effective damage to Porygon2. Detect to Protect me a turn. 252 speed EVS with Jolly to be as fast as Possible and 252 Attack EVS to do a lot of damage! Focus Sash to live a Fire move.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Trick Room

And there is it: Porygon2! This mon is gonna support Araquanid and Incineroar by setting up Trick Room and its my best way to KO Garchomp with ice Beam. Recover to heal and Discharge to do damage to both opponents. 252 def and sp.def EVS with eviolite to be bulky and a quiet nature with 4 evs to special attacking damage!

Araquanid @ Waterium Z
Ability: Water Bubble
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Lunge
- Poison Jab

Also a Pretty standard Araquanid set here! Waterium Z combined with Water Bubble and Liquidation is gonna do massive damage. Leech Life to recover some health and Lunge to deal damage and lower the opponents attack. Poison jab for Fairys! 252 EVS and a Adamant Nature to max out my damage and 248 HP EVS to have a lot of HP!

For this assignment, I've decided to rebuild Sebastian Escalante's 5th place team, from the Oceania International Championship. I chose this team because I love using alolan persian and I love the bulky offense style of play, and I have had some decent, but not stellar results with the team, reaching 1309 with a 11-0 streak. Also, I'll be going over each member of the team in the order in which I built each set originally in order so you can see my teambuilding process better.

Alolan Persian

Persian-Alola @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Fur Coat
Level: 50
EVs: 152 HP / 60 Def / 36 SpD / 212 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fake Out
- Foul Play
- Parting Shot
- Taunt

When I first started the team, I decided to start with persian as it helped me decide which direction to build my team in. Persian's main role on the team is to act as a disruption (even its presence on the field has forced my opponent to double protect, fearing the fake out) and to allow snorlax and tapu fini to set-up. I am running fake out and taunt as disruption, parting shot to lower damage and to pivot around, and foul play allows it to not be passive and can OHKO many pokemon that set up, such as kartana beast boost and metagross's weakness policy. I am running timid and 212 speed in order to outspeed kartana by 1 and the 152 hp and 60 defense evs allow me to take 2 sacred swords by kartana, which allows me to take most attacks on the physical side. The rest is put into special defense to help just to help me take hits on the special side. Also, I decided to have perisan take hits from kartana and to outspeed because I realized that my team was weak to kartana outside of arcanine.

252 Atk Kartana Sacred Sword vs. 196 HP / 60 Def Fur Coat Persian-Alola: 90-106 (54.5 - 64.2%) -- 6.6% chance to 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery

Tapu Fini

Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 44 SpA / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Muddy Water
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
- Protect

Tapu Fini serves as a wincon with calm mind and as support with misty terrain for snorlax. With my set, I am running max hp to make up for it lower hp stat. 128 defense allows me to be 3HKO by wild charge arcanine, and the 84 special defense allows me to be 3HKO by a magnezone thunderbolt, which lets makes tapu fini bulky on the special side, especially after a calm mind, to where I can take 2 psychics from a choice specs tapu lele, and the remaining evs are put into special attack.

252+ SpA Magnezone Thunderbolt vs. +1 252 HP / 84+ SpD Tapu Fini: 78-92 (44 - 51.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 252 HP / 84+ SpD Tapu Fini: 87-103 (49.1 - 58.1%) -- 60.5% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psychic vs. +1 252 HP / 84+ SpD Tapu Fini: 58-69 (32.7 - 38.9%) -- 5.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Arcanine Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 128 Def Tapu Fini: 80-96 (45.1 - 54.2%) -- 5.1% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery


Snorlax @ Figy Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 50
EVs: 148 HP / 136 Atk / 108 Def / 116 SpD
Brave Nature
- Return
- High Horsepower
- Recycle
- Curse

Snorlax is a second wincon on my team and can serve as a switch in if needed because of its bulk. I am running a curse set as it allows my team to better deal with trick room and to fit better with the bulky nature of my team. 148 hp and 116 special defense 3HKO by tapu lele psychic, and the 108 defense allows me to be 3HKO by kartana sacred sword. The remaining evs are put into attack. Snorlax has been really usuful and pairs really well with fini because of its ability to take hit from tapu koko and enjoys not being burned in misty terrain.

252+ SpA Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 148 HP / 116 SpD Snorlax in Psychic Terrain: 106-126 (41.7 - 49.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Gluttony Figy Berry recovery

252 SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 148 HP / 116 SpD Snorlax in Electric Terrain: 103-122 (40.5 - 48%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Gluttony Figy Berry recovery

252 Atk Kartana Sacred Sword vs. 148 HP / 108 Def Snorlax: 160-190 (62.9 - 74.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Gluttony Figy Berry recovery


Arcanine @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 76 Def / 84 SpA / 100 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Snarl
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect

I did the arcanine set next because I needed a answer to kartana. I am running a support set because it gives me a type of damage reduction with snarl, intimidate, and will-o-wisp, which makes it easier to set-up with snorlax and fini. 84 special attack allows arcanine to 2HKO celesteela wit flamethrower. 244 hp and 100 special defense allows me to be 4HKO by CM Fini and 3HKO by specs lele psychic, and the 76 defense evs allow me to be 3HKO by snorlax high horsepower after intimidate, and to be 4HKO by kartana sacred sword after intimidate as well. Last, 4 evs are put into speed to let me outspeed no investment 95, such as bulky lele.

84 SpA Arcanine Flamethrower vs. 228 HP / 116 SpD Celesteela: 102-120 (50.7 - 59.7%) -- 73.8% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

84 SpA Tapu Fini Muddy Water vs. 244 HP / 100+ SpD Arcanine: 78-92 (39.7 - 46.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252+ SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. 244 HP / 100+ SpD Arcanine: 65-77 (33.1 - 39.2%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO

-1 252+ Atk Snorlax High Horsepower vs. 244 HP / 76 Def Arcanine: 78-92 (39.7 - 46.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

-1 252 Atk Kartana Sacred Sword vs. 244 HP / 76 Def Arcanine: 48-57 (24.4 - 29%) -- 99.8% chance to 4HKO


Kartana @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 220 Atk / 84 SpD / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword
- Razor Leaf

I decided to with scarf kartana to give me some more options for speed and can pick off many threats to my team if needed. Kartana has also served as a cleaner late game for me for many games after it has gotten a beast boost. Kartana is running 204 speed as it allows me to outspeed adamant scarfchomp. Adamant nature and 220 attack evs allow me OHKO CM Fini somewhat consistently, and to always OHKO specs fini. 84 evs are put into special defense gives me a chance to live things like koko thunderbolt and lele psychic, which is nice in situations where kartana is forced to take a hit to KO something else.

Tapu Koko

Tapu Koko @ Electrium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Psych Up
- Protect

I'm not going to lie, I am not the biggest fan of tapu koko on this team because in most of my test games, I felt that I had no reason to bring tapu koko. Anyways, Tapu Koko serves as a revenge killer and a way for instant power. I am running electrium Z to act as a nuke and to get the KO on certain things when electric terrian is down, such as fini. Dazzling gleam is for coverage and a second STAB and psych up allows Koko to become a wincon if Fini sets up, but cannot sweep.

