(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

Though Gen 4 has the asterisk of needing the event Regigigas to get everyone without transfer.

I think if we count events (Restricted giveaways, Mythics, dream world starters, Pikachu, etc), Gen 5 has everyone covered....except for Unown. Well. Had everyone covered. Dream World being down and all...
Oh, I forgot about the DreamWorld. Still, there are certain Pokemon like the Beasts and Unown which were unobtainable.

Speaking of the DreamWorld, isn't it annoying how soon it shut down? Only four years, and between the span of BW and BW2. The fact that it shut down so soon is infuriating especially since BW2 were very recent games. The shutting down of the Dream World basically killed a lot of potential ways to get with HAs like Lileep, Aerodactyl, and Burmy. The only way to get those Pokemon after the DreamWorld was shut down is to breed their descendants. Would it have killed them to keep the DreamWorld online for the 3DS era, or better why not make the 3DS game compatible with it?
In prototype builds of Red and Green, a backsprite that resembles Jynx seems to have had the (tentative?) name of "Buu." Quoting from Helix Chamber:

As alluded to in the quote, it would have fit in as the Ice Yokai/Oni to Electabuzz and Magmar's Electric and Fire (remember that the only elemental types originally conceived were Fire, Electric, and Ice).

I wish people would stop spreading this misinformation and actually look at the coding of the data leak on places it is listed like the Cutting Room Floor. Buu was not reworked into Jynx at all. Buu and Jynx actually both co-existed at the same time in the Red and Green alpha. Same with Kangaskhan and the Marowak Evolution. They just in both cases removed what they considered redundant/overlapping Pokemon concepts(the Marowak's case they said in interview years back that they cut down a lot of 3-stage lines to 2-stage to have more individual evolutionary families in the game, which is why Zubat, Meowth, Ponyta, Vulpix, Goldeen, lost their first stage, Magnemite and Psyduck lost their middle stage, and Pikachu and Cubone lost their final stage). They did the same thing with the 2 pure Water Turtle lines, but in that case they merged the two, removing Wartortle's original, fluffier evolution and Blastoise's bubble-gun based pre-evolution
I wish people would stop spreading this misinformation and actually look at the coding of the data leak on places it is listed like the Cutting Room Floor. Buu was not reworked into Jynx at all. Buu and Jynx actually both co-existed at the same time in the Red and Green alpha. Same with Kangaskhan and the Marowak Evolution. They just in both cases removed what they considered redundant/overlapping Pokemon concepts(the Marowak's case they said in interview years back that they cut down a lot of 3-stage lines to 2-stage to have more individual evolutionary families in the game, which is why Zubat, Meowth, Ponyta, Vulpix, Goldeen, lost their first stage, Magnemite and Psyduck lost their middle stage, and Pikachu and Cubone lost their final stage). They did the same thing with the 2 pure Water Turtle lines, but in that case they merged the two, removing Wartortle's original, fluffier evolution and Blastoise's bubble-gun based pre-evolution
Huh, I would have guessed the cut Zubat line member was a third stage since its unused cry was pretty much used for Crobat.
Huh, I would have guessed the cut Zubat line member was a third stage since its unused cry was pretty much used for Crobat.
Nope, Zubat prevo.

I wish people would stop spreading this misinformation and actually look at the coding of the data leak on places it is listed like the Cutting Room Floor. Buu was not reworked into Jynx at all. Buu and Jynx actually both co-existed at the same time in the Red and Green alpha.
He said it resembled Jynx, not that it was Jynx.
For context, this is Buu:

It is literally just a shaggier Jynx with closed eyes, Mr. Popo's mouth, and no breasts.
Huh, I would have guessed the cut Zubat line member was a third stage since its unused cry was pretty much used for Crobat.
yeah by all counts its a smaller zubat. It's just a little head with wings, would be kind of awkward for a final stage, evovled into Zubat at level 26, earlier level up set and so on.

