List of Released Dream World Pokemon and Attacks

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I reeeeeally hope Ditto makes it.

If Dream World Ditto is never released I will be very sad. Very, very sad.
I did my part and voted Ditto and Vulpix (since I have both games).
...though if Drought Ninetales really is out already, I'm going to wish I voted Ditto twice or voted Ditto and Slowpoke.

I have no idea how to take screenshots, but I'm posting to confirm I caught a Female Surskit today!
Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard (it might say Prt Scr or Prt Screen or other variations) to copy everything on your monitor, then paste into Paint, Photoshop, or any other image program you have.
A bad hack anywhere on your game stops you from doing Game Sync with Dream World.
This last part is not true. I have a whole box full of bad hacks for battling, and I synced my game yesterday just fine, and will do so again in about 30 mins when the 24-hour limit has passed.
This last part is not true. I have a whole box full of bad hacks for battling, and I synced my game yesterday just fine, and will do so again in about 30 mins when the 24-hour limit has passed.

I had two bad hacks and it would not let me sync until I had released them. I did nothing else except that. I think your hacks might be better than you think!!
The picture came out pretty badly this time, I think it should be fine but if you need a better one let me know:

Dream World Kangaskhan
Female, ability is Inner Focus.
Move set is Leer, Fake Out, Tail Whip and Drain Punch.

Also you missed a couple things on the Lickitung entry, we've had two females and the one I posted yesterday had Sleep Talk.
I just caught a Poochyena, female, which means it can also be found female. I rocked the game, but only got Poison Fang as the 'rare' move, which is Gen 4/5 Egg Move.

Here's what else I saw.

Level 10, Deck Knight.
Are all of these mons caught at Level 5 or are there different levels? This is fairly important information for Little Cup legality.
I haven't been able to get on Dream World all day :\, probably because I tried to change the date yesterday after I used up my use for the day on my White.

On Black I got a Shinx through the combee game, but I don't know if I did well.
Nidoran M, Lv 10
Sassy Nature
Ability: Hustle
- Peck
- Focus Energy
- Double Kick
- Counter (4th / 5th generation Egg move)
The Kanto Starters were released through the Pokepia magazine that came out last month. And we're the Sinnoh Starters supposed to be released through some TCG promotion?
Can confirm that Squirtle is out, though the one who has the screenshot of it is Soon. He'll post this later when he's back home from work.

Is it possible to SR for the Pokemon when you meet them in High Link?
Yes you can. You can save before you access high link (can't when you are in High Link) and it does not save after you caught your DW pokemon. SRing will be slightly difficult as you have to walk a distance after every reset and Synchronize does not work on DW pokemon.
Here are the ones I encountered today- they're all in the OP already but I don't know if they have any significant moves or anything since I can't read any Japanese.

EDIT: Oh, wait, I guess it's significant that Bidoof is a female!

EDIT2: Thank you Kudan! ^_^

- Magnet Rise (Gen 4 tutor move)
- Iron Tail (Gen 4 Tm move)
- Teeter Dance (egg move)

I think the rest has been reported before.
It was his friend who got it, and he bought the one off Pia magazine. I do not know if he got to choose which starter he wants or any other details though.

Ahh, ok, i didn't even know you had to buy it... sucks the starters are so hard to get through DW... but not unexpected...

Male Doduo: Growl (lol) / Tangled Feet (DW)
Male Bidoof: Aqua Tail (Tutor/Breeding) / Inconsistent (DW)
Female Lickitung: Lick (lol) / Cloud Nine (DW)
Male Surskit: Hydro Pump (Breeding) / Rain Dish (DW)
Male Igglybuff: Sing (lol) / Friend Guard (DW)
Male Stantler: Skill Swap (ADV/DPPt) / Herbivore (DW)

Haha ok very funny guys now give me Vulpix already.

And just to be sure, is the move listed there the only "special" move they may have? The save file I'm using has only two badges so I can't get into the High Link Forest to catch them, so I have no idea of the full movesets.
And just to be sure, is the move listed there the only "special" move they may have? The save file I'm using has only two badges so I can't get into the High Link Forest to catch them, so I have no idea of the full movesets.

That is the "rare" move they have. If its a level up move such as Lick that means you failed at the minigame that time. :p
Andrea and I were talking. It seems when you do well at a minigame two things can happen: 1, they get a rare move and are male. 2, they get a silly move, or an egg move, and are female.

The moves are useless on females anyway since they don't pass them, but they do pass abilities and that is reason alone to make them more difficult to obtain. I wonder, though, if this means males will pass all the moves (given that their eggs and tutors, I'd say yes) even from previous generations.

If you have both a male with desirable moves from DW, and a female from DW, you should be able to breed yourself a flawless (or well done) DW Ability w/ moves creation.
Can confirm that Squirtle is out, though the one who has the screenshot of it is Soon. He'll post this later when he's back home from work.
Referring back to my old post, Soon passed me the screenshot as he'll be busy tonight, so credits goes to him and his friend (the owner of Squirtle). It's not really a good one but I guess it works.
It's a Male but you can't really see that in the image.
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