Pokémon Magnezone

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I don't know how valuable Magnet Pull is this gen, but trapping abilities are fairly rare (and unlike moves do not require a turn or involve crappy accuracy).

Perhaps with the Steel nerf, Skarmory isn't that problematic. You do not need to use a Focus Blast from Gengar to kill it (although a stall player would not keep Skarmory in on Gengar nowm at least Skarmory cannot "wall" Gengar).

Also, Ferrothorn has seen decreased play and Choice-locked Bullet Punches are less common.

Magnezone does not have good typing or bulk to be a tank: as Assault Vest Conkeldurr's fighting type leaves it weak to Flying, Psychic and Fairy (the latter two are uncommon) and Tyranitar has Sand Stream, Assault Vest, and some Special Defense investment augmenting its special defense. Its low speed and weakness to Fighting, Ground, and Fire make it weak to common coverage moves from offensive Pokemon (and STABs from defensive Pokemon such as Earth Power from Gastrodon and Lava Plume from Heatran). Also it has no access to reliable recovery.

Steel is not really a good defensive typing (unless it has an ability or secondary typing to cover its Earthquake, Fire, Fighting weakness). Ask yourself why Coballion, with its steel typing and good stats, is not OU, even last Gen. Ferrothorn, Heatran, Skarmory, and Jirachi had an additional typing that covered one of Steel's weaknesses.

Prominent? Unlikely. Useful? Possibly.
The only problem with running Magnet Pull is the loss of sturdy and the vulnerability to 4x earthquake.

Does Magnet Pull block the effect of U-Turn and Volt Switch? If it does then I think it definitely has more value.

Magnezone is already UU, not borderline, as seen in the Other Metagames section. No, you can Volt Switch or U-Turn out of trapping moves and abilities.
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I'm going to suggest something that I feel like I might feel silly about doing but: Scarf Magneton anyone? For a drop in power of 10 Base Special Attack, you gain 10 Base Speed. Obviously this still isn't good enough to outrun a Genesect but Timid Scarf Magneton out runs max speed Base 129s. You can literally outrun Talonflame and deal massive damage:
252 SpA Magneton Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Talonflame: 252-298 (84.5 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

With basically any residual damage on Talonflame (and with him spamming FB and BB all over the place it's guaranteed) it's a sure 1HKO. And no Talonflame is going to switch out versus a Magneton, I mean come on it's a flipping Magneton lol fire weakness.
-1 bird.

EDIT: Oh I glanced at Page 2 and didn't notice Magneton being mentioned a lot
Magnezone has become irrelevant. It doesn't resist Dark and Ghost anymore, HP got nerfed, Aegislash has no problem against it and can't be trapped anyways and Magneton is much more flexible because of eviolith and higher speed (not even Magneton is really available in OU).
No perma rain means that only a few steel typs will stay and most of them can deal with Magnezone like Genesect, Scizor, Heatran and Aegislash. Skarmory and Ferro might be the only 2 you might be able to trap and kill...or other Magnezone lol
Why is Magnezone no longer a viable counter to Scizor? You run EV's to outspeed (unless it's max speed, is that common?) and Specs HP Fire still OHKOs. Anyway, this is compete theorymoning but am I the only one who thinks Overheat on Magnezone makes perfect sense? I mean he is like a Computer Machine thing, surely he can overheat. C'mon Game Freak, give the poor Magnet something.
why people allways focus on magnet pull , analytic is a superior option it deals great damage specially wen you force a switch
Devil's advocate here, even though I agree with you. People may just assume you're running Magnet Pull and not even bother switching. However, with Magnezone's low speed, I feel like Analytic is really viable with it. Not as much as it is with Beheeyem, but still viable. I have a Modest Magnemite with Analytic ready to be bred to perfection if necessary, but I'm wondering if I should use Quiet instead, to further reduce speed and guarantee Analytic kicking in.

