Project Little Cup Convos #1 - ghost


save the ocean
is a Tutoris a Tiering Contributoris a defending World Cup of Pokemon Championis a Former Smogon Metagame Tournament Circuit Champion
Approved by ghost
Inspiration taken from this and this
Amazing photoshop by me

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Favorite LC Pokemon: Litwick
What I'm known for: Floral shirts
Fun Fact: My Smogon account is COPPA legal​


Hey there ghost! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today, and welcome to the first ever edition of Little Cup Convos. I’m sure the LC community is eager to learn more about and from our newest tier leader!


Thanks for having me! It's great to have somebody taking up this mantle for the LC community.


Of course! I thought it would be a great way to engage the community and to learn a bit more about some of the prominent faces in LC. Speaking of which, would you be able to start off with telling us a bit about yourself and how you ended up on Smogon?


My Smogon account is probably older than just about anybody's. I got into watching hand-taped Wifi Battles on YouTube when I was in middle school and eventually joined Smogon in 2009 because of them (well before I was COPPA legal!). For a while after that, I was scared to download Shoddy Battle on my family desktop computer, but eventually I started playing DPP LC - back when LC was still an unofficial tier.

My original Smogon stint was short, but after an eight-year absence with only a few random Showdown battles thrown in with each new generation, I had a pang of curiosity in 2019 about rejoining the scene and what things were like. I've been back and active ever since.

As for who I am, I'm just a simple guy who likes to compete. I'm American, but anybody who's scheduled with me knows that my time zone changes often because I've spent of a lot of the past three years living or traveling in Europe. That's probably what I love to do more than anything.


Well sounds like it’s been quite the journey for you then, both in your real life travels and in your pokemon career. From an underage DPP LC player to the LC tier leader 15 years later — who would have known? How has that been for you by the way? Do you enjoy your new leadership role and how have you managed some of your new responsibilities?


I'm still learning the ropes on the administrative side, because submitting badge requests has never been my forte. But I've been active in the community, both on the social side and with Council and tiering, for so long now that it doesn't feel like much of a transition. It is odd to think sometimes "Somebody should change this thing" and then realizing that I'M that somebody. It's a lot of responsibility, but I really can't complain.


Haha yes the sudden realization of responsibility can be a scary thing! But I’m glad to hear that the transition hasn’t been all that difficult. Speaking of not all that difficult, you’ve had tremendous success in LPL recently, and it seems that’s carried over to LCPL. Would you be able to provide a bit of insight on your LPL season as well as how LCPL has been going for you so far?


I've had a pretty fortuitous first half of the year. For those who don't know, Levi Premier League, or LPL, is the biggest and most important unofficial tour in the LC community. Since the end of LCWC, through LPL until now, I feel like I've had a good grasp of where the meta is and how it plays out within a match. Historically, I'm not as much of a groundbreaking team builder as I am a very effective thief, and I think I've had my finger on the pulse well enough to steal the right teams and put myself in the best position to win.

I've also been hilariously lucky in 2024. I've come up short in some big spots before, especially trophy tours, and I know what it feels like to be on the wrong side of the simulator, so the contrast is nice. Everybody who's been playing long enough that no good luck lasts forever, so I'm just trying to enjoy the magic while it lasts -- and also take luck out of the equation as much as I can through play. Ultimately the more you can attribute a win to skill over hax, the better it feels.


Yes thank you for clarifying what LPL is — anyone reading this who would like to get more involved in LC should absolutely consider joining! Regarding your recent success, while luck may have been a factor, it undeniably takes a very high level of skill to go 15 games unbeaten consecutively in SVLC tournament games (I’m hoping to end that streak this week) so you don’t need to be that humble! Anyways, has there been anything or anyone that’s surprised you so far in LCPL, and what are your predictions for the rest of the season?


I predict taking you behind the woodshed this weekend Mr interviewer.




The coolest part of LCPL is always the breakout talents -- one strong LCPL run vaulted me into SCL back in 2021, and everybody is waiting to see who's the next rising star. My teammate JuanSG , for example, is one player whose career could take off very quickly if he keeps performing at the level he has.

As for the rest of the tour, other than predicting a dominating run to the title for my Skittys, I expect Lokifan and Starsama will continue their upward trajectories and cap off SCL-worthy runs. Plenty of LCers, me included, already thought Lokifan should have started last SCL, and I think he gets his chance this year.