I think I saw the theory that Zubat's stats might've been intended for Zubat0 and they just shuffled it down once it got cut, but that might have just been based entirely on "wow Zubat's stats are real bad huh"

Double checking the cry data on tcrf, it used the same base cry as the other 2 (& several other Pokemon) but it wasn't the unfiltered version that's closer to Crobat (though tcrf also informs me Crobat's is still pitchshifted and such anyway). Seems the unfiltered variant was meant for the original Squirtle3.
Since we're (kinda) speaking of preevos, I hate that there's still no preevolution of Kangaskhan
also, that there's no prevolution connecting Miltank and Tauros and that there's no paldean Miltank
Since we're (kinda) speaking of preevos, I hate that there's still no preevolution of Kangaskhan
also, that there's no prevolution connecting Miltank and Tauros and that there's no paldean Miltank
I can kind of understand the logic of "this is just what Kangaskhan looks like as a baby" and maybe wanting tos ide step the weirdness of it being there the whole time BUT it is a little surprising that there was seemingly never even a throw-away idea for Gen 2 to possibly include it. Like even the turban shelled Shellder involved with Slowbro/king was at least briefly considered to be its own Pokemon before being scrapped, but despite something like a dozen babies being on deck none of them even had a scratch pad of lil Kangaskhan. I guess they just firmly stood on "its literally a baby kangaskhan" that hard?

And yeah like why bother linking the Hitmons together (& make a new one) but not the single staged all-female cow & all-male bull that you keep putting on the same routes....Miltank not even getting the Nidoran and Illumise special of having the option to lay Tauros eggs is also weird
I know Pokken Tournament put a lot of effort into making an original region with new locales and music which I respect but I still think it was a huge missed opportunity to not have any stages based on main series locations. N's Castle or Bellchime Trail would've gone crazy

Shoutout to Type: Wild for still being the only Pokemon fighter to do this
A very minor peeve about Gen 5- It is only generation with the National Dex that you have to strictly transfer to obtain all the Pokemon. Gens 3, 4, and 6 allowed you to complete the Pokedex exclusively via trading, transfering was not required.

If you, let's say, wanted to use a Pokemon in Gen 5 VGC like Hitmontop, but still wanted to use Hitmontop in the Gen 4 facilities, you'd face a dillema with one way transfer. Trading wouldn't have that issue.

Though Gen 4 has the asterisk of needing the event Regigigas to get everyone without transfer.

I think if we count events (Restricted giveaways, Mythics, dream world starters, Pikachu, etc), Gen 5 has everyone covered....except for Unown. Well. Had everyone covered. Dream World being down and all...
Also Gen 3 needed Colosseum, XD and/or events for Ho-Oh and Lugia, though they weren't required for National Dex completion (and still weren't even in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.)

As for availability restrictions, isn't it believed they made that mark restriction for X/Y VGC onwards because of the accessibility constraints in getting ErupTran and Sucker Punch Hitmontop in VGC12?
I wish people would stop spreading this misinformation and actually look at the coding of the data leak on places it is listed like the Cutting Room Floor. Buu was not reworked into Jynx at all. Buu and Jynx actually both co-existed at the same time in the Red and Green alpha.
I will admit that my memory of this particular missingno. was that it was a prototype Jynx (or rather, that Buu was Jynx's prototype name), but I never actually said that Jynx was reworked into this, just that a Pokémon resembling Jynx had the name "Buu," and that it would have fit in with Magmar and Electabuzz's Japanese names if it was kept. The Helix Chamber article that I quoted also posits that it could have been Jynx's male counterpart (notably, the Magmar and Electabuzz lines have a 75/25 m/f gender ratio), so I'm not sure why you're also ragging on their article here. Granted, they don't make it super clear that Jynx and Buu were both potential designs at the same time, so I appreciate the clarification.

And yes, I am well aware that they cut out and in some cases lines or evolutionary stages that were redundant.