List of Released Dream World Pokemon and Attacks

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Chiizu, are you on wifi now?



Wailmer is HUGE.
New pokemon: Wailmer, Corsola, Slowpoke. Slowpoke gets Brine (4th gen TM).

I'm pretty happy with quite a lot of the shining ocean pokemon, so that should keep me going till I get Dratini. At least I'm more than halfway there now.
I'm not sure about this but this may be critical.

On serebii said.

Once you have reached 50 Pokémon in the second board, you are no longer able to send any further Pokémon.
It's mean that we will get limited to 50 pokemon per game. But most people mension that it is get limit only pokemon that will be in HL forest. These are make me confuse.

Check on one site it will may be wrong. I'm also check on Japanese wiki and PGL too.

※ 本来の仕様では仲良くなったポケモンが50匹に達するとゆめしまへ行けなくなる。

I'm not sure that I correct translate, but Japanese said exactly same as Serebii said also same as PLG Help too.
Well, Serebii isn't the most reliable source of information for new stuff like this after all.

@GameMaster, while the wording is ambiguous, I think that it means 50 in the forest at a time, since after all there are 5 areas in the forest that can hold 10 pokemon each. And I don't know why they would limit us to 50 total pokemon. Either way, we'll know for sure in 20 days or so, since the DW has been out for a month now. Actually in less than 20 days due to event pokemon. Thanks to the starters it's even possible that someone may have reached 50 already.

Well, uh, at least my first day in the ocean gave me a Dragon Dancer who learns Waterfall, Earthquake, and Stone Edge. :P The moves on the ocean Pokemon are (in order) Body Slam, Octazooka, Peck, and Spark, so nothing notable.
Well, Serebii isn't the most reliable source of information for new stuff like this after all.

@GameMaster, while the wording is ambiguous, I think that it means 50 in the forest at a time, since after all there are 5 areas in the forest that can hold 10 pokemon each. And I don't know why they would limit us to 50 total pokemon. Either way, we'll know for sure in 20 days or so, since the DW has been out for a month now. Actually in less than 20 days due to event pokemon. Thanks to the starters it's even possible that someone may have reached 50 already.

starter is releaseed now is 6(3 Kanto,3 Shinoh) but you can recieve only one per region +1 Docrok and +1 Arceus Total is 4. Now is about 25 days passed you can send once per day. It is mean that 25. Total that about 30 pokemons. I think no one still not reach 50 yet.

Even, it can't confirm. To be safe, I will stop send pokemon to dream tree except who that I want.
Well, uh, at least my first day in the ocean gave me a Dragon Dancer who learns Waterfall, Earthquake, and Stone Edge. :P The moves on the ocean Pokemon are (in order) Body Slam, Octazooka, Peck, and Spark, so nothing notable.

Haha, Hydration Whiscash is pretty awesome. His special DW move is even better than Icy Wind Analyze Staryu. Sleep Talk + Hydration lol. Oh, Troll Freak.

Any idea if Staryu still breeds DW ability over?
Concerning Staryu: I was wondering this same exact question. My guess would be a 50-50 chance to have the ability and the same chance when breeding. I'm no Dream World expert though, even though I've seen Inception.

Haven't done DW in two days but I was on such a roll. Has anyone gotten a 5th berry row yet, or know when that can be unlocked? Thanks
New pokemon would be Clamperl. So far, all 3 magikarps I met are male, and they do not 'hide'. They just appear right in front of you when you take one step into the next area. Are they trying to make fun of how 'dumb' magikarps are supposed to be? xD

I added ocean berries onto my shelf so take one of each that you don't have and leave the rest for others to get.
I'm finding it impossible to get Aero or Gligar which really pisses me off. I've gotten Gligar four times now and get ~50000 points every time, but it's still male. And no Aero has showed up, which bites.

