NOC Low Power Mafia -- Mafia Win

Actually now that I think about it, I probably shouldn’t be TRing AG just for going “Yeah, CK is a wolf I looked at his posts”

He gets a bump down, was a bit awkward earlier asw but not sure yet if that’s very scum AI
There’s something you need to understand about Neon…

However, Neon posting no game substance, is strange atp in his meta. I feel like he would be contributing more if he was town? Maybe my headspace in the wrong direction.

Also des’s posts scream both towny and genius scum.

I feel like it would be an insane mafia strat. Des’s favorite question is “What are your reads ON ME?” “Forcing” people to give up their reads on you specifically feels very scummy.

I think AP’s posts lean towny. I think they’re within his townmeta, and nothing seems to be too scummy right now.

I’m waiting for more just game development for Tommy. In the last game I played (what was it called?), Tommy really didn’t enter his true scummeta until Day 3. However, in Smalltown Hotel, his scummeta was pretty immediate. Btw, his scummeta is forcing the village leader role on himself. (Short reflection: B/c he had the role swap that’s probably why he assumed vl naturally).

I don’t like CK’s posting because of the OMGUS in me.
don't like this post at all.
hedgy reads on both neon and des is like weird-ish considering neon plays competently as scum as well as town (shown in town of salem) and des literally asked the same question for the entire neon/af hosted game (forgot the name). this feels like extremely easy shade to throw as mafia that doesn't really hurt their rep
last line reads like textbook distancing, especially due to their shared animosity towards neon to some extent, skipper/CK pair perhaps
Like of course this is my 3rd noc game but I do ask for reads because this then gathers my own thoughts. Even if I make look like scum I'm trying my best to think my reads out. I'm trying to help whoever is on my side. Bc last noc game I was last on my side lol
can everyone link a scumgame of theirs either on or off-site to see their meta

I’ll link mine in a bit
these are the ones i remember at a glance at recent threads
"i am town bc if i was mafia i would be doing something else" is an unprovable claim, both in the sense that we cant disprove you arent doing that right now, and we can't prove you do that when you're maf
Well I haven't fully caught up either (I was playing Fortnite yesterday) but it does look like there's a bit more content now so I may be able to try and force myself to have alignment indicative thoughts on them.
We demand a spreadsheet!
Btw, his scummeta is forcing the village leader role on himself. (Short reflection: B/c he had the role swap that’s probably why he assumed vl naturally).
What do you mean role swap?