• Snag some vintage SPL team logo merch over at our Teespring store before January 12th!

Tournament Los Juegos del Azar II (Signups & Information)

  • PS! Username: Serenity's Sonata
  • Timezone and the hours when you are available to play: GMT -4 / 2 PM Almost all days except saturdays.
  • Discord Username: Serenity#6284
PS! Username: ban drizzle lol
Timezone and the hours when you are available to play: (Consider the fact that the rounds will be short, so you'll be playing every 3 days or so): pdt (gmt -7) pretty flexible with hours, just need a couple days heads up and i can switch stuff around
Discord Username: henguinie#7630
  • PS! Username: Bictero00
  • Timezone and the hours when you are available to play: (Consider the fact that the rounds will be short, so you'll be playing every 3 days or so): GMT-5
  • Discord Username: Bictero#2687