I ended up with a Female Lotad :/

By the way, what's that orange button on the bottom right corner of the search minigames?
I'm on WiFi right now if anyone wants to add me :)

4469 6419 7106

LWolf: 0818 9794 6532
White: 0561 2486 7278
Uriel: 0002 8865 7307
Rain: 4126 1115 1603
Aiko: 4211 9735 3580
Shun: 3782 5152 4661
Kudan: 3181 1655 5404
Bleach: 5070 9539 3101
Cider: 4641 4943 1764
Ra1d: 3395 9057 9775
The Pokemon Pimp: 2107 4540 4193
JojoX3: 0990 7802 0489
Jigglypaul: 0389 4542 8142
Seinaru: 0002 9227 0055
Wastum: 1076 6806 9613
Joshiro: 5414-5668-4408
Jiggy Black: 5199 8469 2368
Jiggy White: 3610 6959 4258
outofdashdwz: 4469 6419 7106
chiizu: 1549 0690 7850

Big thanks to chiizu, I added everyone on this list.

I will also idle on WiFi at night, midnight til morning (PST).
Only got to go to the island twice today after more than 24 hours sleeping...

I'm finding it impossible to get Aero or Gligar which really pisses me off. I've gotten Gligar four times now and get ~50000 points every time, but it's still male. And no Aero has showed up, which bites.
But why I didn't get loved from Aerodactyl, I never met it any single one since I can access sky.
Regarding not seeing certain pokemon, I met Aero (male) and Gligar (female) on my first two days in the sky, but I've never seen a single female Nidoran in the 20 plus days I've been going to DW.

@GameMaster, while the wording is ambiguous, I think that it means 50 in the forest at a time
The fact that the warning about 50 pokemon appears in the section about the board itself makes me think that it is indeed an overall limit of 50 pokemon and not a limit on the number in the highlink forest. Once someone actually gets to 50 we'll know for sure, of course.
Added both of you.


Today in my brief ocean stay, an unorthodox anti-setup Pokemon. Would have loved for that Clamperl to be female, though...

Clamperl's move is Captivate, a fourth-gen TM. Wooper has Aqua Tail, a fourth-gen tutor. The second page was just more sky and forest stuff, so I didn't bother screencapping.
Guys, i've just found something unusual. It's about the anticipated Drizzletoad, Politoad. Now I know that this ability somehow has not been released but according to this battle no.: 73-98756-50075, I saw for the first time an actual politoad with drizzle activating. (The battle mode was a rotation battle).

Now surely the GTS only allows legit pokes to be sent to the server and if that is the case then doesn't this also refer to politoad?
Guys, i've just found something unusual. It's about the anticipated Drizzletoad, Politoad. Now I know that this ability somehow has not been released but according to this battle no.: 73-98756-50075, I saw for the first time an actual politoad with drizzle activating. (The battle mode was a rotation battle).

Now surely the GTS only allows legit pokes to be sent to the server and if that is the case then doesn't this also refer to politoad?
Probably not?

I think there's been various conflicting reports on what is/is not allowed on Random wi-fi, and patch glitches, and shoot this could even be a friend battle which I don't think has any restrictions.
Probably not?

I think there's been various conflicting reports on what is/is not allowed on Random wi-fi, and patch glitches, and shoot this could even be a friend battle which I don't think has any restrictions.

I see, but the battle recorder doesn't allow everything to be uploaded to the server, (only legit pokemon) so surely something is up, and i'll take your friend battle query into consideration. However, most japanese players rarely do friend matches and i'm sure they're all doing their battles through the GBU.


Ocean Pokemon (from top of the list):

Staryu - Icy Wind - Analyze
Wooper - Aqua Tail - Unaware
Qwilfish - Aqua Jet - Intimidate
Barboach - Sleep Talk - Hydration
Finneon - Sweet Kiss - Water Veil
Relicanth - Earth Power - Sturdy
Luvdisc - Mud Sport - Hydration

There has been rumors on JP boards that vulpix is available after 20000 points - which i'm totally not buying. =P No evidence of this yet.

- Has anyone tried breeding Staryu with Ditto yet? Analyze is a feasible alternative...but it would suck if it can't pass the ability on through breeding..
Does anyone know if PGL takes a universal code for the starters promotions like they do for Croagunk/Arceus? I'm assuming each code can only be used once for the starters, but can't hurt to try, right? :x
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