252 SpA Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 44+ SpD Tapu Fini: 170-204 (96 - 115.2%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Major Threats


Hard TR can be a problem if TR does get up as my team usually takes a big hit during those turns, excluding snorlax


Kartana can be a threat to my team because it can his most of my team hard, and I am usually forced to switch arcanine in and to preserve it.

Overall, I really enjoy this team and the bulk that is possible with this team. I do think some changes can be made to this team, with redoing koko's set to make it slightly more useful, or putting a little more hp into kartana, but I feel that each member on the team has a purpose on the team, aside from koko, and that this team is one of the best teams that I have made.

PS: This is my first post, so I apologize for any mistakes in formating


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I'm giving a try at reworking Kinugawa Yuma's team where he placed 11th at the European Championships.


Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Volt Switch
- Protect

Everyone loves this nerd. Very standard STAB damage with Thunderbolt and Dazzling Gleam, Takes care of other standard mons like Garchomp, Celesteela, and Tapu Fini. Volt Switch allows for extra plink damage and momentum to switch into something that resists a predicted move or straight into arcanine for an easy intimidate if necessary.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Trick Room / Protect

Very simple and very annoying guy that can take a few good hits and can even heal itself. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam are decent coverage with good side effects if they land. Recover is pretty self explanatory. Trick Room in itself doesn't help this team very much but I believe it can cancel an enemy's TR so it's there specifically for that, Otherwise just run Protect.

Muk-Alola @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Curse
- Protect

Very good moveset that demands specific attention or can be a threat if left alone. Knock Off will blast Raichu-Alola away and is an exceptional answer to Eviolite Porygon2, Leftovers Celesteela, and Berry holding nerds like Belly Drum Snorlax. Poison Jab scares Fairy types which are everywhere, Specifically Tapus. Curse gives extra bulk and can cancel out Intimidate or give a boost to your damage.

Ninetales-Alola @ Light Clay
Ability: Snow Warning
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Blizzard
- Freeze-Dry
- Moonblast
- Protect

A great answer for weather abuse teams unless they're also using Hail then I'd advise not to bring this one in. Blizzard is decent for a lot of mons but from my experience doesn't deal much damage but it's better than nothing, getting a lucky freeze on an enemy can give you lots of mileage though. Freeze-Dry is a good response for water types like Golduck, Pelipper, and Tapu Fini. Moonblast for single damage and for anything that Fairy types will destroy.

Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Slide
- Taunt
- Tailwind
- Protect

A good response to Earthquake/Bulldoze/Ground spam that can respond with Rock Slide spam. Taunt is invaluable for preventing moves like Trick Room, Aurora Veil, Recover, and Stat-up moves. Tailwind gives your team extra speed if necessary.

Arcanine @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Lonely Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Snarl
- Bulldoze

This is another guy that everyone loves and for good reason, Lots and lots of options that makes it hard for a team to not include this guy in there. Flare Blitz solves Grass and Steel type problems, Close Combat handles rock, normals, and anything else that has low defense. Snarl weakens special attackers and can also deal considerable damage to specific types. Bulldoze is great for lowering enemy speed and ground coverage.
For tonight's homework assignment, I decided to take a look at Paul Chua's 1st place Georgia Regionals team.


Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 28 HP / 4 Def / 204 SpA / 28 SpD / 244 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Discharge
- Protect


Thunderbolt (In Electric Terrain)

204+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 164 HP / 204+ SpD Celesteela in Electric Terrain: 198-234 (102.5 – 121.2%) — guaranteed OHKO

204+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 60+ SpD Politoed in Electric Terrain: 218-260 (110.6 – 131.9%) — guaranteed OHKO

204+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0- SpD Salamence in Electric Terrain: 173-204 (101.1 – 119.2%) — guaranteed OHKO

(No Terrain)

204+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 4 SpD Politoed: 172-203 (103.6 – 122.2%) — guaranteed OHKO

Dazzling Gleam

204+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Garchomp: 133-156 (72.6 – 85.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO

204+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Dazzling Gleam vs. 52 HP / 252 SpD Guzzlord: 265-312 (86.8 – 102.2%) — 6.3% chance to OHKO


252+ Atk Arcanine Flare Blitz vs. 28 HP / 4 Def Tapu Koko: 114-135 (76.5 – 90.6%) — guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Goodra Sludge Bomb vs. 28 HP / 28 SpD Tapu Koko: 124-146 (83.2 – 97.9%) — guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Tapu Lele Dazzling Gleam vs. 28 HP / 28 SpD Tapu Koko: 61-73 (40.9 – 48.9%) — guaranteed 3HKO

Starting this off with something you don't see everyday. Modest Tapu Koko. With life orb and 204 evs, he's able to net a guaranteed ohko on Celesteela and uninvested Salamence. This may or may not sound impressive, but considering the left over evs are enough to survive a flare blitz from an adamant max attack Arcanine, aka the most splashable mon in the format, while still outspeeding base 110 mons like Gengar, it's beginning to grow on me.

As far as fairy moves go, one is slightly better than none (in some cases). Seeing as how hp ice would be a roll for a max attack, life orb Tapu koko to ohko Garchomp, I tend to eschew it entirely for spread damage. Now, I know what you're probably thinking, discharge with zero immunities? Okay, so, Pelliper and Gyrados really irk me when they sit next to an alolan marowak. They can set up tailwind or dragon dance up with nigh impunity. Frustratingly enough, this still doesn't solve the problem. Someone help, I used to be good at meta. In any case, I felt I had to go with life orb in the likely event that I would see a marowak and want to jolt the pokemon next to it.

Kartana @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Smart Strike
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Protect

Phew, with that out of the way, let's get on to a more conformist set. Kartana makes a lot of sense to be paired with tapu koko. The days of having endless choices between viable grass types never began to begin with, but I digress. Able to ohko one of the biggest threats in the meta (and this team given its ability to change the terrain) in tapu lulu or even just threaten it when an opponent tries that unburden drifblim cheese while partnered with p2 who is simultaneously threatening trick room. One thing Koko appreciates is moving first.

Note: Focus sash because I'm not too keen on assault vest in general. This I think just comes down to preference. I think either set is splashable on this team.

Arcanine @ Mago Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 220 HP / 12 Def / 164 SpA / 52 SpD / 60 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Snarl
- Flamethrower
- Roar
- Protect

Now at this point I have two frail mons, neither of which like trick room. The special attack investment allows the 2hko versus 180 HP / 148+ SpD Celesteela: 104-126 (53.3 - 64.6%). If only it could be as fast as possible and relatively bulky at the same time without being called cheating scum or something equally childish.
Honestly, I forget what the rest of the evs do but it is pretty bulky and usually get's off it's berry. I'll edit later when I have the time. Able to 1v1 some physical arcanine sets. Here's a vid of this set doing work on a drif/lele team


Seeing as how it is a special set, the split is 50/50 for the team. Physical/special. Roar improves my matchup against trick room and set up archetypes like z-conversion porygon z. Snarl gives my team added special bulk and does pretty decent spread chip damage.

