The first photo looks like fake to me...
He saved it as JPEG (or GIF I dont know) if he saved it as PNG then it would be clearer, however its not justifiable to just say, its fake.
If you prove somebody wrong, you need proof too
List says Seaking has Endure as Dream World Exclusive...
did some looking at several pokedex and says it can learn by TM or tutor in Gen II
Gen I/II pokes are incompatible with Gens III,IV, and V.
its exclusive in that its only available in gen 5 on the dreamworld.
Seaking can learn Endure. Also Sunkern has Earth Power listed as a 4th Gen Move Tutor Move when it can't learn it in Gen 4can someone confirm in their DPP HGSS if seaking can learn endure or not?
Meanwhile, on the first pageSeaking can learn Endure. Also Sunkern has Earth Power listed as a 4th Gen Move Tutor Move when it can't learn it in Gen 4
I actually fired up my SoulSilver to check this and the guy's got Earth Power on the list of moves he can teach a Sunkern.
Those who are looking for EV berries: They're not in the Dream World, that's just a rumor until someone can provide conclusive evidence.
However, they are in the game. Get four other B/W players to do a Spin Trade in the Union Room, (one egg required for each player) and whoever's egg lands on the Bonus Area gets an EV berry.
Those who are looking for EV berries: They're not in the Dream World, that's just a rumor until someone can provide conclusive evidence.