One thing to remember is that Magnezone no longer resists two very important priority moves in Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak and thus is a tiny bit more vulnerable to being revenge killed with M-Absol and Aegislash running around.
I prefer Analytic also, especially in UU where it currently resides. Trapping steels isn't really important there and it can destroy just about anything on the switch. I don't run low speed because I don't think the point of Analytic is to tank a hit and then hit a Pokemon back because Magnezone can't really tank much at all. Instead I think it is better to force a switch and smack the incoming mon with ridiculous Specs+Analytic+STAB moves.
Magnezone runs a killer scarf set, despite its complete shit speed.


Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- HP Fire
- Volt Switch/Signal Beam

It's pretty self explanatory, but who cares.

With a scarf, magnezone reaches 360 speed, which is not amazing, but works. Thunderbolt is a great STAB move that covers neutral pokemon pretty well. Flash Cannon is a good move, as it provides stab and coverage to faries. HP Fire is nice against Ferrothorn and skarm. Signal Beam is coverage against psychic types and dark types while volt switch is a good move for scarfs.
Magnezone runs a killer scarf set, despite its complete shit speed.


Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- HP Fire
- Volt Switch/Signal Beam

It's pretty self explanatory, but who cares.

With a scarf, magnezone reaches 360 speed, which is not amazing, but works. Thunderbolt is a great STAB move that covers neutral pokemon pretty well. Flash Cannon is a good move, as it provides stab and coverage to faries. HP Fire is nice against Ferrothorn and skarm. Signal Beam is coverage against psychic types and dark types while volt switch is a good move for scarfs.
Pretty sure this was covered earlier in the thread
Yes, most people know this, my point here is that Magnezone has other uses besides just steel trapping

Unfortunately, it's pretty irrelevant if you knew that, because I really don't care :[

I also want to throw out that Magnezone gets mirror coat, if you want to run a defensive set.


Item: Leftovers
Nature: Calm
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP, 252 SpDef, 8 SpAtk
- Thunderbolt
- Mirror Coat
- Protect
- HP Fire/Flash Cannon
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Unfortunately, it's pretty irrelevant if you knew that, because I really don't care :[

I also want to throw out that Magnezone gets mirror coat, if you want to run a defensive set.


Item: Leftovers
Nature: Calm
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP, 252 SpDef, 8 SpAtk
- Thunderbolt
- Mirror Coat
- Protect
- HP Fire/Flash Cannon
This is an interesting set, but I would go Resto Chesto instead of lefties + protect because it is not like your opponent will give you 16 turns to heal back to full.
Magnezone is actually still a decent pokemon. It still has the ability to trap common steel type pokemon and kill it off. Magnezone also pairs well with mega pinsir as mega pinsir best counter, skarmory, gets trapped by magnezone and you don't have to worry about skarmory anymore. If you have a pokemon that is walled by common steel types like skarmory, ferrothorn, and scizor, then magnezone still has a niche in eliminating that problem for you.
Magnezone is actually still a decent pokemon. It still has the ability to trap common steel type pokemon and kill it off. Magnezone also pairs well with mega pinsir as mega pinsir best counter, skarmory, gets trapped by magnezone and you don't have to worry about skarmory anymore. If you have a pokemon that is walled by common steel types like skarmory, ferrothorn, and scizor, then magnezone still has a niche in eliminating that problem for you.
The Analytic-Assault Vest Variant pairs well with Gengar and any bulky water type, such as Milotic or Suicune (or if you're offensively-minded, Gyarados). They cover all each other's weaknesses defensively, and don't do a bad job offensively either. I like the combo of Discharge and Scald, it forces the opponent to be on their toes much of the time.
This is an interesting set, but I would go Resto Chesto instead of lefties + protect because it is not like your opponent will give you 16 turns to heal back to full.

Lol thanks. But chesto rest may be a bit better, I put protect not only to get lefties recovery, but to scout what the opponent has or will use.
Saving from page 6 because Zone is godlike.