Araquanid @ Waterium Z
Ability: Water Bubble
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
- Protect
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Wide Guard

Ah, another 252/252. Given the ability water bubble, you cannot afford anything but max attack on this monster. Wide guard seemed better than substitute given how weak sauce this team is against earthquake. Liquidation and hydro vortex chunk even the most resisiliant of opponents. Leech life might as well be a second protect. I've considered using lunge over this and probably should. This completes a fwg core and has enough bulk to consistently do work in and out of trick room.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 92 Def / 28 SpA / 140 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick Room
- Toxic
- Ice Beam
- Recover

Everyone's favorite trick room setter. The item is at least a no brainer. Toxic helps against opposing p2, gastrodon, half of the tapus, among other annoying pokes with staying power. Ice beam for garchomp and salamence. Given this teams weakness to Garchomp, Recover for a cheeky late game trick room. Upon putting this team together, I noticed I relied heavily on it's trick room mode. Boltbeam is tempting given Paul's choice of Tapu, but I find it incredibly difficult to keep my terrain up being the fastest.


28 SpA Porygon2 Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Garchomp: 168-200 (91.8 – 109.2%) — 56.3% chance to OHKO


252+ SpA Golduck Hydro Vortex (185 BP) vs. 244 HP / 140+ SpD Eviolite Porygon2 in Rain: 115-136 (60.2 – 71.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Pelipper Scald vs. 244 HP / 140+ SpD Eviolite Porygon2 in Rain: 51-60 (26.7 – 31.4%) — guaranteed 4HKO

252+ SpA Tapu Lele Psychic vs. 244 HP / 140+ SpD Eviolite Porygon2 in Psychic Terrain: 72-85 (37.6 – 44.5%) — guaranteed 3HKO


EVd to survive Golduck Hydro Vortex + Pelipper Scald in rain the majority of the time. HP stat minimises damage from weather (sand/hail) and Leech Seed. Special Attack EVs increase non-boosted Ice Beam on Garchomp to a roll in Porygon2’s favour.

Muk-Alola @ Figy Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Atk / 172 Def / 36 SpD
Brave Nature
- Gunk Shot
- Knock Off
- Curse
- Protect

Given that I had a trick room mode, it felt right to make it a trick room sweeper. The given EV spread makes Garchomp's Earthquake a 4HKO after one Curse and Figy Berry recovery while still letting it deal considerable damage after said Curse. A Brave nature is used, as with Curse repeatedly dropping its Speed, Alolan Muk can perform very well in Trick Room. Figy Berry and Gluttony are a great combination and help this defensive variant of Alolan Muk be even more defensive. Gunk Shot was chosen to make the most of muk's poor attack stat. Knock off helps immensely against opposing p2 but sadly just doesn't have the oomf to ohko marowak. One thing I should add is that this trick room mode works outside of trickroom (in theory).

Anywho, I get the feeling that Paul did a better job of this than I did, because as it stands I have won zero regionals with this team.
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For this assignment, I have decided to rebuild Trista Medine's 14th place team from the European International Championships.

Tapu Lele @ Choice Specs
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dazzling Gleam
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Thunderbolt

This is a Choice Specs Tapu Lele. Dazzling Gleam is for spread coverage, and is a strong attacker because of Choice Specs. Psychic is good for most things that resist fairy, and with Choice Specs, max special attack, and often terrain (this tapu lele has no speed investment), it will hit very strong. Moonblast is single-target fairy STAB, and Thunderbolt is for things like Celesteela, which would otherwise pose a large threat to this Tapu Lele. In addition, no speed investment allows it to be somewhat bulky.

Celesteela @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Protect

This is a standard physically defensive Celesteela. It is very bulky with its typing and investment, and this is further compounded of with Leech Seed, Substitute, Protect, and Leftovers. Heavy Slam is mainly for the Tapus, and makes it not completely shut down by Taunt. This Pokémon is mainly for the non-Trick Room mode of the team, but it is also used as the 4th Pokémon in the Trick Room mode, with its physical bulk complimenting Porygon2's special bulk. In that mode, it acts as an emergency faster Pokémon in case if Trick Room does not get set up.

Salamence @ Dragonium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Hydro Pump
- Protect

This is a specially attacking and fast Salamence. It is the team's intimidator, and hits quite hard. Dragonium Z Draco Meteor is also a nuke to anything that doesn't resist it. Flamethrower and Hydro Pump provide coverage, and Protect is mostly so it doesn't get killed quickly by a stray Ice-type attack and thus also for scouting. This Pokémon is exclusively for outside of Trick Room, and is not for use with the latter three Pokémon on the team.

Marowak-Alola @ Thick Club
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Shadow Bone
- Bonemerang
- Protect

This is a Trick Room Alolan Marowak. Flare Blitz hits very hard with Thick Club and max attack Brave Nature. Although it has recoil, this is necessary due to the short amount of time Trick Room is up. Also, the HP investment helps with this. Shadow Bone is secondary STAB, and Bonemerang is for coverage. Protect is necessary for Lighting Rod to work properly. Thick Club is mandatory for Alolan Marowak to have its good attack.

Gigalith @ Rockium Z
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Protect
- Heavy Slam

This is a bulky Trick Room Gigalith. Earthquake and Stone Edge are the main attacking moves, and Z-Stone Edge is a reliable (unlike normal stone edge and its shaky accuracy) and powerful STAB option. Heavy Slam is mainly for the Tapus. It is bulky with the investment and boost from sandstorm. Protect is there for making sure Trick Room gets set up without it taking damage. This second Z-Crystal is not redundant as Gigalith is part of the Trick Room part of this team, while Salamence is not and even has speed investment, and thus would never be chosen alongside Gigalith.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk, 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Recover

This is standard Trick Room setting Porygon2. Trick Room is speed control and makes the previous two Pokemon work, Ice Beam and Thunderbolt provide coverage, and Recover is for longevity. The investment is for maximum bulk, especially on the special side. This Pokémon also works as the 4th Pokémon for the non-Trick Room mode of the team, with its special bulk complimenting Celestella's physical bulk. It can also be used to reverse Trick Room under those circumstances, which is particularly useful for the fast Salamence. Eviolite is mandatory for Porygon2 to have its great bulk.
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I know I'm probably not one to talk, but your descriptions are kinda lacking. I see you have two Z crystals on your team. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, but you could expand upon them a bit as to why you chose those items. If my memory serves me correctly, Gigalith usually runs an assault vest. Nothing wrong with deviating, it's just an idea of how you could improve your descriptions without stating the obvious. For example, Gigalith can score *insert ko* with rockzium z or negates the accuracy problem of Stone edge. You might also look at some other people's posts for more ideas.
I know I'm probably not one to talk, but your descriptions are kinda lacking. I see you have two Z crystals on your team. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, but you could expand upon them a bit as to why you chose those items. If my memory serves me correctly, Gigalith usually runs an assault vest. Nothing wrong with deviating, it's just an idea of how you could improve your descriptions without stating the obvious. For example, Gigalith can score *insert ko* with rockzium z or negates the accuracy problem of Stone edge. You might also look at some other people's posts for more ideas.
Thanks for the feedback. I adjusted my Gigalith description accordingly.
Thanks for the feedback. I adjusted my Gigalith description accordingly.
And gigilath's description, at least I feel, is on piont. I just need that level of detail with every other mon on the team. While we're at it, your ev's could use some work as well. http://www.trainertower.com/vgc-17-ev-spread-compendium/ is not a bad place to start. At this point in the meta, some of these sets aren't quite up to snuff and that's where playtesting comes in handy. Set yourself benchmarks you absolutely need to hit to succeed. There is nothing wrong with a 252/252 set, but 99 times out of 100 times in vgc, those sets can be better optimized.
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That's all just my two cents, there's definitely more to talk about, but I'd rather someone else throw in their continuation or opposition to make sure this thought process is reasonable.
For the assignment, I have decided to analyze Patrick Smith's team Top 4 finish at Salt Lake City Regionals. Don't mind the usernames, they come from an anime called "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure."