I agree! It’s always exciting for new talent to showcase their skills and make a name for themselves on LC’s biggest stage, just as you and I did years ago. For my penultimate question, do you have a fun or cool team (from any generation) that you’d be willing to share with the community along with a brief description?

For those who don't know, SS LC recently unbanned Vullaby after a lengthy absence, and this is a classic team from that meta that captures what a lot of people find fun about it. Choice Scarf Porygon is an elite offensive threat, paired with progress machines mixed Vullaby and Mareanie, as well as specially bulky Trapinch to remove the bigger hitters' biggest checks. I really recommend anybody who's had even a little bit of interest in SS LC to try the tier out -- it's a player's tier right now, and a lot of the very best LCers are duking it out in that slot this LCPL.


Ah yes I’ve definitely seen this team used quite a few times in LCPL so far. With vullaby unbanned the meta has been adapting pretty quick and I know people are looking for teams, so thank you for sharing! Finally, what are your plans for the future? Will we see ghost en SCL again? Perhaps ghost with a ribbon at the end of the year? Or will you be taking a more relaxed approach to the game after LCPL ends?


I'm actually a bit out of my established rhythm -- I took 2022 off from team tours after a busy 2021 and have rode straight through 2023 and 2024. I might finally take that break after LCPL and enjoy SCL from the sidelines. But, you never know. I'm also an insane competitor, so if the opportunity for some SCL redemption and a trophy comes along, I could probably be convinced. The pool should be extremely competitive on the edge this year (especially if you're in it!).


We’ll see about myself… but as for you, I’m sure everyone would be excited to see ghost back in action!

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today, and giving the LC community some more insight on who you are and what you do! If there are any acknowledgements or shoutouts you’d like to give, or final words you’d wish to leave with please feel free to do so!


Shoutout to former TL and current washed-up MOBA fiend Corporal Levi -- I would have never learned how to actually play the game without his tutelage back in 2020-21. Shame we undid his Vullaby ban...

Please feel free to ask ghost any further questions below!


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Gambling with Ghost.

Can you pick all 30 for fun and provide your 3 best bets for the 2024-25 NBA Win Totals?

(Everyone please gamble responsibly)

Boston Celtics
Over 57.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Under 57.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Oklahoma City Thunder
Over 54.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Under 54.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Denver Nuggets
Over 52.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Under 52.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Minnesota Timberwolves
Over 52.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Under 52.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
New York Knicks
Over 52.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Under 52.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
Philadelphia 76ers
Over 51.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Under 51.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Milwaukee Bucks
Over 51.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
Under 51.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Dallas Mavericks
Over 50.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Under 50.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Cleveland Cavaliers
Over 47.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Under 47.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
Orlando Magic
Over 47.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Under 47.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Memphis Grizzlies
Over 46.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Under 46.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Phoenix Suns
Over 46.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Under 46.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
Sacramento Kings
Over 46.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Under 46.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
Indiana Pacers
Over 45.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Under 45.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
New Orleans Pelicans
Over 45.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Under 45.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Los Angeles Lakers
Over 44.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Under 44.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Miami Heat
Over 44.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Under 44.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Houston Rockets
Over 42.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Under 42.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Los Angeles Clippers
Over 41.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Under 41.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Atlanta Hawks
Over 35.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Under 35.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
San Antonio Spurs
Over 35.5: -125 (bet $10 to win $18 total)
Under 35.5: +105 (bet $10 to win $20.50 total)
Toronto Raptors
Over 31.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Under 31.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Charlotte Hornets
Over 29.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Under 29.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Detroit Pistons
Over 24.5: -105 (bet $10 to win $19.52 total)
Under 24.5: -115 (bet $10 to win $18.70 total)
Portland Trail Blazers
Over 22.5: +100 (bet $10 to win $20 total)
Under 22.5: -120 (bet $10 to win $18.33 total)
Washington Wizards
Over 22.5: +105 (bet $10 to win $20.50 total)
Under 22.5: -125 (bet $10 to win $18.00 total)
Brooklyn Nets
Over 19.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
Under 19.5: -110 (bet $10 to win $19.09 total)
what do you have to say about the swirling rumors that the reason you travel to europe so much is because you are wanted in 46 US states for repeatedly taking women on dates to restaurants that serve free bread and asking them to stuff as much as they can into their pockets?