(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon


Betteridge's law of headlines but for Youtube videos where the answer is always "yes"
I would argue that recoloring the sprite rather than using the existing one is probably more effort.

Anyway I actually saw a longer more indepth look at that question a few months ago (the greater context was it was a series of videos where they revisit each game as it came out and think about how it adjusted the play) and iirc the gist was "pleased recognition that was there was an improvement, but frustration that it was mostly backloaded and that the non-frontier changes could have been more for the length of time between the games". In particular, I believe, wishing that the Pokemon encounter tables were more different (& that hte changes they did make were less stupid).

Guessing that video comes to a similar conclusion just in a shorter time with more truncated points.

Clickbait-y video titles even from good creators are just how the youtube game is played so unless it's especially egregious I just try to let it slide these days.
Clickbait-y video titles even from good creators are just how the youtube game is played so unless it's especially egregious I just try to let it slide these days.
I am sadly well aware, I do opt to just click "don't show this author again" however cause I rather not encourage it.
(Besides, if a content creator has to resort to clickbait titles, good chance they have nothing interesting to tell me anyway)
Hard resetting Effort Values to a blank slate outside of shoveling EV berries down a mon's throat is the sort of thing that should have been implemented consistently ages ago but isn't. Gen 6 introduced the idea with Reset Bags (and Perilous Soup in X/Y), Gen 7 has Secret Meals tied to Festival Plaza shops with the meals being tied to specific stats and being version exclusive as well, and Generations VIII and IX straight up put the means to do so behind their DLCs. It would have been more simple to just implement a pricey vitamin-like item in the medicine shops from the get go instead of what we currently have now.
Hard resetting Effort Values to a blank slate outside of shoveling EV berries down a mon's throat is the sort of thing that should have been implemented consistently ages ago but isn't. Gen 6 introduced the idea with Reset Bags (and Perilous Soup in X/Y), Gen 7 has Secret Meals tied to Festival Plaza shops with the meals being tied to specific stats and being version exclusive as well, and Generations VIII and IX straight up put the means to do so behind their DLCs. It would have been more simple to just implement a pricey vitamin-like item in the medicine shops from the get go instead of what we currently have now.
Also as you alluded too, all the methods are like. 2-5x more annoying than they should be

Reset bags are random drops & take time to complete.
Perilous soup requires Kee & Maranga berries which themselves require an extensive berry mutation breeding chain in the gardens to even get and take a while to grow
Secret meal you covered the basics on that really take the cake but on top of that you need to semi-randomly get the shop in the first place and the stuff on offer can also be random from their selection
Gen 8's is by far the least annoying. There's a NPC in the IoA, you talk to her, she resets everything. Simple! Problem is she's out in the ocean rather than close to everything else and you can't just fly to her. And honestly 10 armor ore a pop is kind of a little much
The white mochi are only gotten randomly and somewhat rarely from ogre oustin, with encouraging you to do the harder difficulties which is. An issue, one might say.

I can understand, from a game design stand point, why they want the full reset items to be a little harder to get but after a certain point it just becomes easier to shove the EV reducing berries down their throats. At least in Paldea, they are in grand abundance...which kind of makes the rarity of the white mochi worthless anyway! Just let you get access to the NPC or item after you beat the game and slap a price tag on it, it'll be fine I promise.
Did a Dynamax Beldum battle on Go yesterday and was thinking... it feels like a missed opportunity that Metagross didn't get a Gigantamax form. It feels so much like it'd be absolutely ripe for one because it's really not a design that's hard to ramp up. Maybe it gets a dozen legs and each one has a different weapon or something.

Obviously it wasn't in SwSh until the Crown Tundra but then the niggle becomes... it's weird to me they didn't introduce any new Gigantamax forms in that. Like there's literally a big Dynamax tree in the middle of the Crown Tundra.
Did a Dynamax Beldum battle on Go yesterday and was thinking... it feels like a missed opportunity that Metagross didn't get a Gigantamax form. It feels so much like it'd be absolutely ripe for one because it's really not a design that's hard to ramp up. Maybe it gets a dozen legs and each one has a different weapon or something.

Obviously it wasn't in SwSh until the Crown Tundra but then the niggle becomes... it's weird to me they didn't introduce any new Gigantamax forms in that. Like there's literally a big Dynamax tree in the middle of the Crown Tundra.
It probably didn't get the Charizard treatment or something where it gets a mega and gigantamax forms :blobsad:
It just seems like they didn't want to give out a lot of G-Maxes and then also, for whatever reason, only wanted Gen 1 & 8 g-maxes. And Garbodor, I guess because they had already locked in Oleana having a g-max and really really wanted to commit to her ace being Garbodor.

Which is why it feels like Peony's G-Max should have been a new Aggron rather than reusing Copperajah like his brother, but I digress.
There is also the fact that in practice gmax forms were a massive flop. Outside of the starters, no Gmax was ran due to the gimmicks being much worse than the regular forms or just being on bad mons.

Seeing they had 0 showing at their major events and were mostly poorly received as a gimmick they likely opted to just dont design more.
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Betteridge's law of headlines but for Youtube videos where the answer is always "yes"
Personally I kinda fuck w/ concepts like this, specifically because I hate dungeons in Pokemon and if a version has less content like that I like it more

ie. to me the Distortion World is a downgrade because I see it as a boring segment with boring puzzles that takes too long, and in general to me every classic Pokemon game is just a straight upgrade with less encounters with the evil Teams (Plat is still an upgrade overall for many other reasons tho)

For me, I do not care about post-game, so honestly I could see me preferring RS over E but I'd have to play them back to back tbh
Did a Dynamax Beldum battle on Go yesterday and was thinking... it feels like a missed opportunity that Metagross didn't get a Gigantamax form. It feels so much like it'd be absolutely ripe for one because it's really not a design that's hard to ramp up. Maybe it gets a dozen legs and each one has a different weapon or something.