Giorno (Tapu Koko) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect
- Thunderbolt
- Sky Drop

Tapu Koko was very relevant within the team towards countering the common meta-leads. It was paired with Garchomp for a quick Swords Dance setup, Mimikyu to be able to Trick Room , Snorlax to set up Belly Drum//Stockpile without interruption. All within the move Sky Drop. The last 3 moves was mandatory, Dazzling Gleam to chip Garchomps, Thunderbolt to take advantage of terrain and Protect is emphasised towards protecting myself from my own Garchomps +2 Earthquakes. I had used Assault Vest Tapu Koko prior to Focus Sash, but found it too exploitable to die, as it cannot live a boosted Earthquake or Protect. That's why I'd chosen Focus Sash instead, with a normal spread and with the nature Timid aimed towards moving faster than Persian-Alola.

Jotaro (Garchomp) @ Groundium Z
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 76 HP / 176 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Protect
- Rock Slide
- Swords Dance

Swords Dance was chosen because of the Sky Drop synergy, I tried Fire Fang for Kartana's instead of Rock Slide, but found myself switching my partners a lot when Swords Dance was up. Nothing special apart from that, spread was emphasized on surviving a Z Ground from opposing Jolly Garchomps in a speed tie scenario, because this team does have limited resources of dealing Garchomps and also survives 170 special attack Tapu Lele Specs Dazzling Gleam.

Celesteela @ Wacan Berry
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 44 Atk / 156 Def / 60 SpD / 20 Spe
Careful Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Flamethrower
- Leech Seed
- Wide Guard

Celesteela was a good synergy to switch out in a Tapu Koko + Garchomp and walls Garchomp. A reason being is that it resist both of these two weaknesses, apart from Ice attacks, which Celesteela does super effective damage to anyways. The spread built here is to survive a fully invested adamant Arcanine Flare Blitz, and Modest Gigavolt Havoc from Tapu Koko in Terrain. Wide Guard instead of the protect to protect Garchomps from Tapu Koko's and Ninetales (which I had trouble with), the last three are obligatory moves for this team's composition (Kartana's, Stall, Tapu's). There was no need for protect when Celesteela already survives the common meta threats and survival of a boosted Garchomp was what I was going for with Wide Guard.

Joseph (Arcanine) @ Mago Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 68 Atk / 20 Def / 148 SpD / 28 Spe
Careful Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Will-O-Wisp
- Snarl
- Protect

Chosen as a support role, this spread was directed to a Buzzwole-Nihilego lead. It survives a life orb Nihilego Power Gem, and an untimidated fully invested Adamant Garchomp Earthquake. The speed creeps those who try to speed creep Pelipper and I invested everything else in attack. Physical was chosen to provide more damage, Snarl to cripple a meta full of special attackers and Will-O-Wisp was convenient to things that threatened my Snorlax (Flare Blitz do not KO Buzzwole, but burning it does help). Overall, a well played Arcanine was an insurance for Snorlax to set up, or cripple attacks that usually KO's or 2HKO my partner pokemons (Garchomp is 3HKO'd by Tapu Koko after a Snarl).

Jonathan (Mimikyu) @ Mental Herb
Ability: Disguise
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 244 HP / 212 Def / 52 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Trick Room
- Psych Up

Creds to pokemonforever for the spread. This spread is able to tank out many physical attackers relying to take it down, such as Kartana and Z physical moves. You'd think that the Sky Drop synergy with Mimikyu was not as good as it's supposed to be, considering I don't have to fear a taunt, but it was still a good adjustment towards B03 if the opponent was able to Roar or KO Mimikyu with Z special attacks. Psych Up was used to absorb Snorlax's set up (Stockpile and Bellydrum) and Shadow Sneak was still chosen even though i'm min-speed Relaxed, but Alolan Marowak threatens me in Trick Room and a priority was nice post Trick Room after a Psych Up.

Josuke (Snorlax) @ Figy Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 50
EVs: 100 HP / 28 Atk / 244 Def / 132 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Facade
- Recycle
- Belly Drum
- Stockpile

Snorlax's spread was taken from trainer tower, as I couldn't find a better spread to direct the Snorlax with. Facade was chosen because this team has major problems against AGC core, with Toxic on Gastrodon. High Horsepower was originally within the set, considering how weak I am to Alolan Marowak. But I found myself killing a Marowak from its own Flare Blitz if I pivot around the team and bait hits correctly and Stockpile was just a better move than High Horsepower considering the tools given. The main job for Snorlax is simply just to set up and sweep.

I hope you enjoyed my analysis//perception of what Patrick's Smith top 4 team was constructed with at Salt Lake City Regionals!
Ok, so for the "homework assignment" I'll rebuild Nick "Nails" Navarre's sixth-place Oceania team.



Tapu Koko @ Life Orb
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Dazzling Gleam
- Taunt
- Protect

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Judging by the team, he's a bit weak to bulky waters, fighting types, and Garchomp (as well as most of his "fast mode" having middling speed) so Koko fits in perfectly. Again, due to the speed issue outside of TR I see no reason to deviate from the norm and run a bulky set instead. Taunt gives his team some well-needed counterplay to gimmicks and setup that it would otherwise lack, unless he wanted to go for the sketchy Roar Arcanine.


Kartana @ Focus Sash
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword
- Detect

Again, nothing crazy on the EVs or held item. I personally enjoy Focus Sash more than Assault Vest when possible, since it allows more power and the use of Protect. On top of that, one of the biggest draws of Assault Vest is the ability to live moves with more HP than your opponent expects, which is pretty swell in best-of-one but for a tournament of this caliber I'd rather take Sash, especially because no one else on the team unless you REALLY want to catch phero off-guard with porygon2 is particularly willing to use it instead. Moves are standard: Leaf Blade for big damage on neutral hits and bulky waters, Smart Strike for fairies like the omnipresent Lele, Sacred Sword in the back to chunk Snorlax and finish off Arcanines if need be. Detect just in case some Silvallys or Muks try to meme.


Gyarados @ Iapapa Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 180 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Dragon Dance

Rounding out our hard-and-fast offense is Gyarados, the '17 mon that showed up in November, died, and then got resuscitated by Shoma just in time. To pay Shoma back for reviving his metagame usage, Gyarados will be using Shoma's EV spread. Since this team chooses Gyarados over Fini for its water type, it might lose a bit on its Garchomp matchup. I decided to remedy this by replacing Shoma's Earthquake with an Ice Fang. He doesn't have any Levitators, and has plenty of ways to hit ground-weaks as-is. Also, I gave it an Iapapa Berry because I personally prefer it over Sitrus -- chip damage is so common in this format that it's really not that hard to activate. Taunt or Flamethrower are not necessary over Ice Fang etiher since Arcanine, Tapu Koko, and +1 Porygon2 Ice Beams and winning speed ties are enough Kartana counterplay as-is, and Taunt is already covered by Koko and p2 + Gigalith handles a lot of gimmicks anyway.