What do you guys think is better: Scarf or Specs? Also, what do you think about Manenton, who can perform Magnezone's scarf set arguably better thanks to its higher speed?
Saving from page 6 because Zone is godlike.

What do you guys think is better: Scarf or Specs? Also, what do you think about Manenton, who can perform Magnezone's scarf set arguably better thanks to its higher speed?
Magneton has only 2 uses, scarf because you're faster or a practically nonexistent eviolite specially defensive set. Unless there are pokemon that commonly run max speed and have a speed stat in between 60 and 70 which the magnet bros would have a favourable match up against there's no reason to run offensive Magneton without a scarf. Maybe if you want to hit a max speed jolly Ttar with flash cannon, but any Ttar running max speed is either Megatar or scarftar anyway. I use a bulky specszone set with enough speed to outrun specially defensive heatran alongside hp-ground, since I usually run Char-X alongside him.

Edit: yeah I know you don't get the guaranteed OHKO with hp ground on defensive heatran, but you're super close with just a bit of prior damage and I run both rocks and spikes on a highly aggressive volt turn team to give Magnezone a free switch in. He's extremely tailored to my particular team.
You could always use Magneton as a Magnezone partner and relive the good ol' DragMag days. Give Magnezone HP Ground for Heatran and Magneton HP Fire for Ferrothorn and Scizor and you're good.
One thing that's cool about Magnezone is that he fits decently well into the meta, since with a scarf he both checks and helps Bird Spam.
He can switch into Raptor and it's BB does almost nothing, then KO with Volt Switch. With his overlooked and very solid 70 / 115 physical bulk, he can actually take some hits (252 Atk Staraptor Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 220-260 (78 - 92.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO)
He puts severe pressure on Bird Spam because his Electric STAB fries most birds, and HP Fire can lure Excadrill in for the KO. There is a specific set I have in mind, designed to put a ton of pressure on Bird Spam, since pretty much nothing standard on it can switch in on him with no consequences. Without further ado, here's the set:

Magnezone @ Expert Belt
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Spe
Nature: Modest
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power (Fire)

The point is to switch in to Talonflame or Staraptor's Brave Bird, force a switch into Excadrill, and KO with HP Fire (252+ SpA Expert Belt Analytic Magnezone Hidden Power Fire vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Excadrill: 317-374 (87.8 - 103.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes).
The calc has Spikes because Exca is used most commonly as a spinner, and normally gets a free switch on Zone to spin, so it might spin and not EQ if you don't predict and not KO you, assuming you're choiced and will switch.
Then you fake a Choice Specs, since most Magnezones run Magnet Pull. The opponent switches to Talonflame or Staraptor. I won't do Tbolt calcs, but
252+ Atk Talonflame Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 278-330 (80.8 - 95.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO CB sets KO, but Mag can tank this.
252 Atk Staraptor Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 220-260 (63.9 - 75.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO For Raptor, Zone can live CB 25%, with no hazards.
252 Atk Mega Pinsir Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 264-312 (76.7 - 90.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Zone dies to EQ, but after Aegi banned, it seems CC is used more.
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One thing that's cool about Magnezone is that he fits decently well into the meta, since with a scarf he both checks and helps Bird Spam.
He can switch into Raptor and it's BB does almost nothing, then KO with Volt Switch. With his overlooked and very solid 70 / 115 physical bulk, he can actually take some hits (252 Atk Staraptor Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 220-260 (78 - 92.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO)
He puts severe pressure on Bird Spam because his Electric STAB fries most birds, and HP Fire can lure Excadrill in for the KO. There is a specific set I have in mind, designed to put a ton of pressure on Bird Spam, since pretty much nothing standard on it can switch in on him with no consequences.

In my experience, Magnezone is a great Bird spam/Talonflame check for most sets except SD Tflame. SD usually runs 252 Jolly which happens to outspeed scarf Magnezone and can easily kill you with Flare Blitz.
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