Obviously it wasn't in SwSh until the Crown Tundra but then the niggle becomes... it's weird to me they didn't introduce any new Gigantamax forms in that. Like there's literally a big Dynamax tree in the middle of the Crown Tundra.
Unfortunately, it looks like (outside of Garbador, which is there for plot reasons) there must have been some mandate for Kanto / Galar specifically tbh


Tbh this was something that always bothered me, especially since several of these also literally got a Mega
There is also the fact that in practice gmax forms were a massive flop. Outside of the starters, no Gmax was ran due to the gimmicks being much worse than the regular forms or just being on bad mons.

Seeing they had 0 showing at their major events and were mostly poorly received as a gimmick they likely opted to just dont design more.
I doubt that was the reason. They announced the DLC a few months after the games came out and considering they showed off, gosh, I think just about every single design except for Zarude (for obvious reasons) & the Horses (& Rider calyrex)? I think it's far more likely the plan was for the Tundra to just not have more g-maxes, instead wanting IoA to be the primary focus on that type of thing (alongside other "battle ready" stuff) while Crown Tundra focused more heavily on legendary pokemon. Calyrex probably could have gotten one, certainly be an interesting theming since it seems to be able to dynamax under its own power, but I think they wanted "just" the Rider to be the gimmick while Urshifu had the G-Max gimmick instead, instead of both.
Also, at risk of being too "humans love making patterns where there are none", there were a roughly equivalent amount of G-Maxes, Galarian forms (and almost the same new Legendary Pokemon but that requires you to not count the birds so *making the iffy hand motion*). I really think they just went "let's get the starters and Urshifu and wrap it up. we're fine with this number of g-maxes"
I doubt that was the reason. They announced the DLC a few months after the games came out and considering they showed off, gosh, I think just about every single design except for Zarude (for obvious reasons) & the Horses (& Rider calyrex)? I think it's far more likely the plan was for the Tundra to just not have more g-maxes, instead wanting IoA to be the primary focus on that type of thing (alongside other "battle ready" stuff) while Crown Tundra focused more heavily on legendary pokemon. Calyrex probably could have gotten one, certainly be an interesting theming since it seems to be able to dynamax under its own power, but I think they wanted "just" the Rider to be the gimmick while Urshifu had the G-Max gimmick instead, instead of both.
Also, at risk of being too "humans love making patterns where there are none", there were a roughly equivalent amount of G-Maxes, Galarian forms (and almost the same new Legendary Pokemon but that requires you to not count the birds so *making the iffy hand motion*). I really think they just went "let's get the starters and Urshifu and wrap it up. we're fine with this number of g-maxes"
I wanna +1 this and especially note that the DLC started development by a second team before the first game was even done, so in all likelihood they just had originally planned this stuff.

Especially since cough-cough both SWSH and SV have their DLCs try to cover "the thing in our base game is annoying as hell to grind for" and DLC1 of SWSH focused on G-Maxes, and finally let you turn a Pokemon into one.

I think SWSH DLC2 was always planned as basically The Post-Game
Unfortunately, it looks like (outside of Garbador, which is there for plot reasons) there must have been some mandate for Kanto / Galar specifically tbh

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Tbh this was something that always bothered me, especially since several of these also literally got a Mega
Z-Moves were also Kanto+Alola only, which leads to the following fun info:
No overlap

Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Gengar

Pikachu, Eevee, Snorlax
Unfortunately, it looks like (outside of Garbador, which is there for plot reasons) there must have been some mandate for Kanto / Galar specifically tbh

View attachment 702072

Tbh this was something that always bothered me, especially since several of these also literally got a Mega
Honestly still SWSH's most inscrutable design choice to me even 5 years on, and that's saying quite a bit given the game we're talking about. It's really the lone inclusion of Garbodor that elevates this roster into headscratcher territory: They were deadset on breaking this stupid rule for one (1) secondary character and literally nothing else in any part of the game or its DLCs? Did the idea of GMaxing any of the kaijumons not come up? Not even a Sinnoh fan-favorite as a cheeky wink towards what was up next?
For me, I do not care about post-game, so honestly I could see me preferring RS over E but I'd have to play them back to back tbh
I mean outside post game
-RS has the annoying bag limit (20) like Gen 1/2 for base items compared to Em's 30, and FRLG's 42
-Wattson and especially Tate/Liza have disappointing teams in RS. Em revamps them and other leaders to use more Hoenn mons
-Tate/Liza's gym was revamped for puzzle
-Em has more trainers in general, helps with grinding
-Em has more mons (not incl. Swarms)
-Em explains the PokeNav better, and calls from trainers/dad occur throughout the region

While Em has Gym leader rematches, the method is utterly attrocious. Shouldn't just done VS Seeker. RS only reg trainers can be rematched

That said, RS is mostly fine for a general playthrough. And I prefer the RS outfits for the player
-RS has the annoying bag limit (20) like Gen 1/2 for base items compared to Em's 30, and FRLG's 42
Good point, this applies to me

-Wattson and especially Tate/Liza have disappointing teams in RS. Em revamps them and other leaders to use more Hoenn mons
For me I usually don't really notice this stuff outside of Nuzlocking, but I agree yeah- also, though, I massively prefer Steven as Champion, which for me is a much bigger swing personally, but I understand if you disagree

-Tate/Liza's gym was revamped for puzzle
Good point

-Em has more trainers in general, helps with grinding
-Em has more mons (not incl. Swarms)
-Em explains the PokeNav better, and calls from trainers/dad occur throughout the region