Arcanine @ Figy Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 76 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 12 SpD / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Wild Charge
- Extreme Speed
- Protect
Fire type. Good stats. Good ability. Does offense and support at the same time. Need I say more? Sejun's EV spread is still my favorite and it gets the job done. Firium damage is disappointing, Life Orb is too much recoil, CB is too frail and choice-locks you, so yet another pinch berry is my item of choice. Arcanine is so ridiculously common that there's not much left to say. You really can't go wrong with him or this set.


Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 92 Def / 164 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Return
- Ice Beam
- Trick Room
- Toxic
I just love Porygon2. By a wide margin my favorite pokemon in this format. Bulky as hell, does decent damage all around with Ice Beam, does surprisingly good damage with Return as well -- especially at +1. The EV spread lives Pheromosa Focus Blast with the rest dumped in defense, and just all around is the best combination of both spectrums' bulks that I'm happy with it. I personally like to eschew Recover for Toxic, which is very helpful in P2 + Gigalith mirrors and against pesky Snorlaxes and Gastrodons. It is even better on this team than most because, again, his water-type is Gyarados and not Fini. On top of that, Porygon2 provides amazing speed control which meshes well with our last member,


Gigalith @ Rockium Z
Ability: Sand Stream
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 84 Atk / 92 Def / 104 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Rock Slide
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Protect
I love Gigalith in this format almost as much as Porygon2. It's one of the slowest pokemon with a decent offensive presence, the only slower ones being Torkoal and Trapinch if he counts. With Sand Stream, a powerful Attack and Defense stat, and perfect synergy with P2, you can auto-win against Oranguru gimmicks and massively buff your matchups with rain, sun, and "hard" TR. I chose Rockium so that I have something to actually hurt Snorlax with once TR is up, not to mention being able to blow Arcanine out of the water at -1 and do a surprising amount to Kartana when Kartana checks (especially to specially defensive builds) are a little hard to find on this team. Earthquake is my move of choice for the last slot -- we have enough bulk and setup as-is so Curse is a no, I rarely find myself using Wide Guard, and being able to eat Magnezone and (popped) Togedemaru alive, not to mention chunk opposing Gigaliths in the increasingly-common mirror is just too good to pass up. Sam Schweitzer's Dallas EV spread was chosen, which allows it to live a non-Mystic Water Liquidation from spider and still be guaranteed to KO 252/188 Arcanine at -1 without Arcanine running a boosting nature.
Okay, so I think it's about time we go through these, and seeing as it's been about two months now, we have a lot, so I'm going to put a list of the names below that I feel are good to go, instead of doing full rates on each team as there are tons, and hopefully you agree blarajan , if not, then I'm sorry, (both to you, blarajan, and the people who I said were good to go) if you feel someone should do a full rate, I'd be happy to I'm sure there's someone out there who can do that better than I.

Derith96 I feel you are good to go, you do a good job of explaining each mon and their sets, as well as the synergy between them, you also explain the different modes in the team, which is great, (and of course I know you understand the format from playing with you on Showdown..) once again, blarajan will have the final say of course.

Garris_san Wow was that a long post.. I believe you are good to go, as you explain everything quite well, and seem to have clear knowledge of the metagame.

Muhshien This looks pretty good to me, your descriptions are informative enough, and you definitely have knowledge about what's good and what's not.

Nick_SSB This looks fine to me, however I do wish you hadn't put the Pokémon in hide tags, as it makes the read slightly less fun, either way though, you do a good job explaining your sets, and the general team synergy.

If your name is not on this list, it's nothing personal, it just means that in my opinion you either need to edit or redo it, (although most of you have probably given up already due to the long wait) and hopefully the next one will be better! I'm sorry I couldn't do a rate for each and every post, however that would be quite long, and I don't want to flood the forum.

Just want to emphasize again that blarajan will have the final say, not me, so wait for him to reply before posting your RMTs.
I hope I can still post here?

Long time reader first time poster, I have been intimidated by VGC for a long time mostly focusing on shiny hunting more than anything. I would love to get better at VGC and battling in general. I dragged my feet on this exercise; I didn't like the teams listed very much. When I realised that the task Blarajan set is a critical thinking exercise I decided to use Paul Chau's team. I have never played with trick room teams before, I think of this as a mixed trick room team. I think the trick in the team is anticipating moves and switching in things that are bulky against moves I think the opponent is going to throw at me.

Tapu Koko @ Focus Sash
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect

Tapu Koko can be a leader with poryon2 to get in one big hit before trick room is set up, leads with arcanine to set up intimidate and electric terrain or he can be a sweeper in the back. He is sashed to make sure I get in at least one hit. Even though his Atk his higher his move pool isn't very deep. I went with thunderbolt and dazzling gleam because of his typing, I really like volt switch especially with bulky team members like Alolan Muk and intimidators on the team. I put protect on everything not holding an assault vest.

Arcanine @ Charcoal
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hidden Power [Electric]

Arcanine is here to be the intimidator and bring in fire typing. He can also come in with porygon2 and get in one big hit before trick room. I went with timid nature so I can have hidden power electric and take advantage of the electric terrain, plus flamethrower is the better fire move. I invested in SpA and Spe to try and out speed other Arcanines. Will o wisp to use if I feel safe enough. Protect.

Kartana @ Assault Vest
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Night Slash
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword

Kartana can be a really good sweeper. I think he comes in the back and sweeps at the end. I chose Jolly Nature with investments in Spe because if trick room does come up he is way too fast to invest him slow anyway, if it doesn't get up I want him to be as fast as possible. He has the assault vest so no detect. Put on the moves I have been seeing used leaf blade, smart strike and sacred sword. It was a tossup between X scissor and night slash

Porygon2 eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 12 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Tri Attack
- Recover
- Protect
- Trick Room

I have always hated playing against Porygon2. I set him up as slow and bulky with a EV investment I think I found on smogon? At first I thought I would use either thundershock or ice beam instead of recover, but all the porygon2's I have played against have used recover really well. Trick room obvs. Tri attack because it his is normal stab. Eviolite because it's the best item to use on non evolved Pokémon.

Araquanid @ Waterium Z
Ability: Water Bubble
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Liquidation
- Protect
- Wide Guard
- Lunge

Araquanid comes in when I have set up trick room or when I'm against teams weak to water. He has my Z move. I didn't know which Pokémon to put a z move on went with Araquanid because of his ability. I have never used wide guard with much success, but it annoys me when other people use it really well, lunge because of his typing and to maybe reduce attack stats a little. Brave nature and 0 Spe because of trick room, if I don't get trick room up he is a super slow Pokémon, probably coming last, even without 0 in Spe.

Muk-Alola @ Figy Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Knock Off
- Shadow Sneak
- Poison Jab
- Minimize

Muk Alola is my fav Pokémon this gen so far. Bulky. I love minimize, it's basically Muk's protect. It has been on all the teams I have been playing with so far, a couple of times I felt safe enough to minimise two or three times and it was awesome. I usually only do it once after coming in. Knock off because of STAB and it supports my team to hit those items off. Poison Jab for all the fairies, shadow sneak because of priority. I thought stockpile was a good idea for a bit, but I usually only feel safe enough to use one set up move with Muk. Relaxed nature and 0 Spe because of trick room, if I don't get trick room up he is a super slow Pokémon even with investment in speed.
I hope I can still post here?

Long time reader first time poster, I have been intimidated by VGC for a long time mostly focusing on shiny hunting more than anything. I would love to get better at VGC and battling in general. I dragged my feet on this exercise; I didn't like the teams listed very much. When I realised that the task Blarajan set is a critical thinking exercise I decided to use Paul Chau's team. I have never played with trick room teams before, I think of this as a mixed trick room team. I think the trick in the team is anticipating moves and switching in things that are bulky against moves I think the opponent is going to throw at me.

Tapu Koko @ Focus Sash
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Dazzling Gleam
- Protect

Tapu Koko can be a leader with poryon2 to get in one big hit before trick room is set up, leads with arcanine to set up intimidate and electric terrain or he can be a sweeper in the back. He is sashed to make sure I get in at least one hit. Even though his Atk his higher his move pool isn't very deep. I went with thunderbolt and dazzling gleam because of his typing, I really like volt switch especially with bulky team members like Alolan Muk and intimidators on the team. I put protect on everything not holding an assault vest.

Arcanine @ Charcoal
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hidden Power [Electric]

Arcanine is here to be the intimidator and bring in fire typing. He can also come in with porygon2 and get in one big hit before trick room. I went with timid nature so I can have hidden power electric and take advantage of the electric terrain, plus flamethrower is the better fire move. I invested in SpA and Spe to try and out speed other Arcanines. Will o wisp to use if I feel safe enough. Protect.

Kartana @ Assault Vest
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Night Slash
- Smart Strike
- Sacred Sword

Kartana can be a really good sweeper. I think he comes in the back and sweeps at the end. I chose Jolly Nature with investments in Spe because if trick room does come up he is way too fast to invest him slow anyway, if it doesn't get up I want him to be as fast as possible. He has the assault vest so no detect. Put on the moves I have been seeing used leaf blade, smart strike and sacred sword. It was a tossup between X scissor and night slash

Porygon2 eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 12 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Tri Attack
- Recover
- Protect
- Trick Room

I have always hated playing against Porygon2. I set him up as slow and bulky with a EV investment I think I found on smogon? At first I thought I would use either thundershock or ice beam instead of recover, but all the porygon2's I have played against have used recover really well. Trick room obvs. Tri attack because it his is normal stab. Eviolite because it's the best item to use on non evolved Pokémon.

Araquanid @ Waterium Z
Ability: Water Bubble
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Liquidation
- Protect
- Wide Guard
- Lunge

Araquanid comes in when I have set up trick room or when I'm against teams weak to water. He has my Z move. I didn't know which Pokémon to put a z move on went with Araquanid because of his ability. I have never used wide guard with much success, but it annoys me when other people use it really well, lunge because of his typing and to maybe reduce attack stats a little. Brave nature and 0 Spe because of trick room, if I don't get trick room up he is a super slow Pokémon, probably coming last, even without 0 in Spe.

Muk-Alola @ Figy Berry
Ability: Gluttony
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Knock Off
- Shadow Sneak
- Poison Jab
- Minimize

Muk Alola is my fav Pokémon this gen so far. Bulky. I love minimize, it's basically Muk's protect. It has been on all the teams I have been playing with so far, a couple of times I felt safe enough to minimise two or three times and it was awesome. I usually only do it once after coming in. Knock off because of STAB and it supports my team to hit those items off. Poison Jab for all the fairies, shadow sneak because of priority. I thought stockpile was a good idea for a bit, but I usually only feel safe enough to use one set up move with Muk. Relaxed nature and 0 Spe because of trick room, if I don't get trick room up he is a super slow Pokémon even with investment in speed.
Hey, Paul Chua's Georgia regionals team. I just wanted to point out a few things. No bulk Arcanine is ohko'ed by jolly garchomp if it isn't intimidated. You say that speed investment is for opposing Arcanine but what does it do to them when it outspeeds? An offensive, physical (life orb or z-move) does more damage across the board, but even so, I've played with a version of this team and cannot tell you how often I needed bulk over speed. You don't get to wisp that garchomp unless you survive a turn first.

As for minimize Muk, it can be done. There are a few psych up Pokemon that appreciate having some staying power. That said, there's nothing on this team to take advantage of that and without offensive investment, it fails to exert any pressure. Even so, at least having sky drop on Tapu Koko would facilitate your setting up (I'd recommend curse, though).

Anywho, I know the jump to vgc can be intimidating and am in no position to give anything other than my own two cents (still not sure if my homework assignment passed). In any case, hope the feedback is helpful. Best of luck to you.
Hey, Paul Chua's Georgia regionals team. I just wanted to point out a few things. No bulk Arcanine is ohko'ed by jolly garchomp if it isn't intimidated. You say that speed investment is for opposing Arcanine but what does it do to them when it outspeeds? An offensive, physical (life orb or z-move) does more damage across the board, but even so, I've played with a version of this team and cannot tell you how often I needed bulk over speed. You don't get to wisp that garchomp unless you survive a turn first.

As for minimize Muk, it can be done. There are a few psych up Pokemon that appreciate having some staying power. That said, there's nothing on this team to take advantage of that and without offensive investment, it fails to exert any pressure. Even so, at least having sky drop on Tapu Koko would facilitate your setting up (I'd recommend curse, though).

Anywho, I know the jump to vgc can be intimidating and am in no position to give anything other than my own two cents (still not sure if my homework assignment passed). In any case, hope the feedback is helpful. Best of luck to you.

I have been thinking about Arcanine aswell, I think investment and bulk instead of speed is a good idea.

Hey man, welcome to VGC! I know exactly what it feels like to be intimidated going into something new, so good on you for taking the first steps. You've already gotten some feedback, but this thread is kinda dead so I'd like to throw in my tow cents as well.

First off, I'd like to say your assessment of this being a semi-TR team is spot-on. Paul Chua here is utilizing a method of teambuilding in VGC where the team incorporates "modes", that being cores of 2 or 3 Pokemon that function under different conditions. Porygon2 + Araquanid comprise a Trick Room mode so that you can counter an opponents strategy to use faster Pokemon or moves such as Tailwind or Thunder Wave. Muk and sometimes Arcanine can also function under Trick Room, meaning the team won't be crippled by its own TR so much.

Now let's talk about sets. The theory behind the sets you are using is OK in most cases, but you're off about what AV Kartana is meant to do. That particular set is not meant for sweeping, but rather to allow Kartana to take any special hits at all, especially resisted hits and weak Ice Beams. It supports the team by taking hits and removing threats such as Golduck in rain or Tapu Fini. As such, I'd recommend using the standard AV Kartana EV spread of 92 HP / 164 SpD / 252 Spe which gives it a lot of special bulk with the Assault Vest while still hitting pretty hard even with no Attack investment. The Muk set you have is one people rarely attempt, and for a few good reasons. Z-moves never miss, so Minimize does not help against them, and quite a few of them can KO Muk. Celesteela also counters that set because Heavy Slam deals double damage and never misses against Minimized targets. There's also the fact that it is an inconsistent tactic and relies too much on the RNG to work properly. You generally want to rely as little on the RNG and the most on your own skill as possible, simply because you can control your own skill, but can't control the RNG, and can only stack it in your favor. Finally, the EVs you gave Muk make it super weak and passive, so after a few Intimidates (which do not miss) Muk deals so little damage that it can be safely ignored until time runs out. The timer in real life VGC matches prevent what you are trying to do from working, though you have most likely only practiced on Showdown which lacks this timer. Try changing the set to a more offensive one, with Protect over Minimize and more Attack EVs; 252 HP / 252 Atk with a Brave nature is generally fine, but you can use a few less Attack EVs if you need more bulk. One last thing: you mention that Muk has a 0 speed IV for Trick Room, but it's not present on the actual set. If you're laddering with this, I'm fairly certain you've had a 31 IV in there all along.

For Arcanine, a special attacking set is generally worse than a physical set. An Adamant Flare Blitz does the same damage as a Timid Flamethrower after being Intimidated, and without Intimidate, you're dealing a lot more damage. The recoil isn't a huge deal either, since just like with Muk, it's worth it so that Arcanine can pose a threat and not be ignored. Hidden Power Electric is super weak even with the Electric Terrain boost, which is another reason to go physical since you gain access to Wild Charge. Try changing the moveset to Flare Blitz / Wild Charge / Wisp / Protect with an Adamant nature (you don't need the extra speed from Jolly in almost all cases). You could also try what Garris_San said and invest more in bulk now that Arcanine has the damage to stay relevant. From here, there are only minor moveset changes I would recommend. Porygon2 does not really need Protect, and should run either Ice Beam or Toxic over Protect. It is bulky enough that even double targeting Porygon2 doesn't KO it in most cases, meaning you generally have no reason to Protect it. In return, that Ice Beam or Toxic is more valuable in almost all cases to threaten Pokemon like Kartana, Garchomp, opposing Porygon2, curse Snorlax, and more. Tri Attack is fine, but many players opt for Return over it in order to make use of the Attack boosts that Porygon sometimes gets. If you find yourself getting lots of Attack boosts and not many Special Attack boosts, consider changing to Return. Araquanid would like Poison Jab over Lunge, since it allows it to hit Tapu Fini and Tapu Bulu super effectively and the Bug STAB isn't really necessary on that set.

You've done a fine job with your first foray into VGC, and we'd love to see you stick around!
For my third shot at this, I'm taking Robbie Moore's second place team at the Roanoke regionals. Fake PG should be pretty hard to screw up...let's see how badly I do.

Tapu Fini @ Wiki Berry
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 4 SpDef
Bold Nature
-Muddy Water

As one-third of the popular AFK core, Fini's job is to be the bulkiest of the three while dishing out respectably strong special attacks. Muddy Water is chosen as the water stab because of its spread targeting and chance of accuracy drop on hit, both of which make up for the lack of damage output. Moonblast is the fairy stab of choice, Protect is used to scout for an opponent's intentions and buy time on the clock, and Soak is a rather gimmicky move to be sure which is incredibly useful against all manner of threats, taking away their stabs and setting them up to be cut to ribbons by a well-placed Leaf Blade or Thunderbolt from one of its partners. Misty Surge is incredibly useful in shutting down enemy fake outs, so it's a good lead choice in order to make sure the enemy doesn't gain momentum right off the bat. Bold is chosen to boost its otherwise uninvested defense, though it still doesn't want to take a poison jab unless it absolutely has to. Wiki Berry allows it to gain back health and continue doing its job of bulky offense to wear down the foe and set them up for a devastating blow.

Arcanine @ Firium Z
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Jolly Nature
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge
-Extreme Speed

Attack doggo is an obvious and excellent set. Intimidate support is extremely valuable to undo opposing beast boosts and further shore up the team's general lack of physical defense. While Extremespeed doesn't work in misty terrain, it still has plenty of utility and versatility, especially if Trick Room comes into play. Wild Charge lets it function against opposing Fini, but one should take care if Milotic is present in team preview. Firium Z is chosen in order to let the doggo go out with a bang that goes through protects, especially to hammer hail mode teams and get through Tapu Bulu without the problems of potentially having a Gigavolt Havoc getting redirected and absorbed. A Jolly nature is chosen to help scout the opponent's sets, particularly when it comes to speed investment for things like Togedemaru and Mimikyu that just creep over its speed tier.

Kartana @ Scope Lens
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 Speed
Jolly Nature
-Leaf Blade
-Smart Strike
-Sacred Sword

Kartana's job is simple: Do 9/11 by cutting down towers with one stroke. When it's not committing terrorism, it settles for giving its enemies vicious paper cuts. Leaf Blade and Smart Strike are the obvious choices for stab attacks, Detect is chosen to avoid Imprison problems despite having half the PP. The EVs are chosen to give Kartana a little extra breathing room defensively while still letting Beast Boost increase its attack stat. Jolly is chosen in order to outrun Garchomp, though it's still too frail to go without support against things like Celesteela. I was considering Brick Break in the last slot, but the only real screen you see in this format is Aurora Veil and this team has enough ways to deal with Ninetales and Sandslash-A. Thus, Sacred Sword is the coverage move of choice to deal heavy damage to Gigalith and a boosted Muk-A.

Tapu Koko @ Fairium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed
Modest Nature
-Dazzling Gleam
-Nature Power

The second half of the one-two punch that Soak can provide, alongside Kartana's leaf blade. The great part about Nature Power is that it turns into Thunderbolt in electric terrain, so it's a good move to click on if you're worried about a potential switch or if you've lost the terrain war. Nature Power does grant STAB if the move it turns into matches the user's type (in particular, if misty terrain is out, it turns into Moonblast, something Koko does not ordinarily have access to), so it's applicable in a wide variety of situations. Thunderbolt and Dazzling Gleam are run alongside it for the sake of consistency, but Fairium Z is the crystal of choice to avoid a Gigavolt Havoc getting redirected by a Lightningrod switch in, plus Thunderbolt hits hard enough in its electric terrain. The final reason to run Twinkle Tackle comes in this team's lack of options against Garchomp or Muk-A, both of which are tough enough to survive a Dazzling Gleam and strong enough to ohko with poison jab. Due to Koko's frailty, Protect is a needed investment of a moveslot to help it stay safe. The EVs and nature are chosen because although Koko's physical attack stat is superior, most of its good attacks are special, including everything that Nature Power turns into. It struggles against Kartana, though its neutrality to steel attacks makes up for it somewhat.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 12 Atk / 252 SpAtk
Quiet Nature
-Ice Beam
-Trick Room

In case of trick room setups, pull PG lever. This defensive behemoth can get download boosts to further enhance its impressive special attack and great boltbeam coverage. Return is chosen as the STAB move in case of Download boosting attack instead (also explaining the mild investment in that stat). The Quiet nature is chosen to ensure P2 hits minimum speed. It's possible that a 0 Speed IV could be run to further make use of this, but it too has issues with Kartana, particularly if it has Assault Vest or Sacred Sword.

Gigalith @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sand Stream
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 SpDef
Adamant Nature
-Rock Slide
-Heavy Slam
-Wide Guard
-Stone Edge

A sand streamer is needed to offset grassy terrain and leftovers heals from the opposing team. Enter Gigalith, who also takes insane advantage of P2's TR. Heavy Slam is intended as an anti-tapu measure, and Rock Slide is good for causing flinches in TR, so it's a good move in the format despite the lack of damage output (it's barely better than a smack down after the multi-target penalty). Stone Edge is the choice against Celesteela, Arcanine or Marowak-A. Despite its miss chance, its sheer power is unrivaled for rock stab. The EVs are chosen not only so that Gigalith can benefit from his own sand, but also so that he can survive a super effective hit to get the weakness policy going and really start leaving a mark. Adamant nature is chosen to further boost this massive attack stat, enough to offset enemy Arcanine and their attempts to intimidate, or even the rare Parting Shot.
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Kartana @ Assault Vest
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 Speed
Jolly Nature
-Leaf Blade
-Smart Strike
-Laser Focus

I'll leave it to someone more knowledgeable to comment on the team as a whole, but it's worth pointing out that Detect and Laser Focus won't work with Assault Vest... on top of that, there isn't much point to Laser Focus in general because wasting a turn on a guaranteed crit isn't as good a use of your time as just clicking Leaf Blade and having a decent chance to crit anyway. Give it Sacred Sword and Night Slash so you can damage more things like Marowak and Porygon2, or give it a different item and use Sacred Sword > Laser Focus imo.
For my third shot at this, I'm taking Robbie Moore's second place team at the Roanoke regionals. Fake PG should be pretty hard to screw up...let's see how badly I do.

Tapu Fini @ Wiki Berry
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 4 SpDef
Bold Nature
-Muddy Water

As one-third of the popular AFK core, Fini's job is to be the bulkiest of the three while dishing out respectably strong special attacks. Muddy Water is chosen as the water stab because of its spread targeting and chance of accuracy drop on hit, both of which make up for the lack of damage output. Moonblast is the fairy stab of choice, Protect is used to scout for an opponent's intentions and buy time on the clock, and Soak is a rather gimmicky move to be sure which is incredibly useful against all manner of threats, taking away their stabs and setting them up to be cut to ribbons by a well-placed Leaf Blade or Thunderbolt from one of its partners. Misty Surge is incredibly useful in shutting down enemy fake outs, so it's a good lead choice in order to make sure the enemy doesn't gain momentum right off the bat. Bold is chosen to boost its otherwise uninvested defense, though it still doesn't want to take a poison jab unless it absolutely has to. Wiki Berry allows it to gain back health and continue doing its job of bulky offense to wear down the foe and set them up for a devastating blow.

Arcanine @ Firium Z
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Jolly Nature
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge
-Extreme Speed

Attack doggo is an obvious and excellent set. Intimidate support is extremely valuable to undo opposing beast boosts and further shore up the team's general lack of physical defense. While Extremespeed doesn't work in misty terrain, it still has plenty of utility and versatility, especially if Trick Room comes into play. Wild Charge lets it function against opposing Fini, but one should take care if Milotic is present in team preview. Firium Z is chosen in order to let the doggo go out with a bang that goes through protects, especially to hammer hail mode teams and get through Tapu Bulu without the problems of potentially having a Gigavolt Havoc getting redirected and absorbed. A Jolly nature is chosen to help scout the opponent's sets, particularly when it comes to speed investment for things like Togedemaru and Mimikyu that just creep over its speed tier.

Kartana @ Assault Vest
Ability: Beast Boost
Level: 50
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 Speed
Jolly Nature
-Leaf Blade
-Smart Strike
-Laser Focus

Kartana's job is simple: Do 9/11 by cutting down towers with one stroke. When it's not committing terrorism, it settles for giving its enemies vicious paper cuts. Leaf Blade and Smart Strike are the obvious choices for stab attacks, Detect is chosen to avoid Imprison problems despite having half the PP, and the unique move Laser Focus guarantees that the next attack will result in a critical hit, which bypasses defense boosts on top of dealing 1.5x damage. The EVs are chosen to give Kartana a little extra breathing room defensively while still letting Beast Boost increase its attack stat. Jolly is chosen in order to outrun Garchomp, though it's still too frail to go without support against things like Celesteela. I was considering Brick Break in the last slot, but the only real screen you see in this format is Aurora Veil and this team has enough ways to deal with Ninetales and Sandslash-A.

Tapu Koko @ Fairium Z
Ability: Electric Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed
Modest Nature
-Dazzling Gleam
-Nature Power

The second half of the one-two punch that Soak can provide, alongside Kartana's leaf blade. The great part about Nature Power is that it turns into Thunderbolt in electric terrain, so it's a good move to click on if you're worried about a potential switch or if you've lost the terrain war. Nature Power does grant STAB if the move it turns into matches the user's type (in particular, if misty terrain is out, it turns into Moonblast, something Koko does not ordinarily have access to), so it's applicable in a wide variety of situations. Thunderbolt and Dazzling Gleam are run alongside it for the sake of consistency, though if a Muk-Alola or Garchomp really needs to die, it can pop Twinkle Tackle and really put the hurt on without worrying about a Marowak-A coming in to spoil the fun. Due to Koko's frailty, Protect is a needed investment of a moveslot to help it stay safe. The EVs and nature are chosen because although Koko's physical attack stat is superior, most of its good attacks are special, including everything that Nature Power turns into. It struggles against Kartana, though its neutrality to steel attacks makes up for it somewhat.

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Download
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 12 Atk / 252 SpAtk
Quiet Nature
-Ice Beam
-Trick Room

In case of trick room setups, pull PG lever. This defensive behemoth can get download boosts to further enhance its impressive special attack and great boltbeam coverage. Return is chosen as the STAB move in case of Download boosting attack instead (also explaining the mild investment in that stat). The Quiet nature is chosen to ensure P2 hits minimum speed. It's possible that a 0 Speed IV could be run to further make use of this, but it too has issues with Kartana, particularly if it has Assault Vest or Sacred Sword.

Gigalith @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sand Stream
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 SpDef
Adamant Nature
-Rock Slide
-Heavy Slam
-Wide Guard
-Stone Edge

A sand streamer is needed to offset grassy terrain and leftovers heals from the opposing team. Enter Gigalith, who also takes insane advantage of P2's TR. Heavy Slam is intended as an anti-tapu measure, and Rock Slide is good for causing flinches in TR, so it's a good move in the format despite the lack of damage output (it's barely better than a smack down after the multi-target penalty). Stone Edge is the choice against Celesteela, Arcanine or Marowak-A. Despite its miss chance, its sheer power is unrivaled for rock stab. The EVs are chosen not only so that Gigalith can benefit from his own sand, but also so that he can survive a super effective hit to get the weakness policy going and really start leaving a mark. Adamant nature is chosen to further boost this massive attack stat, enough to offset enemy Arcanine and their attempts to intimidate, or even the rare Parting Shot.

Let me just start this by saying that if I sound rude or snarky I'm sorry that's just how I always sound.

1. AV does not work with moves like Detect and Laser Focus as Ethan said.
2. Soak Fini is generally not good, and you don't explain enough to me at least why you're running it over CM or not just running specs
3. Gigalith without protect in a format with Kartana and garchomp???
4. Why do you have Nature power AND fairium on koko?
5. All of your EV spreads are very simple, and you don't explain why you're not running more complex ones
6. Misty terrain doesn't block priority, psychic terrain does.
7. You say that offensive Arcanine is an obvious choice, but don't say why.
...anyways you get my point, I would edit it if I were you and try to explain better and make better sets.